things are ugly but at least people can read
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I'm not just daydreaming. If you can make the necklaces fast then I don't think any of those are more than ten-year projects once we've saved the world.

Humans still gonna human, but things have gotten better and can get more better than that, sure.

You're all really young. Not to condescend or anything but - maybe with no scarcity and a couple centuries to grow up people mostly do and all Earth's problems are that you haven't the time.

I don't think that can possibly be all of it.
Doesn't correlate the right way with age except in a way that makes it look like it's more about energy level. I don't think growing up cures sociopathy. You've got all these cute catch-22s where it's evil to prevent people raising their kids how they want or stop them from having any when they want, and when they want is when they're seventeen and how they want is the Westboro Baptists or something.

Elves can't have kids by accident ever. That's one of the most horrible features of your world. It's true it won't get everything, though. I think Elves might not ever be sociopaths? Or it might just be that in a small close-knit immortal society the best strategy is not being horrible so they just aren't.

We're not a small society. I guess you could forcibly segment us but that's an enormous opportunity cost and also "forcibly".

You might scatter on your own once there's FTL? Anyway, I'm definitely not going to do any of these things, once the world's saved and you have all the necklaces you need I'm going to go home to the prettiest place I can find and do nothing but sing and give mechanical engineering lectures for thirty years. I am already ruler of enough people and they are my people and I'd be happy to take immigrants but I don't need more.

Rete piped me the singing when I didn't need the audio channel for anything, you're really good.

I'm not even, especially. I think Elves need pretty things the way humans need sleep. It's not sustainable to do without because other things are more important, not even over relatively short timescales.

Do you not need sleep? There's some capes who don't and I envy them terribly.

I used to need sleep. I necklaced it for the time savings - it's really a shame my necklaces don't work for you, I think you'd like them -

Yeah, it's a pity. Although I think if anything had cracked my defense during powers testing we wouldn't be having this conversation.

Don't they usually just leave people in the walled cities? Which isn't lethal for humans?

Yeah imagine how well trying to leave a triggered Tinker in a walled city would go.

Right. Ugh.

Best case scenario they would have kept me someplace - my dad would be a bad problem if he decided to be a problem, he's uncontainable and uncontroversially if low-tier popular, hard to disappear - but I would have never gotten to do anything that affected anything again.

Or at least not until we won. Who's your dad or is that secret?

It's not a secret. He's Transit.

I don't follow cape stuff but next break I'll look it up. 

Are you emailing me not on your break?

I have class in three minutes.

And whenever I go to the PHO forums I look myself up and get upset and waste time.

Rete runs around a-foruming for me so I can rest assured that if anyone is wrong on the internet it's being handled.

That sounds really nice.

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