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Even more worm plot.
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The freezing stops before she needs to breath.

Booped individuals do not react except by doing their level best to grab onto, stab, or shoot Tribune as she does this!


Well, she's not helping but at least she can breathe and seems to be distracting them! "I don't think this is working but I'm gonna pretend like it is," she says over the suit comms.


Having abandoned all subtlety, the car flies through the air and touches down on the street.


Zephyr promptly goes poof, intending to zero in on the man himself.


Aisha leaves the car once it touches down.


Zephyr notices that:
1) There sure are a lot of neighbors who are inside along with improvised explosives and ordinary guns.

2) One of the children is being outfitted with an explosive vest and a megaphone.

3) Heartbreaker is in the kitchen along with several of his own children and wives who are packing as he directs them.


...the man himself first.

She coalesces and snaps his neck in the same motion.


Yeah, a supersuit powered neck snapping will do it. 

And then someone is trying to freeze her body while someone else is firing at her head point blank.


She's already poofed, and then she's coalesced back in Castra's car to tell Aisha where the kid in the vest and the neighbors with explosives are.


Sure. Hopefully she at least gets a chance to kick the body as well.

One of the wives screams and points her gun at some of the explosives in the room full of neighbors, only to freeze a moment later, a Heartbreaker kid disarming her before Imp can get there.  The rest go by without incident.


Meanwhile, the Loricae who can wear bulletproof suits are rounding up gun-toting collateral damage and hauling them, once disarmed and patted down, to Plumata.


Who loads them up into bird cages.


"Can we skip whatever that is if we promise to play nice?" asks one of the Heartbreaker kids as the collateral is rounded up.


"We don't have spare seats in the car. I guess we could take one of these cars if you really don't wanna find out what kind of bird you are."


"I'd rather not find out." Some of the other kids voice their agreement as well as one of the woman.

"Sheila is definitely not going to behave." the first kid notes when the woman speaks up.


"What is the likely nature of Sheila's mischief?" Tribune, as a fully suited Lorica, is helping with roundups, and in particular is booping everybody she approaches who she hasn't covered yet in case they choose this opportunity to fuck with each other.


"She's going to try to get vengeance for dad," one of the younger girls says without any affect in her voice.

Sheila is glaring daggers at the children.


"I was more hoping for, like, what are her powers. Obviously some of you are going to try to get vengeance for your dad on account of that was his modus operandi."


"She doesn't have any powers - none of dad's wives do." says the blond haired teen who first spoke up.


"I can turn you back," Plumata assures Sheila, and birds her and puts her away.


And soon enough everyone who is to be birded is birded.


Tribune appropriates one of the Heartbroken's cars to load up the kids who promised good behavior. They are all booped so they can't affect each other.


Over of the kids looks a bit nervous but the rest are somewhere between being emotionally flat and having a totally normal expression for a totally normal happy child having a totally normal day.


Not unreasonable.

"So the plan is to stick you in foster care, and then I bap your foster carer with my power so you can't mess with their head and we give them some robots to help out with all the parenting tasks that don't need a personal touch. If any of you have been in secret communication with your maternal aunt or something you should probably say so."


"I've been in secret communication with my maternal aunt," says one of the most cheerfully normal of the kids.

"No you haven't." says a dark haired boy.

"Well it's a secret so you wouldn't know, dummy."

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