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some places really need to be sued
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Grey chuffs and settles down on her front paws, content to lie in the courtyard.


(Meanwhile, Ishaza has been sending White-Ear off to be tended to by the servants.)


Giant wolf go "chuff".

She pets the giant wolf.

Grey is good.


But she does not spend all of her attention on Grey for too long. Eventually, she looks around the courtyard with a smile still tugging at her lips. Still softly petting Grey, of course. Wouldn't want her to be disappointed by sudden pet cessation.


There's a compound to her left which is probably the... wolf stables? Kennels? One of the two. There's a second separate one with a few skittish-looking horses in it, and a third long building over to the right that looks like a bunkhouse or barracks. It has a chimney at the end, so it's likely got an internal fireplace or kitchen.

There are two chainmail-clad guards at an inner gate to the central keep and tower, both of whom are watching her, and more guards posted on the walls of the keep above her, watching the areas around. 

The servant with the red hair is attending to White-Ear at the moment. She's wearing simple clothes, not easily ruined by stains, and seems pretty preoccupied. 


Ishaza seems content to wait and let Crin and Alethia pet Grey. There's a faint smile on her lips as well.


Crin's gaze stays on Alethia. 

"So," she says. "What do you think?"


"About what, exactly? The castle is larger than I was expecting, but approximately as intimidating per unit size. Your wolves have a much higher top size than anticipated, but wolf goodness per unit size also seems constant, thus allowing for truly staggering total wolf goodness."


She laughs. 

"I have to say, I have a hard time holding in my head a servant of the ruinous powers who takes the time to be kind to my wolves. It's objectively very possible, but something about the inclinations of them just never cashes out in simple appreciation of Big Canid."


Ishaza raises a hand and a flash of Hysh washes over Alethia. 

"No corruption that I can sense, still. The wolves aren't reacting. She seems sane and dare I say it well-adjusted." 

She looks over at Crin. "Your call."


"I think I'm willing to invite her to the guest room, at least."

She looks back at Alethia. "Apologies for the measures."


"None needed, it's perfectly sensible and I'm objectively very strange. Down to the stitching in my clothes."


"Indeed. I'm suspecting we have another draenei situation on our hands, here."


Ishaza smiles. "And what part of my circumstances do you consider a "situation"?"


Crin chuckles and declines to respond. 

"In any case, I think it is time we saw to you and gave you a guest room. There is space on the tower's lower floors for you to rest and learn."


"Ah. I think I will conspicuously not comment on that proposed similarity in too much detail for the moment, and just say there are- similarities and differences, if my knowledge holds. And yes. Thank you for your hospitality."


"For now I have business to attend to that will have been piling up in my absence, but I'm sure Ishaza and Sophia will have the spare time to see you settled."


The red-haired maid approaches and curtseys. "Milady." 


"Alethia, this is Sophia, Crin's personal maid. She handles daily matters for my Lady. She will be attending to you while you are a guest here."


She'll consult her instincts for a moment to see what they say about the correct shape of response here- she really isn't used to operating in a system where people have personal live-in maids. There's no telling whether what her response would be, off the cuff, is even sort of appropriate.


Her instincts seem to feel her natural response is appropriate.


Oh, good. She'll give Sophia a little nod, then.

"I'll be in your care."


She returns the nod. "If Milady will follow me to a guest room?"


Crin steps up to the guards and presents a signet ring on her finger for identification at the inner gate. Then she beckons to the rest of the group.


Alethia follows.

The exterior of the place is so incredibly aesthetic for a vampire tower. Is the interior likewise?

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