I claimed this ship would work. We'll see.
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She is not particularly running within normal time here. She can spend as long as she wants thinking. 


If and when she's done, there is also an obvious mental motion to go back. A lot more obvious than what she had to do to extract herself from the Moonpaths. This place feels - friendlier, in general, like it's meant for her to be safe here. 


She's very grateful. She doesn't think that the nameless flame wants repayment, exactly, but she'll remember the kindness, and have it be part of her, which is to her a form of repayment and to the nameless flame is hopefully something it recognizes and wants.


It looks like something is indeed better than it could have been, now, and it wasn't very expensive. 


(It was much more obvious once the spark was apart from the others, that there's a thread of - something, not a mortal life but a god's influence - stretching to somewhere very far away. That's intriguing But it would be expensive to follow, and to the Nameless God, swimming in Foresight, it doesn't look especially better than just waiting.) 


There was an impossible weight of resistance and then there were wings of flame in her head, and now she has a headache and her Sight is full of metaphorical afterimages like she stared too directly at the sun. Great. 

...Iomedae's mind is back in the right shape, at least the center of it, and that's brought a lot more parts back into positions where a lot of it is likely to heal on its own in time, which takes a lot longer and is more work for the patient but certainly less work for the Mindhealer. 


:How are you feeling?: she manages. 


Iomedae doesn't have a headache. She's very very tired, but that seems to be the main source of fogginess. She feels...like herself, mostly, her thoughts are still slow and effortful but she can have them and they're definitely hers. 


:I think your goddess intervened, to let me see the damage clearly so I could know - what I could put weight on. 


Thank you.:


:...Good. Very good. ...I think - I would recommend you stay here for a time. You will be safe here, and you need to rest, Mindhealing is exhausting and I pushed you very hard and having miracle happen to you is even more exhausting than that. ...You are very strong. But I would still prefer to monitor you for a day or two. I will of course not stop you if you would rather leave immediately: 


Ma'ar will get Iomedae out of here immediately if she gives any indication of wanting to leave, but for the moment he's going to wait until Iomedae stirs, and then pull her into his arms and hug her very tightly. That was only maybe five minutes but it was an incredibly stressful five minutes - he didn't think they were trying to harm her, Mindhealing just is unpleasant, but she was so clearly in distress and he wasn't sure. 


She leans into him and tries to find her thoughts. :The peace?:


:I am meeting with Urtho in - about a candlemark, I suppose, I will have to go soon. We are not - done - with everything we need to negotiate an agreement on, but I think we have enough of the pieces that - if nothing goes wrong, but I feel fairly on top of all the things that might have gone wrong - we can probably finalize a peace treaty today: 


:That is very good news.:


Squeeze. :I hope so. I - wish we had done it sooner - but at least there is still enough left that we can repair it:  He sighs. :I am nervous about seeing Urtho again but - I think I am looking forward to it as well. It keeps feeling as though - I would expect to be angry but I am not, actually. I think he was - approaching it badly, in how and what he communicated to me, but I was being stupid too, and he was trying his best: 


:It is a hard mistake to anticipate when you haven't made it before, or seen people make it. On both of your sides, I'd expect. 

You want peace agreements to be overcommunicated and to specify lots of things that seem obvious, you want to actively think about the most obnoxious anti-Tantaran person you know and how they'd try to get around the agreement to hurt their enemies, you want to imagine what it'll look like from your end if the other side has the same thing going. And you want to not walk away from the table hating each other; that matters, too, for how things shape up in the long run. Tantara's goodwill is worth a lot to Predain.:


:Mmm. I think I have been doing better on overcommunicating everything, in general - I am definitely cheating with the headband - but I definitely need to make sure everything is specified just as clearly in the actual treaty - I have a draft but I left a number of clauses blank or unfinished because I want Urtho to feel that he has equal input to me. I think it would be easy to make him feel by accident like I am making all of the decisions for him, I - am just a lot faster at writing things up with the headband: 

(He's also cheating as hard as he can in other ways, for example by tracking down some merchants who had diplomatic connections in the kingdoms south and west of the Ceej Empire and sending them to go ask for copies of past peace treaties. ...He's not sure why he never tried doing things like that before. ...Possibly because under any other circumstances he would not possibly have time, or energy, to pick through old documents with his rusty knowledge of the Ceej Empire main trade-tongue, but he's also pretty sure he wouldn't have thought of the option at all.) 


:I'd offer to get you one of your own once we make contact with Golarion but it's actually the only one of its kind on the planet. When it's on the planet.: It was commissioned for an unfathomable amount of money, from the one person in the world who could do it, by Taldor on the condition that it'd be the emperor's once the crusade was over.

If it improves the emperor a tenth as much as it's done for Ma'ar she would give it to him before the crusade's over, but somehow she suspects it won't.


He leans against her. :I am not surprised, it is a spectacularly impressive artifact. I will manage. It helps for - improvising, when I have no existing habits and cannot even ask your advice, and getting it right, or...at least right enough...on the first try. But in the long run I just need to have the right habits, I think. And I hope that once I return it to you I will have your advice again: 


:Of course. Rather more of it, even, once it's peace and we can just talk about things.:


:...I would like that.: 

And now continues to not be a good time to talk about Ma'ar's weird and confusing feelings that may or may not be romantic and may or may not be a good idea regardless of how impaired Iomedae is, which - right now he's pretty sure is still 'a lot.' 

:Do you need anything? Before I go?:


:Do you have those notes on a timeline of what happened when since I arrived?:


:Not with me, and not finished - I was reluctant to nag Urtho to write down all of his interactions with you, I think he already lacks the energy to keep up with his workload: (and unlike Ma'ar he is not possessed of a headband that lets him keep track of fifty priorities at once almost effortlessly task-switch to make use of every spare moment, that in particular isn't a critical skill it just lets him get more things done faster but he is nonetheless going to miss it SO MUCH) :but I can have someone bring over what I do have: 


:I think it'd be useful. The god intervention wasn't very good for putting specific details back together.:


:Mmm. What - actually happened?: 


:A good question! It was as if I was - outside of time, and safe, and had myself, and could look and see and - check if I could trust myself or not, from a lot of different angles -:


:...Fascinating. That does sound incredibly useful. I - had no idea it was the kind of thing a god could do.: 


:It's not a kind of miracle I'd heard of at home, either, but I think there are some different constraints on intervention here. I'm very glad we have allies among the gods; some of them seem very dangerous and willing to move quite openly about it.:

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