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Akira mixes things up in Limbo
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"The important work being concordances?"


"Well, not all the time, there isn't one most years. But setting up all the long term infrastructure stuff they're trying to build out with what's sent along with the public interest cargo, sure."


"Concordances and the things they make possible," she agrees.


"They also have stuff they can do with things you can get off of people's Limbo Things. Sometimes I brush Hal and somebody spins his fur, stuff like that."


"How creative. I guess that will be one unfortunate consequence of what I'm doing, less effort put into solutions like that."


"I guess, but it's still nice."


"I agree, and I'm excited to see everything people do and create with the new tools I'm making available. I'm just accustomed to celebrating uniqueness and it's a little sad that in some ways there will be less of it here than there was before."


"Enh, most of Limbo's very samey."


"Yeah, that's true, I guess with a few exceptions most people's one thing isn't too out there."


"Yeah. The older folks mostly got, like, trees. Still some of those in the modern day but fewer as we got more... stuff."


"That makes sense. Goodness, if your world has a true history there must be people who are millenia old here. Do people remember that far back?"


"I think not that well. I don't know any of them, I'm only a hundred and... nine? I think a hundred and nine but I'll do the math again next time I learn the Earth date."


"I'm not really sure how old I am either. Layered memories are weird like that."


"Layered, what's that mean?"


"I mentioned that sometimes my role is played by scenery. One of the things I can do is absorb something of a summary of what my stand-ins experienced. The resulting memories are very strange. They encompass a lot more time than I can really claim to have experienced."


"Huh, I can see why that would be confusing. What is your role, exactly, that the scenery does for you?"


"Oh, I give advice, sell summons for rare monsters and offer a challenging fight somewhere around the midpoint of my world's order of events."


"Scenery are good at fighting?"


"The fights of my world are closer to a dynamic obstacle course than to hand-to-hand combat. I do things like shoot a volley of heart shaped projectiles on a fairly predictable path. Or create a grid of damaging energy with the safe zones marked a few seconds ahead of time."




"...What's a video game?"


"...oh, that's gonna be complicated. I don't know anyone who's got a computer or anything. Uh. ...yeah I have no idea how to explain that."


"Fair enough."


"If you find somebody who's got an example, like someone who imported a console or who got a house that had an old Sega in it or whatever, you should get them to show you."


"I'll keep that in mind, thanks."

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