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Does he also feel all right in an antimagic field? Does he also feel all right under a Protection from Good, Evil, Law, Chaos? A second of each of those just for redundancy? A third, unannounced one in the form of Alfirin Mind Blanked with Magic Circle Against Evil up walking up to him while they talk? Does he have a familiar, and if so does the familiar claim that Elie is fine? Is he willing to take down his Mind Blank so they can look for unexpected spells active on him? Is he willing to let someone attempt to possess him, which won't work if he is already possessed? Is he willing to let them do a Disjunction?


Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes but he's back in Élie's own time and would be difficult to ask, yes, and can he assume the cost of restoring his permanencies is covered? 


What has he got Permanencied.


Arcane Sight and See Invisibility, at the moment. 


They'll cover it.


Then he's fine with the Disjunction. Giving up his Mind Blank is already most of the cost to him. 


Marit is not going to take the opportunity while the Mind Blank is down to try to learn any other things he's terribly curious about. It is not the kind of Lawful Good Iomedae is, and he works for her. 

Elie does not seem to be subject to any ongoing spell effects, as one would expect after a Disjunction. (Though you can't count on these things, when it comes to archmages. Marit has never told anybody but he is pretty sure Arazni was immune to Disjunctions and faking needing to Teleport out after one.)


Élie isn't nearly as powerful as Arazni, not that he'd expect Marit to take his word for it. 


Marit would not take Elie's word for this but believes it anyway. But still.


"Are we done, or do you want to swear Élie to secrecy and do some more tests while I'm out of the room?"


Elie is Chaotic and Marit doesn't strongly expect swearing him to secrecy would achieve anything. He doesn't in fact have another layer of trying things here beyond asking Aroden, or mindreading which he's going to be refused. "I think it is very unlikely Tar-Baphon has any ongoing influence by magic and have no further inexpensive tests."


First things absolutely first, Élie's going to put his headband back on. He hates leaving his thoughts lying about in the open like that.

"After I restored the seals on Gallowspire we ended up deciding to kill and resurrect me just to be absolutely sure there wasn't any ongoing influence." 


"Is that cheaper than asking Someone?"


"Actually, yes, my wife can do it twice per day at no cost."


...Damn, she's going to have some cool friends.


"All right. Well. You seem to be your ordinary self. Is there anything we should know about Tar-Baphon's offer?"


How about he just relates the whole conversation? They're probably better at interpreting it than he is. 


That works.


"...Well, I wasn't optimistic about managing to get much intel out of him this time."


"He's not stupid, I'm not surprised he didn't say much and wouldn't have thought much of anything he did say."


"It's perhaps a bit of a window into what he's telling other prospective allies. He's beaten the gods twice and is going for three - it's not a bad angle."


"Does he have a history of conflict with any gods except Aroden?"


" - he's referencing Arazni. Which is sort of accounting in his favor but - only slightly." Somehow it is exceptionally painful to learn that Arazni is a historical footnote, in the future. She had meant to do better than that.


She casts Iomedae a sympathetic glance. Alfirin is not reading too much into Élie not immediately thinking of Arazni; Asmodeus was presumably not letting Iomedae's priests preach to the people of His country.


"Oh. I did know about that, but I'd thought of his fight with her as part of his broader war against Aroden. I didn't realize she was a god." 

Now that he's thought of it, he'll ask Alfirin later if he should tell everyone else what happened to Arazni. It seems worse to know, if one can't in good conscience do anything about it, but if it were him he thinks he'd want to anyway. 


"She was more of a god than most things it's possible to debate the godliness of."

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