But it - what if - okay, it'll go back over there, where everything is boring forever.
When the large bright thing is more down but not very down, out comes the Cleo, with a larger food which has an unpleasantness sitting on it. Clap clap clap?
Oh wow that was not forever at all.
Clap clap! (After a pause on the way over to yell at the worst it. Luckily all of the other its are not smart beings, and keep their distances.)
Yay! She will go right up to it, though slowly in case any other its attempt to join the party.
"Do you have a name or are you just repeating? Um -" Point at self. "Cleo!" Point at accompanying larger food. "Professor Dumbledore!" Point at dementorfriend.
Khhliohhhhr? Rhhhhopf - pohhhfehh - phhhhhhhhhrhhhhhhhohhfessiiiohhr. Hhhhhhum. Hhello, iieahh.
"You need some practice! And a name. If you don't have a name, I could name you. Hmmmmmm I think you're a girl. Cleo," point, "Professor Dumbledore," point, "Cora!" point.
"Nayyyym," she says slowly and clearly. "Mmmyyy nayyyym izzz Cleeeoooo. Yoooour nayyyym izzz Coooraaaa."
Oh it loves it when the Cleo makes more it-like sounds. Mmmmaaaaaaii nnnnnnn - hhhnn. Nnnnnnehhhhhhhiiiiim. Nnehhi - nayyyyym. Nammmme. Nnnnnnnname.