but we sure are
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Yeah sure mission-useful, he can steer topics that way, too, but he just enjoys talking to people.


Other than asking a few leading questions, Tetsuma mostly stands back and stares at Dayo fondly. Because his boyfriend is utterly adorable.


People are great!!! He wasn't going stir crazy but boy he missed some variety in his social interactions.


Tetsuma's a lot more introverted than that, but yeah even he's appreciating being able to talk to more than one or two people.


Introverted: so very much not what Dayo is.

But they should probably eventually purchase clothes yes?


Yes eventually. Especially since the clothier does have other customers, though ones who're less amenable to chattering. 

Once they've bought everything: "Do you want to go ahead and get a room at an inn?" It's about mid-afternoon, and hot out; many of the stores are closing briefly. "We can go back out later, of course."


"Yeah, sure, sounds like a good plan."


The city has several inns, but the one the captain recommended is closest to the docks and at a middling price - nice but not fancy. It has a faded sign with what looks like a red, four-winged eagle. Mostly, it's cool inside, and the drink on offer is cold, sun-brewed sweet tea, which is sold in large pitchers that can be brought up to the rooms. 

As soon as they get to their room, Tetsuma ducks into the floor's bathroom to change into one of the lightweight skirts they'd gotten, plus the blouse from Dayo.


"You're gorgeous," he says when Tetsuma emerges.


Blush! And kisses, definitely kisses.


So many! "So gorgeous."



So: spend the next few hours lazing around? They can talk about the mission if Dayo wants, but Tetsuma's more in the mood for silly stuff. Like board games.


Ooh board games!


Tetsuma has to make the board first, but he can teach Dayo some from his world? And/or Dayo can describe a board game for Tetsuma to make.


Dayo does not actually know many board games. Or. Any.


Games from Tetsuma's world it is then.

A Go set is easiest to make, but Go is ludicrously overcomplicated. Hm... Irensei is similar and uses the same pieces, but is simpler: you place down stones on a nineteen by nineteen grid, and try to get seven in a row, with some other rules in there. 


Oooh sounds fun! He likes this.


So Tetsuma creates the board and pieces (getting different wood colors so they can have a light and a dark set is finicky, but it's good practice), and then they can spend the next little while playing. 


Dayo is pretty good for a beginner but is a beginner.


Tetsuma's a fairly reckless player, so it balances out somewhat. But yes Dayo can definitely go first. He vaguely remembers game rules around different skill levels; he thinks Dayo gets two extra pieces? Which should help some.


It does! He learns fast!


Tetsuma is very impressed! Kisses can be put up as a reward for winning (either side; Tetsuma's also claiming kisses when he wins). This game's pretty fun, and it's been a while since he played, so he's really enjoying himself, too. 


Kisses are a great reward, but if they're obtained no matter who wins then that rather fails to work as an incentive.


Okay, point. Maybe kisses for removing one of Tetsuma's pieces from the board (a thing you can do if you surround it), and lots of kisses if Dayo wins?


Ooohhhh yes those are good incentives!

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