Yvette's not any kind of city planner, but she nonetheless is drafted for the task. She's the one with the writing utensils and absurd (to other people, to her it's perfectly reasonable) amounts of paper, the psychic connection to one of their human-shaped avatars of destruction, and is generally easy to find and even easier to boss around. Add in her desire to have a plan, have a copy of what Jeneora currently looks like in its half-dead and mostly rubble state, and to organize the things that people want from the new Jeneora, and: yep. She's the closest thing they have to a city planner. Add it to the list of things she is totally not qualified for but doing anyway. At least for this one she can show the diagrams to people and get actual feedback. That the feedback is often unhelpfully critical without offering actual alternatives for her to work from is a bit inconvenient, and this is much more social pressure than she's accustomed to, but it's not too bad of an adjustment. If she has to put her foot down and angrily tell people that no, she is not drawing another fucking plan of this thing, not unless they have a concrete alternative, then, well, it's not the fucking sand steamer. The stakes are lower and the people she's interacting with are much less actively infuriating.
Morgan's prediction of her health seems to be broadly correct. She seems... fine, with one caveat. Her appetite has become insane, and she feels a bit bad about eating for what must be four people in front of people that were recently suffering starvation. On the other hand, her sleep schedule is perfectly ordinary once she actually starts regularly sleeping again. At some point someone (Carl, to be specific) asks her to test if she also has superstrength, and. ... Nope. Not even a little. Just as much of a pathetic nerdy lightweight as she'd been before. She just eats a lot, and sleeps a regular amount, and has a psychic connection to Zash, and that's about it. Regeneration is probably also present, but so far she hasn't tested that one, and sees no particular reason to rush it. Generally the consensus in Jeneora is that she's got the least useful fancy superpowers present, and that no, they don't want what she has, it mostly seems to be made of caloric consumption they would absolutely not be able to sustain.
Fortunately for all of them, she planned Jeneora's food reserves based on its previous population levels, and. .... those were in fact too hopeful. She'd known they would be, that was kind of the point, but. God it hurts to see, even if it turns out to be useful now. Still, it does mean they have even more reason to get the plants here sooner rather than later, so as soon as the plant factory's set up to be able to hold them: yeah, time for them to show up. And, presumably, Nai with them, which. ... Will be interesting.