things are ugly but at least people can read
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His page is not the immediate subject of an edit war.


Oh good. 


But the whole thing has made him think about how pretty much everyone in the world thinks he is a delusional cape accident and that none of the people who care about him ever existed, and that sucks. He gets back to work.


The next Endbringer fight is a Simurgh one. Rete sends him a courtesy email notifying him that Lorica will be attending.


He goes nowhere near those ones; he can hear her from a hundred miles off. He climbs onto a bookshelf and puts a very soft sweater on and works on his artifact.


Thirty hours later he gets an email saying Lorica is alive.


Good job on the not dying.

Thanks I worked really hard on it

she answers ten hours later.

What do you think the fourth one will be?

dunno. it seems hard for them to get any worse after her, you know?

Yep. That's why I'm worried. Do you know why no one's proposing evac to Earth aleph -

Don't have a way to get there at scale.

If my magic system can't take Endbringers after all it could maybe do interworld travel.

Your world'd be better than Aleph, Aleph would have a hard time dealing with sudden population doubling.

We'd be way more than doubling and I am a little worried that the Valar would react badly to all the horrible. 


I'm not categorically opposed but, like, the Valar were horribly distressed that Elves had remarried after their spouses died before we knew that there was reembodiment. And we explained that we'd had no idea it wasn't allowed and would never have done it if we'd known it was wrong and they calmed down eventually but I feel like if someone broke a rule on purpose they might, uh, just not cope great.

Ah, paradise is for perfect people according to a fucked up definition of perfect, got it.

Paradise is for Elves and humans aren't much like Elves. I used to really resent the Valar but, I mean, seeing the alternatives, I've sort of realized we're really really lucky to have them. And realized I should be really wary of messing that up. Not that we shouldn't do it if the alternative is that they die, I'm nearly certain the Valar'd never let someone die who didn't want to, but not a good first resort. Getting them to come help here is more promising. And there might be more than two worlds.

Probably. Maybe there's an empty one. I haven't gotten anywhere trying to make gate-tunneling robots or anything though.

I have, like, the shadow of an outline of something with broad enough powers to do that if the Valar can do it, which is a big if. But - most of what I've done so far has been things that would have taken me a hundred years of development, compressed to one with Tinker help? That would natively take me upwards of a thousand years, I think. And I don't know how much I can speed it up. If no fourth Endbringer shows then maybe I'm too paranoid on the end of the world timelines and we have fifty, sixty years, in which case I could do it. 

When are you expecting a fourth?

1992, 1996, 2002. I don't know. If there isn't a fourth in ten years then I'll relax considerably, at least.


You should probably know I triggered in London if you're going to pin worldsaving hopes on me, do the math yourself.

But you're immune.

Since triggering. Not before.
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