Thea (Throne3D) + Cynthia (RoboticLIN)
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Brad looks back, seemingly unfazed.


Rebooting... Done!

"What the fuck? Brad? Let's just... Move on. Do something instead of making my brain hurt further."


Brad shrugs again.


"Okay, so Brad isn't the best name, but it's not like he came up with any alternatives! Just 'not Theo' isn't very helpful!"


"Like, I'm not going to make fun of 'Brad' by itself. Not like, uh, Libby's was much better? Probably remembering it wrong. Libby is easier, stories abound. EITHER WAY. What do you want to do? We still have a lot of tonight. A town empty of people and full of the usual stuff."


Brad smile viciously.


Thea looks over at him, sees his expression, and says, "Apparently he wants to go attack something?"

Wow, because that wasn't obvious from looking at him.


"... You say he wants to go attack something. That's the part I find worrying. Regardless, there's plenty of Shadows around. No worries on that front. Got any stones to conveniently throw to hit one? Or you can try to feel them out... Nah, I'd probably mess that up. Nearest one is just over there. Another bloblike. " Point. "Most common ones. Usually the stronger ones chill out near downtown."


"... I mean, I sorta want to attack something, because I now have... him? But he's the one that's smiling like that. ... Or is that the problem? That I'm saying 'he' when he's me?" She rolls her eyes. "And no, I don't have any stones."


Meanwhile: Brad frowns, gets out a mirror and tries smiling into it again, then shrugs and puts it away. Somewhere.


The plan of rambling past the issue has failed. "Both are problems. The he/me thing is just personal annoyance, but shoving off your emotions onto him and saying they belong to him is a little... Scary of a thought? He's just put me into a defensive mood and I might be overthinking it all but I'll still mention whatever when I think about it so just probably be careful and keep listening to everything and," pause for a breath, "keep safe and stuff."


"Okay, well, I'm not trying to fakely push my thoughts onto him. I really don't know what he's thinking, but I can guess from how he acts. I'm still not really sure what put you in a defensive mood, but okay."


Brad grins. Somewhat at randomly.


Cynthia and Libby groan in unison. "Just making less sense than normal. It's hard to grasp how this place works, but once you get that, it stays the same. Except for full moons. Where you showed up."

Cynthia sighs yet again. "He should be thinking whatever you feel. Or something. I really miss my old friends. They made this seem so simple and I can't remember it all, and my own attempts suck."


"Okay, well, unless I'm thinking 'how can I best act weirdly?' which I don't think I am, we seem to be thinking different things. Or I guess I could be feeling 'spontaneous', but again: I don't think I am."

Sigh. "Should we just go attack some things?"


"Yeah, go attack something. Closest one is still over there." Point.


"Okay," she says, then starts walking in that direction.


Brad, who has definitely been paying attention because he's a good alter-ego, rushes to get in front of her. He makes sure to stay out of her way, and seems alert for danger.

Is the blob nice and obvious? Can he go stab it? Or do they need to walk for a bit before they see it?


It's as obvious as it was. It's just blobbing about its day until you just close enough to annoy it. Like a non-aggressive animal that will still attack if you get close enough and look like a threat.


Of course the blob is blobbing about obviously! And Brad is Bradding about obviously. Because that's what Brads do.

Watch the sharp knife, watch as Thea and Brad get close to the blob, and watch as Brad pounces upon the blob and slices it, grinning.


Okay, well, that's slightly unnerving, but to be fair, Thea can imagine herself grinning a little while slicing up a blob. She's stopped a few metres away from where Brad pounced from.


It thrashes about, smacking Brad on the leg in its flailing. Thea would feel a bit of pain on her leg in response.

Stab, stab stab, the Shadow puffs into mist, defeated. It really isn't hard to take these things out.


Yyyyup. She feels the pain. Ow.

She turns to look for Cynthia.


Brad makes a face when he gets hit in the leg. After the Shadow is done for, he jumps up, grinning again.

... It's a little bit unnerving. Almost like he's not supposed to grin. Eugh.


Cynthia is walking behind her. She seems relieved somehow that Thea was just in pain. She promptly turns and nods towards Libby.

Libby raises an arm, and releases pretty little healing sparkles. They quickly fly over and flit around Thea, fixing the pain problem.

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