In the back of her head, while she talks, she thinks. That feels like- the same kind of thing as was just said to her, tentatively reaching out with her own olive branch and bringing up positive signs that Crin Illemvich is like her.
But- she doubts, and she is not as sure. The evidence she has is not as strong. She's less sure than she's presenting herself, that Crin Illemvich is- genuinely decent. That's probably the way this story goes, but- she isn't sure. She's more on her guard than that sentence would make one think. She's not sure how much she endorses that and how much she's just still mentally in the headspace required for a fight to the death.
She takes a quick glance at that foreign bundle of instincts filling her head, hers-but-not-quite. Do they agree with her more home-grown instincts that nothing about how Crin Illemvich is acting here is off putting, beyond the whole "be a vampire" bit? That the situation does feel- genuine?