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it's a beautiful day in fjerda, and you are a horrible thief
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She can help a little - hypothermia is a constant threat, and ironically hyperthermia is a frequent one - it's easy to go overboard with keeping warm, and Fjerdan houses and habits and clothing norms aren't built to handle the rare summer heat wave. 

Which means most of what she can do is the perfectly ordinary sort of thing, actually. She's able to supplement, and to direct Nina, but... Heat exhaustion, if you treat it right, is usually unpleasant, not deadly, and the cold air and fading rain are helping. (Though they need to keep Inej from getting too cold too quickly - they don't want her shivering, and the first thing she did was give Inej some water, but the second was getting her into dry, light clothes she carried up from the laundry.) But most of recovery will be up to Inej...

Nina can focus on the more direct injuries. She's got the rest. 


Jesper steps forward when he gets to the top and sees Nina trying to ease the rubber out of Inej's feet, startled - worried -

And he looks to Kaz when she gets up. (He's unsure, unsteady in things like this, where no one's shooting but someone's hurt. With his abilities... He could possibly help remove the rubber, work opposite Nina. But he's not at all confident in those abilities, and not confident making the call on when and if to reveal them.)


"Fuck," she hisses. "Jesper, help Nina."


"...I'll try." And he jogs over and kneels beside Nina, sweat beading his furrowed brow as he works to lift inorganic rubber away from organic skin. 


She's less animated than normal - normally she'd be teasing them, joking - but she's alternating between hissing and grimacing at the pain, versus keeping her expression as stony as she can make it when her entire body hates her. 


Yeah, it's bad.

Kaz shouldn't have let her climb. Should have found another way, made a better plan-


She gets control of herself as soon as she can - she found a new center to herself, somewhere on that long climb through hell, and it's easy to slip back into. 

Her headache's fading. She's participating more in drinking the water Helvar presses on her - slow, careful sips - and she looks up, looks past the three people fussing over her when she hates being the one taken care of - 


And she tries to smile.

"You owe me new shoes," she tells Kaz, because it feels too raw to say 'You made it.' To ask for Kaz to maybe be the one fussing over her instead.


"As many waffles as you can eat."


Hum. "That's a lot..." Grin. "I'll hold you to it. It'll be a good thing to spend all your money on, after all."


"All thirty million kruge of it."


"I think you promised some of that to the others..."


"You think I don't have savings, Wraith?"


"If you have thirty million kruge in savings, then you've been holding out on me, boss."


"Always keep something in reserve."


"I'll have to inspect our finances when we get back, then," she teases.


"Just don't tell Per Haskell."


"The Wraith can keep a secret."




The warm feeling in her chest when she looks at Kaz really helps the pain, it turns out. (As does the thought that she did this for Kaz.) Though doesn't really help her restlessness or anxiety about her feet...

...Which might be slow going to heal.


"Can you walk?" Kaz asks.


She looks at Nina. "Is it safe to try now?"


"Not barefoot. And no heels. And it's going to hurt like hell, but yeah. Safe as I can get you for now."


She stands up, hissing. "I don't have shoes..."

And they'd been planning to steal some identities- and some clothes - down in the Embassy Sector - but all the women of the group they'd scouted that morning had chosen impractical dresses and worse shoes. 


"All right. New plan. Helvar. Your wolf. Will it open doors for us?"

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