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Akira mixes things up in Limbo
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"Like how?"


"People figured out a way to use the rules that prevent solid objects from overlapping to be able to walk through walls."


"That sounds like a video game again."


"Another reason for me to figure out what those are."


"Yeah. I hope you can find somebody who has the right kind, like, it's definitely not Tetris."


"Sounds like fun, I expect it's just a matter of time."


"Yeah. Should I let you go, am I taking up too much of your day here?"


"I don't really have a schedule and I can move a lot faster than I have been if I want to. Heck I haven't flown at all since getting here. That said if you want to head off I'm good with that. I hope you enjoy your new boots and goodies."


"I will, thanks!"

Off he and his dog lope.


Well she did just mention flying. She'll keep to a fairly conservative 50 mph but she'll fly in the right direction to get to hereafter. If she spots anything interesting from the air she might stop.


Limbo continues to be Limbo: mostly dirt and huts made of dirt and people who are mostly naked, punctuated by Things. Over there are a bunch of people meditating. Over there is an unusually dense cluster of trees. Over that way is a neat square field of tulips.


Trees and flowers aren't that special she'll keep going.


After a while the mud huts become supplemented, then supplanted, by shipping container homes instead - sometimes plastered with mud, sometimes not.


That's a sign she's going in the right direction can she see railroads?


There is one, unbranching, miles-long railway stretching in a big gentle curve to go around a few stationary Things, with a shipping container city built up around it.


Well, the city is where she's going. She'll figure out the details when she's closer.


There are more things that aren't Things, in the city; they've been importing stuff for a long time and optimizing hard for durability. There are gardens, drip-fed with irrigation jury-rigged from Things with sourceless freshwater; there are libraries, with some electronics; there are signs giving directions and instructions in dozens and hundreds of languages.


Do any of these signs point to the museum? That was her original destination and with so many options she might as well default to that if she can.



Also, flying is attracting a lot of attention.


She can deal with that when she lands outside the museum. Which she will do presently. She'll disappear her wings after landing to take up less space.


"Where'd you come from?"

"You in the wacky outfit, what languages do you have - you in the wacky outfit, what languages do you have, you in the wacky outfit, what languages do you have, you in the wacky outfit, what languages do you have..."

"How'd you do that?"


She continues to use her trick where people hear her speak in whatever language is comfortable for them. "I can understand all the languages you're speaking in. The last big landmark I paid attention to before getting here was a golf course. I have magic that lets me fly and do lots of other things."


"Where are you from?"

"How do you do that with the languages -"

"Are you a fairy?"


"I'm from another world outside your scope of knowledge, the magic I have is from there and does a lot of miscellaneous and specific things including the flight and the languages thing."


"Wow, how many worlds are there?"

"How did you get here, is there a new concordance - or something like one -"

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