space Arda and Peka's world
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"I am terribly frustrated all the time, you teasing Elf who is probably very soft."


He pulls her closer and nibbles down her throat and murmurs - "Peka, Peka, Peka - mine -" and then more seriously - "didn't want to pressure you - you could go to the King, I meant that, won't come up but 's important you know -"


She gasps and squirms and when he gets all serious says, "Mmhm I know come on touch me -"



He would love to. 



His hair is very very soft and he is utterly helpless whenever she's touching it.




They will have the snuggliest sex and he has a beautiful voice and he adores her and Elves don't get tired so he will keep this up until she is utterly exhausted.


Then soon (...not very soon, but in a few hours) he will have a panting Peka wrung out and clinging to him like a starfish.


He is so glad she muttered about Elves (and that he didn't know he could have her murdered for it or he wouldn't have confronted her) and of everything about her, really.  



He snuggles her. He sings.


It's so good when he sings!


Someone made an appointment with Governor Avalor; her aide says he was a weird Elf who didn't want it entered into the electronic schedule.


A weird Elf. Aren't they all weird? All right.


No, this one's weirder. Something is weird about the air pressure.


"Hello," he says. "Melkor. I apologize, I know you must be sick of visitors."


"On the contrary, I prefer to keep an eye on our visitors if you're going to be here anyway." She read about this one. This is the species that can't tolerate the thought of imprisoning anybody, but they had to let him jaunt across the cosmos?


"Well, actually, I'm trying to arrange for everybody to leave, but not if it'll make worse the messes they've already invited."


"Is that the sort of thing they consult you on?" What would happen if they all left suddenly - they can probably salvage the food situation from here - Tapa might turn right back around, though, she's not clear on the exact state of their domestic farming since divine intervention -


"Consult me on? I'm here to tap peoples' noses and make them immortal, and I think they thought I might also be more inclined towards enabling military adventurism than Yavanna. It's an appallingly stupid setup - I have almost limitless freedom to make trouble and am tightly constrained in preventing it - but they're not used to this sort of thing -"


"Military adventurism." She wonders vaguely what Elves are used to. Certainly none of that thing, whatever it is, can be found on this rock.


"I'm not helping with that. Not here, not in whichever country offended them this week. I think their presence on this planet is probably a mistake and is definitely inviting disaster. I would like to distract them for a decade or two. But not if that, too, will cause a disaster -"


"Probably depends on how stable the - agricultural emplacements - are. Distract them how?"


"Yavanna made those permanent. Distract them with - the Valar get really upset about the most innocuous things, there are hundreds of them here now who got their sexual orientation corrected - if I change them back they will be appalled that your terrible planet is making them gay and they will leave."


...that's hilarious. That is the most legitimately hilarious thing she has heard all month. She laughs, and then catches her breath, and laughs a bit more.


"But not if it'll make things worse, I think it'll eventually be a disaster if they stay but it's not yet obvious it won't be a disaster if they suddenly leave."


"I can see how sensitive the projects in progress are here - have you made comparable appointments elsewhere -"


"Some of the places where they did a drive-by demand letter, not the ones where they're more thoroughly involved - if they learn I'm doing things, it might trigger exactly the outcome I'm afraid their presence here will inevitably trigger eventually -"


"You'd need to at least check Tapa, they have more operations underway there than here."

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