I claimed this ship would work. We'll see.
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:...I have to say that is not a problem I have had. ...In fairness I have had zero romantic assignations and you ought probably take my advice less seriously for it. But I would be very surprised if it were ever in your interest to kill Ma'ar: 


: - I don't know, sometimes people get Dominated by a vampire! Or brain-shredded by a god! You don't want to make plans in which a crucial assumption is 'I will never need to kill this person'!:


:I have no idea if it would actually help to have a conversation with Ma'ar about this, but I expect he would agree that it was reasonable of you to kill him if he were being - Dominated by a vampire - I am not even sure what that means but I assume it would result in a lot of people dying -: 


:Yes, it would.:


Nod. Sigh. 

:...I think I got us off track, sorry. I did not really mean to take a stance on whether you and Ma'ar should have a romantic relationship, I really have no idea if you should. Just that I think you have showed him a way that things could be better, and he will follow that further than most – if you offer him a rope he will climb it as high as it goes...: 

She shakes herself a little. :That was definitely the sort of thing I say because the Eternal Flame shaped my head. I have no idea if that means you ought trust it more or less: 


:I really don't mind it. 

- can Mindhealing reproduce the effects of a headband on a mind? Could you look at me with the headband on and then keep it that way?


She blinks. :What a good question. My guess is - a little, not entirely - where exactly in between would depend on what the headband is doing, and so far I have not seen that up close at all, let alone the same person with and without it - I was not going to look at Ma'ar without his permission:

(Though she was very very curious.) 


:It seems very valuable. I probably won't want you to try it on me but I expect you'd have volunteers if you ever wanted to try to figure it out.:


:How hard is it to make something like the headband, in your kind of magic?: 


:Very, very hard. There are one or two people alive who could do it, and one nation that could afford the materials.:


:Well. I was going to say that strong Mindhealers are rare and it sounds like it would take any of us a long time if it worked at all, but there are more than two of us. ...What are the materials it needs, I have no idea what could possibly be that expensive: 


:Magic item crafting requires what we call alchemical silver, a very rare metal, at a purity that does not occur in nature and is not easily achieved.:


:Huh. I am not sure how purifying rare metals works in your world but I think Urtho has mage-techniques for it: 


: - you know, that should really have been higher on my list of priorities. Unless I did ask, and then forgot. Same with the fate of souls in this world, though ending the war was a good priority almost regardless of the answer.:


:We know little of what happens to people's souls here after they die. Our temple teaches that the Nameless God will take in Their people after death, but I am reluctant to bring that up as a reason to worship Them, because I am very unclear on what it means and I am not sure how anyone who - quite reasonably - distrusted my word could check: 


She nods. :My world's magic allows learning more but I don't myself possess the relevant skills. It's - important. In our world some people go to terrible afterlives when they die.:







:That sounds awful. And for - what - worshipping the wrong god…?: 


:For being Evil. Which isn't precisely - but is related to - being a person who does harm to others willfully, who would create a bad world for others left to their own devices. It doesn't mean they deserve it.: This is not a matter where she expects to have any differences in perspective with the church of the Nameless Flame.


Kariasha closes her eyes. 

(Her reaction isn't exactly the one that a hypothetical Iomedae who had just learned about the existence of Evil afterlives would have, in her place. Her expression is sad and resigned and tired and...not giving up, at all, but also not really considering fighting it, or striving to find another way to fix it.) 

:...I am not sure if the Eternal Flame would have been able to tell us, if that were also true here. They would have tried if They could. But it - seems very important to find a way to check, if we could learn of one from your world.: 


:Ma'ar thinks he and Urtho can figure out a way to get back, once there's peace, and I expect they're right, and then we'll have people in who can see, and trade spells with one another, and perhaps some people of this world will have some ideas for taking down Tar-Baphon, and it'll be - good. Really good. Abundantly worth even all this trouble and Aroden's expenditures.

I can see why the Star-Eyed and Vkandis didn't like the look of it.:


:...Do you think either of Them will - try again to stop it? I am– I believe that the Nameless God would see the thing you think is good, and agree it is worth having and worth protecting, but I do not want to assume that They can protect us. It is not in our temple's teachings to rely on the Eternal Flame for safety.: 


:It seems quite likely that they will, yeah. I don't know what to do about it. I .. am not confident in this given how muddy the memories are but I think Aroden thought the Star-Eyed couldn't do much in the short term.:


:It seems likely Ma'ar is thinking about the risk as well. He is the right person if you need someone - alert and cautious and paranoid, I think, especially about gods.  

- he was terrified, when he came to speak with me, before he decided to trust us and bring you here. He hid it very well, but - I am not sure if he could have done it at all, if he had not seen you do objectively terrifying things and still not be afraid. I suppose there are downsides to being the sort of person who is cautious and paranoid.: 


There are tradeoffs to everything. I wouldn't've walked into a war with Tantara but he wouldn't've walked the Moonpaths and gotten ripped apart by a demon lord.: She's aware that that's forcing a Golarion categorization on the Star-Eyed that doesn't quite fit, and that at some point she should take a closer look at why it's tempting to do that, but it seems maybe worth waiting for the rest of her reconstruction of what happened.


:There are. ...The Eternal Flame gives us little guidance, on that, I think They seek a world where it is unnecessary and either way cannot guide us in it. I - wish I could have reassured him, but it is difficult to reassure people who are afraid for good reason.: 

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