"Thank you, your honor. I will note for the record that Heaven still contends that not including a right to a full explanation of the court system in the Fair Trial Act was a mistake. If the trial system is too complicated to be quickly explained to petitioners, then the solution ought to be to make the courts less overworked or simplify the trial system such that it can be quickly explained to petitioners."
"Moving on: We don't agree with Hell's argument that the petitioner's pre-Golarion life is outside of this court's jurisdiction. Elysium vs. Ellostar, 2334, applies in cases where we have very limited information beyond that directly coded in the soul about events. This doesn't hold here – this court is aware of Earth, and the petitioner is from an extremely Earthlike planet. Furthermore, no other system has jurisdiction over the petitioner's pre-Golarion life. Axis vs Helen, -1820, suggests that one of the constraints on jurisdiction is our fact-finding capability, but in the case of the petitioner's pre-Golarion planet of residence, fact-finding is rather cheap, as the planet cannot publish false or misleading information and has the technological capacity to publish massive amounts of information every second, some of which is even transmitted away from the planet in all directions. Prior to arrival on Golarion, the petitioner lived a straightforwardly Lawful Good life of effectively pursuing altruistic goals in an organized manner."
"However, even in the case where you do not accept this argument regarding jurisdiction, we still contend that the petitioner is Lawful Good. Regarding systemic alignment, our understanding is that the petitioner believed in the benefits of Law, repeatedly expressed dismay about signs that he was in a less Lawful environment than his home, and would endorse his Lawful actions, even if many of them occurred due to an enchantment-like effect. Furthermore, regarding moral alignment: He pursued diamond synthesis with the understanding that diamonds produced would be used to resurrect people, even while acting under the understanding that he would not profit from this in a manner proportionate to the value created, because he valued people having more access to life. He did significant research into arcane healing despite having personal access to divine healing. He had higher expectations for adequate treatment of his assistants than the typical person would and attempted to have those expectations fulfilled. He was used to an environment in which it was normal to spend less of a week working than he spent his weeks in Cheliax, not because of threats but because he felt that the lack of various technologies on Golarion was an urgent moral crisis that needed resolving as quickly as possible. Despite a personal appreciation for large explosions, he repeatedly steered his research into replicating a technology with dual usage for energy production and large explosions away from directions that he deemed likely to facilitate large explosions, due to his concerns about negative societal impacts."