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three souls and a whole lot more to sort out
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She settles gently into Sable for the flight home. It has been such a good date.


And another star flares and falls.


She doesn't even try for it. She's far too caught up in this beautiful girl she's come so close to.


Sable, as tangled up in physical contact as she is, can't help but notice the star go by. But she doesn't remark on it, instead just pressing a tiny kiss to Lilian's temple.


Lilian lays her head on Sable's shoulder, and stays close.


Sable sighs, softly and contentedly, and strokes Lilian's hair.


And they can stay settled together like that for their whole trip back to the academy. 


And Sable can walk Lilian back to the door of the guest suite, press a soft kiss to her lips, and say, "This date has been a delight, and thank you for suggesting it and accompanying me on it."


She kisses back. 

She looks away. 

"... This has been really wonderful," she says. "I don't want it to end at all." 


"If you'd like, no one expects to see or hear from either of us for nearly two hours still," Sable replies with a playful smirk, before kissing Lilian again, a bit deeper.



Yeah, she guesses she has been that transparent. 

She kisses back, and gets the door to her room.

"Then there's no reason not to spend some more time together." 

She has no idea how to do this but she's going to try anyway.

"... You can come in," she says, barely above a whisper.


She follows Lilian in, and kisses her again, deeply, burying one hand in her hair and resting the other on her hip.


Lilian sighs into the kiss, and kisses back, a little more hesitantly. 

She steps back and carefully closes the door, then goes and sits on her bed. 


Everyone's okay with this, right?






Alright, then shut up and stop paying attention for a bit.


Sure thing, boss.


Good luck.


She looks up at Sable and twists a strand of her hair around two fingers. 

"... Just checking with the other girls that they're okay with this, and then telling them to buzz off."


Sable grins and nods. "Eminently reasonable. They can chase their own first times with me another day, if they'd like."


She sits down next to Lilian, cups her cheek, kisses her again, softly, and nips her lower lip lightly.


Lilian kisses back gently, her lips meeting Sable's, her hand slipping out to tangle in Sable's hair. 

It's strange. It feels familiar, somehow. 

She guesses she has been getting a lot of practice kissing Sable today. 


Sable shifts over and straddles Lilian's lap, then deepens the kiss. Her tail wraps tightly around Lilian's waist and her hands bury in her hair.


Oh. Oh gosh. 

She presses up against Sable and kisses back, her hands settling on her back and... her ass. Definitely her ass. 

Her breath's coming faster already. She has no idea how any of this works but her body seems to know what to do.


Don't worry, Sable knows all about how this works. She's breathing a bit faster too, kissing Lilian hungrily, and rolling her hips just a bit.

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