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a ruckus to be reckoned with
it's a beautiful day in fjerda, and you are a horrible thief
Permalink Mark Unread

Sirens wail in the distance as the heavy night wind stumbles over the crooked rooftops of Ketterdam, and the Dregs - their ranks swelled with young eager hands, many of whom have been brought along on this little standoff for the spectacle - press around as Kaz Brekker leaves the Exchange through the eastern arch, shouting and cheering - they didn't have a good angle to see Kaz's meeting with the Black Tips' lieutenant, Geels, but they could hear it just fine. The way Kaz played Geels. The way she blackmailed the very guard Geels bribed - the way the second guard somehow never came into play (and they don't need any prompting to credit their Wraith for that; it's always her to thank, when enemies fall before you even see them). (The idle way she revealed Big Bol's treachery, too, but - that hangs in the background uneasily, something none of them want to think on too deeply, not with victory spreading its wings over them.)

They plead for details from Kaz of course, giving her just enough space to avoid crowding her - though they can be pretty easily redirected, given the high nervous energy still coursing through them. 

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(The silent threat of Inej's presence likely only helps - only Kaz could point her out, but anyone who runs with her often enough learns to recognize the cold sweat, the shiver down their spine that means she's watching their backs - when she lets them get an inkling she's there, at least.)

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Her cane (an affectation these days, but still a useful one) clicks sharply against the cobblestones as she walks.

"Leverage, children, that's what it's all about. Leverage and hard work. And speaking of which, there are plenty of pigeons waiting to be plucked. Hop to."

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They'd much rather be celebrating, crowing about their accomplishments tonight - getting deep in their cups (and deeper into retelling the story about tonight until it grows taller and crazier and wilder). 

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"Figure we've got some time for a good drink and a few quick hands, boss."

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"It'll be a long night, Jesper. Are you taking responsibility?"

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"Uhhh... Not sure I'm good at that part, boss."

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Smirk. "I thought not."

"Still, I suppose a small measure of celebration might be tolerated. Since you ask so politely."

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"You going to come along to supervise?"

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"I have other business to see to yet."

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"Sure you're okay leaving us with no one taking responsibility?"

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"Just don't burn the club down."

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"If we did that, where would we drink?"

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"There's that legendary intellect. Keep that in mind."

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"I will, I will." He raises a hand in a lazy salute. "See you later, boss."

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"Later, Jes."

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And he heads off with the others. 

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And Inej falls in closer beside Kaz.

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"Good work tonight."

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She pulls her mask down, lets just enough light flash on her as she walks that Kaz can see her smile. "You too," she says. "Though I feel a bit mean, not giving Jesper a heads up..." She and Kaz had been the only ones in on Big Bol's treachery - and the work they'd done to counter Geels' own tricks. Jesper had been... Pretty upset, when Big Bol got shot by the guard Geels had thought he'd successfully bribed. 

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"It was necessary. Keeping things close makes keeping the secret easier."

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"Didn't say I objected. Getting ahead in the Barrel is a mean business." Shrug. "I'll make it up to him later."

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"If he's not incapacitated by a hangover."

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"I can bide my time."

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"Ambush him with a good time?"

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Shrug. "Inspiration will come to me."

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"No doubt."

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She goes to reply - and then her expression sharpens, turns wary, at the sudden feeling that they're not alone -

And a shadow, person shaped, darkens the alleymouth in front of them. There's no foot traffic here, no street lamps, just the subdued quiet of small boats bumping against the wall in the canal that splits the little side alley they'd cut through. 

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Kaz tightens her grip on her walking stick, ready to snap it up and swing.

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And Inej slips a knife into her palm, stepping sideways into the shadows - 

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- And then the figure lunges at them -

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Cane snaps up, jabbing at the face-

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- And it sails through empty space, and her attacker is right there in front of her - a fist connects with her face -

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Agh, fuck- Hop back for distance, switch grip on cane to guard-

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Inej darts behind her opponent, blades flashing -

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- And the man dissolves into shadow - 

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Something incredibly fucky is going on. With Inej in the mix, Kaz takes a chance on turning her attention away briefly to scan the rest of the area.

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- And the wall beside her wavers, and someone strikes through it - 

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She parries, too late-

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- And a needle sinks into her neck -

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And the last thing she hears before falling unconscious is Inej's enraged scream. 

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Nice to know... she... cares...

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She wakes up bound to a chair, wuftsalts being waved under her nose. 

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Eugh. She jerks back.

"Get that shit away from me, I'm awake."

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There's an old man wearing the robes of a university medik in front of her. He caps the bottle and tucks it back into its leather pouch, his eyes uncaring as he steps back from Kaz. The room beyond him is revealed when he does - a room that screams genuine wealth, and not a place Kaz recognizes. There's carved mahogany panels on the walls, roiling seas framing built in bookcases full of leather-bound books with gilt spines, openings for a real DeKappel - a placid bay with the farms of Novyi Zem spilling behind it, the long-defunct ships of Old Zem drifting on the gentle waves - and a heavy leaded window. And, behind a large antique desk, there's a man watching her, one with the look of a mercher - a pale man, in fine clothes, his lightly wrinkled but soft skin suggesting he'd already arrived gently in his forties, silver-streaked hair withdrawing from his forehead. His vest is dark and well-cut - but his tie pin is a massive ruby, and the gold fob of his pocket watch is made up of heavy laurel links. 

She doesn't recognize the room, but she recognizes him - Van Eck, a member of the Merchant Council. 

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"There are easier ways to ask for a meeting. Even in the Barrel."

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He raises an eyebrow. "I wanted to ensure you'd be here in a timely fashion, Miss Brekker, with no chance of... Gossip beforehand, nor your little friends interrupting us. I hope you're not feeling too poorly?"

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"I get the feeling you don't actually care, mercher," she says, with a withering glance at the ropes tying her to the chair.

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He turns and dismisses the meddik, then says: "I care that you are in sufficient health to complete a certain job. I - the Merchant Council - have a proposition for you."

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"A proposition, huh. Is it dangerous, underpaid, or both?"

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"Dangerous," he says. "You will be well compensated for your trouble."

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"Plus twenty thousand for the trouble you've inflicted on me already."

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"A drop in the bucket for a job this size," he says with a lazy wave of his hand. 

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"And in advance."

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"Only if I'm assured of your intention to carry this job out."

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"All right, then. What's the pitch?"

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"The Shu have developed something - a new drug they're calling jurda parem. It amplifies a Grisha's capabilities beyond imagining. And even beyond the risks inherent in leaving it under the control of one country... If it gets out, it will cause mass chaos even before every country finishes manufacturing enough for their own armies. Market collapse will be just the start."

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"And what is it you imagine I can do about something like that?"

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"You can steal, Miss Brekker. And you can avoid getting caught doing so."

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"So all you want is first mover advantage."

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"I want it removed from the board," he corrects, though there's a flash in his eyes. "And the inventor has not shared his formula - and has contacted us requesting asylum. We need you to extract him."

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"Where from?"

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"...Fjerda," he says. "They captured him during our first extraction attempt. We believe he's being held at the Ice Court."

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"Why do you think he's even still alive?"

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"Our sources say he is alive and awaiting 'trial' - and Fjerda has been known to vanish useful grisha to be slave labor, rather than killing them. We are... Concerned about their military technology advancing with this."

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"Yeah, I bet you are," she mutters.

"What's your timeframe on this?"

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"We would want you to set out as soon as possible, and take the most direct route to Fjerda." He gives a time estimate; it allows fairly little wiggle room. "Though there's more flexibility for the return - but only if needed to avoid pursuit."

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"Got a ship lined up?"

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"A small schooner," he says. "One entirely unassociated with the Kerch government."

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"All right."

"So what's the payout?"

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"Five million kruge."

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"Five million?" She snorts dismissively. "Don't waste my time. What's the real number?"

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He frowns. Then, grudgingly: "Ten million."

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"You wouldn't have brought me here if you didn't want to hire me. Twenty."

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That gets a scowl out of him. But: "Twenty."

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"Except now it's thirty, because that was too quick and one of my people was with me when you took me. And you haven't said a word about her."

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"She's perfectly safe; twenty, and I'll return her to you now." He gestures to one of the two stadwatch by the door, who turns and opens the heavy grand doors - 

To reveal two crumbled purple-uniformed guards out in the hall - 

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And Inej drops behind him, silent as a cat, and the click of the pistol she points at Van Eck's head is louder than even the guards' startled curses. 

"Thirty," she says, "And have your fucking guards untie my boss."

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"...Thirty," he says, weakly. Then: "Gentlemen, if you would - ?"

The guards are frozen for a moment - before one cautiously goes to undo Kaz's bonds.

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She does not flinch when he gets close.

"Thank you," she says, standing and massaging her wrists. "Then all we need is a signed contract, the name of the ship, and that twenty thousand in advance."

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She holsters the gun the instant Kaz is untied; no sense being uncivilized about this. "Ice Court's going to be tough on twenty thousand," she says, mildly, as she steps out from behind Van Eck to return to Kaz's side. 

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"Good point."

To Van Eck, "Better make it as much as you have on hand. Less twenty thousand, we can take that out of the final thirty million."

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"Don't be unreasonable," he says, flatly, trying to hide how shaken Inej has him. "Thirty thousand, and it's all an advance - your final payment will be less that."

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"Unreasonable is kidnapping someone off the street to strongarm them into an unsanctioned mission relating to national security that involves a break-in to one of the most secure prisons in the world, a prison that is owned by a foreign power, in order to extract a foreign national belonging to yet a third country."

"What I'm talking about is just good business." And good business in Ketterdam can get you killed, if you're not careful.

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...Very grudgingly: "Fifty thousand advance."

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He gestures his scribe forward (and sends a guard to collect the ones Inej knocked out or otherwise disabled and deliver them to the medik). "The deal is the deal."

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"The deal is the deal."

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And the contract is drawn up, and the advance payment counted out. 

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Kaz will take a copy of the contract. For her records.

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If he's unhappy about that, he doesn't let it show. He has the copy drawn up. 

And he gives them the name of the ship - and then has nothing else for them, beyond a reminder of the timeline they're operating under. 

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Best not to waste any more time here, then.

Out into the Ketterdam night.

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Inej keeps pace at her heels - quietly, until they're back at the Slat, in rooms Inej knows - rooms she sweeps before speaking even a single word - 

"What's our move?"

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"Two problems. One, getting into the Ice Court and back to Ketterdam alive. Second, surviving Van Eck's betrayal when we do. Not sure which is more pressing, honestly."

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"Three, getting our money anyways - we'll want to set up our return before we leave. Van Eck's more entrenched than us, and he knows we're coming. But as long as we have the right crew, we can wing it at the Ice Court - and they'll be expecting armies. Not us."

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"Still, can't afford to leave much back."

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"A small crew will be best with a mission like this... But we'll be taking our best with us."

"If we're sure Van Eck's going to flip - might be best to ask first how we're getting paid anyways, and if we'd rather pocket what we've got and just give a good show of attempting the contract." They owe back the fifty if they don't attempt, but it doesn't require they succeed at their mission to keep the advance. 

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"Mm. He didn't fight very hard about the thirty million and we've got his signature. Either he does have Council backing or this contract is never getting seen. No way he can shift that much on his own."

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"Any drawbacks to verifying with another member of the Council before we leave?"

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"If they're in on it, we get marked unable to keep our mouths shut and arrested or assassinated. Or Van Eck hears and manages to arrange for same before getting the boot. Or whoever we go to muscles in on his plan and he takes his frustrations on a split payday out on us."

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"...I hate politics..." she grumbles. 

"Still... Even if it's a fake contract - it sounds like the Council would be sending an army, if they could afford one big enough." Being the wealthiest nation on the True Sea doesn't really matter if you don't spend it, and Inej doesn't know much about the clash of nations but she knows Kerch maintains a navy more meant for discouraging pirates than for tangoing with Fjerda and Ravka. The chatter of sailors is mostly gratitude about those two keeping each other busy; Kerch does actually have a lot invested in neither getting the upper hand in their unending war.

"And someone would pay us thirty million to save having to fight that war, at least if we already have Bo Yul-Bayur in hand." That being the inventor of jurda parem; they'd squeezed Van Eck for as many details as he'd give them, including a rough sketch of the man and a pass phrase to indicate they've been sent by Kerch.

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"True. If we make it that far, we'll have options."

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"An entire sea of them." Hum. "Which makes our more pressing issue keeping ahold of Yul-Bayur without getting shanked. And that might be easiest if Van Eck thinks we're in the dark."

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"Keep your secrets close."

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Nod. "It'll limit our ability to prepare, though."

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"Not much more than it was already, though."

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"True..." Heavy sigh. "Think maneuvering against a mercher is the type of trick I'll need to ruminate on... Heists are easier. Who are we bringing?"

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"Me, you, Jes. Couple others, maybe. We'll need a Fjerdan for sure."

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"There's Nina's girl..." Getting her out of Hellgate hasn't been worth it - yet. 

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"That'd mean bringing Nina too."

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"A heartrender could be useful. And if we're thinking of looking beyond Kerch for our pay... She'll be able to vouch for Yul-Bayur being who we say he is to Ravka."

"And - if it's you, me, Jesper, Nina and her Fjerdan, and, hm, Van Eck's kid for demo and insurance... That's one point two mil for me, at standard split. I'm fine with that payout."

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"Hm. Yeah. I can work with that."

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"We can," she corrects with a teasing grin. 

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"Of course. Though if that's the case, your cut would be more like six than one point two."

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She recalculates. "Splitting your share with me?" (The standard split is twenty percent for Per Haskell, twenty percent for the slush fund, twenty percent for major crew members, and forty precent for the leader - meaning just Kaz, up until now.)

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"You want to help lead a crew, you get paid like it."

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Oh no why is she blushing. 

...Also at one point two million it'd have been merely silly not to pay off her indenture. At six million it'd be ludicrous. But if this is a 'we' now...

"I like the sound of that. 'Help lead.'" Softer smile. "Though if that's the case... It might be time to pay off my indenture."

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"You've earned it."

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Slowly, sounding out the words in her mind even as she speaks: "I don't think it's - a question of 'earned.'"

"I want to be beside you. For a lot longer than another eight years. And - I don't want to keep pretending it's a contract or a law or a debt making me yours." Dry swallow. "I want 'being yours' to be something I'm choosing. That I'm free to choose."

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"I didn't want to- expect that, of you.Or... make it seem like a condition."

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"I know," she says, a very silly grin splitting her cheeks. 

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"I've always appreciated your powers of observation."

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"A major part of my charm?"

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"Kaz Brekker wouldn't be half the boss she is today without her Wraith, you know."

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And now she's blushing again! "And her Wraith wouldn't be half the thief she is without her boss."

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"Good that we found each other then, isn't it?"

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"One of the few excellent things to come out of this city."

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"The world may yet regret it."

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"They should be grateful."

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"When has should ever had anything to do with it?"

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"It'll soothe our troubled consciences. Obviously."

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"I don't believe I've ever had one of those."

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"Hmmm... Means 'should' is unnecessary, true."

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"Let's stick to what we're good at, Inej."

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"So... Ambitious heists?"

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"Exactly." They've got a lot of planning to do.

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Their first priority should be breaking out Nina's Fjerdan... They can make preparations without telling any of the crew what's up - they'll just need to give enough warning for the exact mission that they can replace anyone who balks... Though Nina and her Fjerdan are the main wild cards there; they should probably then make sure Nina is secured before going to the effort of breaking a prisoner out of Hellgate...

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Nina might even have a plan of her own they can spur into finally using.

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She's not the type to sit idly by, twiddling her thumbs - and she might know what ins Ravka has to the Ice Court, too.

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She will push for them to get the target to Ravka, too.

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"I think we can bring her around. And... If nothing else, we know the Darkling's better on payouts than most merchers. I like bribes better than assassins."

She'd paid them well and on time for flipping on their mission to kidnap the Sun Summoner, and she'd been fair when Inej made a game of seeing how many vulnerabilities she could identify in the Darkling's security - Inej's pay from the bounty on those had surpassed her cut of the original job with plenty of interest. (Getting to actually keep her pay had helped; she hadn't told Per Haskell about picking up a side job pen testing Ravka's security. (Of course, she'd invested a good chunk of it back into Kaz's endeavors, but - they're partners.))

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"Not sure I'm quite ready to submit to Ravkan rule, though."

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"Then maybe she'll pay up for an assassination," she teases. "Bet you I'd be as good at that as I am at thieving."

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"Oh, so it's fine when you're the one doing it. I see."

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"When I'm the one getting paid," she corrects. 

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"Ah, of course."

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"You'd hardly guess I wasn't from Ketterdam originally."

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"You've adapted beautifully."

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"Grown into it."

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"Become one of those bastards they only manufacture here." Her, making fun of Kaz's more dramatic claims? Never. 

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"I like to think I've had a hand in shaping you."

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"You are part of Ketterdam..."

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"An important part, right?"

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"The most important."

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"Yes, I am."

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Wiggle! (She's slowly - not entirely intentionally - sliding closer to Kaz, like she's trapped in the other girl's gravity and wouldn't want to escape even if she could.)

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Kaz uses her cane to arrest Inej's movement, the tip at her chest.

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Shameless grin. 

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"Something you need, Wraith?"

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...She hesitates. 

"Something I - don't want to expect of you."

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She lowers the cane again. "What is it?"

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"...Can I touch you?"

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She - doesn't know how to answer. (Doesn't know how to say that touching other people - Jesper, her many hookups - settles something wild in her but that it's never enough. That there's a screaming vicious thing in her head, and it wants to crawl inside Kaz's skin. That she likes to be close to, to touch people who are important to her, that Kaz is worlds more important than anyone.)

(She doesn't know how to say that she wants to give Kaz something Inej could never give anyone else, and she wants Kaz to give her something she wouldn't give anyone else, something just for Inej. She wants to be special.)

But she knows touch is - hard, for Kaz. And she doesn't want to create an expectation, any pressure. She doesn't want to ask if Kaz would want to say no.

So she's quiet instead. 

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"I don't- Inej-" Her voice cracks, pained.

"I can't."

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"It's okay," she says, voice gentle and almost hiding the disappointment. "Kaz - it's all okay. I don't expect it."

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"No, it isn't okay. You-"


"I want to give you more."

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Sharp, surprised (pleased) breath. "I can wait," she says. "Until you're ready. And - whatever you need to help, I can do."

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"You've always been more patient than I."

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Smile! "Just a different kind of impatient."

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"If you say so."

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"I do say so."

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"Then it must be. Your information is always reliable."

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Giggle blush. 

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Ah, there's the smile she likes.

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Kaz can have even more smile then! 

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Though theoretically they do have a time-sensitive mission to plan.

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...Where were they? 

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If getting Nina involved would lock them into arranging for an outcome favorable to Ravka.

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Well - Inej thinks Nina's loyalties are a bit more split than Nina herself might realize. She's at a minimum staying here to help her Fjerdan, rather than returning to Ravka - she might be willing to take a neutral option, that neither harms nor helps her home country. 

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True. And it's not as though they have a lot of other options lined up, either.

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Especially for a way into the Ice Court.

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They're going in eyes open, at least. That's something.

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"I'm thinking also about not telling Jesper and Jana about the mission until after we've got Nina and her Fjerdan locked down. They'll be quick to load up, and they're pretty likely to accept."

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"Makes sense, yeah. Keep the secret closer."

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"Less time it could leak in."

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"Start that first thing tomorrow, then."

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"Use tonight to plan and then sleep on it?"

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"Best way to do it."

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They have a lot of details to go over then, plus contingencies...

And their first order of business in the morning will be recruiting Nina and verifying the Hellshow schedules - the rest can fall into place pretty quickly...

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If Inej can take care of Nina, Kaz will see to the rest.

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Sounds like a good split. 

Once dawn starts to threaten - before most potential customers will be out and about, after most have gone to bed - Inej slips out of the Slat, up West Stave until she reaches the Crow Club - and the Rookery, the brothel they've ended up more or less integrating into it. The club now dominates the block, its moody and harsh black and crimson color scheme broken up only by oxidized silver crows - an enormous one with its wings spread over the entrance, small renditions of the Dregs' tattoo (a crow drinking out of a nearly empty wine glass) at the employee entrances in the back alley, two women with crows' wings wrapped around them flanking the side door that goes straight into the brothel, nearly invisible in the gloom cast by the deep portico, windows with black-painted glass and heavy crimson shutters on the rooms over the portico...

Inej, of course, takes one of the many rooftop entrances, slipping through a small window crowned by a crow in flight into one of the 'nests' for her and her spiderlings, places where the only clear access is from the rooftops.

If you don't know about the trap doors, of course, built nearly seamlessly into the floor. Inej slips into the crawl spaces she'd asked Kaz to build in when remodeling, making her way quickly to where she can drop into the room next to Nina's. She raps on the wall between them - a bit of decorative paneling that hides both a peep-hole and a door.

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The door slides open. Nina is, as ever, fashionably en deshabille without quite toeing over the line into outright lewdity. That's not the service she gets paid to provide.

"Miss Ghafa. You're up late."

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"More like early; I already slept." She nods to the room past Nina. "May I come in?"

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"Of course." She steps aside.

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She waits for the door to shut behind her, and glances around, listening for the tell-tale signs of any of her spiderlings or other curious parties trying to listen in. (Inej usually knows when she's being watched.)

Once she's satisfied that they're alone: "We've got a mission for you - and for your girl."

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"My girl?"

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"Helvar," she says. 

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"Oh," Nina says. "Her."

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"We'll get her out of Hellgate," she says, "We need both of you on this mission."

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"Must be quite the mission. That's not really part of our usual arrangement."

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"I know."

"What have you heard about jurda parem?"

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"Less than you, I think..."

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"A man dead in a closed and guarded room. Ships full of gold that shouldn't exist. Someone waltzing into a Ravkan military base - and waltzing out with classified documents."

"Squallors flying. Tidemakers turning to mist and walking through walls. A Fabrikator making gold from lead. A Healer telling a man to cut off his thumb, and telling everyone who could hear her - everyone trying to stop her - to wait. All them still waiting, even after she's dead and gone, until they drop dead themselves."

"And every last one of those grisha dying from the inside out."

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"All connected, then. To this... drug."

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"So the mission is to stop it. In Fjerda? Who's paying?"

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"So... Van Eck approached us, supposedly on behalf of the Merchant Council, to retrieve the drug's creator. He's Shu, and he requested Kerch asylum - and the Fjerdans intercepted him on his way here."

"We don't think Van Eck is good for his word, but I've checked his intel and he at least told us what he knows. And with a situation like this... I don't want to be in a Fjerdan colony. We're going to get parem, its creator, and any secrets he's given them out of their hands. And then," she shrugs, "We'll let the market decide who pays us - minus any bids that'd be really fucking stupid to agree to."

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"Of course. Got to keep a minimum of sense."

"All right, I'm in." Tight smile. "Can't speak for Helvar, but if you've got a good way out of Hellgate, I'll put it to her."

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"How likely do you think she is to agree?"

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"Reasonably so. She's... not exactly ultraorthodox."

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"I'd imagine not, if she's a soldier. Even one in a non-combat role." She thinks Fjerda doesn't call their female soldiers 'soldiers,' but that's stupid so she's ignoring it. (Susanne Helvar had registered herself as a member of Fjerda's Women's Auxiliary Core, specifically a prison guard, when pressed by the paperwork-obsessed court system, and in court had maintained that Nina was a prisoner being transported legitimately under Fjerdan laws, not a slave. That hadn't been hard to find out.)

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"We want to move as soon as possible - tonight, for breaking her out. We'll spend the rest of today on other preparations."

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"What's the plan, boss?"

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She lays out - in brief - her plan to slip in with the crowds for the Hellshow, and cause a distraction there. One big enough that they can slip away to Helvar - who's a star fighter - and swap her out for a Dreg of a similar build, with a bit of Tailoring. After that... They'll just need to slip back out, and then back to the city proper. 

"We're going to need to stock up on supplies today for the journey, so we can set out at first light tomorrow. And we'll need to scope out if anyone else has gotten the same job."

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"Sounds good. Which part am I on?"

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"Information - on Fjerda and the Shu especially. You've got some Navy lined up today, right?"

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"Admiral'll be in for her monthly."

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Slow smirk. "Good."

"Don't let on that you're leaving town, or about this mission. We're playing it close to the chest until after we're already sailed."

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"You got it."

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"Any supplies you need me to pick up for you?"

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Yeah, her medical bag could use a restock. She'll get a list together.

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Cool - they'll also be stocking up on parrafin wax, to hide her from any checks for Grisha... And general provisions for a sea journey. 

"Anything you think Helvar will need, too?"

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"More wax," she doesn't say. "Therapy," she doesn't say either. Not her secret, not her decision.

"A baton, throwing darts. She liked to poison her darts but I'm not sure I want to give her poisons. And if we're worried about the Shu, smoke bombs or something to block line of sight."

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"I can use poisons, even if we don't give them over. I'll grab supplies for a few different use cases."

"And anti-grisha measures are a good idea; I'd bet we won't be the only Ketterdam crew either, and anyone seriously in the running will be able to pull in grisha. Anything else you can think of?"

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A few miscellaneous odds and ends, nothing too exotic.

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Her memory's good enough she doesn't need notes for all this, fortunately. "That should all be doable," she says, rolling her shoulders. "I'll come get you a bit after sundown for the Hellshow."

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"I'll be ready, Miss Ghafa."

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She nods. And: "No mourners."

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"No funerals."

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And she heads out into the city. 

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And Nina will attend to her own business. Lots to do before tonight.

(And maybe think through what she's going to say to the woman she got imprisoned for not killing her.)

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Sunset comes soon enough, and Inej slips back into Nina's rooms. 

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She's rested, dressed, and ready to go.

"And how was your day?"

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"Productive. And there's a boat waiting to take us to Hellgate."

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"You really know just what a girl wants to hear, don't you?"

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"Part of my job." She offers her arm to Nina, as an escort.

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She takes it with a smile.

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And Inej takes her on a late evening stroll over the rooftops - and to a waiting rowboat, with Kaz, Jesper, and a Dregs girl, Minke, one of Kaz's recruits - a blonde with the same wiry, strong build as Susanne Helvar, though one who's seen Nina with some shame in her eyes a few times for her trouble eating. It makes her a good match for a half-starved fighter, and it probably won't take much Tailoring to swap her out for Helvar.

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Easy enough. Nina can get most of it done on the boat ride.

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Good; and they'll be wearing masks once they're at Hellgate - though they can wait to put them on until they're close to Terrenjel, one of the many tiny islands off Kerch's coast, and the site of the Hellgate. (Nina should probably change into the rest of her costume sooner, though; Inej is already wearing hers - the Scarab Queen - under a nondescript cloak.)

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Just needs to shake out her cape and take the cloth flower crown out of her pocket.

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Minke hides features now eerily similar to Susanne's under the veil of the Bride, just before other shapes - other small boats - start to drift out of the fog as they approach the few wavering lights on the shore. Two masked Dime Lions pull them in when their boat hits the sand shallows - and one demands: "The entrance fee," holding his hand out.

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Kaz, mask securely on, handles that.

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They're waved on, towards an uneven path outlined by a staggered row of torches whose smoke swirl through the air, not doing much to mask the smells of salt and rot and misery. There's another Dime Lion at the door they come into, and he leads them quietly through the warrens beneath the prison, into the oldest spire, where the prisons are crudely hewn into the rock and protected by heavy iron bars, with walls and floors stained by rust or blood or damp air, down a tight spiral staircase and then along a claustrophobic hallway to where a guard with a rifle over his back waits. The Dime Lion says, "Four more for you," to the guard, then: "If you need to leave, let the guard know, and they'll call for an escort. No one goes wandering off on their own."

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(...Which is the first time it becomes obvious that Inej is no longer with them; Nina's last clear memory of her is from the pathway with the torches.)

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That's just what the Wraith does.

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"Yeah, yeah, we got it."

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"Enjoy," the Dime Lion says, something ugly and sadistically amused in his voice, as the guard waves them through. 

The room beyond is an arena, not a prison, the black walls of the old tower rising above them to the starry sky, the roof long since missing. There's a crudely made amphitheater below the stone ledge they're standing on, terraced ledges crowding claustrophobically around a small fighting pit, nearly every space on the ledges filled by people in costume, the sands of the pit scuffed and stained dark with blood. There's a wheel of fortune with scuffed paintings of animals, like they just gutted some old gambling hall for the props, and two heavy gates on opposite sides of the rings, and an announcer wearing a costume probably meant to look like a lion's pelt.

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"And now we wait," Kaz mutters.

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The first fight is between a prisoner and a large lizard whose jaws drip with a flesh-eating venom - the prisoner doesn't last long, and the crowd boos as he's torn apart and partially eaten. Several Dime Lions prod the lizard back into the tunnel, and the body of the prisoner is cleaned up. 

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And Susanne Helvar is next to emerge.

She looks different from how Nina last saw her. Thinner. Harder. The burgeoning hope in her eyes replaced by a cold rage as she glares around the arena - and at the announcer specifically. (She doesn't seem to notice Nina at all.)

She steps up to the wheel and spins it with her shackled hands, so forcefully it nearly comes off its setting. The red needle clacks, until the wheel finally starts to slow...

And settles on a painting of a wolf's head. 

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Something changes in her posture. Something helpless. Angry. Hurt. But she doesn't lash out even as the guard undoes her shackles, even as he and the announcer leap on the ladder to be safely lifted from the arena. 

She just stands and stares at where the wolves will emerge. 

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"Kaz. Don't let this happen."

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"I don't run the Dime Lions, Zenik. Your Fjerdan will have to deal. You can make it up to her after."

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Her expression looks dead as three wolves emerge, snarling - mangy, their ribs visible - already rushing her, so hungry they're heedless of the danger - 

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And then the ice that was her mask breaks - 

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And what's under is more feral than even the starving wolves, a terrifying rictus that doesn't look human, doesn't even look like something of this world - 

The wolves stop. Stumble. Pause, and pant for breath - 

And lay down, resting their heads on their paws peacefully.

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There's a Fjerdan saying. The water hears and understands. The ice does not forgive. 

It's a jagged, broken ice that looks up at the Dime Lions. A dark cold water revealed under. Hungry, and ready to drag everyone who dared walk across her calm surface into its depths. 

She lifts her hands. It's almost unnecessary. 

The announcer crumples, clutching his chest, before anyone has time to react. The guards scrambling to raise their rifles aren't far behind. 

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Which, of course, is when the crowd starts to panic. 

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"Down, down, get down!" Kaz drags her party down behind the lip of the railing.

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She's used her time productively is, absurdly, the thought most on Nina's mind.

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Kaz has good instincts, based on how many random audience members Helvar kills when she runs out of Dime Lions - aiming for the ones closest to the exits, the ones whose deaths will cause the most chaos as the press of those desperate to escape trip over them - though she's focusing on killing any who try to enter most, including the panicked guards who just open fire into the crowd. 

Kaz's crew aren't the only ones who think to get out of sight, even if that means not fleeing yet. 

It takes an eternity, in the time measured by panicked heartbeats, for Helvar to run out of people she feels like killing. A good number have escaped... But the bodies - and those hiding or pretending to be dead - are thick on the ground, and there's distant shouting. And less distant sobbing and groaning; it isn't hard to tell that there's some people still alive in here. 

There'll probably be backup, sooner or later. Someone trying to restrain the enraged Grisha.

Helvar stands in the middle of the bloody arena, breathing heavily - 

And then turns to start healing the wolves.

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Nina rises, evades Kaz's hand grabbing for her, and hops down into the arena to help.

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She turns around, snarling, hand rising - and freezes when she sees who it is. "Nina?" Her voice cracks.

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"I'm here to break you out of prison, babe." She attempts a flirty smile.

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She doesn't smile back - but she does relax. And then she gestures at the wolves. "Them too."

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"It'll be a tight squeeze in the boat."

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"I'll keep them calm."

"Nina. You owe me."

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"I know."

"All right, wolves too."

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- And then Inej steps out of the hallway leading to the cages. 

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And Helvar tenses. 

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"No, hey, it's all right- Wraith's with us."

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She doesn't relax - but she doesn't attack either. 

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Fair enough. 

"Nina - I took care of the guards back there," she says, then looks up to the seats. Not quite at anyone: "And I'll grab a bigger boat." They'll have an extra person - no point leaving Minke behind to pretend to be Helvar - and three extra half-starved wolves. Even Grisha-calmed, she doesn't trust them. "We need to get moving before reinforcements arrive, and before they shut down the harbors looking for us." 

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"Yeah. Soon as the wolves are moving we'll get out. Same rendezvous point?"

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Getting a balance where the wolves are moving but not snapping at them is tricky - but Nina's experience controlling moods will help. Wolf brains are at least more simple than human brains.

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Kaz descends into the arena with Minke.

"Change of plans, I assume?"

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"Yeah, well, that's what you get for a rush job. Wraith's getting a bigger boat."

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Yeah, Kaz bets Inej doesn't want to be in a confined space with starving wolves any more than she does.

"Fine. Let's move."

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Jesper looks the least happy out of all of them somehow, standing at the back and trying very hard not to fidget.

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She gets herself and the wolves moving. 

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Down the hall to the waterfront. Inej has already taken care of the guards, good girl.

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She left the existing boat there - turned out easier to grab a second small boat. Which Nina, her Fjerdan, and their wolves can ride in. 

They'll want to establish new rendezvous plans before splitting up, though. 

"Word's going to get out fast. We should get the Ferolind out before they start tearing the city apart looking for Helvar."

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"Mm. You two," Kaz indicates Nina and Helvar, "go straight there. Don't get seen, don't get caught. Then scuttle your boat. Give us an hour, if we're not on board by then have the captain set off and anchor around the other side of the island and we'll meet you there."

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She doesn't have any objections, and she can get the wolves into the little rowboat okay. 

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Nina will do the rowing.

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Once they're away from the others, voice pitched not to carry over the water: "Was it worth it?"

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"You're not dead yet."

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"...What happened?" She's been clinging rather desperately to the thought that Nina must have had a plan, reason. It's kept her the closest she could get to sane.

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"A pair from the Little Palace caught up to us. The only thing that they wanted to hear was you were druskelle. They were just going to kill you. I didn't have another way to get us out of the port fast enough."

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"...Thanks. For saving my life again."

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"I'd been saving up to buy you out. But... Hellgate's expensive."

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Nod. "Why the rescue now?" A change of plans, if Nina isn't just still saving money. 

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"Kaz- the boss I've been working for- has a job. In Fjerda. Another prison break, believe it or not."

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"This one was well timed, at least."

"And you want me to help you with the Fjerda job?"

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"There's a new drug, jurda parem. Only effective on grisha. It amplifies your abilities, lets a tidebinder walk through walls, a healer take control of a group's minds... And it's cripplingly addictive and seems like it drives the users insane. Only one person knows how to make it. He fled Shu for Kerch, but Fjerda intercepted his ship. He's in the Ice Court. The job is to get him out."

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She's no traitor. But there's a difference between the government and the country - and a difference between the Ice Court and the crown princess. 

And the grisha are her people too.

"What's Kaz's plan once he's out?"

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"We're working on that. Merchers have promised thirty million to get him here, but she doesn't think they'll actually pay."

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"That doesn't sound like a weapon anyone should have."

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"This is me not disagreeing with you on that. But no one in Ketterdam does anything for free."

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"What will Kaz do if I stop this inventor's heart? Or snap his little neck?"

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"Strand us in Fjerda, probably."

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"I've worked with worse."

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"We wouldn't be starting off half-drowned, at least."

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That gets the faintest ghost of a smile out of her. "And I'll already know that I trust you."

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"But... they're already thinking about alternate payouts. The Little Palace would bid for an assassination, if they knew."

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"...I don't want to hand the inventor over to Ravka. But - letting Ravka pay us to kill him sounds fine."

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"That's what I'd prefer, too."

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"Then we'll push for that." She slumps, clearly exhausted. 

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"It's halfway to a plan, at least."

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"More than we had before."

She can't snuggle Nina while one of them rows, unfortunately, and she's still trying to keep the wolves calm. They're not much for creaky rowboats on dark waters. 

(She wants to sleep. She wants to run free through the woods of Fjerda again. She wants - )

"They'll think I'm dead already," she says suddenly, voice small. "They'll have turned Trassel out."

It's tradition, when a druskelle dies, for his wolf to be turned out alone on the northern ice. Her family might have tried to delay it, but... She and Nina were alone after the shipwreck for a long time, on the unpleasant journey back to civilization, and it's been a longer year since. 

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"I'm sorry."

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She buries her hands in the ragged fur of two of the wolves, and contemplates burying her face in the side of the third. Maybe when they're on a ship with more room. 

"I - She has to have survived. I would've known, if she'd died." (But would she? She doesn't entirely understand what she is - the cursed powers of drüsje, witches, aren't supposed to work on animals, but she's always found them easier than humans - her powers first beat in her chest for an injured dog she'd found as a child. And she's always felt more like one of the wolves, a howl in her chest that she can't let out, than one of the men. Those cursed powers aren't supposed to include bonds across distance and time, which is the stuff of children's fairytales and teenaged girls' gossip.)

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"She would have, if she's tough like you."

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She laughs. It's a brittle, sad sound. "Tougher, even."

"I need to find her. Find out what happened."

"A share of thirty million kruger isn't much for my plans. Kaz can pay me for my service by getting me my Trassel back."

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"I can hear her complaining already."

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That gets another, less fleeting smile out of her. 

"It's good to have you back, Nina."

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She smiles back.

"I'm glad you didn't give up on me, Feilan."

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Wolf-cub. A name just for her and Nina - that feels more like it belongs to her than any of her other names, from the one she was born with to the one she served under to the one she uses now. 

Her smile widens. "I - needed someone to trust."

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"I'll do my best to not let you down."

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"I know you won't."

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She has a lot to live up to.

Soon, though, they arrive at their destination.

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She keeps the wolves calm while they load them onto the ship, then retreats into one of the dark, small, private places in the hold to curl up. 

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Nina will convey Kaz's instructions to the captain.

Does Feilan want company?

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Nina can join the fluffy cuddle pile. 

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Meanwhile, the Dregs have a lot of ground to cover in not much time. And they'll want to stay out of sight as much as possible while doing so.

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They did most of their prep work already - but they'd thought they'd have more time for the central crew, and had been delaying certain parts to avoid intelligence leaks. 

First thing: They need to find Jana Hendricks and inform her she's coming along. 

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Kaz can deal with her.

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She's in her room at the Slat, high up in the eaves where normally only Inej's spiderlings like to sleep - though she's not asleep yet, rather awake and scribbling in a notebook by lamplight. She's left the window open, and there's crows on the sill.

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"Hendricks. Grab your things and a couple changes of clothes. We've got a job."

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She startles a little at Kaz appearing. " - Now?" Still, she's at least standing up and closing her notebook.

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"Right now. Ship's waiting, we need to clear the harbor before the guards catch on."

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She gets her stuff together! "I don't have supplies for everything on hand - "

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"How much are you missing?"

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"I don't know! What do we even need?"

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"I grabbed the things you usually ask for, plus some extras, already..."

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"We'll be breaking into the Ice Court."

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"...Do you know how yet? Like are we sneaking in with the Hringkalla crowds or are we blowing a hole in the side - would not recommend that - or are we all turning magically into Inej and crawling over the wall. Or should we prepare something for everything."

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"We're improvising a little."

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"Then something for everything." She checks with Inej what's been gotten, and - "I can make do or get the rest in Fjerda." She finishes packing up. "Ready to go."

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"Efficient. Good."

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Off, then, through the dark alleys of Ketterdam.

They make it back to the Ferolind before the hour is up. 

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Finally, something goes right. Now let's get out of the city before fate catches up to correct the mistake.

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They manage it! Somehow.

And then they're on the open sea, wind filling their sails, ship rocking in the waves near Ketterdam. 

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That's something, anyway.

Next step: actually pulling this damn caper off.

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...Probably need to start with reading everyone in, and actually planning their initial approach now that they've got their insider information...

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Team meeting time.

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Captain's cabin is probably big enough. 

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That'll do. Gather everyone up. Assuming the Fjerdan's ready to come out of her hole.

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...She is. 

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So maybe they can start with a layout, if she knows that.

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She requests something to write with and paper, then starts to draw a large, fairly clear diagram. "The Ice Court is modeled after the rings of a great ash tree, with walls, moats, and pathways forming perfect circles as seen from the air, centered on the palace - the heart of the tree. It's built on a natural bluff overlooking the harbor at Djerholm, and the outermost complete ring encompasses the stations for artillery along the top of the cliff. The artillery has a high rate of fire, and the accuracy is better than anything Ravka's fielded in the last decade, but the range is limited. It's designed to destroy enemy armadas actively blockading the harbor."

"That circle continues into an earthwork wall, with a moat carved in front of it - it's dry normally but has flash floods in the spring and summer. There's not much in the way of ravelins or bastions; the curtain wall can't be modified by modern craft and there's religious prohibitions on disturbing the forest. On the other hand, the forest is dense enough you can only get modern artillery up the main road; there's a few ravelins designed specifically to fire along that road."

"The first major wall is the curtain wall. It's thirty feet wide at the base, with a sheer and smooth outer edge. The inner edge is terraced, though each step is narrow. It's built of rammed earth encased in - what everyone will call natural marble, but it doesn't behave like marble. It's too resistant to impact. The upper ledge is fifteen feet wide, with a few wider platforms when needed for artillery." She indicates the locations of these. "The marble outer edge also extends upwards to about waist height, with taller crenellations and a roof made of what's definitely grisha-forged 'glass' to protect from ballistic shots. The roof was added about a century ago, and it's weaker to impact than the marble, but better than any natural material."

"Behind the curtain wall is a clear stretch, wide enough to move two wagons abreast. After that is a secondary wall and then the out buildings - also constructed to follow their own rings. This section is split into thirds: the Prison Sector, the Drüskelle Sector, and the Embassy Sector. They're entirely separate from each other, with thick walls between them. You have to exit entirely - either all the way out past the curtain wall or all the way in to the ice moat - and enter through another gate to move between them. There's three gates in the curtain wall for the three sectors, and only one is ever open at a time. Every gate has at least two guards at every time."

"There's then a third wall, before the ice moat, which circles the White Palace. The White Palace has its own curtain wall, which is just as formidable as the outer wall."

"There's no secret passages, no other entries than the formal outer gates, and all stretches of the curtain walls are lit at the base and watched at all times. The wall guards work in pairs, with staggered shifts - so there's no single time when all the guards are changing shift."

"You won't be sneaking in. If you want to get in without a massive army - you're going to need deception or else treachery from within."

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"Hm. Tell me about the prison."

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"Prisoners are transported by enclosed wagon - they're pulled by horses so they're only lightly armored, but there'd been talk of phasing them out in favor of more heavily armored trucks as of a year and a half ago. The wagons are a weak point in the chain, and they're a popular target for insurgents. Most wagons just contain prisoners. Ones that are likely to be attacked - grisha, insurgency leaders, captured spies, the like - will contain the prisoner and a troop of soldiers led by a drüskelle officer. They're designed to be indistinguishable from the outside."

"There's multiple checkpoints, and the wagons are on a tight schedule. A year and a half ago, descriptions of prisoners were radio'd ahead to the checkpoints on the road, and there's a headcount and verification done at each. The descriptions cover gender, ethnicity, and distinguishing traits. False lists are sent for the important prisoner wagons - the Drüskelle officer has the authority to override the checks."

"That might have changed - it was another weak point - but I think the Fjerdan military has enough inertia it won't have yet."

"The prison itself is composed of five buildings - a central building is connected to the others by glass bridges. There's only one ground level entrance, in that central building, which is where prisoners are sorted. A human amplifier checks for grisha there, and prisoners are split by gender and importance. Men are kept in the left wing, women in the right, and important prisoners are kept in the innermost buildings. There're no windows, though there are outer walkways for guards."

"Unimportant prisoners are kept in large group cells, in halls patrolled by pairs of guards. They aren't under constant supervision. Important prisoners are kept in solitary cells and are under constant supervision by at least four guards. There's a pair of Drüskelle stationed in both of the innermost buildings at all times. Shifts are also staggered. The female prisons are staffed by female guards; the only men permitted in the wing outside of sector breaches are Drüskelle."

She describes a few other points - an incinerator shaft, displays of Fjerdan weapons meant to intimidate prisoners, how the laundry is done, what happens to waste... 

"And - I used to work there. If we go in that way, there's a chance I'll be recognized."

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"That's why we have a Tailor on staff."

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"I'm better than Nina. And Tailoring someone so much they're unrecognizable is hard."

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"Yeah, if Tailoring was all you had. Change your posture, clothes, accent, mundane prosthetics, a prop, a context where they're not looking for you as you- All people want is a story. Tell them a better one."

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"I know. But the Drüskelle especially are trained to watch for that. It's a chance, not a certainty - but we also can't guarantee I won't be recognized. Our worst problem will be if Jarl Brum is still alive; he's hard to fool."

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"All right. Embassies."

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"Any visitors have to pre-register. Identities are verified as best as Fjerdan intelligence can - though a lot of verification ends up 'this country says this person is...' They check passports and official documents. They're more suspicious of Ravka than anywhere else - Ravka's embarrassed security a few times with forged documents and tailored spies - but there's no nation they're consistently unsuspicious of. The Embassy Sector is relatively easy for foreign nations to get spies into, though probably pretty hard for random crews. It's therefore a lot harder to leave the Embassy Sector if you're moving inwards, or into other sectors."

"And... Hringkalla is coming up, which is a massive feast where delegations from around the True Sea are invited into the Embassy Sector. Security will be on high alert, but also highly stressed, with less experienced guards filling out the manpower shortage. That's the most likely time for other nations to make their bid for our target, I think, so there'll be more competition and a lot more potential chaos."

She draws the Embassy Sector on a separate paper. 

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"Hringkalla. Good. And the Druskelle section, just for completeness?"

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Immediately: "Women aren't allowed in, so I don't know its layout."

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"Uh huh. But what have you heard?"

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"That the Drüskelle and wolves sleep and train there, and Drüskelle will mobilize from there in the event of a sector breach."

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"How does a sector breach work? What are the triggers, where are the alarms, what's the protocol?"

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"So a sector disturbance is triggered by - basically anything wrong or not as expected in just one sector. That sector is put on higher alert, and mobile response teams are mobilized to respond. Anyone leaving or entering is subject to extra scrutiny, and anyone without authorization is held. Any guard in the prison sector can call one, for instance, if they think something is wrong. That's Yellow Protocol, and it's an alarm rung by the Elder Clock so everyone will know something is wrong."

"A sector breach is a major or confirmed issue in one sector. Officers and any drüskelle - and certain officials not directly part of security in the Embassy Sector - can call one. It's Red Protocol, and all entrances and exits from that sector are shut down, and a larger team is mobilized, consisting of far more drüskelle, and the other two sectors and the White Island are treated as subject to Yellow Protocol."

"The most serious alarm is Black Protocol. Everything is shut down, and only drüskelle officers or royalty with an accompanying isenvulf may move freely, and the entire Ice Court is subject to martial law. Anyone trying to break protocol or not where they're supposed to be is subject to detention, and pretty likely to be shot if they argue; the general opinion is that any international incidents from shooting an ambassador over a misunderstanding can be straightened out after."

"Black Protocol is triggered by forced entry at one of the gates - that's automatic, or by any suspected threat to the royal family, or on declaration of total war or threat of imminent attack against the Ice Court itself. Only generals, admirals, royal guards, or royalty may call it outside of the automatic processes."

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"Annoying amount of paranoia," Kaz mutters.

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"...The Darkling is extremely good at spywork and also extremely determined to assassinate any members of the royal family. And we're constantly at war with Ravka, who are better at infiltration than any other nation on the True Sea."

"It means a lot of reason for paranoia, a lot of practice, and the simple fact that if we aren't annoyingly paranoid we lose, no matter our advantage in direct warfare."

She determinedly does not look at Nina.

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...Yeah, that's pretty much just the truth.

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Kaz shakes her head. "What a waste of effort. On both sides."

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"...Peace is a long way off, if it ever comes."

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"Not the problem we're here to solve."

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"Anyway. Focus on the prison section. That's where the target will be, unless there's a secret holding area in the mysterious Druskelle section." A trace of sarcasm leaks into her voice at the end there.

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She chooses to ignore the sarcasm, and just says: "Getting out will be harder than getting in."

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"That's what makes it a prison, yeah. But it's not airtight. Guards, food, laundry... things have to move in and out."

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"And what will you do if he isn't there?"

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"Ring up the guards and ask politely if they'll show us around."

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"...So 'improvise' then."

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"I prefer to find the line that gets me where I want to go before going back to fill in contingencies."

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She nods. "And the situation on the ground will be different after we've searched the prison."

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"Exactly. So." She scans over the map of the prison, then taps the incinerator shaft. "How often do they run this?"

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"Every morning."

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"So it cools off over the day. That gets us elevation, and elevation gives us options. Good."

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"It'll be hard to climb..."

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"That's why you've got me. I'm the best spider in the Barrel."

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"Inej goes up with a rope, drops it down for the rest of us. Easy."

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"Just like that, huh?"

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"It's a maneuver we've done before."

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She can fill in any other minor details - but that's most of what she's going to be giving them. 

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It'll be enough.

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It'll have to be. 

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So, time to run back and fill in some details...

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...First major question will be even getting to the Ice Court. Anyone entering through the harbor at Djerholm will be under tight watch. 

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So they don't go through the harbor. They're on a ship, ship has landing boats, Fjerda has a lot of coastline.

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Not a lot of harbors, though. There's a large stretch of cliffs north of Djerholm, then a narrow stretch of shallow natural harbors, then the ice this time of year. And you can't go very far south of Djerholm without hitting Ravka - the border is in reach of deployments from Djerholm, so that coastline is watched. 

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It is possible to make it overland.

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"Did your planning include cold weather gear and snow goggles?" she asks Kaz.

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"Coats, boots, leggings, yes- Inej, did you end up finding any goggles?"

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"I found three, so not enough for everyone. And I'm not sure how good they are."

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She mutters something that might be 'this is going to suck.'

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"More likely to work than getting everything through customs."

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"Even so... We'll have to ditch everything we're unwilling to lose at the prison gates."

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"That will be necessary regardless."

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"And there might be preparation we can do in Djerholm..."

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"What do the roads into the city from the land side look like?"

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She describes them - they mostly won't be going over roads if they're coming in through the north, rather cutting through the bush with Susanne as their guide, but there's good roads once they get closer to Djerholm...

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Yeah, overland to roads, then they can enter the city with less suspicion.

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They can't all pretend to be Fjerdan... But Susanne is, and Nina can - and 'act as a tour guide for tourists' isn't an odd way for two teenagers to be making a bit of money. 

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Yeah, she can do that.

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They'll have to pretend to be young widows for it to be seemly, though two teenaged sisters in a big city might do work like that anyways. Or one of them is Tailored to look male and they pretend to be married. 

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Shouldn't be too hard to get a story straight.

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They might be a little bad at pretending to be sisters. 

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Susanne might be bad at pretending, Nina is a great actor, thank you very much.

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Is that a challenge? 

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If that'll inspire her to be better at it, sure.

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And she doesn't exactly object to being also sisters. 

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She'd be shocked if that wasn't tame by Ketterdam's standards. 

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Fjerdans usually have to get a lot drunker before they admit to things like that.

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She's been locked up in a Ketterdam prison for a year. Maybe the den of iniquity has rubbed off on her. 

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Plausible as anything else.

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Or else Nina corrupted her first. 

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Aww, how sweet.

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She's been a very strong and utterly terrible influence. 

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That's Nina all right.

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One thing Susanne loves about her. 

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Yes, yes, very cute. Perhaps the two of them would like to go find a room?

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If they're done plotting? 

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For now.

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"Then Nina, would you like to find a room with me?" 

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"That sounds lovely."

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Back to their little spot in the hold? Though if they want more space than a narrow cot they may need to kick the wolves into the hallway.

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Nina wouldn't make her do that to them. She knows how much she loves the furry friends.

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She and Nina can take up pretty little space if one of them's on top of the other, too. 

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Sounds like a plan.

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Feilan will be the one on top, of course. 

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Naturally. Closer to the wolves that way.

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Which makes Feilan a very bratty younger sister. 

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Is she asking Nina to remind her of her manners?

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If that's the kind of big sister she'd be. 

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Maybe she'll try it out. See how it fits on her.

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Meanwhile... Jesper isn't entirely happy about how his night is going. "What the hell, boss?" he asks, once Nina and her Fjerdan are out of the room. 

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"Thirty million kruge, Jesper," she says, "for a job we can't refuse."

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"...Fuck. Why didn't you give us any warning?"

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"My stuff especially needs a lot of prep."

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"Because this shit is dangerous, and if anyone- rival gang, other mercher, the Fjerdans- heard we were on it, we'd be dead already. And nine'll get you ten that the contractor wants us dead after success just as much as everyone else."

"If it makes you feel any better, I only got the job last night So you're not that far behind, really."

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"...I've got loans coming due soon." But there's nothing he can do from here except worry. 

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"You'll be back in time to pay them off. Promise."

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"...Let's hope."

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"Hey. It's me. I'm always right."

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"So far."

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"Well, there you go. History of reliability."

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"I'll give you credit for that."

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"Thank you, Jesper."

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"And you picked the right crew. Though I'm not too sure about Jana..."

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She makes an offended noise. 

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"No offense! But you're pretty new at this."

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"I know my stuff."

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"Won't get experience if she only goes on milk runs."

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"And I'm better and less reckless than Raske." That'd be their other freelance demolitions expert. 

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"Fuckin' Raske," Kaz mutters. "Hey, do this right and I might bump you up the priority list permanently."

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"And time will tell if that's a good or bad thing?"

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"Big jobs, bigger payouts. People usually see that as a positive."

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"And I'm not too bothered by the bigger risks, or by being woken up in the middle of the night and told to pack..."

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"A predictable factory job's no way to live."

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"This job's definitely invigorating."

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"That's the spirit."

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"Though the payout on this should be good enough I might not need more jobs for a while... Thirty million kruger - that's like, what, one point two million each at standard split?"

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"It'll be more like one and a half, this time. Call it a little bonus for short notice."

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"Cutting back your pay?"

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"I'm a generous boss."

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"More than any other boss in the Barrel."

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"And that's why I have the best crew."

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"I'll be sure to brag about you when we get back."

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"Going recruiting again?"

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"It'll be pretty easy with a win like this under our belts."

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"I suppose it will, at that."

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Probably next order of business is for him and Jana to get settled on the boat? 

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Should be, yeah. They'll be traveling a while.

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...He's not much one for ships. 

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Next time she'll hold out until they agree to construct a bridge to the mainland.

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That gets a laugh out of him. "Might take more than thirty mil."

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"Maybe you should set some of your share aside, start a construction interest."

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"Nah, I got better things to do with it."

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"Then, Mister Fahey, I'm afraid you'll have to live with ship travel."

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"I plan to stay in Ketterdam - once I can afford to."

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"Fair enough."

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"Sounds like my kind of plan."

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"You're a fan of the city, Hendricks?"

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"It has its charms."

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"Even on the rougher side, huh?"

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"The rougher side has the best charms."

Jana is not exactly a rare visitor at the Rookery, and every time she comes to the Crow Club she's pulling along a new boyfriend or girlfriend, or just some random person she got in a fist fight with and would like Nina to patch up. 

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"And I trust you'll be spending an appropriate portion of your share on said charms?"

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"Best place to spend it, if you ask me."

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"Good, good."

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"Being the most generous boss is pretty easy when we put our pay right back in your coffers, isn't it?"

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"You've caught the trick. With a mind like that, you could be a boss yourself."

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"Sounds like too much work."

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"Content in minionhood?"

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"And someone else paying the bill."

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"Ha. Can't forget that bit."

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"It's pretty important."

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"Money always is."

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"Especially in Kerch."

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"That's the way of it."

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Not much they can do about it though, so - does Kaz have anything else for them before they go get settled? 

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No, that's all for now.

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She and Jesper will head off, then. 

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Sleep well.

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They'll see her tomorrow. 

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Inej steps up beside Kaz once they leave, sighing a little. "Went better than it could have."

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"Considering the start, yeah."

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"I got Minke settled with the ship's crew, too." That'd be the Dregs member who was going to replace Helvar. Speaking of... "And Helvar's calmed down a lot. But the crew aren't very happy about having three wolves on board."

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"Bet not. We can stop somewhere to put them ashore, I guess."

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"Not a lot of shore between us and Fjerda..."

"Helvar might be able to keep them calm below decks, though. And do her own fishing."

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"I'll talk to her. Tomorrow, probably, doubt she and Nina are open to interruption at the moment."

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"Give them some time to destress."

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"Least we could do, really."

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"A favor I'm sure they'll be glad for."

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"Better be, after the mess at the Hellgate."

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"They owe us some easy times."

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"Won't be too many of those coming up..."

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"Why we should get them while we can."

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"And any fun times we can find on a ship like this."

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"Are you looking for a fun time, Inej?"

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"Let's go, then."

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"Where to?"

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A quiet cabin, of course.

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Like the captain's cabin they're in?

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That seems fair. Best latch the door.

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She does so with a smirk.

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Good girl.

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Mmm sleepy content Inej (by the time Kaz is finished with her).

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Just what she likes to see.

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Who's going to sprawl all over this (fairly narrow) bed. 

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Kaz will... take the chair.

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Inej falls asleep and stays asleep until just about sunrise, and wakes up more slowly than usual. 

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Kaz is still passed out, feet propped up on the table.

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Inej won't wake her, even if she's tempted to let Kaz know the bed is open now. Instead she quietly goes through some of their reports, then gets up and slips out to keep an eye on the ship, see how the men are doing, get a report about their progress overnight... And wait for Kaz to wake up. 

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And some time later, she does, joining Inej on deck.

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She sends a soft smile over. "Things are proceeding well so far."

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"No one went overboard last night?"

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"Not that anyone can prove." Read: no one did, but Inej thinks it's funny to keep them guessing from time to time. 

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"Keep it clean, Wraith."

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"As a whistle."

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"That's my girl."

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Preen! "Your best girl."

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"So, you eat yet?"

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...A bit embarrassed: "I forgot."

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"Let's find the galley, then."

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"Lead on."

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To food! Ship food, so nothing exceptional, she's sure.

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Inej isn't picky when she's hungry, even if she likes the good food when she can get it. 

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Fair enough, as long as she does eat.

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She'll eat, so long as Kaz is telling her to. 

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Eat, Inej.

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"Yes, ma'am." And she eats. 

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Kaz will break her fast as well. They should do some more planning with the others today, but for the most part, they're only passengers on this stage of the journey.

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...And possibly figure out - what they want their sleeping arrangements to be.

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Kaz is taking the bed tonight.

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Yeah. Inej is okay with that. 

...Inej can sleep on the floor beside Kaz, if they bring some extra blankets in. She doesn't look at Kaz and tries very hard not to blush as she offers this.

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That sounds agreeable.

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She fails to hide the blush as she smiles a bit. "Good."

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"Maybe we could make it a regular thing."

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More blush!!! "Let's see how I like this first," she teases. 

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"Seems to me like you already do."

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"The idea, at least. We'll have to test the reality."

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"Fair, yeah."

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"And it might be a good first test for - other things too." (She's still grappling with her desire to be Kaz's.)

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"Easier to back off from than some other things."

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More serious nod. "And - less of a big step."

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Okay enough of that conversation! Uh.

"Oh, we should talk to Helvar about her wolves."

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"Think they're awake by now?"

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"Probably... You sleep in later than anyone."

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"Rude," Kaz huffs.

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"True though."

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"Let's just go find the furries."

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She giggles. 

And off! 

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Helvar at least is still in the ship's hold with her three wolves, sitting up with her eyes closed - not asleep though, or at least not deeply, because she opens her eyes when Inej and Kaz approach. 

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"Helvar. Wolves not making any trouble?"

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"No. They're sweethearts." She rubs one behind the ear. 

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"Good. But they weren't exactly figured into provisioning this trip."

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"I do know how to fish."

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"Good, that was going to be my next question."

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"What was the third?"

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"Ideally we'd like to get the wolves off the ship as soon as possible."

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"Only good places to anchor are the southern harbors - which will be well watched - or the northern coasts - where we're going anyways."

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"You're sure?"

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"I'm sure."

"Fjerda doesn't have much of a navy for a reason."

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Sigh. "Damn."

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"The wolves will behave. Promise."

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"There will be problems if they don't."

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"I know."

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"As long as that's understood."

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"It is."

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"Anything else you need?"

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"Not that I can think of..."

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"Right. There'll be more planning later but for now, we'll let you get back to- whatever you're doing."

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Smile! "Playing around with some Corporalki exercises Nina gave me."

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"Try not to unleash any slavering mutant wolfhounds until we have some enemies to point them at."

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"What about obedient, well behaved mutant wolfhounds?"

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"Not in front of the sailors."

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"They're easily spooked?"

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"Superstitious, you know."

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"Unenlightened to the wonders of mutant wolfhounds."

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"Some things should stay dark."

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Considering hum.

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"Particularly as involves Grisha-enabled abominations from beyond the bounds of nature," Kaz elaborates.

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"Then you should stop giving me ideas."

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"See you later, Helvar."

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"See you around."

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And they'll go find something else to do.

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They have a lot of time to kill before making land.

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Lots of contingencies to plan for, too.

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Getting a more thorough map from Helvar... Getting information from Jana 'Hendricks.' (Are they going to continue keeping back that she's Van Eck's daughter, by the way?) Drilling the crew on their contingencies and fall back measures. Getting familiar with what Helvar and Nina can really do. 

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(Not much benefit in sharing that out now. They'll see what things look like on the return trip.)

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Ravkan-trained Corporalki are, it turns out, scary if you give them space to act on you.

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Helvar has trouble with other people - but she can Tailor herself between a few fixed appearances fairly rapidly, and do more comprehensive changes slowly. She's good at healing, especially herself, and in fact able to make the wolves more dangerous - though this looks more like healing old wounds, promoting the fish she's giving them to turn into healthy muscle rather than just fat. 

She's scary, too, but... She doesn't have enough finesse to be certain she won't kill any targets she's trying to harm. It hasn't really come up before, and she's an odd hodge podge of self taught and tutored by Nina while they were more focused on surviving than anything. 

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She'll be all right when it comes down to it.

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Especially with some extra time with an excellent teacher like Nina.

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One does one's best, of course.

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Her best is quite a lot. 

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Yes, it is.

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An inspiration. 

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Nina's sure her pupil will catch up.

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With Nina's guidance. 

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Team effort.

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She'll accept that. 

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Another happy compromise.

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Maybe they should step into private for a bit... (So she can kiss Nina without the others making faces.)

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Of course.

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Northern Fjerda is frigid and unwelcoming, even in the spring. The cold air bites at them well before they reach their destination - and then the ship can't pull all the way into the shallow harbor that marks the most southern stretch of the northern coasts. They're forced to take rowboats in, exposing them to the even colder ocean spray. 

But the area is deserted, at least - there's an unused outpost, presumably for traders or smugglers, and a faint path beaten into the scrub leading away from the harbor, and a few lonely poles for anchoring small craft to. The soil past the shallow harbor is a rocky sand spilling down a steep (but walkable) hill, perhaps explaining why the first coastal settlement is even farther north.

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Ffffffffuck, it's cold.

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She packed practically all the cold weather gear that she could find. 

She has the sneaking suspicion she didn't pack enough.

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"Nina and I can warm anyone flagging from cold," she says as they all pull up onto shore (her three wolves jump out of the small rowboat behind her; fortunately, Minke - the one originally meant to be her body double - isn't bothered by the wolves, so she'll be able to take the boat back). She's also wrapped up less thoroughly than anyone else; she sacrificed her claim to any snow goggles and passed over a scarf in favor of bundling up any less adapted crew members. She seems almost invigorated by the cold.

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"And doing that is easier than fixing frostbite, so, y'know, speak up."

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"No worries about me not complaining," Jesper grumbles.

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"I'll let you know if I need it."

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Inej nods, reluctantly. 

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"Right then. Let's move out."

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Southwards, then.

- And before long, the three wolves take off ahead of them, running at an easy lope.

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"Think they recognized something?"

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She furrows her brow. "I don't see or hear anything..."

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"Might be smell."

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"Or a higher pitched frequency... Or just better ears than me."

The wolves don't seem to be turning around - though one pauses and looks back for a moment as they crest a hill, before going out of sight. 

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(Hmpf. Good riddance.)

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Her expression closes in on itself. 

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"Still here, Feilan," Nina murmurs quietly.

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She takes Nina's hand and squeezes.

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She's got this.

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They've got this. 

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Onwards south, then? (Incidentally the exact way the wolves went.)

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Only direction with actual stuff in it, so not surprising.

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There's some towns to the north, actually. 

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Not important towns.

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"I think I'm offended."

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"Why, are you from one of those frozen holes?"

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"I've got my national pride to consider."

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"That's almost as weird, honestly."

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"Nobody has national pride in Kerch?"

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"No one's paying me for national pride."

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"For all you know, national pride is my job."

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"They make you swear that vow when you joined up?"

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"It's in our initiation oath."

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"Yeah, that tracks."

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"We're predictable, huh?"

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"You can say that I'm capable of drawing accurate conclusions from evidence, if that makes you feel better."

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"Maybe a little bit."

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"Though Ketterdam is plenty predictable itself..."

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"Not predictably stupid, though."

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"Then who exactly are you fleecing for kruge?"

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"No one from Kerch falls for it?"

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"Unpredictable idiots, sometimes."

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"Predictable enough for budgeting, I bet."

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"Trade secret, I'm afraid."

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"Fine, fine..."

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"So it goes."

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She laughs a little. 

Then: "Come on, we'll need to move faster to be sure we hit shelter by nightfall..."

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Back to the pace. At least walking keeps you warm.

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And Helvar has a good eye for the best routes - both the easiest to make good time on and the ones most sheltered from the frigid winds. And she has a better eye for potential shelters. She gathers dry wood as they walk, until they come on a nice hollow where she can get a fire going. 

This sort of thing will, probably, define much of their trek south. 

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It's a lot better than starting out soaked to the bone.

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True enough. No one's had to strip naked.

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That'd be a horror show.

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At least with all the extra company. 

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It wasn't all fun and games in the moment last time, either.

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Better in retrospect, she guesses.

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Sometimes things are, yeah.

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Jesper's pretty sure this won't be one of them. 

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There's still time for things to turn for the better.

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Maybe once they hit the actual job. They can elide over this part in the retelling. 

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"That's why you can never keep a girl longer than a fortnight, Jes, you always want to skip straight to the action."

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"Hey! I've kept a boy for two fortnights before. Plenty of people like the action best."

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"Doesn't exactly contradict my point, though."

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"Well, like the action best."

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"And you don't complain too much about Jesper's presence, even after all this time..."

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"He livens things up. Like an explosion."

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"Girl knows what she wants. Fair enough."

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"Knowing what I want is one of my best traits."

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"Decisiveness is desirable, it's true."

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"Kaz would know."

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"Yes, I would."

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She giggles.

(This isn't too bad, honestly... So long as the rest of their trek is like this, they should be fine.)

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No wild beast attacks or suspicious army patrols.

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They can avoid those. 

- But they don't avoid the smell of charred flesh two days later, carried on a low angry breeze alongside an icy fog and swirls of acrid smoke. They don't avoid the sight of three stakes driven into the ground at the edge of a cliff, nor the three bodies bound to them, nor the smoldering piles at their feet. 

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Oh. Yeah. They're in Fjerda.

Hopefully the poor souls are already dead...

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- There's a low moan carried on the wind. 

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- She makes an upset sound, steps towards them, arm raised -

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"We shouldn't stop."

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She takes a few harsh, deep breaths, expression somewhere between despair and rage -

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- And then closes her outstretched hand.

The moans stop.

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"Keep moving. Before someone comes to check."

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Yeah. (Chalk up another atrocity on the tally.)

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...There's a lot Fjerda will have to reckon with. 

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Not what they're here for.

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...Yeah. Not this mission's objective. 

They need to just... Keep moving. 

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Try to put it behind them. For now.

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...For now. 

It's still a long trek south, but - they're getting close, quickly. They'll hit major roads soon. Will need to get into character. 

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Reasonably devout Fjerdans. Not criminals or heretics at all.

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Two sisters - down on their luck - and the tourists who are paying them for a guide.

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Ordinary business.

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Unfortunately a common enough necessity. 

(Nina is actually not an uncommon Fjerdan name, especially this far south... She's unsure if Nina wants to bother with false names? Susanne won't be recognized at least.)

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They'll need a new surname, at least.

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Jandersdat? It's a common name, and fairly provincial...

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Works for her.

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Alright then, sis.

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Let's show these tourists the brighter side of the city.

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All the best views... All the places to buy supplies for their trip... All the classic Fjerdan foods... 

Like from this one tavern that definitely serves Traditional Cuisine, whose rooftop garden happens to have a good view of the Ice Court, if one is in possession of for instance a book with a hidden magnifying lens...

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Not that two innocent young girls would know anything about that.

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Totally oblivious to things of that nature. 

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Just too busy with ordinary business.

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Fine examples of Fjerdan womanhood. 

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And while those two are enjoying their date, the rest of them can continue the prepwork for the job at hand.

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Excuse you, she is perfectly capable of multitasking here - 

And the place they've got the best view of is the nearest gatehouse, where the first road check of prisoners going into the Ice Court happens. There's even a wagon trundling up the road - and her eyes can pick out any tiny little details in what has or hasn't changed with procedure...

This wagon contains only ten prisoners - it seems undercrowded, and she makes an interested noise. 

"They're not going to have those wagons running at the same time guests are coming... They're probably trying to just clear out the cells down here, sending wagons just as soon as they can get people sorted... Though as we get closer to the actual celebration, they're going to start just shoving people in."

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"And becoming more and more likely to disregard procedure in favor of throughput."

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"And more likely to be under time pressure, especially the closer we get to the event."

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"How long until the wagons stop?"

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"The Embassy Gates open in the evening tomorrow... They'll want to try to get all the wagons in by noon, but they probably won't succeed. Processing at the Prison Sector itself is slow, and they'll try to delay incoming wagons so they don't get too much of a backlog... I'd expect wagons to be running until mid-afternoon at the earliest, possibly later.

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"Midday tomorrow, then."

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"Cuts it close, but reduces chance for things to go wrong."

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"Yeah. Objections?" she asks the others.

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Jesper shakes his head. 

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"How are we getting on the wagons?"

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"Drop a tree in front of it, swap for the prisoners while the guards clear the road."

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"...Lot that can go wrong with that. But I can't think of alternatives."

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"We'll have to identify a spot today or early tomorrow."

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She has suggestions - she spent a lot of time here, growing up. 

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That's helpful.

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It'll probably be best for either just Inej - no one will see her - or Susanne and Nina - they have the best excuses if they get caught - to do the scouting. 

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"I'll handle it."

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"I'll work on felling a tree quickly and nonsuspiciously, I guess."

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"The other thing I want is eyes on the start point. How the prisoners are loaded, what they wear, typical guard disposition."

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"With Inej on the road, that one's probably best for me and Nina."

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"Where are you and me going to be, boss?"

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"Playing to your strengths, Jes. Making friends in taverns of low repute and other dens of iniquity."

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"Definitely my kind of jam. Who am I making friends with?"

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"Criminals and smugglers. No one's going to give up a secret entrance to the Ice Court after one night of drinking, but we could get more intel on the city and surroundings."

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"Want me to make any friends with any of the early birds arriving for the celebration?"

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"As long as we don't see anyone who would recognize us."

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"I'll be careful. Promise, boss."

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"Everyone know what they're doing?"

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There's general nods and agreement all around. 

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"Then meet back at the inn, not later than midnight."

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And with that, they split up. 

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And the next day, it's time to put their plan in motion.

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Inej has found a suitable location in a thick stretch of woods, where the road drops out of observation...

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And Jana has put together root 'bombs' that should make it look like the tree fell naturally, perhaps to disease or age or weakened soil. 

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All they need is a target wagon.

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One trundles along, soon enough - though not before the cold has started to bite at them. 

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Kaz verifies that there are no more than the expected number of guards, then gives Jana the signal.

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She sets off the root bombs - 

- And the tree topples. Their relay system means she's far enough ahead of the wagon that it isn't too suspicious that it fell right in front of them... Still, it pulls to a halt soon enough, and the guards get out and stare at it, scratching their heads. (It's a pretty big tree, and Jana actually found one that's lightning scorched and rot blackened - in ways that'll make it harder to move enough of it to actually clear the road. Can't drive a wagon if a third of the tree is still in the road in rotting lumps.)

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And now it's time for the Dregs to make their move. Out of the tree line and to the back of the wagon.

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They aren't noticed on the way over. The truck is padlocked heavily - it'd take a while to pick this, time they don't have - 

Except for how the doors, by the nature of their design requirements, swing outward. Which means Kaz can access the external hinges.

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Pop the pins out, and they're good to go.

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The door levers open easily enough once they do that -

Revealing a packed hold, prisoners hooded and shackled and pressed tightly against each other, standing room only. 

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It's a lucky day for a few of them. Make some room, folks.

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The people they rescue are groggy, and a few try to weakly struggle.

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Toss 'em in the bushes before they make too much noise.

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She can drop them into a light unconsciousness first - and can snap in Fjerdan, her voice suddenly deep and commanding, at the remaining prisoners who try to make any noise, pitching her voice to not carry forward. 

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And the Dregs can don the prisoner disguises and take their places on the express VIP bus to the Ice Court.

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They need to have the hoods placed, and be shackled to each other - Inej gets the door shut and more or less secured after them, it isn't perfect but it'll hold up to a cursory inspection - and Kaz needs to lock everyone in, as they press and crowd into the wagon - 

And needs to lock herself in. 

There's a lot of people here. It's hard - impossible - to avoid touch. 

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Yeah, well, that's what the coat and gloves are for. And she knew this was likely coming.

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Inej, at least, tries to give her space, tries to lessen the impact. 

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Yeah. Kaz mostly concentrates on the solid wood wall at her back.

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It's a long, slow road to the Ice Court. 

They aren't discovered, though, not even when the guards give the doors a perfunctory shake - nor at any of the headcounts, which the outposts are lazy about, not even bothering to unhood the prisoners - 

Though the intake at the actual prison intake is much, much stricter, and does demand they be unhooded, and matches them to the descriptions of prisoners on their list. 

- Which causes some problems with Inej especially, and one of the prison guards says in annoyed Fjerdan, "We were expecting a Shu boy. This is clearly a Suli girl. What are you doing down there?"

"We didn't send up the lists," one of the wagon drivers says. "And the list isn't our problem. I need to get back downhill in thirty minutes."

The prison guard frowns. "We'll need to call down the hill..."

The wagon driver groans... And the second prison guard, a tired-looking man with greying hair who favors his knees, says, "It's end of shift, and you'll tie all of us up at least an hour... Come on, just let the next shift sort this out."

They set to bickering about the idea - and about whose fault the incorrect manifest is, and whose responsibility it is to investigate...

'This is somebody else's problem' seems to be winning the day as an argument, and the next shift apparently isn't here to plead their case about it not being their problem. 

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Have the involved parties all carefully considered that a rather large wolf is now sitting quite close to the guard post, watching this argument with a demeanor that might be best characterized as "impatient"?

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(...She'd know that wolf anywhere.)

It's natural to stare. 

It's hard to stare correctly. Not like she just glimpsed a missing portion of her soul. 

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...Eh, you know who else's problem this can be? The druskelle theoretically in charge of final intake and policing. The wagon was late and everyone's been standing in the cold for forever, and they'd like to get off shift eventually for the parties... And their window for opening the gate is only so long. 

The prisoners are loaded back into the wagon, and they signal the gate to open. 

The next time they're let out, they're in an inner courtyard, the imposing inner prison doors before them. (The wolf is, by the by, being given free run of the place until and unless someone who outranks the random soldiers here contradicts that.)

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Good, then the wolf doesn't have to rip anyone's throat out. Yet.

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(...Hopefully it doesn't give the game away. Nina knows why that wolf's here, even if the rest of the Dregs don't.)

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Druskelle work here and the wolves are considered a badge of office so are allowed to wander around more than they should; an isenvulf coming to supervise without their accompanying druskelle isn't that weird, fortunately - and none of the guards can actually tell the wolves apart.

Which means that, so far, none of the guards are treating the wolf as anything other than a commanding officer that's randomly swung by. Probably for an inspection. They're going to be very efficient now about having these passengers checked one by one by their enslaved amplifier, to make sure no one is grisha (they're not thorough enough for the paraffin wax to not work to hide the grisha), and about sorting people into the male or female groups to be searched and then imprisoned in one of the large cells for later more detailed sorting. 

Very fortunately, no actual (current) druskelle swing by to do a surprise inspection.

Unfortunately (but as expected), Jesper is going to be separated from everyone else, and the women in the group are going to be shepherded into a cell where they're actually a slim majority of prisoners - Fjerda doesn't bring a lot of women to the Ice Court's prisons.

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The wolf sits down next to the door.

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"What's up with the dog?"

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...Even speaking in Kerch might be risky...

"They're companions to witch hunters," she says, carefully. 

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Pretty calm for a witch hunting dog in the presence of two witches. Maybe it won't be what fucks them over today.

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...This is going to affect their escape plan. So she should probably signal or say something. 

"...I know her." She takes a deep breath and looks Kaz in the face and proceeds to tell some utter bullshit. "She's my brother's." And then her voice cracks, genuinely, honestly: "I thought she was dead. Since - he is." 

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"Will it be a problem."

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"No." She's very confident that, despite being named 'troublemaker,' Trassel could never be a problem. 

"It's a good break."

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"Then we proceed as planned."

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'As planned' requires Jana hiding the waste bucket - the female guard who comes around at exactly six bells asks after it but doesn't bother searching when it isn't immediately apparent - and then popping a small pellet out of a slit near her ankle that Nina created, ignoring the pain from this - and then removing the protective wrap on the little pellet - 

And calling out in Kerch, "A storm's coming."

It's a signal for the crew to cover their mouths, close their eyes, and try to hold their breath until the gas from the pellet she's about to drop in the bucket dissipates. 

Of course, everyone who didn't get that warning is about to hit the floor. 

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She doesn't know what chloroform does to wolves -

But she's got line of sight to Trassel, and the druskelle have a lot of ways of coordinating quietly. 

So she angles her body to hide what she's doing from the other prisoners - hopefully also her own crew - and flashes through the hand signals for 'gas danger.' 

(It's amazing what things routinely come up when you're trying to capture Fabrikators alive.)

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The wolf gets up and trots around the corner.

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And everyone but them drops to the ground. 

They'll wake up later with a headache, but not much else to tell. 

Now the only problem is getting out of the cell itself. 

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Strip search doesn't do much if you've got a corporalki to hide a lockpick up against an ulna. And Nina's good enough that this won't even cause lasting muscular damage.

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The lock is relatively easy for Kaz to pick - and to relock behind them, making it look like they just mysteriously vanished from the cell. 

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She glances around the corner after Trassel.

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While Inej mentally plots out the best route to get Jesper.

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She can't help it - she beams and steps forward and says "Trassel - "

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Soft boof, and the wolf runs over to her.

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"Good girl, the most loyal perfect girl ever, my good girl..."

(Fortunately for her cover from her crew, she's speaking in Fjerdan.)

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Does Trassel need ear scritches? She's pretty sure Trassel needs ear scritches in among all this praise. 

...Of course, they do have a job to do. She'll probably remember that on her own eventually. 

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Yes, what are they here for? Trassel is somewhat confused on that front.

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...Oh yeah.

"This is my current crew," she tells Trassel. "Nina is a friend," she points. "The others... I'm working with them."

"We're trying to break a certain prisoner out, who... It isn't good for Brum to have control over. The one making parem. We need to search the prison here for him, just in case, but he's probably on the White Island."

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Brum. Grr.

White Island, Trassel will yap for.

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"You want to go back to White Island, girl? Or are you saying that our target is definitely there?"

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The second thing.

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"I'll let the crew know... Though they'll probably want to check here anyways."

Speaking of, is Kaz still around?

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She's organizing the detachment to retrieve Jesper.

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She steps up and in Kerch says, "Trassel - the wolf - says our target is on the White Island."

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"The wolf says."

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"The druskelle's white wolves are as intelligent as people."

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"Of course they are. This damn country."

"Fine, but we're still checking the prison."

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She and Nina can do that fairly quickly.

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And come up empty.

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Told you so.

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Trassel is a huge help with dodging the patrols, so things go alright for them. They even beat the others to the laundry room in the basement. 

Where she discovers a... Problem. 

Their plan had been for Inej to climb the inside of the incinerator chimney. It should be cool, and well within her abilities. 

The incinerator was supposed to run in the morning. 

It seems they ran it late, today. 

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Well. Shit.

She'll need some padding, insulation.

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...Unfortunately neither of them are Fabrikators...

...And she's almost tempted to offer to - knock out one of the druskelle and their wolves here. Steal their uniform and especially their badge. She could get away with it for a good while... And it might be safer than Inej trying to climb this. (Riskier to her, but... Safer to Inej, at least, and she's starting to kind of like the girl, even if they haven't talked much. And she knows Nina's friends with Inej.)

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Odds are low the deception would last long enough to get them out.

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They might be in trouble if they ran into other druskelle, but... She's pretty certain she can keep it going otherwise...

...On the other hand, she's not too sure she wants Kaz Brekker suspecting her of being a druskelle. 

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That would get complicated.

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They'll see how Inej reacts to the bad news first, then. And try to get her the best insulation they can. 

(...And read Trassel in on what's going on while they're at it.)

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Soon enough the rest of the party arrives in the laundry room.

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She puts her slippers on first thing, flexes her toes to feel the supple rubber soles - 

And then grabs a spare shirt from the laundry bin, soaks it in water, and tosses it into the shaft. It starts to steam nearly immediately, and it falls, and before it even hits the coals it's burned away to nothing. 

Inej cranes her neck back, and quietly examines the rugged, hot brick. 

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"Can you do it?" Kaz asks.

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"Are there other options?" she asks, rhetorically, her voice flat - she clearly expects the answer to be 'none.'

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"If it- kills you-"

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"...Going back might kill us." She wishes she could take Kaz's hand. "And I don't run away." She squares her shoulders, and with a bravado she only somewhat feels: "I'll tell you if I can do it when we reach the top."

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After a brief moment, Kaz tugs off her gloves and offers them to Inej. "Then you'll need these."

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Bright grin! 

She takes the gloves carefully - doesn't touch Kaz's bare hands - and slips them on, testing their fit, the thin slits at the tips that let Kaz manipulate a deck of cards without issue... They fit well enough, though they're not made for her like they were for Kaz, but - 

"They're perfect," she says, and flexes her fingers. 

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"Don't fall."

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"Inej Ghafa never falls."

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And she turns to her task. 

First: drinking a cup of cold water. Second: soaking her hair and clothes in more cold water - the Fjerdans don't bother with anything other than frigid water for their prisoners, and it's actually a boon, here. Third: winding the seventy feet of rope (also soaked) that she'll need for getting the others up around her waist and chest. Fourth: putting on more layers all over her body, also soaked with the frigid water, until she's having to fight the urge to shiver. Fifth: drinking another cup of water.

And sixth: launching herself up the chimney, using her first burst of speed to get as far as she can. 

(The bricks feel like burning, and if she wasn't wearing Kaz's gloves she'd have blisters already. She tries to minimize contact between herself and the wall, though it's difficult - the wall is significantly hotter than the air, which is at least moving.)

Climb, Inej.

She gets pretty far - at least two out of the six stories up - before she slows, her muscles screaming at her, her pulse pounding in her entire body, her skin tight and flushed. The damp cloths wrapped around her forehead are a mercy, the only one she has - one she tries to hold close as she forces herself up, hand over hand, foot over foot - the mercy of Nina and her Fjerdan, seeing the problem first and then working to keep Inej safe - 


She forces her hands between miniscule holds. She forces her feet to hold her. She slows to a jagged crawl. Her muscles tremble. Climb, Inej. The mercy of the ice is that she can't feel her body, numbed by cold before she plunged into this hell. That she can't feel the screaming. Climb.

Her foot slips. 

I don't slip.

She forces it back up, even as her weight jars through her shoulders - forces it into the next tiny crack first found by her finger. Climb, Inej. Her fingers are the only part of her body she can feel, the damp slide of leather against them, the heat before them. 


Her other foot slips. 

Something is wrong. 

Her head's spinning. Light and heavy at once. The cloths are still slightly cool, no longer frigid - they aren't helping much - climb, Inej - 

She looks down despite herself. Tries to figure out what's wrong with her foot even though she shouldn't look back, should feel her way along and keep to that mantra of climb - 

The soles of her shoes are melting.

She hadn't felt the pain before. Hadn't even noticed. 

She does now. 

Her feet - 

Climb, Inej - 

But how can she, when her feet are burning, when her shoes are melting into her skin - 


She puts her weight on her hands. Lets go with one. Her other hand isn't happy. She grabs, hauls herself up another few inches. 

Her foot skids. Climb, Inej - 

But she can't. 

Her body thuds against the wall, the faint remnants of moisture on her clothes hissing and fading away. Her feet slide out, hang uselessly below her in the fire. Her body screams, waking up all at once to the immense task before her. To the hell around her. 

Her fingers can barely hold their grip. They scream louder than anything. Louder than the rest of her body. 

Climb, she says.

Let go, say her fingers.

She can't. 

She can't climb. She can't do it. But she can't let go. Can't run away, not even by dying. Can't fail her team.

Can't leave Kaz alone. "If it- kills you-"

Just let go. 

She won't. 

Inej tightens her fingers, focuses on the leather glove stretched above her head - she can't see very well - focuses on Kaz's face, on what Kaz has given up to protect her, to enable her. 

Fuck 'can she.'

Fuck climbing. 

Inej grits her teeth, focuses on the tiny - growing - patch of grey sky far above - 

And a drop of cold rain hits her face. 

She doesn't know if she still believes in her childhood saints. Doesn't know if she believes in anyone else but herself and those who stand beside her in the dark. 

But she definitely believes in being an opportunistic bastard.

The misting rain cools the brick - starts to wet her drying clothes - and it isn't making things slick yet, but it will soon - 

Inej scrapes her shoes against the brick until they slide off - they're still dangerously hot, and they're not helping - and digs her blistering toes into the brick - 

And she ascends.

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The Elderclock had chimed the first quarter bell perhaps a few minutes before Inej started. 

It chimes the three quarter bell as snow and rain and frigid wind descend like howling wolves on the city - as rain falls onto the hot coals. 

It hasn't chimed eight bells yet when one end of the knotted rope drops down before them, swaying - and offering a far easier way up than the one Inej took. 

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That's her girl!!

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They'd considered even before Inej went up that one or both of the Corporalki should climb the rope first. It'd become unquestioned for them both to go when they saw Inej slip.

The Fjerdan goes first; she's stronger, especially after her time in Hellgate, and she reaches the top in record time and then settles in to examining - stabilizing - Inej.

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Nina's not too far after her, and takes over the treatment. Those shoes will be a problem.

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Inej got the shoes off on her own, when they started to melt. That... May or may not have helped. 

The bleeding isn't bad, at least, from where she yanked rubber from skin. The rubber stuck to her skin instead around the heel of her foot; the ball of her foot is bleeding the worst. 

Her toes aren't bleeding. Probably because they're too burnt. 

Her hands have fared much better, at least - the leather protected them surprisingly well - but the gloves are badly scorched, the leather crumbling and brittle, and she hasn't tried removing them yet. 

She's suffering from bad heat exhaustion in general - not quite heat stroke, not yet, but her skin is clammy and her eyes are having trouble focusing, her pupils blown wide, and her ankles and wrists are swollen. She's conscious, though, and watching the chimney for anyone coming up - and she'd gotten to a better hidden location by the time Nina made her way up. 

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This is pushing the limits of Nina's competence. She'll do what she can, but she's not a specialist.

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She can help a little - hypothermia is a constant threat, and ironically hyperthermia is a frequent one - it's easy to go overboard with keeping warm, and Fjerdan houses and habits and clothing norms aren't built to handle the rare summer heat wave. 

Which means most of what she can do is the perfectly ordinary sort of thing, actually. She's able to supplement, and to direct Nina, but... Heat exhaustion, if you treat it right, is usually unpleasant, not deadly, and the cold air and fading rain are helping. (Though they need to keep Inej from getting too cold too quickly - they don't want her shivering, and the first thing she did was give Inej some water, but the second was getting her into dry, light clothes she carried up from the laundry.) But most of recovery will be up to Inej...

Nina can focus on the more direct injuries. She's got the rest. 

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Jesper steps forward when he gets to the top and sees Nina trying to ease the rubber out of Inej's feet, startled - worried -

And he looks to Kaz when she gets up. (He's unsure, unsteady in things like this, where no one's shooting but someone's hurt. With his abilities... He could possibly help remove the rubber, work opposite Nina. But he's not at all confident in those abilities, and not confident making the call on when and if to reveal them.)

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"Fuck," she hisses. "Jesper, help Nina."

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"...I'll try." And he jogs over and kneels beside Nina, sweat beading his furrowed brow as he works to lift inorganic rubber away from organic skin. 

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She's less animated than normal - normally she'd be teasing them, joking - but she's alternating between hissing and grimacing at the pain, versus keeping her expression as stony as she can make it when her entire body hates her. 

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Yeah, it's bad.

Kaz shouldn't have let her climb. Should have found another way, made a better plan-

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She gets control of herself as soon as she can - she found a new center to herself, somewhere on that long climb through hell, and it's easy to slip back into. 

Her headache's fading. She's participating more in drinking the water Helvar presses on her - slow, careful sips - and she looks up, looks past the three people fussing over her when she hates being the one taken care of - 

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And she tries to smile.

"You owe me new shoes," she tells Kaz, because it feels too raw to say 'You made it.' To ask for Kaz to maybe be the one fussing over her instead.

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"As many waffles as you can eat."

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Hum. "That's a lot..." Grin. "I'll hold you to it. It'll be a good thing to spend all your money on, after all."

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"All thirty million kruge of it."

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"I think you promised some of that to the others..."

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"You think I don't have savings, Wraith?"

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"If you have thirty million kruge in savings, then you've been holding out on me, boss."

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"Always keep something in reserve."

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"I'll have to inspect our finances when we get back, then," she teases.

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"Just don't tell Per Haskell."

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"The Wraith can keep a secret."

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The warm feeling in her chest when she looks at Kaz really helps the pain, it turns out. (As does the thought that she did this for Kaz.) Though doesn't really help her restlessness or anxiety about her feet...

...Which might be slow going to heal.

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"Can you walk?" Kaz asks.

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She looks at Nina. "Is it safe to try now?"

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"Not barefoot. And no heels. And it's going to hurt like hell, but yeah. Safe as I can get you for now."

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She stands up, hissing. "I don't have shoes..."

And they'd been planning to steal some identities- and some clothes - down in the Embassy Sector - but all the women of the group they'd scouted that morning had chosen impractical dresses and worse shoes. 

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"All right. New plan. Helvar. Your wolf. Will it open doors for us?"

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"...Yes. Druskelle - they're identified by uniform, badge, and the presence of their isenvulf. You're not supposed to treat just the isenvulf alone as having the authority of a druskelle, but - it's one of those things people get disciplined for a lot." Meaning people do it a lot.

"And if we manage to take down a druskelle and take their uniform - it doesn't take much Tailoring to pass as male at a quick glance, and I know enough about the order to not immediately give us away. And that would get us even into the better guarded places, where they actually stick to procedure - like the checkpoints on White Island. That'd be... Risky, though."

"And Trassel's - distinctive. And the druskelle are a small group. So if we run into anyone who'd know the druskelle, or anyone who knew my brother - who lived here for years - we'll get caught. But... If we can avoid them, we can probably get into most places."

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"And an isenvulf overrides Red or Black Protocol."

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"The guards get extra cautious during Black Protocol, so we'd need a druskelle, but... Yes, a druskelle and isenvulf can get just about anywhere during Black Protocol, and an isenvulf who looks like they're in a hurry could probably get around pretty well during Red Protocol."

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"All right. Here's the play. Jesper, take Jana and get set to break the druskelle gate. Jam it shut. Two hours. Nina and I will go in the embassy route. Inej, help Helvar pull together a druskelle disguise to pass us through the interior checkpoint before the alarm goes off. We find the target in the confusion, put a hood on his head, and get the wolf to walk us out."

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"Setting off Black Protocol while locking the druskelle in their compound?"

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"At least most of them, ideally."

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"...Would delay them, at least. And would cut down the chance that I get stopped."

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"Right. Any other points?"

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"Things might get dicey if we're on White Island when Black Protocol goes off, especially if we're anywhere near the royal family. Druskelle aren't allowed free movement then and there. But they'll be most concerned with protecting the royal family - not with a druskelle redeploying or escorting out persons of interest. And they might decide to remove foreigners from White Island."

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"I doubt our target will be near the royal family, so we'll just try to avoid that section."

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"That'll... Simplify things."

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"Plan sounds good to me."

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"Let's make it happen, people."

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She and Inej slip off - she's no wraith, but she's surefooted, and knows where she's going. 

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"...Guess we've got a party to crash." She'll head for the druskelle sector with Jesper watching her back.

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And Kaz and Nina will start their own part of the plan.

It doesn't take too long for them to slip into the gala. They wind up with some time to kill before meeting back up with Susanne and Inej, so they split up to try to gather some additional information before that.

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They need to know where their target actually is for one - White Island is rather big - but there's plenty of higher ranked men here, who might get sufficiently distracted by a pretty face...

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Inej, meanwhile, is scouting - her mission went off well (druskelle don't look up nearly enough), and she even acquired some shoes and less conspicuously 'prisoner' clothes for herself, and a suitably fancy but not particularly eye catching cloak for Susanne to cover her uniform when she's not pretending to be druskelle.

And now she needs to find possible locations for their target, identify anyone who might be a problem (there's druskelle here, for one), and confirm Kaz and Nina are in place... 

It's while she's doing the second that she overhears one of the druskelle commanders - sounds like Jarl Brum himself, though she'd thought he was supposed to be dead - relaying plans to some of the druskelle with him. He's identified a grisha infiltrator, and is planning to extract her without making a fuss...


She slips back to Susanne, first. She needs to know about this. They'll need to plan together to rescue Nina -

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"...Find Kaz," is what she says instead. "And tell her there's a new plan: improvise." She pulls the fancy grey cloak about her and whistles to Trassel. "And to not wait for me and Nina. We've got our own way out."

(She's Tailored herself a little. Just enough to pass for male, especially with how she adjusts her posture.)

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"I need more detail than that, Helvar."

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"...I'm going to distract Brum." Among others. "You'll have a limited time to act. And you won't have me for getting out of here." She bites her lip. "The target's most likely in the old treasury off the courtyard with the sacred ash. There's places to hide around there - if you hunker down long enough, I'll come get you - but there's also a set of hidden stairs leading to a crack in the rock under the sacred ash. You can get out that way, but not back in, and it's... Dangerous if you can't fly."

"...If you or Kaz sell off that information I will hunt you down and kill you both myself."

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Deep breath. She straightens. Her Tailored appearance begins to fall away in favor of her usual face; it helps that it was never on firmly. 

And: "Come on, Trassel. We've got a friend to save."

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And an unworthy superior to kill, right? Well, a wolf can dream.

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They'll see how the night goes. 

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Though her smile falls away in favor of determination as they enter the ballroom - moving on the edges at first, not quite making it obvious that something is up, until she spots Brum and follows his line of movement to Nina.

Brum's being held up by not wanting to spook Nina, and by his social obligations, and by his isenvulf being frankly not that intimidating.

They don't have those problems. Trassel towers head and shoulders above any isenvulf except the massive one curled behind the princess's throne, and Feilan is on a mission. 

She tries to catch Nina's eye first, though. Tries to signal her over. 

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Oh good. A way out. Now, if she can just get over there without intersecting Brum...

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He's veering towards her! 

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Then she'll step forward. 

She's walking with purpose, now. The people in her way part around her and Trassel like water. 

And Jarl Brum falters for a critical moment when he sees her - 

And she reaches Nina first, and takes her arm, and says quietly, "Play along."

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"Yes dear. Whatever you say."

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"Brat." She slides her hand down until she's holding Nina's - 

- And begins to pull her not out but instead in, towards the back of the ballroom, where Fjerdan nobles and recipients of rewards of honor and foreign dignitaries and guards form a tight whirlwind around the crown princess and queen.

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"Feilan, are you sure," she murmurs.

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She squeezes. "Trust me, Nina."

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(This would be a poetic turnaround from last year, a part of her can't help but notice.)

"I will."

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Loving smile. 

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And this crowd parts around them too, though more slowly, more confusedly, and it's too late to turn back because guards are stepping forward - 

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- Because the crown princess is rising from her icy throne, and the enormous isenvulf behind her is lifting his great head - 

Because the crowd princess takes a step forward and calls out, "Kielo!"

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- And the guards aren't blocking them, they're falling in as startled escorts.

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And Nina's Feilan - Kielo Grimjer, the younger of Fjerda's twin princesses, the one who's been sidelined from public view for the last five years - raises her chin, and smiles confidently, and says, "Did you miss me, sister?"

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She what.

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She what.

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And with the attention of the ballroom thoroughly occupied, Inej slips in next to Kaz. "We need to move," she says, lowly. "I have our destination."

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Blink blink. "Fuck. Yeah. Not going to get a better chance. Let's go."

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And to the courtyard.

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And Irina Grimjer, crown princess of Fjerda, steps off her dias, to the great consternation of her guards, and pulls her sister into a tight hug. "Of course I did, you idiot! I thought you'd died!"

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She hugs her sister back with the hand not holding on to Nina.

"I almost did." And she straightens as the hug ends. 

"Your Highness - Irina, my beloved sister - I'd like you to meet the woman who saved me thrice. Who pulled me from the icy waters. Who protected me from our enemies. Who led me out of Hell."

There's a shocked hush around them, and they're standing in a place designed to echo out royal words, and she's speaking loudly and confidently. This is not a private conversation. There's a sense of history hanging over their heads like a blade.

"And as your sister... If you give her any boon for my life, I would beg that you protect her, as she has protected me."

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"She has returned the youngest daughter of Fjerda to us. So long as the blood of Djel flows through these lands, so long as the voices of the white wolves resound over the tundra, she will have our favor as a hero of Fjerda." And she turns to Nina, and, with full sincerity, "Thank you."

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Damn, she really wishes the Darkling had sent someone more important to this party. This would make for really good leverage.

"It was the least I could do, Your Highness." She does try to match the princess's sincerity.

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(Might interfere with the improv political theater the Grimjer sisters are bouncing off each other, though. Gotta have the narrative under her control.)

She smiles at Nina. "What is your name, o' Hero of Fjerda?"

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- Which is interrupted by Jarl Brum, who finally shoulders his way through the crowd - the guards let him through, of course - and steps up next to the crown princess, carefully not touching her, and says in a low voice designed not to carry, "Your Highness, for the safety of you and your sister - I need to speak with you in private. About your... Guest."

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She looks like she's about to say something snappy - but then she glances at her sister. 

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...Who nods, a little. 

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Light smile. "It sounds like the good general needs me for something," she says to the crowd. And then to Nina: "And you both must be tired from your journey. Let's get you some good food and better clothes; niceties can wait."

And then she turns - and her own enormous isenvulf, whose shoulders had been as tall as the back of her throne stands, and holy fuck, the thing is massive. He would dwarf the Darkling's war horses; the heartiest draft horses might give him a run for his money, but nothing smaller. He towers over the humans present. 

And Irina Grimjer is an exceptionally short and slight woman, but the wolf makes those distinctions vanish. Rather, that he calls to her heel, and that he looks to her so devotedly, gives her a sense of majesty and authority, a great strength despite her small size. 

She leads them out, keeping her sister and Nina close - at her right hand - and her isenvulf paces at her left. Behind them, her mother the queen steps up to quietly and pleasantly take the reins of socialization, and the crown princess's guard - all women, at closer glance - fall in around them with the cadence of well-drilled soldiers.

(...One of them looks kind of like Jarl Brum, if Nina is glancing at their faces.)

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Play along, Nina. Yeah, right. Hopefully the princess stays on her side even out of public view.

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She squeezes Nina's hand again. 

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And they come to a private withdrawing room - not a very small one, given it needs to fit three wolves the size of varyingly sized horses, two royal princesses, an ¿honored guest?, a general, and a large contingent of guards - but given the wolves and the guards, it feels rather small for their group. Still, they all have room to move around, and there's seats if they wish to take them. 

Irina Grimjer doesn't take a seat, which means no one else does yet. 

"What is it, Jarl Brum?"

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He stands at attention. "Your Highness... I recognize that woman. She is Nina Zenik, one of our prisoners on the ship when it went down - a Grisha Heartrender and a Ravkan spy."

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She looks at her sister and Nina. "And what say you, Nina Zenik?"

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"Jarl Brum identifies me correctly. But what your sister said in the ballroom remains true."

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"And you, Kielo?"

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She looks firmly at her sister - at Jarl Brum - and says: "She did not know who I was until the moment we stood before you. She didn't even know I am grisha until after the first time she saved me. She rescued a stranger, one who had imprisoned her and was leading her to death or worse. She rescued an enemy of her people. And she came before you on my word alone, that I asked her to trust me. Fjerda showed her only cruelty - and she has returned it with compassion, loyalty, and trust."

"And I would trust her with your life, sister. I would not have brought her here otherwise."

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"Her kind cannot be trusted, Your Highness," Brum says, voice tight. 

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Kielo turns fully to him. "What kind?" she demands. "Ravkan? Or do you mean witch?"

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He regards her, expression stony. "They're treacherous when not controlled."

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She steps closer to him. "That is not what you said eight years ago," she says, voice low and intense. "The reasonable thing - the traditional thing - would have been for His Majesty to declare me illegitimate and have me killed. To have the Queen killed for her handmaiden's testimony, and remarry to a woman who could give him sons. That was the ruling of a man who thinks me treacherous."

"You chose to give me a chanceJarl Brum. You stood before the most powerful man in Fjerda and defended my family. You even made me drüskelle, honored of Djel. And if I'm a defiant child, one who takes risks none should and who steps beyond tradition, it's because I learned well from the man who's taught me more than any other."

"So trust me. Trust my loyalty." She stares him in the eye. "Trust your daughter's loyalty. Trust that our wolves do not serve Fjerda out of fear, but respect."

"And trust my judgment."

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His lips thin, and there's unreadable cracks in his stony facade. "I will not gainsay your Highnesses... But it is my job to be paranoid. I cannot protect you through blind trust."

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"It is your job to use your head!" she snaps. "You cannot protect Fjerda through blind distrust, either."

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He's quiet for a long moment, before saying, "I will take your words under consideration, Your Highness."

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Deep, shaky breath, and she holds Nina's hand tight. 

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"See that you do," Irina Grimjer says, trying to regain some control of the situation. "But I believe you have a job to do, Jarl. I will speak to our guest, and verify what I can of her intentions. But I trust that my guards will be sufficient against a single Heartrender."

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He looks deeply exasperated. Still: "As you command, Your Highness," he says before bowing deeply (though he doesn't sound happy about it still), and with one last warning glare at Nina, he and his isenvulf depart.

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Good riddance.

Trassel relaxes from being ready to leap in front of Nina slightly.

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Uh. Yeah. That was... a lot.

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...And then Kielo turns to her sister and says: "So. Don't be mad? But there's some stuff that's about to be really relevant about how we got in."

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...She face palms.

"Sister. I love you. But why are you like this," she grumbles.

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It is almost ten, huh. Whoops.

"...To be fair, this mostly isn't her fault?"

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"...Kiiinda is that they got this far."

"So... You know Jarl Brum's kinda too far experiments with controlling grisha? And the whole parem thing, and I'm hoping you know he supposedly has the inventor of parem?"

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"...The inventor of parem got killed in some crossfire between Kerch and Shu, we captured his daughter. But yes. Also: this thing where you give a big speech and convince someone to side with you, hinging on a mutual respect and bond, while plotting against them? That is the thing. That you keep doing."

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"I love Fjerda more, and you most, and I know you're opposed."

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"Go on."

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She gives an extremely fast and condensed summary of the chaos that's about to unfold! 

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"...You care about these people, too," Irina says, quietly. 

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"They also helped save you and bring you back to us." She shakes her head. "If any of them are captured in this, I'll see them set free. But I can't be seen interfering with Fjerda's self defense." She glances at Nina. "I could hinder any efforts to fire at their ship, though. Not killing Kuwei Kir-Bo is... A valid argument, there."

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"Jesper and Jana are going to be your bigger immediate problem."

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"...Yeah, and we don't - need to."

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" - Would they stop if Kielo or the both of you told them to? If I send you with just my guards..."

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"Guards will spook them. Probably won't trust her alone, but maybe me."

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"It'd be unsafe for you to go alone." She glances at her sister.

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"We'll have Trassel. She's worth a small army."

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Yep, that's right.

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Ear scritch.

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Sigh. "Get going, then. I'll cover for your absence."

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"Yes, Your Highness." She bows, then tugs Nina out and into the back corridors that'll take them most quickly to the druskelle sector. 

(...Which might be a good opportunity to talk, if Nina wants to.)

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What even is there to say?

"...I don't even know where to start."

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"...Sorry I kept that from you."

"...Also sorry about suddenly dragging you into Fjerda's internal politics."

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"I'd rather be dragged into politics than a prison cell. So."

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"I love you," she says, after a moment. "I love you, and I want peace between our peoples."

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"I love you too, Feilan."

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"Is peace something you'll help me work towards?"

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"I'll do what I can. This is already a big step, assuming the rest of the night doesn't go too badly."

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"I can maneuver for more than one thing at once," she teases.

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"Peace with Ravka... Safety for grisha... Removing parem... Getting one over on Kaz..."

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"I imagine she'll have some choice words for you when we meet back up."

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Unashamed grin. "Wish I could've seen the look on her face."

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"If Inej managed to see it, she might describe it for you later."

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"I'll be sure to ask."

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"Just uh, maybe give it a week or two."

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Snort. "I don't think I'm getting out of here on the same boat, so won't be a huge problem."

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"Maybe not."

"Which boat am I taking?"

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"...Whatever you want - I can get you."

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"Not that I'm trying to run away from you. But Kaz and the others won't exactly be sailing back to a parade, especially if the parem inventor is dead."

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"...I don't want to ditch them either. But - I need to do damage control here. At least for a few days."

"...If they want to lie low instead of leaving immediately, I could help with that, and - I could possibly leave with you all, then."

She doesn't really want to separate from Nina.

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"See how hot things are, I suppose."

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And they'll need to stop Jesper and Jana first - and she takes them the back way through the sector, through deserted halls where they can move at a near run, where they have a lower risk of encountering anyone who'd recognize Trassel.

They make it to the gate in time, at least - before ten bells - 

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- And before Jesper and Jana have taken the guards. 

They actually hear Jana first. She's staggering around on one of the walls, singing the national anthem - doing a very good tenor, and an excellent impression of a drunk but talented Fjerdan. Which seems to be successfully distracting all four guards - 

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From Jesper, who's lowering on a rope behind them -

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...No way he'll take them without killing everyone. 

- They haven't seen her and Nina yet. 

She drops their pulses, and all four thud to the ground after a concerning moment. 

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...Her song trails off, startled. 

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And Jesper looks around and hisses, "Nina?"

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"Jesper. Change of plans. We don't need the gate anymore."

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"...Where's Kaz and Inej?"

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"Should be retrieving the target about now. Long story short, she," Nina holds out a hand to Feilan, "is actually Fjerdan royalty. And there's a bit of a rift between the leader of the druskelle and the royal family, so we've kinda sorta got the other princess on our side too. As long as we don't make too big of a mess."

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He opens his mouth. Closes his mouth. Opens his mouth again. 

"...I now have additional questions."

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"Yeah, imagine how I feel."

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"Gonna explain at some point?"

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"Maybe," she says, as she goes to make it so the guards look like they were knocked out mundanely - it'll set off a sector breach but it'll look like the work of whoever took Kuwei. And it won't draw suspicion to the two grisha who just showed up...

(She could probably use Nina's help with this.)

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(Jana heads over to join their little group.)

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Nina will help with the guards.

"Ask again if we make it through the night."

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"Any changes to rendevous?"

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"Could be. There's a secret exit that Kaz and Inej may or may not take. We'll be going to check on them after this."

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"Where should we wait for news on that?"

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"Can we bring them back with us?" Nina asks Feilan.

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"...It'd be risky but - maybe. I can't easily intercede for all of you if something goes wrong, and there's not much space for - guests in my sister's rooms."

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"Other option I guess would be blending in with the guests leaving the party when it's over."

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" - Probably easier to just go over the wall and sneak out, especially before any alarms are sounded. I've done that... A few times. And this section of the wall is currently unwatched."

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"Or that."

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The guard's cloaks are reversible, dark grey on one side and white on the other - the better to blend in against different backgrounds if needed. It's easy enough to strip all four (and send the extra two cloaks with Jesper and Jana). 

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Hopefully that works out.

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Feilan and Nina can keep watch here until they're out of sight... 

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Hopefully nothing happens.

Are they going to call in the alert or let someone else do that?

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Let someone else. The later it is, the better. 

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All right. Then they should make a clean getaway.

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Especially since they're pretty practiced at keeping low and moving quickly. 

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"They're out of sight," she says a few minutes after they went over the wall. 

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"Let's go check on Kaz and Inej?"

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"If we can find them."

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"Start with where they stashed the parem maker's daughter and go from there?"

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"If they actually got out successfully the way I told them too..." She hesitates then, suddenly. 

"...Are you going back to Ravka?"

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"What do you mean, go back?"

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" - Are you going to report on - the things you learn here - to Ravka's leadership or the Second Army."

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"Not unless you and your sister both- die, or something, and someone like Brum takes over."

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"I told Inej a safe way off White Island. There's a few places it possibly lets out, but one that Kaz and Inej are most likely to use."

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"You could take me back to your sister, then go check by yourself."

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Soft smile. 

"Sounds like a plan."

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"Let's do it."

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Time to slip back onto White Island, then, where her sister is issuing commands to her guards where they left her. 

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"Trip successful?"

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"Yes. Though I'd like to leave Nina with you while I check on something else."

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"...You still won't take guards?"

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"I'll still have Trassel," she teases. 

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She smiles despite herself. "Very well. I'll get your friend settled in to our rooms - it'll be safer there, and we can pretend you're with her for a while."

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"Do you think that'll be enough for the right of intercession?"

(That being the traditional right of any member of the royal family to intercede in an arrest or prosecution by literally putting their body between the accused and the law. Somewhat of a natural outcome of considering your royalty sacred and untouchable.)

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"Legally and traditionally, it is. Especially since I'll leave a few of my guards - including Hanne."

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"Sounds like a plan to me." She glances at Nina. "Are you alright with that?"

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"I'll trust you."

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She squeezes her hand again. And to her sister: "I'll walk her down. Help sell it, and then you can go back to your job..."

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"Good girl."

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And to Nina, before she can start blushing too badly: "Let's go."

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Kinkier than she thought, okay.

"After you."

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A couple of Irina's guards peel off - including the one that looks kind of like Jarl Brum - to accompany them back to a richly appointed and large suite of rooms (all in the white and blue and grey colors of the royal family), with no exterior windows but instead lights behind thick translucent glass panels to give an illusion of sunlight. The rooms feel deep - and they go down several flights of stairs - and look sturdy, with solid floors and thick walls that are only a little softened by a plush carpet and heavy tapestries and cloth wallpaper. There's a single large bed in a cavernous room deep in the suite, with what are possibly enormous dog beds at the side and foot.

"These are our - my and Irina's - rooms."

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"How luxurious. I guess that's royalty for you."

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"And now you get to stay in them."

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"Which bed, though?"

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"I sleep at the foot, with Trassel..."

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"Oh, I see."

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"I'm - my sister's."

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"I hope she's good for you."

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"She is."

"And - it's a different kind of good for me than you are?" Almost shy, almost cocky grin. "You're good for me, too."

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"Glad to know I'm not redundant."

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"I love you too much for that."

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Kisses! Melty kisses, even. 

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"I don't know that I'm emotionally ready to sleep at your sister's feet, though."

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"We can figure something out." Kiss! "Or bring you around."

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"Going to hit me with some teamwork?"

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"I'm excellent at working with others, I'll have you know."

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"I suppose I haven't had much chance to see you express that quality."

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"You're getting to see a lot of new sides of me today."

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"Hidden depths."

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"And what do you think of them so far?"

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Seems mostly positive, so far.

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Kiss. "Only mostly?"

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"Selfishly, I was hoping for you to be drawn further to my side, rather than me being drawn to yours."

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She cups Nina's cheek. 

"You've convinced me to want peace. You're convincing me that it's possible."

"I don't want there to be a 'my side' or a 'your side' anymore."

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"That's a future worth fighting for."

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Soft, loving kiss. 

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(She'll figure things out, somehow.)

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...Though in the meantime she should go find Kaz and Inej before they get too far. 

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Good luck.

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"I'll be back before you know it." And she sets out with Trassel.

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Which leaves Nina all alone. Except for the guards, of course.

"So... what's the procedure here? Am I supposed to pretend to ignore you, or do we make friends, or...?"

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One of them pulls off her helm.

She definitely looks like Jarl Brum. She doesn't look much like a proper Fjerdan woman, either - her dark hair is shorn close to her head, and her features are rough, and she's got a scar under her right eye that she wears proudly. 

"We can make friends," she says, raising one of her eyebrows. "I'd like to get to know you, anyways."

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"Nina Zenik. And you?"

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"I'm Hanne Brum."

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"Good to meet you, Hanne. Ah, any relation...?"

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"Jarl Brum is my father, yes."

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"Must be a lot to live up to."

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Shrug. "That's not something I really think about. He's my father. And he's tried to keep me out of politics - being an age mate to the princesses has been a bigger deal, there." She's entirely plausibly the same age as the Grimjer sisters, actually, maybe at most a year younger. And she seems comfortable in these rooms, beyond how the other guards hold themselves. 

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"I suppose it would be. You've known them a long time, then?"

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"Nearly as long as I can remember."

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"Got any good stories?"

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"Are you looking for embarrassing childhood stories to tease Kielo with, or insight into the fucked up interpersonal politics going on?"

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"Both, if I can get it."

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"Kielo used to tell everyone she spoke to that she's actually a wolf. And she'd act like it, too, whenever she could get away with it. My mother always joked she took people saying 'she belongs with the wolves' about her - something we say about girls who don't fit in with what's expected of them - a bit too literally. And my parents let her get away with it, whenever she was staying with us."

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"And I don't think she's ever really grown out of it, just gotten more subtle."

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"No, yeah, I can see it. I think Trassel just enables her."

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"Trassel definitely enables her."

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"How did they meet?"

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"All members of the royal family - and all druskelle - have an isenvulf companion; traditionally with royals, they're introduced on their thirteenth birthday. Kielo was already - revealed, by then, as a grisha. My father took her in, and after she turned twelve - he decided to have her trained as a druskelle. So she met Trassel with the other young druskelle, when they go to meet and be selected by the new pups."

"Trassel wasn't one of those pups, though - from Kielo's story, Trassel had escaped from the area the young isenvulf are raised as a puppy, and had been injured by some local kids. She returned, but refused to let any humans near her, attacking anyone who tried to get close."

"According to my father... Kielo was rejected by the isenvulf puppies, and went off on her own. This is - pretty normal, when young druskelle get rejected, so he let her be. But as they were wrapping up, he went to look for her - and found her in Trassel's enclosure, sleeping curled up with Trassel."

"Trassel then bit him when he tried to wake Kielo up - he has a pretty bad scar on his arm, which he always shows off and laughs about when telling this story."

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"Not sure I'd laugh about something like that."

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"I got the impression Trassel feels... rather seriously about Jarl Brum."

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"She doesn't really like anyone - except you, maybe."

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Maybe that's an indictment of everyone's character, she doesn't say.

"Guess I should be thankful to be an outlier there."

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"Trassel might see something in you."

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"Maybe the same thing Kielo does."

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"It's been a while since I've seen her so happy..."

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"Even in the current situation?"

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"Kielo loves this sort of thing. Shoving things over and landing on her feet on the chaos."

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"I'll have to stay on my guard for that."

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"So you can help her, or so you can advise her to not?"

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"Little of column A, little of column B."

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Then: "...Did you have any specific questions?"

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"How does the princess's guard feel about her Grisha sister?"

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" - We're handpicked by the princess, and Her Highness listens to her sister on matters of personal judgment. And Kielo has a talent for seeing into people's hearts."


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She passes a hand over her head - 

And her hair grows out. 

It's a rather remarkable display of skill with Tailoring. Genya Safin is better, of course... But Hanne is untrained. 

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"I'm a Healer as well, though I don't have Kielo's skill with animals." Most - nearly all - Corporalki don't.

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"It's pretty rare that anyone does."

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"I guess so."

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"So you're self-taught?"

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Shrug. "Yeah."

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"Must have been hard for you."

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"Hiding it was hard. Using it - it's like breathing." Dry laugh. "I got so angry at papa that he was letting Kielo be a boy and use her gifts and even join the druskelle, but had to start thinking about growing into a respectable woman, that I came out to him in the middle of a fight."

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"I see you're not in chains, at least."

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"...I wouldn't have told him, if not for Kielo."

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"Did she protect you?"

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"He protected her."

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She drags her hand through her hair - and it melts back into her, leaving her with her normal shorn haircut. 

"Kielo referenced it earlier - eight years ago, she got found out as a grisha." That'd make her ten at the time; only very slightly precocious for manifesting. "She healed a badly injured dog she found."

"She was dragged before the king; Irina and I were told to go to her room and stay there. We snuck out and hid so we could - watch. The king was - talking about how Kielo was a demon who'd snuck into his household. He was going to kill her - no one else could have, legally. Royal bodies are sacred. And then the queen's handmaiden came forward, and - the queen had apparently miscarried all of her pregnancies. The handmaiden accused her of having had a captive grisha Healer brought to her, and promising the woman freedom for herself and her daughter if she'd help the queen carry to term - and then had that grisha and her daughter killed after safely giving birth. The king was - "

"I think he was about to have her killed, and declare her daughters illegitimate. Kielo started begging for Irina's life; I rushed out of hiding and put myself between her and the king - I don't know what I expected that to do. Treason is a death sentence."

"My father arrived then - he'd been out of the castle, and had hurried back as soon as he received the messenger - and he interrupted, and got everything repeated to him."

"And then - and then he turned to Kielo. He asked her what she was. And she just... Looked at him, and started crying for the first time, and said 'I'm Irina's wolf.'"

"He talked the king - more like shouted at the king, really - into letting my father take Kielo into his custody, to do with as he saw fit. He was the leader of the druskelle, the one with the direct remit to handle capturing and controlling grisha, and - the king gave him a lot of latitude, and Papa was... Already used to how to argue this kind of thing. He'd gotten the king to abolish the death penalty for being grisha a few years before, and was working on outlawing murdering grisha..."

"Papa escorted her - and me - back to her rooms to get anything she couldn't part with, and then she just... Came back to our house with us, and moved into my room."

"Papa said a lot of stupid things about making her useful to Fjerda as a weapon. About how if his experiment with her worked, he might be able to talk the king into using grisha properly - Papa's in favor of stealing good ideas from our enemies - but. She slept in my room, all the way up until Papa moved us to a bigger house so she could have her own space. And Papa didn't treat her any differently from how he treated me, or from how he treated the younger druskelle who were constantly coming by for advice or just - someone who'd listen to them."

"...The king wanted all unnaturalness to be burned from the world. Papa wanted a Second Army."

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"That's- better."

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"...He isn't perfect. I'm angry at him for a lot, and he's fucked up massively before, and he can be a overbearing asshole."

"But he isn't a bad father."

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"I've no grounds to criticize him on that front."

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"...If you're dating Kielo, you're going to have to - be around him."

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And then she smiles, suddenly. "Actually... Next time you see him, you should ask him for her hand in marriage - just make sure I'm in the room to see his face."

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"Should I call her his apprentice or his daughter?"

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"'Daughter' would get some funny expressions out of both of them."

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"As long as he doesn't get it mixed up with you, I guess."

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"You'd have to specify."

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"Does 'the wolfy one' work, or would Trassel's presence confuse things further?"

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"Might be best to just use her name."

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"But which one? She has so many."

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"Papa will recognize either Kielo or Kullervo."

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She laughs. "Any other advice you need?"

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"Oh, lots, I'm sure. But nothing else leaps immediately to mind."

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"Make yourself at home, then."

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Nina will do so.

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Some time before...

Inej leads Kaz out into the sheltered courtyard containing the sacred ash - and to the Treasury beyond. "Helvar said here's likely," she murmurs as they skirt around the large and open space. 

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"She'd know. Apparently."

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"I can't believe I missed that."

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"It does explain how much she knew about the Ice Court going in. And that dog."

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"...And getting away with being grisha but in their army."

"They'd have wanted to cover that up."

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"She's got the connections for it."

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"Hopefully she has the connections to get us all out, then."

Speaking of... They're nearly at the Treasury. 

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Is it too late to just load up a sack full of valuables and call it a day? Probably. Better get searching for their human target, then.

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The treasury is big - but there's pretty clearly a better protected back section, and only one door with a guard posted. 

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Who Inej makes quick work of, before he can sound an alarm. 

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"Nice." And Kaz gets to work on the lock.

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It's tough - one of the newer quatrefoil locks, meant to keep out people just like her. 

Of course, it's Kerch make, which means she has an idea how to manage it - especially if she gets Inej on one or two of the linked locks. 

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It's a tight squeeze. But. She'll make room. For- efficiency's sake.

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Inej is fortunately skinny and acrobatic enough to minimize contact. 

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Her Wraith is always the best.

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Kaz's best girl. 

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Damn straight.

And with a few final clicks, the lock pops open and the door reveals...

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...a laboratory setup, and a young Shu girl.

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...Not who they were expecting.

"Bo Yul-Bayur?" she asks, then repeats the code phrase they were given by Van Eck, to indicate they were sent by the Kerch.

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"My father is dead. I'm all you get."

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Oh, fuck's sake.

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" - Fjerda's having you recreate your father's work?"

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"That is their want."

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Nod. "We're getting you out of here."

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"So you can sell me to someone else. I understand."

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"We don't want Fjerda to have parem, and we want to profit from this. The exact terms are negotiable."

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"I also do not want Fjerda to have parem. I think we have grounds for negotiation."

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"Let's get you out first. Time's short."

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"Yes. One moment."

She begins smashing up glasswork.

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She can help ransack the lab. 

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Breaking shit is easy. A little cathartic.

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There's not much to it, in the end.


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"Anything we need to grab?"

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"No. I was brought here with nothing. I leave with nothing, having surrendered nothing."

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Grin! "Then let's get out of here." Helvar luckily gave her pretty good directions for that hidden stairwell... She'll lead the way again. 

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Gotta respect Kir-Bo's flair for the dramatic, at least.

Hopefully they don't run into any trouble.

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The nice thing about using an ¿evacuation corridor? given to you by royalty is it tends to be extremely minimal on trouble.

They're able to avoid any guard patrols, though the door out is locked - not beyond Kaz's skills, but when it shuts behind them it settles with a heavy clunk as the lock resets. There's no way to open it evident from the other side. 

The hidden staircase takes them deep into the rock - the passageway pretty quickly turns from hewn to a rough staircase inside a natural and uneven crevace, with several steep drops including a few precarious climbs down, letting out eventually into a tiny platform overlooking a chasm - the entrance likely isn't visible from below, and they have to squeeze through a narrow crack for much of the final stretch. 

The chasm might be a problem, though. Inej could possibly climb down... But the climb ends in a river currently tumbling through chaotic rapids over jagged rocks. Large stalactites loom from the ceiling, several cutting off the views of their little platform.

"...That's going to be tough," Inej says, her brow furrowed. "...There were a lot of turns earlier, some of them might have been full paths. I can double back to check them out?" They have rope on them, too, but... Probably not enough for this, unless there are hidden platforms below them. 

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"I can create a path. I think."

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"There's got to be an existing path." Helvar wouldn't have told her otherwise. "And I don't want to leave evidence we came this way..."

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"Better to leave a trail than actually be caught."

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"Let me scout, first?"

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"That is what I pay you for."

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"Best to get your money's worth." She'll scout downwards first, actually - it'll be quicker than searching the numerous crevices and crannies of the cave system behind them. She flips over the edge, and scurries down the rock face. 

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Kuwei would prefer not lingering here. But maybe if they are caught she will have the courage to jump, this time.

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Inej returns quickly, at least, and says, "I've found a path that's doable with the rope. It might be tricky if your balance is bad, though." That last is directed at Kuwei.

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"I will manage. And if not, Fjerda will not have parem."

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"I can tie a guideline to you if you're at all unsure."

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"Yeah, let's do that. That display was a little too much latent suicidality for my liking."

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"...Very well."

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Very secure guideline (with a knot Kuwei will have serious trouble getting off herself) it is, then. 

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Let's see if they can get to the bottom without dying.

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Inej is essential for the operation, but - they can. There's a series of thin platforms that'd be invisible if you didn't know where they were (or if you couldn't just clamber around like a lizard), and Inej can lower Kaz and Kuwei between them then scurry to catch up (with a few muttered complaints about wishing she had some climbing gear for the other two). (Kaz rarely gets to see Inej show off like this, but the ways she's climbing are genuinely insanely impressive - she's finding tiny cracks and lodging her body between odd lines a lot to keep momentum, and also many of the cracks are in locations Kaz flat out wouldn't be able to reach between - Inej is folding her body in half or crossing her limbs very oddly at a lot of points.)

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Kaz has absolutely no idea how this constitutes a viable escape route, and is once again extremely thankful she has Inej on her side.

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(It's very likely Kuwei would have fallen more than once without the aid of the guiderope.)

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Possibly they missed something that someone leaving legitimately would've had - or Fjerda just expects all its royalty to be superhumanly fit, which would track - but, yeah. (She can see why Helvar wasn't too reluctant to reveal this; it'd be hell to take advantage of.)

She gets them to where the rapids end, and the pathway drops to nearly level with the river and then widens out. 

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"Well, that was terrifying. Let's never do it again."

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"I don't know... It was kind of fun for me. A new challenge."

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"I'll take you somewhere with tall cliffs after this."

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"It's a date."

Here's a good place to catch their breath (for Kaz and Kuwei at least; Inej is ready to keep going and is thinking of scouting ahead more while the other two rest), but - they'll need to push on pretty soon.

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A break would be welcome. That was significantly more exercise than Kuwei has been afforded in some time.

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She'll move ahead, then. 

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Leaving Kaz and Kuwei to wait.

"Any questions so far?"

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"Or a thank you, or anything."

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"When we are out of Fjerda, I will thank you."

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Inej returns before too long, raising an eyebrow at but not commenting on the tension between them. "The river lets out into the gorge," she says. "The ceiling drops low - we're going to have to crouch, and be careful of wet rock, but the gorge should be relatively easy to get out of."

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"Finally, some good news. Let's go."

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She leads the way out - the ceiling does in fact drop very low, but once they're past it and into the gorge everything gets easier. There's an actual bank, with shallows alongside it instead of the swift-flowing water, and they can see better without the need of bonelights, since a full moon is currently shining. The gorge walls are still steep, but they're climbable, and there's routes through.

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...There are also three white wolves waiting for them. Familiar wolves, if Inej and Kaz can recognize the scars on the wolves Helvar rescued from Hellgate.

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Kuwei shrinks back, away from the wolves.

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"...They might be friendly."

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"Without Helvar here? Tough sell."

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"Hello?" she calls to the wolves.

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...One of them wags their tail at least?

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"Okay, maybe they are friendly."

"You three here to escort us out or what?" she calls.

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"Okay, I'll go first. Inej, if they decide to eat me, throw a rock or something at them, yeah?"

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"I'll stay alert."

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"Appreciate it."

And Kaz will emerge from the cave.

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The wolves hop away, then look at her, and one tosses its head up the gorge, towards one of the potential paths - not the most obvious one, though. And it picks the bank leading away from the Ice Court.

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Promising. She beckons the others to follow.

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One of the wolves stays behind, while the other two lead Kaz, Inej, and Kuwei onto a barely visible game trail - one ending in what looks like an out of season hunter's rest. There's no food, but there's a pump well and blankets (helpful, given the freezing night air and the fact that the water spray meant they're somewhat damp). It's well concealed, too, and there's a very hidden hunter's perch in a tree nearby.

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"Think we can rest here for the night?"

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"It'll mean missing the rendezvous with the ship... But it's defensible and hidden, and the path was clear enough we didn't leave tracks. And they'll be searching the harbor."

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"Might be better than pushing through unfamiliar terrain in the dark."

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"And we still don't know where Jesper and Jana are, or if Helvar and Nina will be able to rejoin..." They haven't heard Black Protocol yet, even though it should be time.

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"They won't be able to find us here. Nina or Helvar, maybe, if that wolf waits for them."

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"...If we get lucky."

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"Which we usually don't," Kaz acknowledges.

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"I'll keep watch first."

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"Appreciate it, Wraith."

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"You need your beauty sleep, after all."

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"It's a public service."

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"The Fjerdans should get to appreciate your pretty face."

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"Not sure they deserve it."

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"They deserve to be left pining."

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Kuwei is going to go make herself comfortable while those two... flirt.

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They'll calm down about it eventually. 

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That is good.

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...In time to hear the soft sound of footsteps approaching up the trail. 

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Shit. Who's there?

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- Looks like Helvar.

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"And Trassel." She picks up her pace, coming into easier voice range. "Wanted to make sure you get away clean."

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"As long as you didn't bring your royal guards with you."

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"Trassel's all I need."

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"Yeah, all right."

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"Nina's secure, and we caught up with Jana and Jesper before they could set off Black Protocol - though one might still go off when they notice Kuwei missing, and Yellow Protocol got set off for the prison sector, is about to be for the druskelle sector, which will trigger Brum to check Kuwei."

"...Irina is distracting Brum, but he'll think to secure his prisoner soon. This location is fairly hidden at least. Though Jana and Jesper were heading to the prior rendezvous point - do you want me to try to intercept them?"

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"Wasn't sure we could make it in the dark."

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"I'd be able to, though... I can't be gone too long."

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"Would showing us the way take too long?"

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"It shouldn't. And then I don't have to lead them back, so."

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"All right. We'll go with you."

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"Let's get going."

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No sleep. Very well. She will continue to trust this is not a trap.

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Doesn't seem to be - though it's definitely a lot more exercise. 

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Ah, cunningly they have devised a way to exhaust her to death.

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It isn't too far, at least - and she slows slightly when she notices Kuwei struggling to keep up - and she can then leave them with the other two Dregs and head back to Nina.

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They'll take it from here. Good luck with the girlfriend, princess.

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"Thanks," she says, brightly, because she expects that's more annoying than acknowledging the sarcasm. "I'll try to get her back to you when it's safe to do so..."

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"Try not to take too long. We're going to be pinched on this end, too."

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"I'll work quickly."

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"No mourners."

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"No funerals."

And she's off. 

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Nina's glad to see her, when she gets back.

"I'm glad you're back safe."

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"I'm glad to see you safe." Soft kiss? 

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"How'd things go?"

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"Everyone's reunited and uninjured, including Kuwei. They also got slightly lost on the way out I told Inej about - Inej ensured they escaped anyways, but the route they took would be harder to exploit... I'll let Irina know to have it sealed up, too."

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"They're always helping."

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"Removes a lot of my qualms about having shown them it."

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"I don't think you would have had to worry about Kaz and Inej using it against you. Inej at least had started to like you, and Kaz wouldn't have made her angry by betraying you."

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"Kuwei might've been an issue, though. We don't know for sure what her future holds, and she doesn't have any reason to be loyal to us."

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"Has pretty good reason to fuck you over, in fact."

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"And I don't think Inej's fondness of me will extend to keeping Kuwei quiet."

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"It'd be hard for her to arrange."

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Nod. "A major reason."

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"Well, solve the problem where you can."

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"Guards us from someone getting lucky ‐ or being extremely thorough - too."

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"Can't overlook that."

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"It's a constant risk."

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"Good thing you're on the case."

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"No idea what they'd do here without me."

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"Fumble in the dark, no doubt."

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"So. Any other cleanup that needs to happen tonight?"

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"...Brum's going to find Kuwei missing soon." Red Protocol had been called before she made back in, for the dual breach in the prison and druskelle sectors. 

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"Are you going to try to head him off?"

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"I don't think it'd be worth it. We need to distance ourselves."

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"He'll be suspicious enough without that. It's a hell of a coincidence."

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"Not much of one as it may seem - Hringkalla is the best time to get as far as we did. Me, sneaking you onto White Island to get royal protection... And a totally separate crew capitalizing on the chaos to make their escape."

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"Let's hope he sees it your way."

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"As long as he can't prove to the king that wasn't the case..."

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"I could distract him by asking for your hand in marriage."

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- !!!

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Ha, now it's Nina's turn to surprise.

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Hmmmm. Trassel is in favor of this idea, actually.

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She recovers her balance eventually and says, "Druskelle are allowed to wed..."

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"Is that approval of this plan?"

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Blush!!! "Yeah. It is."

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More kiss!

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Very good.

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They do in fact find Kuwei missing pretty soon - and Nina is kept out of the ensuing arguments and planning, mostly, at least the first wave of them. 

She does get visited by an very intense Jarl Brum - in Irina's rooms with Irina's guards (including Hanne Brum), so the two princesses can step out without losing Nina the protection of their intercession. 

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"Oh, Jarl. I was hoping you'd stop by."

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He sends her a severe look. "Why?"

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"Why, the most important question a family man can answer."

"Jarl Brum, may I take your daughter's hand in marriage?"

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That gets her a pole-axed Jarl Brum, who turns into a sputtering Jarl Brum, who then goes angrily red in the face and opens his mouth, who then glances at his daughter Hanne (and properly registers she's in the room) and goes back to spluttering.

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Oh man, this as great as promised.

"Your, ah, other daughter, sir."

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(Okay he honestly had not been that surprised by a woman asking to marry Hanne. She used to crossdress. He knows she used to crossdress. He tried to get her to stop crossdressing. He was continually bracing for some wild politically delicate misunderstanding spiraling from it.)


This knocks his brain pretty firmly offline. He opens and closes his mouth like a fish who doesn't know where to start.

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(Trassel, who stuck around just inside the door in order to witness this, is doing the wolfish equivalent of snickering.)

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Nina waits patiently for Brum to come back to himself, as though she's done absolutely nothing out of the ordinary.

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"...Are you joking?" he gets out eventually, sounding offended.

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"Of course not, Jarl. My intentions are genuine."

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He's quiet for a long, tense moment, before saying, voice tight, "Only the King has the right to give Kielo's hand in marriage. It would be... Disrespectful of his Majesty for any other to do so, even Irina as co-regent - and if you value your head, you will not ask him that."

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"I won't, then."

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"I had some questions for you about how you came here..." And there follows the expected grilling.

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Interrogation is so much easier to handle when her interrogator doesn't, actually, have the power to meaningfully threaten her physically or psychologically.

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(Kielo's worked on him already, too, and it isn't in his best interest - for any of his goals - to contradict her.)

(Nina is starting to get a sense of the undercurrents in this court - of the king versus Irina, in public united as co-regents to smooth the way for her eventual unprecedented status as Queen Regnant of Fjerda, but often bitterly opposed. Of Jarl Brum, at odds with Irina in public, widely considered part of the old guard, the most conservative man active in politics - intensely critical of the king behind closed doors. Never in words, never openly, at least not before Nina. And the mutual dislike between him and Irina - bridged behind the scenes by Kielo, bringing their actions into alignment.)

(Nina sees Kielo's touch on a lot of things, actually. Especially when speaking to Brum - Kielo's influence over her mentor is possibly far higher than even over her sister.)

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(No one can accuse her of inaction.)

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And with that on top of her own skill - she's able to get out of the interrogation with him at least not having gotten anything, even if his suspicions aren't entirely dismissed yet. 

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Nina will count that as a victory.

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It's close enough. 

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...Gives them time to rest, too.

It's been a long day - they got up early, and slept little before - and now it's dawn soon. 

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A good day's work.

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Only question then is sleeping arrangements...

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Seems like they're going to have to share.

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Feilan's normal sleeping spot is at Irina's feet. 

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Then it seems like Nina will be there too. For tonight, anyway.

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Curling up together is nice. 

(And she gets treated to the sight of Feilan kneeling before her sister before bed, too. As a bonus.)

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A tasty little morsel.

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She sleeps better than she has in over a year, that night.

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She deserves it.

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It's been a long year, yeah...

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Catch up while she can.

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Hit the ground running in the morning. 

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Before the ground runs away from them.

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It doesn't have a chance. 

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That's the spirit.

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(Though Irina tries to let them both sleep in.)

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How excessively considerate.

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Just looking out for her baby sister. 

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Commendable attitude. Speaks well for her future as a ruler.

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Part of how she earned Kielo's loyalty. 

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She's definitely been enjoying the benefits. 

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As well she should.

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And she's plenty content to sleep in a bit that morning. Get done extra time to cuddle Nina and Trassel - to feel that this is real. 

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Mmmm yes very good.

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Alas, they can't stay in bed forever.

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World won't save itself.

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And they're ready to face the new day, now. 

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What's it got for them?

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A court abuzz about the disruptions the day before, foreign visitors trying to overstay their welcome, disgruntled druskelle boys... And the quiet manhunt for Kuwei and whoever took her.

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Quiet manhunt means they've not yet been caught, so that's a positive.

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Though getting Nina back to them might be complicated...

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Yeah, doubtful that Brum will just let her walk off.

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They'll work on it - and things will calm down over time. 

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How much time, though?

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...She doesn't know.

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Kaz isn't going to wait forever. Or even all that long, she suspects.

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She'll get Nina back to Ketterdam if Kaz takes off without her. 

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It's the least she can do. 

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It's considerably more than nothing.

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"You're worth it."

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So, about that business they should be seeing to...

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"We need to focus on getting you back to your crew without messing up anything here..."

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"Hardest part is explaining my absence. Since my introduction was, uh, kind of a big deal."

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Slow nod. "And Jarl Brum - and honestly Irina - would want to keep you close; they wouldn't be happy if you said you were leaving with the Ravkan delegation."

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"Unfinished business back in Ketterdam, maybe. It's halfway to true."

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"Could work... Especially if it's something you wouldn't trust to delegate."

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"Could it be secret, so that we don't have to have any specific answer?"

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"That'd be appropriate for Ketterdam. But Jarl Brum would get suspicious... Could be something of my business..."

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"Revenge on someone?"

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"He'd believe it."

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"As long as he doesn't try to help."

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"He's hopefully too busy."

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Only thing for it is to try...

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Then they should set about it.

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It's slow, delicate work - but they're able to keep together, and even get a few breaths of fresh air without Brum or any courtiers breathing down their necks. 

Though there's a younger druskelle who interrupts one of those refreshing breaks - he looks nervous. Furtive. Like he's up to something. 

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"Something you need?"

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He picks up his pace, getting closer to them, his jitters clearly not resolving. "You're that Ravkan witch," he says, and then his gaze darts to Kielo.

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Very suspicious. "Yes..."

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"Do not come any closer," she commands, eyes narrowed. "Your princess speaks." She signals to Trassel. 

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- And he lunges - 

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- Kielo shoves Nina back ‐

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Trassel lunges at the interloper-

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- And he closes his eyes and holds his breath and throws a haphazard powder-bomb of an odd orangeish powder at Kielo and Nina - 

It misses Nina, thanks to Kielo having pushed her back, and a light wind stealing some of it. It does not miss Kielo herself. 

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She closes her eyes and holds her breath too, but - it's not enough. 

The world speeds up. It's so... Clear. Perfect. Beautiful. 

And she can see how it's put together - 

"Stop," she says, dreamily. 

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- He freezes, dropping the weapon he'd been trying to raise against Trassel. 

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Hm don't like that.

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"Tell us who sent you," she says, still dreamily.

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"Djel." He stares ahead, blankly, and his voice is an eerie even tone. "Jarl Brum forbade us from targeting the witch. He is compromised. And then I recognized Kullervo's isenvulf."

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(That would be her false name while she was pretending to be a boy and training as one of the drüskelle.)

"You will report what you have done, and how you accessed the parem, to Jarl Brum and her Highness Irina Grimjer. You will never communicate nor act unless asked to by me, Jarl Brum, or Irina Grimjer, and you will say nothing but what we direct you to." And then she says to Nina and Trassel: "I can see everything - the brain is so wonderful - everything is - it's all one - "

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"Feilan, you're not acting like yourself."

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"I'm more than myself." She tilts her head, the motion strange and eerie, and Nina gets a faint sense that something in her body is shifting, changing. (She has a lot of old injuries. Why not heal them?)

"That was jurda parem," she says. "A most inventive attack, isn't it? If you believe the princess is a witch but no one else will see." She raises her hands, stares at the backs. "And now - I can see how everything is put together. The whole world."

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"Stop. You need to ask before healing me."

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She stops, but stares at Nina a bit blankly. "Why? I can do anything now." Head tilt. "Until this wears off."

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"-Just because you can, doesn't mean you should."

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Blink blink. 

Haltingly: "...We should - tell Irina and Brum. And - '

"I need to leave. I need to - I need to not be here. Not in Fjerda. Not near parem. When this wears off."

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"Yeah. You can come back to Ketterdam with me."

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- And she steps forward and slumps against Nina, clinging to her a bit. "I don't want to give this up..."

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Hug. "It'll be okay. I've got you."

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"...Love you."

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"Love you too."

"Trassel. We to tell Brum and the princess, quietly."

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Yeah. Trassel can make that happen.

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They're summoned into a private - and secure - chamber, with both Jarl Brum and Irina.

"What happened?" Brum demands. 

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"Kielo was dosed with parem. By one of your druskelle." (Trassel punctuates this with a growl.) "The culprit is- beyond help, but the fact that he is should be proof enough for you. We're leaving, before the drug wears off. She needs to be somewhere safe to recover and... Fjerda isn't that."

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"A ship or the wilds are not safe!" he says, nearly shouting. "She'll drown herself trying to get back to land for more. And she can't - " 

He goes quiet. 

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"Kielo - I can't lose you again. I can't - I can't send you away, and have you never return. Stay. We'll keep you comfortable, even if - even if you refuse to take another dose."

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"...I don't want you to see me like that."

To Jarl Brum: "Let me have my pride. I'd rather drown than debase myself. And I'd rather die free than live yoked to that abomination of a drug."

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"Is there no way to - ?"

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"There's no antidote. Another corporalnik on parem can remove it - "

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...Sigh. "We haven't been able to keep any, even if you agreed. Corporalnik - are more dangerous, and far worse affected."

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"Let me go. I can't - I can't die in this palace. Let me go to the open sea or the ice."

"And if you love me - if you want to do one shred of penace before Djel for failing to protect me - then stop this abominable thing."

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He falls silent, expression shuttered.

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Yeah, well, maybe he'll learn a valuable lesson or something.

"I regret that our time together was so brief, your highness. I will safeguard your sister with all the power I have at my disposal."

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Tight, upset nod - and she flings herself forward to hug her sister. 

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While Brum turns to Nina. "By her words, you have saved her life twice - if by some miracle of Djel, you return her to us a third time... You will have any boon it is in my power to grant."

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"I will... keep that in mind."

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He has suggestions, for how to ease the withdrawal - though no one to his knowledge has ever successfully gone off parem; they keep taking it, or they die. 

But... They'll need to leave soon, if they want to be off dry land by the time the withdrawal hits.

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Then they had best be going.

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They can get departure expedited, at least. 

She transfers custody of the drüskelle that attacked her, and then - they can set out (to find the other Dregs, first). 

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"There you a- the fuck happened?"

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"Parem. I avoided it but she was hit."

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"And they're kicking the liability out of the house?"

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"I don't want - my sister seeing me like that."

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"Might be less likely to shoot the ship out of the harbor if you're aboard, anyway. Let's go."

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They can leave more quickly, too.


She's still high when they get on the ship, if there's any plans Kaz can think up with a corporalnik who currently has no real limits. 

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Oh, perhaps one or two...

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Happy to be of help. 

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The withdrawal will be painful.

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...Yeah. She knows. 

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She has seen Grisha survive it, though. If that helps.

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"...I haven't heard about that."

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"Something to live for besides your power helps, I think. Because that does not come back."

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"...I've never been able to live for my power." Though she's terrified to lose that. Somehow more than she's terrified to die. 

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"Then perhaps you will not die for it."

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"That's the hope..."

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"Good luck."

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She... Wants to retreat, now. Go curl up with Nina and Trassel.

She still has some energy to finish Kaz's requests, but - she thinks this will wear off pretty soon after. 

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They'll keep her safe.

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There's only so much they can do when the withdrawal hits, though. Except hold her, and help ease the physical discomfort. (And help her resist the urge to try to turn the ship back - or swim back - for more.)

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"I have more parem," Kuwei tells Kaz, on the other side of the ship.

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"What the fuck for?"

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"Would giving Helvar a small dose make the comedown easier?"

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"...It would stop the screaming."

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"By getting her high again."

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"I've got wax if you need it. But don't dose her again."

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"Best to hide that from her, too."

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"Very well."

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"...I can see why Nina and Helvar would rather parem not exist."

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"It's a trap in a lot of ways."

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"And it's changed Helvar."

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"She's been doing a lot of that."

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"Think hiding things is different from - this."

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"Just... Not something I'd want to experience."

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"You won't have to. And I'll kill anyone who tries."

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"You say the sweetest things."

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"That's why you stick around, I'm sure."

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"The pay helps."

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"I bet it does."

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Soft smile. 

"Hopefully Helvar will be - calmer, by the time we approach port."

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"There's a few days yet for her to recover."

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And to Kuwei: "How quickly does this usually run its course?"

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"It varies based on dosage and how long the subject has been exposed. Three days, perhaps."

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"That'll be cutting it close, but... Should be alright."

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"Drugging her unconscious would only have minor risk of complications."

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"Depends on if Nina and that wolf will let us."

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"Slightly greater risk of complication, then."

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"I'd rather not drug her if she's at all functional, anyways. She's - useful."

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"As you say."

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...She's going to go find somewhere else to be now.

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She doesn't have an objection. 

She and Kaz need to plan their return to Ketterdam.

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Especially since the circumstances are... slightly out of distribution from what they were envisioning before.

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A lot's changed, and a lot is still uncertain - including what they'll face in Ketterdam itself. 

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They've built options, though. Which is the important thing.

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Some they didn't expect going in. 

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Life is always full of surprises.

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Keeps them on their toes. 

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It's good exercise.

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Maybe they should thank Helvar for forcing them to adapt...

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Kaz wouldn't go that far.

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It was a pretty clever trick. 

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On reflection- yeah. It was.

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Inej might steal her as a spiderling if she survived this. 

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Kaz would pay good kruge to see Inej teach the wolf to lurk and climb.

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Inej will hold her to that. 

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She'll have the money after this job.

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Something to look forward to. 

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To keep them going.

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Until the bastards of the Barrel are the last ones left standing.