Thea (Throne3D) + Cynthia (RoboticLIN)
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"That's the point! You didn't figure out his name, let alone the proper word. Usual stuff didn't happen! Again!"

Sigh. "You can call him out. As long as you don't charge into battle exhausted you should be able to beat them. If they drop any money, it's normal stuff. They slide over the change people drop and carry it around."


"... I'm supposed to figure out the proper word? I mean, he's sorta me, so... alter-ego? Besides, he didn't really have a chance to tell me what he wants to be called, just that he's a he. But thanks anyway."

She doesn't call him out just yet.


"The word comes out. I named Libby, but the others kinda felt a name that made sense."

One moments pause. "Can i just... Scream loudly for a moment? I really need to."


"Um. So you didn't feel a name for Libby, but the others did, and so it's weird that I didn't? I dunno, I guess he could be a Theo to my Thea? But sure, go ahead and scream."


Cynthia walks a few feet away, and screams incredibly loudly. Libby fake covers her ears.

She then walks back. "I did feel it. The name is still there, I just don't feel like using it... Shi-... Something. You can't... Tell. And that's weird."


Thea winces at the scream, but otherwise continues normally. "Okay. But it still seems like it's my alter-ego, at least, doesn't it? I mean he. He seems like he is. Or, you know, whatever the word is instead of alter-ego."


Cynthia atleast feels better after a quick expelling of frustration. "Well, yes, but look at Libby. She's me, but she isn't like, physically me. She's my - er, that word. Still not going to say it! Even then, I can kinda... Talk to her? Even if she isn't standing two feet from me."

Libby pats Cynthia's head. Cynthia looks off in thought, mouthing syllables to remember what Libby's name was.


"Okay, but Theo isn't physically me, at least not any more. But, do you mean you can talk to her even while she's not out and about?"

She tries seeing if there's an on-switch, again, but isn't aiming to actually bring him out, just seeing if there's any way to interact with him while he's not... manifested.


"Can I just... Slap you square across the face? Hard? Sure, you can push your soul out to stab things, doesn't mean it isn't you. Yes, I can talk to her."

Cynthia is very serious about wanting to slap Thea.


"Yes, I know it's still me, you made that clear, but I mean he's not physically identical to me any more. I thought you meant he was, with the whole 'she isn't physically me' thing."

Ugh, whatever. This doesn't seem to be getting anywhere, so she tries to summon him again.


"Why is it so hard to just... Stop making assumptions... Magic and philosophy... Ugh."


"That's just—" she starts...


... And then she's interrupted by the appearance of the him. Instead of appearing as a translucent silhouette around her, this time he appears in a swirl of translucent smoke next to her.

He makes a 'go on' motion.


... Well, in that case, sure, she will. "That's just stupid – I wasn't just making assumptions about the magic, I was misinterpreting what you said."


"Well that's annoying. Both parts, the misinterpreting and calling him out without a target or telling me. I can't tell if everything went okay! Even then, you still have a bad habit of asking three questions every time you talk..."


"Okay, well, sorry about that."


The he looks between the two of them and says, "Hope I'm not interrupting anything, but no, I'm not a Theo."


Thea gives him a bit of a withering look. "Got any better ideas, then?"


"Nnnot really, but not Theo."


Thea rolls her eyes. "How about Brad?"


He shrugs. Apparently it's Brad for now, then.


Cynthia.exe has stopped working. Please contact your worshiped deity and pray for further instructions.

Libby just shrugs.


Brad indicates Cynthia with a nod of his head, then looks at Thea questioningly.


Thea shrugs. "Why should I know?"

She turns to face Cynthia. "Uh. Are you okay?"


Libby gives a little dismissive wave towards them, in tune of 'she's fine no worries' and then proceeds to stare at 'Brad'.

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