Ruel is out in the southwest end of Kiraavi's domain when he gets word: A particularly vicious god-fight up north has resulted in the death of one of the combatants and the displacement of nearly his entire follower base. Kiraavi's nearby priests are scrambling to help them leave and find them temporary refuge, and others are consulting with various friendly gods to try to find them suitable places to settle in the long term, but handling so many refugees at once is going to strain even Kiraavi's network of contacts. Ruel, then, is tasked with continuing south and west, after dropping his current traveling companion off at her destination, to meet with the new gods there and see what sorts of new followers they might be interested in having sent their way.
Usually at this point Ruel would ask Kiraavi for his impression of the place; he often picks up on different details than his mortal priesthood. That seems rude, today, though; he's presumably stretched much too thin for that kind of thing.
Ruel continues up the road, keeping an eye out for settlements or likely-looking locals to talk to.
He heads that way. It's probably not big enough for a temple - though there's always a chance - but he'd rather know the basics of whose domain he's in sooner rather than later.
Is there anyone around to talk to?
That's pretty neat. He spends a moment sussing out the various tasks and then steps up to join one of the groups where he's pretty sure he can help without interfering. "Want a hand?"
It's much appreciated.
"That assembly line technique works pretty well! Was it your idea, or...?"
He nods. "Did they say what it has to do with your god's interests? I'm on a bit of a diplomatic mission, but I don't know anything about them yet."
"That sounds like a nice thing to have a god of. And useful for our current situation, too, if she wants to help - do you know how she feels about other gods, at all?"
"That's fair enough. My god does roads and travel; he's busy with a refugee crisis right now and could use the help figuring out where to send everyone. I think there's some overlap in interests even without that, though - you definitely have to think about efficiency when everything you have needs to fit in a pack you can carry."
"Sounds like I'm in the right place, then. Do you know where the nearest temple is, from here?"