Lurker visits The Old Republic
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"I see. Is there anything I can do to help you?"


She thinks. "Can I see more droids? It's... I'm not sure where the line is; I'm not sure if I should be expecting this one to know whether they're a person. If we can find one where that's clearer for me to talk to, that'll help, one way or the other."


"The maintenance bay would be the best place to find more." Hand?


"I'm going to send you back to where you were, if that's okay," she tells the droid, offering her hand, and then once it's back in the courtyard she takes the Jedi's and brings them to the spaceship landing pad.


The Jedi leads her to the maintenance area, where there are indeed many droids.


And she sits and trances and works her way through the crowd with her mage-sense; overview first, just a quick scan of all of them to see if any stand out, and then she'll start taking a closer look at individuals if not.


They vary in the small range between the astromech and the translator she looked at earlier. There are one or two that have slightly less complexity than the astromech, but none with more than the translator.



Sketchpad: A line, with quick doodle sketches of the translator on one end and the astromech droid near the other. She points out the ones that are less complex than the astromech and taps the appropriate place to indicate what she's sensing, accompanied by a questioning look.


The Jedi is confused, there is no immediately obvious factor that would rank the droids in that manner. They go pull the records for those droids, and discover that the astromech had a memory wipe about a week ago, the others even more recently. The translator is coming up on its scheduled six-month wipe in just a few days.



Sure. Hand.


....... the kobold isn't quite sure what to make of this. She's calmer about it than she was before, at least. "I have friends who are made of tech," she eventually says, "and they'd be really upset about this. But six months isn't long at all, I'd be kind of surprised if they are people, that quickly; I'm not sure the reasons my friends would be upset matter, here. If there are droids who are older than that I'd like to meet some, though."


The Jedi scans through the records.

"Hmm, it doesn't look like there are- ah. Here's one. Astromech unit, T7-01. It's been... Twenty years? Oh, I see. Lost on a scouting mission during the initial exploration of Tython, and wasn't recovered until recently."


"That should definitely be unambiguous. And I want to ask C2-N8 if they have an opinion about being wiped... I expect not, but."


"All right." Hand?


And here they are back in the courtyard.


The Jedi calls the translator back, and for T7-01 to make an appearance. Eventually, both show up.


The kobold makes two trips to get them all to Milliways; Jedi first, then droids.

"Hello, T7-01. Have you been told about me?"


"You == kobold // you + Ana == friends"


She grins. "That's true, but it's not what I meant - I have magic, not like the force, that lets me do some things that Jedi can't, and one of the things I can do is see minds, a little bit, in a different way than they do. And I was wondering if droids are people - I've met droids from other universes, and some of them are - but I can't tell, with droids who have been wiped recently. And you haven't, so I wanted to meet you and see what you look like to my magic. Is that okay?"


"T7 == brave // you == go ahead"


"Okay," she grins, "it doesn't feel like anything. And if you tell me you're a person I'll believe you no matter what my magic says."

And she trances.


Yep, that there is definitely a person.


"Thank you, T7. It's very obvious that you're a person. Are you being treated well?"


"T7 == happy // Jedi == doing important work // T7 == helping"


This gets a smile. "Good. If you do have problems while I'm around, you can come find me and I'll help you if I can, okay? And I'll tell Ana, too, you can try them if I'm not around."


"T7 + Ana == worked together before // T7 == likes Ana"

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