Ssssssssinnnnnnginnnnnnnng. It points at the radio. Wwwwwww iiiorhhh nnname?
Thhatsereeeeidio, hhhhhelllohhhh. Hhhhhhhelllo, iiiiiohhhhrnnaaame ihhhs thhatssseradiohhhh? Hhhhhhellohhhhgggg uhhhhhdj - jahhhb.
"Radio," says Cleo. "The radio can't hear. It can make music but it doesn't know you're talking to it."
Cora keeps pointing at the radio and trying to think of names that foods use when they are the tastiest. It's a difficult task, though, and it doesn't know what Cleo is trying to say, so that's not helpful either. Iiiornamis rhhhhadio, it tries while it thinks. - Can it touch the radio? Maybe even hold it? Is the radio in any way spongelike?
It's interesting how these goodsounds are much more good than the ones Cleo and Professor Dumbledore produced, and yet there is also something less good about them! Cora can't really tell what, though.
However, this is much more like the goodsounds that dancing is for! And so it dances, with flailing arms and spinning floats.
Yes, though more of them involve the fact that she supports her weight on the ground than its ideal dance routine probably does.
Hmmm but some of the jumping is interesting. What if . . . it onks the ground . . . very gently? :D That works great!!! Onk bounce, onk bounce, onk - ow. Okay, it should concentrate on being more gentle than that if it is going to be ground-onking.
- Hm that's slightly onkful; Cora floats backwards a ways in surprise and breaks contact. But after a moment: rehandspress? Very tentative and slow reclasp?
Bob, bob, sway, sway. . . . Can Cleo be lifted like this? And perhaps be convinced to float?
Cora can pick Cleo up a little bit and make her giggle but she's heavy! She does not seem to want to float. Actually, do foods ever float?
Sometimes!! It has seen them. They do it kind of weirdly, though, and Cleo has none of the weirdnesses with it. But since Cleo is the best food Cora thought maybe floating could happen anyways.
Some of the goodsounds sound very similar to other goodsounds which have recently gooded! It tries to sing along to them, with a very usual amount of success.
Cleo will try to sing along too when she knows the words or close enough, though she's breathless enough to have some trouble with it.
Oh right there are names in these goodsounds. Does it recognize any? It'll try to incorporate those too.