but we sure are
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Eh can't hurt. 

Tetsuma chats with the seller a bit (they're a blacksmith, too, apparently, so Tetsuma also gets a new whetstone for his knives), gets a pretty necklace that looks like stars caught in a mesh for Dayo and then hesitates over something for himself. He settles on hairsticks, eventually, fancy ones in dark wood with a gold-and-glowing-blue bead on the end. He then goes on his run, swinging back to pick up the gift (wrapped very nicely by the proprietor) and his own things on his way back. 

He'll loiter around the room if Dayo's still asleep when he returns. 


Nah, she's up, reading something. "Oh, hello."


"Hey!" He blushes slightly. "I, um, was walking through the village and saw a silversmith and I kinda got you a gift." The last comes out all in a rush. He holds the wrapped package out to her, feeling somewhat self-conscious.


"—oh my god you're so amazing." And in lieu of accepting the gift she pounces him and kisses him.



Kisses! Very enthusiastic kisses! 

"Would you like to actually see the gift?" he asks. Eventually.


"Yes!!!" She accepts the package and gently undoes it.

...and then kisses him again.



He's really happy that she likes his gift.

...While he's thinking of it - "I also got something for myself" - he adjusts the transformation to lengthen his hair, then quickly twists it into a knot at the back of his head, securing it with the hair-sticks. Then back to kisses!


"Oooh pretty!" Then yes back to those.


Eventually, and somewhat reluctantly: "We should probably get breakfast, and find the captain."


"Yeah we should. But first—" And she puts on the gorgeous necklace.


Kiss! "You're beautiful."


"And you're gorgeous."


Eeee! Quick kisses!

Then: breakfast (yet more seafood) and finding Sarati?


Sure! Sounds good.


Sarati's in the almost empty main room, finishing her own breakfast when they come down. She meanders over to their table, asking how their stay's been, then saying, "I'd like to get an early start, preferably as soon as everyone finishes eating. No rush, but I'd rather not dawdle, either."


"Sure thing." She won't take long to finish eating.


Same for Tetsuma. Yet again he doesn't have much stuff to pack, though he makes more paper and charcoal and some small blocks of wood to use to practice shaping before they board.


She's packing equally light. Back to the ship!


And then it'll be just over four long, cramped days to Cloudshear. They're set to arrive around midday, then stay two nights.

Tetsuma spends the time working on his control with shaping wood finely, while going slowly stir crazy. 


She'll do her best to soothe his stir craziness—and study a lot of genjutsu. Genjutsu is such fun!


He really likes seeing her so enthusiastic. And having someone to excitedly chatter to about jutsu development is great

The stir craziness is mostly an energy thing - he's so going for a run when they get there - but he fully appreciates the soothing.


She is so not going to make a joke about where he could spend his energy. Nope.


He's been thinking about that on and off! Thinking really doesn't help with the restlessness thing.


It doesn't, no.



He's going to go for such a long run.

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