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"I do flatter myself sometimes that the paladins underestimate me. I've won every fight with a god I've picked, so far."


"Are you offering to fight a god?"


"Well, if you tell a man you don't think he has anything to offer you it's difficult for him not to take that as a little bit of a challenge."


The thing is, Élie likes Tar-Baphon. At least he likes stir-crazy future Tar-Baphon, and this version is probably much less eager to share his horrifying necromantic secrets in exchange for a listening ear, but he still seems personable enough. In a better world, he'd be perfectly happy to while away the duration of whatever-this-is swapping stories about their exploits. Alas, he lives in this one.

"If you conquered Xovaikain or something of that nature I'd admittedly be very impressed."


"I would be delighted to have my resources directed at that. You would have to stop badgering me on Golarion."


"What is it you want, then?"


"Well, most immediately, peace, and then secondarily, an empire of my own in northern and central Avistan, and then thirdly rule of the whole world, and you'll forgive me not disclosing the plans after that."


"I've never understood why people want the whole world. I can't begin to think what I'd do with one if I had it."


"Where should I send an envoy so we can speak further without paladins prying?"


It could be useful, but Élie's already at the limits of his tolerance for complicated games of deception.

"You shouldn't."


He rolls his eyes. "When next you sleep, then, mysterious archmage." And he's gone.


And in an hour or so, Élie will wake up. 

What does he remember? 


The whole conversation, with perfect clarity, as if it had just happened.


As he thinks it just happened. Is Alfirin awake?


Awake and working. When they don't need to sync up their spell preparations to a pre-battle schedule she sees no reason to sleep at the same time as any of her significant allies.


"I believe I spoke with Tar-Baphon just now."


Of course. It's not surprising that he'd reach out the first time Élie slept after the battle. "Did he offer anything good?"


"Nothing but hints and implications that he might fight an unspecified god of my choosing."


"Anything particular he wanted?"


"Me, presumably. I'll prepare a transcript. I assume you have protocols for determining if I'm under the effects of any enchantment or if my memories have been tampered with?"


"Some. They do involve you taking off your headband." Marit probably has more but wouldn't want Alfirin to know what they are.

"...And we should probably spend the next sidereal day or two outside of time dilation, or use keep watch and restoration. We don't want him to notice there's something up with your sleep schedule if we can avoid it."


"I'd really like to have it done as soon as possible."


Plane shift, then, to rejoin the shining crusade command in the material.

"Élie just got contacted by Tar-Baphon, I assume Marit's going to want to be here for the checks to confirm no magical influence?"



"I'll call him." And she nods at Elie, very careful and professional. "Do you feel all right?"


"No different than usual."

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