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three souls and a whole lot more to sort out
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Even after it all I don't regret kissing Jason. Or the dresses. 

There's a lesson in that, you know? 


... not that her heart isn't going a mile a minute or anything.


"Oooh," she grins, "Vi jumping in with the fun questions. So yes. I'm polyamorous. My whole team is polyamorous, and we're all dating each other. I don't know that I even know how to be monogamous. I'm pretty sure I've never actually experienced jealousy, and can't really comprehend what it feels like. I just... love people, and want to see them happy."

She makes a point to lock eyes with Violet and her headmates when she says "love people".


She flushes, and winks back. 

"I, ah... Polyamorous? I can guess at that from the roots... Many loves? Gosh, you have three girlfriends? How does that even work?"


"Lots of communication," she replies seriously. "The whole thing depends on talking to each other, making sure everyone gets time with everyone else, nobody feels left out, et cetera. Everyone knows when each other's date nights are, tries not to get in each other's way, makes a point to talk frankly if they think they're developing serious crushes on people, discuss whether the polycule is even hypothetically open to expansion. Things like that."


"Sounds complicated. But then, I guess we're no strangers to that." She smiles. "Are you this giving with all of them?"


She tilts her head for a moment, recalling using her Aura to heal injuries, building custom weapons, stealing the parasol that would later become Hush, building an archery range in an empty lot near the warehouse for Jade...


She grins and nods. "Yep!'


"You must be absolutely run off your feet between the three of them, then. When's the last time you took some time for yourself?"


Violet, the implication


Shut up, I asked the question because I care, not because I want to imply that she should pick me up as a side piece. Seriously.


She blinks. "Yesterday evening I ready a book? Once or twice a week we just have a cuddlepile? But honestly, there are a lot of ways that doing nice things with people I love is restorative time for me. Guess I'm just an extravert?" She shrugs.


"I guess that makes sense if you're that kind of person. I... don't really know what dating people seriously is like, you know? I did some stupid things about the soulstrain but that's hardly, uh, experience."


"I've never had a serious relationship, but it feels like what you four have going on is pretty deep. What with being together for years and all."


A gentle nod. "Yeah, it is. A deep lake still has a shallow shore, though. Are you interested to see how the water feels?"


She flushes. "I... is that an invitation?"


Lilian splutters in mindspace. 

That wasn't supposed to actually work! Isn't she taken?


You just don't have the touch, Violet thinks back.


She grins daringly and quirks an eyebrow. "Do you want it to be?"


They flush. 

"Um," she says.


"I think so? Lillian is a little uncertain about it but she's... just a little bit like that..."

She looks away. "You're sure you're not taken?"


"'Taken versus available' isn't really how I work so much as 'can we fit you into the polycule as a whole'. It's... if I show up at dinner holding your hand, one of the other three will probably plan a get-to-know-you activity with you by the end of the day, and the whole team will just be actively Considering It for a while. And then, if my read on everyone is accurate, a few dates in one of them kisses one of you and unless things unexpectedly don't work out between you and one of them you find yourself basically adopted by the end of the month."



Lilian looks away, still a bit flushed.


"Oh okay. Okay. I, um. I accept? I'm sorry, I'm still no good at this..."


Well how about she celebrates that by kissing Violet softly on the lips and then holding her hand?

"Dunno, something about getting a look at your souls made it easy to fall for you pretty fast. Oops?"

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