things are ugly but at least people can read
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Yeah. They want people to trigger? They want capes to get good at using their skills for combat? They're aliens running a reality TV show and they want whatever gets good ratings on planet alien?

They watched a lot of Godzilla movies and figure that's what you do if you're a huge monster? They're not target practice though, the casualty rate isn't right for that. I don't think they have a positive net effect on cape quantity, even, especially the Simurgh, unless they're literally after triggers and not surviving capes.

Might be literally after triggers if you wanted a specific superpower that doesn't exist yet. 

Maybe that's how there keep being more of them.

Are we not keeping close enough track of casualties to notice that?

How could we? There's always bodies we never recover.

I don't get much when I read their minds. If they're people they're not very people.

Do you get anything at all? How's it compare with animals?

It's not like animals, they're sapient in some sense, but it's - it doesn't map onto Elven thoughts in a way that'd let me make sense of it - no emotions, not exactly any goals, lots of things I don't know how to interpret - and it's very passive even while they're causing colossal disasters. I've never read anybody but Elves and humans and Valar who were deliberately trying to be communicative with Elves, I don't know if most sapients would be legible to me - humans and Elves are really alike for being the result of different processes.

You tried projecting it to anybody else to see what they make of it?

Yeah, the PRT's handler for me or whatever. If they made something of it they didn't say so to me. I haven't tried to read Scion though 'what the fuck is Scion's problem' is a very good question.

Yeah, if I were you I probably would have tried that.

He might notice and he hasn't done anything wrong, it's not typical to hold people accountable for their opportunity costs. 

Call me atypical, then, fucking kittens in trees. I might leave him be if he lived in a fortress of solitude and didn't do stuff but he does arguably more or less heroic things twenty-four-seven anyway and some of it is kittens in trees.

Maybe he finds the kittens in trees relaxing? Or the like - human-scale stuff, anyway.

I guess that could be it.

Doesn't explain not doing more about Endbringers, though. And I doubt he's mortal - I try to be more patient with mortals who are prioritizing short-term things too much.

Yeah he's something else. I don't think he's a standard trigger. What are other nonstandard things - endbringers and Scion and you - arguably Eidolon -

Case 53s. 

They're not one-offs but you're right, they're weird in the same general way. Glaistig Uaine in the same way as Eidolon so maybe they're not actually weird in the first place...

And Sleeper. There's a category of 'way more powerful than capes normally are' but that doesn't seem like the same thing as the thing that Endbringers and Scion are.

Yeah. I don't have anywhere I'm going with this, just sort of feeling around for anything to grab.

Yeah. Is there a reason you can't just ask Eidolon how he triggered and if he has guesses about why he's more powerful?

Incredibly rude to ask, especially if you're not close. Which is a norm I benefit from, so...

But someone should know them all, to notice patterns.

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