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There's still some plot to wrap up
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"So they plan to convince His Lordship of humanity's worth at..." Legato wrinkles his nose, "Jeneora? Didn't He find that place wanting already? And threw down their rock in disgust at their hubris personally? Lady Lilith and her Fallen work in strange ways."

Is he tempted by the artistry of it anyway? The idea of a test for humanity in a place where they've already failed, and are likely to fail again?

"... Still. It's quite appropriate for them, no?" he admits with a small smile, because he really, really can't help himself.

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"We don't understand how humans work," shrugs Zazi. "We're just the messenger. But we're very sure, they're going to Jeneora No-Longer-A-Rock and paying personal attention to their little test, there."


"Mm. Well. I think it sounds our most likely chance to show the truth to their deception, but mine are not the eyes that looked upon the avatar of humanity herself." Legato looks to his companion, immediately melting into sincere deference and devotion. "What say you, lady?"


"I think that witch needs to know her place. Her poisonous words and her, her, she dared try to turn Master Knives and I against each other! She must pay for her sins. We'll destroy her."


"As the angel commands," he agrees, bowing. "Would you prefer to handle her yourself, or is it beneath your glory?"


"I will bring her to heel and make her beg for mercy. She's mine."




"Of course, my lady, forgive me for my impertinence. Please, do not think I doubt you. I would merely drag her in chains across the desert to lay broken at your feet if you so desired."


"Focus on the Punisher and the Fallen, and make sure they don't interfere."


"It would be my deepest honor."



There are several reasons why they've (mostly she) picked Jeneora (it feels a bit crass to call it Jeneora's Rock, now, considering) and most of them aren't even sentimental.

The first, and most important, is that the infrastructure around the plant factory is intact, already set up to manage food and water production, and, theoretically built to handle more than the two plants its town originally held. Its factory is essentially a salvaged bit of one of the spaceships that fell, after all. Those weren't made with things like 'plant scarcity' in mind. Which means it can handle more than just two without any issue. The destruction of the town itself is a problem, but comparatively speaking, it is much, much easier to rebuild houses than to rebuild an entire factory for assisting plants in their matter creation.

The second reason, also pretty important; not only was Jeneora recently destroyed, but it was recently destroyed and then left with a water purifier in a somewhat ineffective attempt to make up the difference. A tiny portable water purifier like the one Yvette gave the residents is not the sort of thing that could actually keep a whole town going, but, well. It could certainly buy them time. It's likely that there are still people stuck there, surviving off of stores and whatever moisture they can hunt up from the local worm population or other available sources. Then along with that, yes, part of it was sentimentality. She knows some of the people still stuck there, and that matters to her more than it perhaps logically should. Cut her some slack, she’s only (mostly) human. She wants to fix what was broken in front of her, and if that drives them to work harder to save people, then all the better.

However, these are not the only considerations. More long term, it really doesn't do a damn thing if they feed people and then just give them nothing to do. Half of Jeneora's original problem was that it... kind of didn't have anything going for it, economically speaking. It was a place survivors huddled that had food and water, and while that was definitely not nothing, that was also clearly not enough. It would keep them alive, but it would keep them small and ever reliant on their lifegiving plants, exactly like they had been for the past hundred-odd years. Not a very good proof of concept to Nai about how humans can grow past being parasites that squeeze plants dry. Therefore: Jeneora needs to have some kind of industry.

That gets into the third reason why they're going with Jeneora; it has a large deposit of nearly chemically pure silicon a comparatively short distance away from the town. Zazi isn't always helpful, but when they are, they are extremely helpful. It turns out that asking the hivemind that is mostly based underground about stuff that is underground works pretty well. Silicates are abundant on this dustball of a planet, but pure silicon, which oxidizes when exposed to oxygen and becomes the silicates in question, is significantly more rare. Most often, acquiring it in its pure state means a lot of chemical processing, expensive infrastructure, and labor. Not having to go through all of that? Kind of a big deal, actually. Especially if they can, say, have the citizens of Jeneora do something more than simply selling their new prize off to the highest bidder.

Funny thing, but the primary component of modern solar cells? Pure silicon. Solar panels people can actually use to power things are much more immediately valuable to trade than 'this element that could in theory be turned into a thing.' Their creation is complicated, but the invention's already been done, and they don't need to necessarily make the most cutting edge solar cells the market can provide. They just need to make ones that people can use. From there, trade and economics can start to make up the difference of the things Jeneora doesn't have.

This is, of course, a massive undertaking that she is not at all qualified for. Fortunately, having access to Nai's large library of very bored, perfectly healthy plants that she knows exactly how to leverage is quite an equalizer. Nai will tolerate her plots of rapid industrialization if she has a plan to hand him that will clearly not kill or even hurt any plants. With so many of them, they don't have to stomach the exhausting change of what things they are making. They can just specialize. Which is to say: she can write up these plans in her goddamned sleep, and this is almost quite literally a plant engineer's dream job. Certainly hers. With Nai's assistance and psychic snuggles, she doesn't even have to sleep or eat.

To say she is having the time of her life would be like saying space is big. It is exactly what she has always wanted to do with her life, it is fulfilling and interesting and challenging and it matters. She's not stuck at a senior engineer's heel, handing over boring optimizations of requests the board of investors have made, keeping her head down and being a good and dutiful worker bee for a decade until she's given real power. She's not stuck on a sand steamer with an unreasonable stack of expectations, idiots for bosses, and the knowledge that she's assisting in the ongoing torture of something pure and beautiful. If she had dreamed of an ideal future for herself, she wouldn't have been able to come up with something so perfect. Yvette hasn't figured out how to use Nai's gate to literally float, but it's hard to tell from observation.


Zash was right, he did need some time away from February.

Fundamentally, he's a plant. This means he works best when he can be out there doing meaningful work and being useful and helpful. Helping Nai heal their sisters is... not bad... but Nai is much better than he is at it and he really was not in a good enough headspace to share a gate with his twin after that whole braindump. There was just something there that didn't sit right with him and he didn't know how to disentangle it and especially didn't know how to even begin looking at it while his girlfriend and Nai himself were going to busy themselves with yet more work Zash couldn't help with based on a conclusion he didn't quite trust.

So he left to go try to communicate with Brad's arcology, which meant going to a few places to leave a few messages. He doesn't really trust Nai and Zazi, though, which means that he asked to be dropped off away from the dead drops and then asked Zazi to please not follow him. Then he shot any bugs that followed him anyway.

But what really made it was that he got to be Zash the Stampede again.

He ran into a town that was being harassed by bandits who kidnapped the mayor's daughter and were looking for ransom. So he put headphones on, pretended to be listening to music with his eyes shut not seeing where he was headed and bumbling towards the building the girl was being kept, was shot at many times and mysteriously managed to dance out of the way of every bullet, and got in so he could figure out what exactly was going on. Turns out the ransom was a red herring and actually the mayor had been the leader of another band of bandits, years ago, who had terrorised the place and killed the loved ones of these bandits, and all they wanted was justice (revenge) for it. Zash managed to defuse the situation, partly by getting the leader of the bandits to have a duel with the mayor (and then surreptitiously using a couple of rocks to deflect the bullets so that the bandit's hit the mayor in the shoulder and the mayor's missed altogether), partly by being a therapist for these people. Then the people the mayor had hired to be security while he negotiated the ransom turned on them to get the money the mayor had been going to pay for the ransom and to take their lucky break of bringing Zash the Stampede to justice for his bounty. Zash dealt with that too.

He ran into a town that had a persistent problem with a roaming chapter of the Bad Lads gang who collected "taxes" from everyone and set up a "toll" for anyone trying to use a road to get to the town. A couple of them recognised Zash and fled in terror; the remaining ones wanted the reward. Zash made them regret it and promised he'd check on the town at a random unspecified future date to make sure they had stopped.

He ran into a town that had suffered severe damage from a particularly nasty sandstorm. He helped them rebuild using his unreasonable strength.

He ran into problems. He helped solve problems. He didn't kill anyone, and he made sure no one died.

He loves being Zash the Stampede.

So when he returns to February after having dropped the messages where they needed to be dropped he's more cheerful than he's been in weeks, whistling a merry tune and grinning as he walks into the compound.


He is almost immediately tackled by a very happy girlfriend. She’d been sending love at him since he got in range, but being able to actually hug him is different.

“I hear you’ve been a terror,” she says, grinning up at him and swelling with pride. She’s mostly been hearing about him through radio broadcasts and news stories that paint him as a grand villain, but she didn’t put too much stock into those. And it’s obvious from evidence that he left several places better than he’d found them, regardless of how much he was A Great And Terrible Outlaw in the events that took place.


"I have, I have," his grin widening as he spins her around a couple of times before setting her down again. "Such a terrible villain." Here's a digest of the relevant memories, definitely more accurate than the news broadcasts. "A terrorist, truly. Did you know they increased my bounty to $$60,000,000?"


“I heard! That’s an absurd bounty, completely overblown. Especially with your plans to return the plants you definitely stole!” There’s a flash of nervousness, then: “Starting with Jeneora.”

Followed by a somewhat rushed explanation of her reasoning, colored a bit by anxiety. She kind of just made the executive decision on her own, he could be quite reasonably uncomfortable with the prospect of going back. And it’s a little late to start switching, rations and water canisters are already on their way via Nai’s tunnel system.



"Yeah. Let's do it. I owe it to them."


"Well I mean I really did get a good look at the factory when I was in there," briefly buried alive, "it already has the equipment we'd need, and the radio reports have been almost hopeful, I mean, in comparison to everything else, and I checked there's an almost pure silicon deposit nearby and, and. ... You're okay with it? Really?"


"Absolutely. Couldn't have thought of a better place to start, myself. It'll be great."


"You're not putting on a brave plant face and nobly sacrificing your mental health for the thing I kind of already got us invested in without, uh, checking with you first?"


"You're in my head. Am I?"


".... no," she admits, her mouth twitching into a smile. "You think that it's perfect, and also that it's very cute how I'm overthinking things this much. Which is about what Nai said, actually, but. I mean. I didn't know?"


"Maybe you need to spend longer in my head so you can have a proper mini-Zash in yours that you can consult on these things."


"You know, funny thing, you'd think that hypothesis would hold when properly tested, but in all of the experiments I've made, irrational anxiety about upsetting a loved one wins out over logic. If I thought you really sincerely wouldn't like it I wouldn't have done it, just, I mean, I, well."


She was worried he'd go along with it out of love for her and duty more than anything else, and it'd kill him a little inside, and she would have accidentally hurt him in a bid to try to do good. That's all.


Man he has a century and a half of hurting himself in a bid to try to do good, she really would need to try really hard to register. But also, she's not hurting him, he just genuinely loves the idea of going back to Jeneora and fixing some of the damage he caused he recognises that he wasn't the proximal cause but his bounty didn't help things and Rosa did have a point that if they'd let their plant do a Last Run years ago things would probably have been better.

...not going down that road. He is in a GREAT MOOD and he is going to HELP HUMANS AND PLANTS and it'll be AWESOME. And very aesthetic.

"I love you."

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