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Even more worm plot.
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There's a flurry of activity at the house as the kids outside come in and a woman goes to start a car at the top of the driveway. 


Who's getting into the car?


One of the older moms, carrying a rather stuffed tote bag.


"I'm going to guess that's cash, maybe also guns. I'm popping the trunk to deploy another drone to follow the car, though, more for her than the loot." Sarcina releases a robot as Castra takes the exit.


The woman backs out of the driveway just as the family of three from the neighboring house scales the fence separating the yards, their eyes strangely wide. 


"Aaand we've got collateral damage in the form of the neighbors. Open the doors and deploy, gang."


Castra stays with the car. The sunroof opens and three Loricae burst out of it in their supersuits.


Then they will notice that people are running out of other nearby houses, all headed towards Heartbreaker's house. Also the family of three that have already arrived are given hand guns, except for the kid who receives what looks like an improvised grenade.


Once the Loricae in bulky suits who aren't also partially this vehicle have exited, Castra punches the vehicle up to higher speeds.


"I saw a grenade, Aisha, that won't ignore you so well."


Jeeze okay she can actually not jump this time howabout.

"I can get the grenade away from them. You can't."

Why do the others get to fly the rest of the way and she has to waiiiiit. This is taking forever.


The older Heartbreaker wife apparently has a similar idea to Castra and is accelerating directly towards her.


She wants a head-on collision? What if Castra... swaps anchors, and appropriates that car while this one glides to a stop.


She can do that, though the other car is going quite fast by now as the woman's foot remains on the gas.


Yeah, she has to move it in a bit of a weird curve to get it slowed down without pasting the lady against the windshield or crashing it into anything, but she can do that. Might be uncomfortably high G. Good thing there's not a ton of traffic.


As the car starts to slow the woman fiddles with something in her tote bag and then attempts to hurl herself out the side door, current velocity be damned, leaving her bag behind.


- ah-huh Castra's going to peel off that car now while it coasts on the shoulder.


She barely manages to peel off before the bag detonates. The car flips over as fire, burning gasoline, and pieces of loose scrap metal go flying everywhere, obstructing the road.


"Rete, call Canadian 911 about that or something." Her own car can navigate by telekinesis, it doesn't have to have a straight open lane.


Meanwhile, back at the house, more neighbors are arriving, some of whom are armed and sent out the front of the house. One of them tries to take a potshot at a flying Lorica with a high caliber rifle. 


She's plenty bulletproof, she knew he'd probably have guns, it was the grenades that were a surprise! She'll do a little maneuver to make it look like she's avoiding the bullets in case he thinks she's mega stupid though.


They are going to keep trying to hit her until they succeed, but they'll stop once that has no effect.


Tribune's gonna drop to the ground once they've wasted some ammo and start trying to hand out their power to everyone in reach. Neighbors first in case the damage is lesser there.


As she starts to descend Tribune freezes up, her body unable to move. 


Yeah that's fine her suit wasn't relying on her muscle movements. It'll fly her out of range when she needs to breathe more than she needs these people to cut it out with the being mind controlled. Zip zip zip boop boop boop!

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