space Arda and Peka's world
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"If it's a good idea based off information from everywhere else then I'll check Tapa."


"I suppose if you didn't want to be mentioned in the schedule you also don't want to be emailed." Intrigue, she hates intrigue.


"They're reading it. They'll panic and -" he has a long explanation of what potentially goes wrong when they panic - "I could maybe mitigate the damage by surrendering right away but then they'll throw me into their mountain again and go back to messing everything up -"


"Then I am not sure how to contact you with an assessment of what happens if they vanish due to panicking about the gayness-inducing properties of the planet."


"I can drop by next week?"


"That will only probably be enough time."


"When works for you?"


She finds a reasonable slot.


"I'll see you then. Thank you." 


He leaves.


She starts soliciting reports from people closer to the food distribution and some social work types who know more about the feelings of various castes.




- you'd need a god, if only a minor one.



She writes Prince Nelyafinwë asking if his brother is still available.


....sure, he can ask him to drop by.


He can drop by.


"Hello," says Avalor. "I asked for you because I fancy that I might notice if you were up to something; please do me the kindness of not being up to anything, it's not the sort of suspicion where I feel a burning need to be proven right. I suspect you and yours might be sufficiently honest to honor a deal I have no way to enforce if it were otherwise in your interest, am I wrong?"


"- no."


She smiles a little. "I know something. I think you do not know it and I think you would like to. I propose that I tell you what I know, you evaluate how much you wanted to know it, and if it is anywhere near what I guess, you back off my country. I do not object to every one of your proposed reforms, only the speed and carelessness with which you want to attempt them, it will hardly be a disaster, I do not ask for a moon. Deal?"


" - does Savo get executed, I am already committed to not that."


"Governor Riado has been convinced to turn his vindictiveness elsewhere. Allocator Savo might be out of a job; he will not be hauled to the Tower of Rainbows."


"You have a deal."


"Yesterday morning Melkor came to visit my office -" And she relates the conversation. "- but I cannot trust anything said under a condition where I may have been being scanned for reactions that closely, and as deeply entertaining as it would be on some level for Elves to believe that the planet itself induced homosexuality, probably you would manage to find a reversal of that sort of mind-control as repulsive as I find the initial alteration."


" - very thoughtful of you. 




We'll back off."


Thin but perfectly sincere smile. "Thank you."


Maitimo we have a problem -


that does sound like a problem, he says. I'll arrange to get a message to Valinor as quickly as possible -  might not be wise to tell Yavanna now in case he'd notice - is Melkor coming back -


"He make plans for a followup visit?"


"Yes. I have it marked in my calendar as 'compile logistics reports'." Voilà.

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