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Pirates and Evenstar join a VRMMO in the Troubleverse
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And Sable drifts off with her, holding her.


The night comes and goes, hours passing with them held in each other's arns.


And very eventually, Hyacinth comes back to herself.


The first feeling she has is warmth. Soft warmth enfolding her. Heat pressed up all against her back, soft blankets wrapped around her front...


Wait, that's not a blanket, that's a wing!


And all the memories of last night rush back. 

She's so stuck. She's still wrapped up in the wing of this girl she barely knows. Who she had sex with. 


And she's naked. They're both naked. 


... that's okay, though. 

She's okay. 

It's... really really awkward but she was the one who wanted this. 

And she got what she wanted. 

For once in her life she got what she wanted.



"Hey," she says softly. "Good morning."

And she ducks her head and kisses the edge of Sable's wing.


Is... wha... hmmm? Oh. She's here in the inn with a girl she slept with, right. And might be falling for. She pulls Hyacinth tighter into her arms. "Very good morning indeed."


"Yeah," Hyacinth says. "It really is." 


This girl... 

What does she mean to her? 

She's just stumbled into this incredible relationship in less than twenty-four hours. Another trans girl. Who wants to quest with her, who thinks she's cute, who buys her presents... 

It's a little too good to be true, isn't it? 

But the way she took her, the joy on her face, the way she shuddered

That's not fake.

She doesn't know this girl, not really.

And yet she's her first. 


Clearly the winning strategy is to investigate this questline further and determine this strange woman's allegiances. That's what she would do if this were a novel. 


She supresses a giggle and settles into Sable a little more.


She's pretty thrilled with this state of affairs, honestly. She squeezes and holds Hyacinth, smiling warmly, lingering in all the wonderful feelings. Who knows if this girl will stick it out, if this time she's found someone outside her head she actually gets to keep? She's willing to try, though.

She mentally pokes her UI, what time is it? Seven thirty? Not bad, she actually slept well for once in her life. Huh... she eyes the girl in her arms.

<Yes, I do think she has something to do with that,> Maya remarks.

Yeah, she probably does. Well, Sable stretches a bit. "They'll have a basic breakfast downstairs, just bread and jam, for another hour and change, I think. So we're not in a rush."

She kisses Hyacinth's cheek.


"Mmmmmm... I want pancakes." 

She considers for a moment. 

She could log off. Go get pancake mix at the store. Make pancakes. Eat them. 

Nah, fuck that.



"Well, I don't know if anywhere in town serves pancakes, but I bet someplace in a bigger city does. The capital if nothing else."

Now she wants to make her pancakes. Pity they don't have a house.




Did she just think that?

<Yep. Pretty sure you're falling for her,> Hailey teases.

Huh. Yeah.


"Maybe, yeah..." 

It's still kind of tempting to log out.

But that would just be cruel, to leave without saying goodbye...


"... Can you, um. I - should really get my clothes on." 


"Honestly I should too." She gets go, stretches, and starts finding her clothes, shifting her wings and tail and horns away, and equipping the clothes rather than putting them on by hand.


She gets up and equips her clothes as well, and picks up her staff from where it's been leaning against the side of the bed. 


... This is a dreamworld. She can do anything she wants. 


"Let's go get breakfast."


Sable grabs Sin's hand on a whim, lacing their fingers together. "Let's." And she leads the way downstairs with a grin.


A thrill goes through her at Sable's casual possessiveness, the butterflies in her stomach leaping into her throat.

She's being chased.

She thinks she likes it.

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