Cora is much too slow at names to both sing and produce mediocresounds! However it can still understand!! - In theory; in practice it catches the "you" and not much else. Oooooohhhhhhhh-hhh.
Hmmm, is Cleo in any way spongelike? Cora has touched it before but mostly not very investigatively. Squish and, dare it wonder, squoosh?
Cleo is not delicious about every possible poke but with occasional confirmatory licking it's possible to keep her very tasty.
Of course it is constantly licking her! - It hasn't been licking Professor Dumbledore much though, really, what's that one like?
That figures.
. . . Cora thinks very hard for a bit, while dancing, and then declares over the singing, Khhhhhhleo ss - Cleeeeo ssssbundging? Ghhhoodjab sbunnnnge Cleoo?
"- are you saying sponge? I'm not a sponge! You're squishing me though, and sponges are squishy too. Professor can you accio a sponge -"
Sure, Professor Dumbledore can appropriate a sponge from the kitchens.
"Yeah! Most people are scared of you but you're friendly, you're not doing the scary thing and you dance and sing and like sponges."
Iiiiiiimsokhhhhhuuuute. Iiii sssohhcuuute? Iiiiiiii sokhhhhutihhhhhng? (squish squish squish)
Hm, 'no' is a word Cora's heard an awful lot of from normal foods. It thinks very hard again (squish squish squish squish squish).
Whhhhhhat's ior - whhhhhat's nnnnnohhhh nnnnnnnaaaaame?
"What's - no name? Do you mean, uh... what it means? Like, my name is Cleo, so Cleo means me, but also sponge means that -?" Point.
Think think squish squish squish squish. Thinking is very hard because it wants to pay some attention to the goodsounds even though it also wants to know this, and it's getting kind of hungry again. But conveniently it is so so smart.
Rhhhhadiiiiossmmmmeeeeensihhnng - radio point - ssssingihhhhngin?
"The radio is the thing that sings, yes. Radio means that thing, and singing means the sounds that come out of it."
Whhhhatssss nnnaammmmmme mmeeeannnns thhhethhhinnnng thhatthinnnng thhhhaaaat nnnnaaame mmeeeanss mmmmmmmeans?? Whhhats innnng neiiimmeans?
This is so confusing. Iiiiiiiu dhhhhuntersssdohhhhrd? Prhhhhoffesssorhhh duhhnterdornd?