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Canadian Border Control would like to know how many people are in this vehicle and what there purpose is in visiting Canada.


"Six," whether this includes her or not will depend on whether the guy can see Aisha, "tourism and French immersion."


Then they can arrive at Montreal without further incident.


They booked hotel rooms in advance.


Does Aisha get one or should she find her own?


Aisha's sharing with half the Loricae.


Cool beans.


They get a couple cots to supplement the beds in the rooms and count on the hotelier not to count how many they are, which is helped by them being two sets of identical triplets.

The drone, meanwhile, has been learning about the household's schedule.


Aisha is helpfully not counted by the hotelier. Dinner is acquired from hotel restaurant and eaten in the room she's staying in.


A man that sure does look like Heartbreaker seems to use the pool during evenings and nights, along with a varying cast of one to four woman who seem entirely focused on him. Some of the older kids use the pool in the early mornings and go out to grocery stores in the afternoons. The infants are frequently brought outside when crying if Heartbreaker is inside though during one early morning incident an enraged Heartbreaker appeared outside to make the child stop crying.


What's the status of the adjacent buildings?


There's shrubbery and fencing separating them but otherwise they are similar houses, albeit without pools.


Who's in them, though?


One is presently unoccupied and the other has a family of three.


Are there sightlines from the unoccupied house if they stage there?


There's a bedroom window that would work, yes.


Then they're gonna break in there, when they're ready to go.


As they approach Heartbreaker's house in the house in the morning:

How's Lorica Galea feeling and in what direction is she?

Is she afraid of this one specific boy? If so, how far away is she?

Is she trying to move closer to this one particular girl?

Is her body moving? If so, what's it doing and where is she?

The last ping is distinctly flavored as about her nervous system, rather than her mind


"They've got some passive scan powers. They will probably bounce off us." Nothing and nowhere. There's nobody here to be afraid. Nobody's here to move in any directions. Nor into any positions. Galea is a rock actually.


A drone spots one of the boys exchanging a few words with a girl and then calmly leaving the pool, heading indoors without bothering to towel off. 


"Our approach might have been noticed. Which is - weird - they can't go on red alert about every minivan that drives this close."


"Maybe they noticed a discrepancy between one person's count and another's, if Galea threw off more of them than the rest?"


"They can't cross-check every minivan that drives this close either."


A face briefly appears at a window on the front of the house, squinting.

What are Galea's feelings about Heartbreaker? What about her feelings in general right now?


"Heartbreaker himself, now." Still a rock.

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