things are ugly but at least people can read
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No, just wondering in case you get more tedious than you have been so far, later on.

I think I would appreciate being told, but that's fine.

If we switch it'll tell you.

Another thing I could maybe do is necklaces that do opacity. I don't quite have a design in mind but it seems possible in principle and if I had one then I could stop worrying about getting Simurghed.

You'd have to trust it really far if you wanted to get anywhere near her.

Can't you tell if it's affecting you? And I can hear her a hundred miles out, so I wouldn't have to go all that close.

I could tell but I was right under her.

I also have some other options for avoiding getting Simurghed but they are a really bad idea except as an absolute last resort.


All species in my world can swear magically binding oaths. I figured out humans couldn't from your history books, there were moments where it'd obviously have come up if anyone had heard of it. I haven't mentioned it because it's kind of a convenient thing to say, isn't it.

A bit. You'd have to word it stupidly carefully, if there were any way to exploit it...

Yep. If the Protectorate were really blindingly competent I would maybe ask a team of definitely unSimurghed people to come up with a plan with me but it's so risky. It's a good thing humans don't have oaths, some people'd hurt themselves very badly.


I think it's also a good thing you don't have marriage, for the same reason.

Ah yes, marriage, the common two syllable English noun for that thing we don't have.

Another email a second later:

Don't say "centaur" or whatever I'm already kicking myself. But seriously.

You sign paperwork. I was very confused when someone explained it to me. Elves form permanent soul bonds that are visible to other Elves by looking at us and confer three new senses. They shouldn't be the same word but I don't have an English word for ours.

Three new senses? That seems like a random thing for forming a soul bond to do. "Gosh, honey, now I can echolocate and taste magnetism and unerringly find true north, what'd you get?"

They're usually related to the person - 'now I can hear you singing wherever I am and if I squeeze your hand you'll always feel it and all my memories of you are in completely perfect detail', that kind of thing. 

...okay that's actually cute. But I take it not always great? Instant disaster just add human frailty?

You can marry someone against their will. Elves don't but there's no protection against it and I think some humans would.


Valinor didn't feel dangerous but in retrospect kinda a lot of the safety was riding on Elves being very Elves. Maybe, charitably, the Valar tailored their paradise narrowly and could manage one that suited humans too. 

Humans can't even agree on what paradise would be like!

If everything works out we can give them all necklaces for immortality and invulnerability to physical harm and invent FTL and they can go run as many experiments as they please on as many stars as there are.

Sigh. That would be really nice.
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