Maybe intentionally trying to mess with interdimensional portals was a bad idea, Akira thought just before she was pulled in. Well, at least she wasn't bored anymore.
"Where I'm from how many worlds there are is a complicated question, if you mean places where movement in any physical direction won't get you between them, probably billions or even more. If you mean world templates it's less I'm not sure how much less though, different people have different ideas on how to count. I didn't get here through anything much like a concordance unless you count any sort of movement between worlds as like a concordance."
"Some worlds are made from the same pattern as each other. Those patterns are sometimes called templates. Most worlds are a lot smaller than this one. I got here through an accident. It might be possible to replicate that or it might not. I haven't tried. I couldn't offer any guarantees about where you would end up though."
"I was experimenting with a system for cross-linking known worlds and somehow ended up here which seems to be a world wholly unlike the ones I'm used to... except for having people shaped like you and I in it. Given that this is far outside my expectations for what was likely to occur I can't confidently state any sort of boundary on what the possibilities are since I only have one example of a world that's different from the ones I'm used to. Even among the worlds I'm used to some of them are pretty unfriendly to get dropped into randomly. The interstellar void doesn't seem like somewhere I would expect any of you to wish to find yourself as an example."
"I'm doing my best to make Limbo less boring. I hope I'll succeed enough that you won't be leaving just because of that. As to seeing where you're going, the rift I created pulled me in, maybe being prepared for it now I could avoid that but it's very hard for me to know."
"I'm not really sure, I was pretty surprised so I wasn't really taking careful observations. I'm also averse to trying the experiment again at the moment because I don't know if I'll be able to find my way back here if I do. Honestly I'm not even sure if the portal system even works here let alone whether I would be able to twist it without this being part of my domain."
"I think I already said but I'm trying to make Limbo a lot less boring. Hopefully I'll succeed before I end up leaving."
"I'm not quite sure what electricity is it seems associated with wires and lights and movement and lightning. I can make lights that work forever without anything external and I can give people the ability to do that. I can also make a bunch of raw materials and give people the ability to do that. The other thing I can give out is magic building powers and a bunch of specialized magic items including some that let you take apart things built using the building powers. Without that they're pretty indestructible. Maybe there's some way to make electricity with that. If I knew more about how people make electricity I might have other ideas."
"I can make sinks that run forever and let other people make them too. Ditto for bathtubs and toilets."
"I'm not sure what a hydroelectric setup is. If moving water is what you want I can also make pumps that teleport fluids between them."
"I don't think I have anything that does that unless this world handles objects overlapping the same way mine does."
"I wonder what happens if I make objects overlap... I have a way to turn things intangible and back."
"It depends whether the intangible is a full block or a slope. If it's a full block then they just coexist until something changes that. If it's slanted it pops out. Some people set things up so you pop into another slanted block and that lets you move things around quickly."
"Most things in my world are in a fixed grid pattern. A block is a word for an occupied part of that grid."