things are ugly but at least people can read
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Have you read your PHO article?

I work 18 hours a day. When I'm not working I try to do things that are pleasant.

Should I quit with the nonessential emails?

No, I like talking to you, I just mean I can be assumed not to have read much 'awww cute he thinks he's an Elf' stuff. 

Yeah in addition to that it says the library was out of general use for several days because you scared everybody and they were very glad it turned out all you wanted was special stack-haunting privileges and they had to get you that grad student a budget to feed you and to make sure you didn't go around eating leaves in case it turned out you were meaner hungry or something.

It's a pretty fucked up society that makes you get a job to buy their food and then panics when you eat leaves and then acts like you did something wrong for panicking them.

There are way too many people for everyone to understand everyone else's individual situation and way too high a rate of violence to ignore early warning signs that somebody might not be walking a prescribed social path.

It makes sense to want to follow up, it is ridiculous to act like false triggers of your extraordinarily sensitive 'violent psychopath' alarms are somehow the fault of people from places that aren't fucked up and don't need an extraordinarily sensitive violent psychopath alarm.

I'm sure we'd have better norms about that if we received magical elves from paradise more frequently.

I think it's reasonably likely they'll come get me but possibly not in time to save the world.

That would be awkward. Hey, we had this civilization, you just missed it.

Mandos could maybe get you back but I'm not sure, it's possible you're literally just your bodies and if you are I don't think there's anything he could do.

That's the going theory. You're not? What's Mandos?

One of our gods, he reembodies our dead. Sorry, I was explaining Elves to you - we're immortal, in that we don't age past a certain point, and also in that we survive the destruction of our bodies and can take up new ones and come back to life. We might be able to take up bodies that were, say, vat-grown, instead of relying on Mandos - I've looked into having some bio Tinker make me a backup - but I'm worried they'd be, uh, a person themself. 

That does seem plausible, yes. Depends how your souls or whatever work/come into existence/etc.

Yeah. Elves didn't evolve. One of the gods, Eru, who's supposed to be omnipotent and more weakly supposed to be omnibenevolent - it's more plausible in my world than it would be here - placed us, almost exactly 1500 years ago. I've talked to the Elves who were first to wake up - they were adults, didn't have language or anything. Eru had assigned the Valar the task of making the world suitable for us and the Valar are really kind of mediocre at their jobs - I hated them before I saw what material scarcity does to people, and now I sort of feel like they could be doing more but I do respect that they've done a lot. Mandos is one of the Valar, and when he learned that some of us had died he took on reembodiments. 

Another one of the Valar was called Melkor, and he rebelled against the divine plan or whatever and tortured and murdered hundreds of thousands of people. The other Valar arrested him once they noticed but they really should've noticed before it got that far. They did apologize. 

And once the war was over they invited us to come live in their paradise, and my father went to check it out and determined that it was in fact pretty paradise-y and came back and convinced people to follow him, which is why he's our King. And I was born there and lived there and we were inventing our way up the technology tree - but not in a hurry, because of the absence of material scarcity - and then I was suddenly here instead.

I don't know what that should imply about your ability to use a biotinkered backup body but it's interesting.

I have no idea what it would imply but it seemed like relevant context all the same. The Valar might be able to do interworld travel and might not - it doesn't seem like the kind of thing that's fundamentally beyond them - but part of being mediocre at their jobs is that they're very slow and very conservative, it'd seem reasonable to them to wait a local Year or two before checking this place out and once they see that it's a disaster they might want to wait another Year or two to plan first contact so it doesn't go wrong. And Valian years seem to be about ten of Earth's.

Yep we had this civilization so sad you just missed it there was an internet and chocolate cake and teacup poodles.

Bot 0.1 has upgraded itself into 0.4 and I'm checking it over now, when I get to something I'm willing to call 1.0 I'll set it on your project.

I can teach them the internet and the chocolate cake, I'm worried for the people. How does Tinkering work -

There was also sarcasm in this civilization. What do you mean how does it work?

What's it like, what sort of things would make it work better - you can't use my necklaces but most Tinkers can -

I do the fugue state thing, not everybody does that. It's like going into a mental room wherein I know how to build things in the same way I know how to make a sandwich. Might turn out I'm fresh out of metaphorical mayonnaise and have to change plans midway through, get something not exactly what I meant to walk out with, but the basic process is just straightforward and I can perform it without thinking individually about the exact motor actions involved in placing bread on a plate.

I wish I were a cape, it sounds cool.

Even if you're not a parahuman I think you meet the definition of cape okay.
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