Alexeara Cansellarion is in his study when he gets the vision from his Goddess, which means he must have fucked up quite badly.
"Abadar is the Lawful Neutral god of cities, wealth, and justice. His domain in Axis is called Aktun, and it is a more prosperous place than any on Golarion, full of wonders that are hard to describe. The buildings reach straight up into the sky, and carriages carry people through the air and underground to their destinations, and nearly all of the people are dressed as kings, and about only that work which purchases them things they are willing to work to have."
"Would it? I've seen an estimate there are a billion people on Golarion. Perhaps it's a billion years of work, to build Axis, but wouldn't that mean we could do it in one year, if everyone worked towards it?"
"Sure. I don't really expect we could be done in a year. I do think it could be the work of our lifetimes, and our grandchildren born into it."
"I imagine that Abadar looks upon you very favorably, young woman. There is betting, within the Church, on whether you are in our priesthood."
"Well, gambling refers to all kinds of different things, right. There are games played in Vyre designed so you will always lose money playing them, preying on foolishness, and one probably shouldn't advisedly do that. There are games of skill, played for all the reasons that might participate in any other contest of skill, and the Church has nothing to say about that. We don't preach against people spending their money however amuses them, really, if they rob no one else in so doing. And then there are games of - divination. Say that in a room of people, one of them knows the truth of your identity, and all in that room are called to place bets on the result. That one will bet correctly, and will probably be willing to bet a larger share of his purse than those of us beleaguered by ignorance. The betting, then, will tend to favor the knowledgeable over the ignorant. This works even if the person doesn't know the truth of your identity but is just a better guesser than most people."
"So by betting on whether I'm a priest of Abadar, the priests of Abadar try to tempt anyone who knows to show their hand and get rich?"
"By betting on whether you're a priest of Abadar, the priesthood of Abadar makes it the case that knowledge of whether or not you're a priest of Abadar is easy to make money off. And in general, by betting on many things, the Church rewards knowledge and punishes foolishness. Not ignorance - if you're ignorant and know it you can simply not bet - but foolishness will lose you money."
" - I am going to play a little game with you. I'm going to flip a fair coin, behind my screen, and if it comes up heads I will tell you truthfully whether or not I am a priest of Abadar, and if it comes up tails I will claim not to be one." There's the sound of a coin spinning. "Either I'm not a priest of Abadar, or the coin came up tails. Now what do you suppose are the odds on your market?"
Iomedae is a responsible radio host and spends most of the hour talking about things of more immediate relevance to her audience. But at the end - "I have one more question for you. There are several people in the Church who know for sure my identity. Why haven't they just bet in the markets, in the direction of the truth, with lots more money than anyone who doesn't know is willing to spend, and thereby clarify the matter?"
" - you asked for confidentiality. No one who has information related to a confidential transaction would ever bet in a relevant market." The man sounds genuinely appalled.
"Abadar would smite you with a bolt of lightning out of a clear sky. - He doesn't do that very often. But for sharing information you gave your oath to keep private - I sure wouldn't insure you against it."
"Yes. We consider it - a favor He does us. Because a people who are held to their word by the power of a god can give it and be trusted even when the need may be very, very great. If we could break our word we would be weaker, not stronger. And the advice I would give a person among your audience who wants to serve Abadar is to meditate on that. Many people want to be a priest to have the spells, to have His favor, to be wealthy. But to work for Abadar is to be trustworthy, to make your word something that people can pay you for and have full faith in what they paid, and it's understanding that which makes one more suited to work for Him."
"Abadar selects as priests people who can do work that benefits Abadar and benefits them. It sounds strange until you realize it is how all free employment works. You offer people work if you want their work more than you want the pay you're offering them; they accept if they want the pay enough to do the work. There are many such numbers, for some employment relationships, and Abadar aspires to one in the middle of the range of possible ones, but - the core idea is very simple. We work for Him, in that He pays us to do things and we choose to do the things at that pay. He does not want our undying obedience, but our diligent work for as long as the relationship serves both sides."