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greenverse quackity on the dream smp
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"Definitely at least a couple days. Probably within the next month, even if it would be funny." 



This makes up for the TNT. This makes up for the TNT and then some. Fuck, Wilbur'll be pissed.


Man, it's actually really nice to have someone ask what he wants and then take the answer into account when making decisions that involve him. This is the kind of thought that would make his Wil raise an eyebrow and say things about lives being liveable but he's enjoying it anyway. 

"Excellent," he says, and he's kind of surprised at how much he means it. 


"I'll send you both an invite within the next week."


"And I will see you then." 

This is about as good a conclusion as he's likely to get; he'll head down. 


(Quackity stays up. He's in a much better mood than he was an hour ago.)


It's fucking incredible how well that went. Holy shit, he was not expecting his next conversation with Quackity to go that well. All the dread and fear and vague nauseous panic has been replaced with...

...well, different dread and fear and vague nauseous panic. But like, in an exhilarating way! He can just fucking do that! If he wants to leave Wilbur he can just fucking do that! 


Sapnap and Karl and a woman Q doesn't recognize with what looks like white cat ears at a distance but are revealed to be horns wrapped in white wool if you look closely (and George, presumably, but he's as quiet as he always is) are in Kinoko; Tommy and a boy Q doesn't recognize, about his age with brown skin, two circular scars on his forehead, a black hoodie, and one red eye, are in the main area next to spawn; Purpled, Sam, two people Q doesn't recognize (a young woman with fairy wings; a young man, grayscale except for his green frog hat) and an anthropomorphic siamese cat Q also doesn't recognize are in a different part of the main area next to spawn. Wilbur's at Paradise. Techno, Philza, and Ranboo are in the arctic. Other than Quackity, Fundy and Slime are at Las Nevadas.


Yeah he's going back to Kinoko. He's visibly happier than he usually is, when he heads back to Kinoko from Las Nevadas. 


Then he will get a young woman he doesn't recognize running up to him! "Alex! Alex, hi! I'm sorry how yesterday went, I was, um, I was going to make you an apology present but I don't really--have much stuff yet--it's good to see you in Kinoko, did you and Karl figure stuff out?"


"I— sorry, what, who's Alex? I don't think we've met?" 


"Oh, um, sorry--Quackity? Is that--you look just like him."


"—oh, okay— yeah, no, I totally do, I just didn't know his name was Alex. Uh, hi! My name's Q. Nice to meet you." Handshake? 


Handshake! "Hi, I'm Tina, nice to meet you too! He mostly goes by Quackity here, sometimes nicknames from that, I don't think anyone else calls him Alex, that's, um, my bad, I'm just used to it, I knew a few of them before moving here. Do you live in Kinoko or are you just visiting? I think Sapnap mentioned you but Karl seemed-- confused, and I didn't realize that you weren't the same person as Alex. Not sure if you're invited to the wedding." She laughs a little, a small self-deprecating giggle more out of habit than because she thinks anything she said was funny.


"I live in Kinoko, yeah, I don't super talk to Karl but Sapnap and I hang out sometimes. I, uh— did not actually realize the wedding was still on?" Or that they were engaged? What? "Last I heard Karl and Quackity were, uh," screaming at each other and accusing each other of murder, "having some issues." 


"I live in the, uh, the Airbnb here, I don't know if I'm actually a citizen yet. Karl definitely wanted me to be. Sapnap and Karl are definitely still on for a wedding, I--don't really know what's going on with Karl and Alex--Quackity, sorry--they were really weird about--everything? I know that he was going to be part of the wedding and now he's not. Sapnap's sad about that, I think, he's not saying so but I can tell. That's why I was excited to see you here, I was hoping maybe they worked it out. Probably not, though."


Wow! Yikes! Also, he refuses to think about that in any detail! 

"Yeah, no, probably, probably not. —my experience is that if you live here long enough you just sort of become a citizen without anyone really questioning it but my experience might have been weird. There really haven't been... people... doing things here at all, except Sapnap and sometimes me," and normally he would not say this to a stranger but it's about the same level as what she's sharing with him and so far she's been a total sweetheart, so, "I— kind of think he's really lonely." 


"You think so? I guess I only saw him the one day, there were a lot of people here yesterday and he went to sleep kind of early. --Not a lot. Me and Karl and Sapnap and Punz and BadBoyHalo and Antfrost. Alex for a little bit at the beginning but he didn't come to Kinoko. And Callahan but he's not really a person, you know? Not in, like, a mean way, he'd just rather be my dog and float around and disappear and stuff instead of, y'know, doing person things."


"Yeah, I get you," even though he absolutely does not, "but for here that's a lot, it's usually literally just Sapnap and Karl and me, and Karl doesn't leave his house that much and I'm out a lot because it's so quiet.

—what, uh, what happened with Quackity? If you, like, wanna say, I just—" 


"With Karl or last night? I... Don't actually know what happened with Karl, it didn't seem like the sort of thing where asking questions would help."


"Last night with you, I mean, I am also not asking what happened with him and Karl." 


"I sort of--um, he got me to steal BadBoyHalo's sword, and then he was trying to get me to trade it back for some netherite armor and he kept trying to get me to up the price, but I felt bad, and then Bad took Alex's netherite armor so I made a joke about, we could just do the trade without him, and he got really mad, started yelling about how I was betraying him and cutting him out of the deal, so he hit me with his axe and threatened me? But then, like, he didn't actually kill me, and he was just trying to get me a good deal, so. I dunno, I kind of felt bad. And, like, everyone has a good side, right? Sapnap wouldn't love him if he wasn't a bit of a softie."


"...I— he threatened you with an axe and you were going to apologize to him about it?" 


"Y-eah? I felt bad and I wanted to... smooth things over, you know, make him something nice. I think we were, um, a little too harsh on him at the time? I think people are too harsh on each other a lot here. This is technically his armor I'm wearing." Pause. "--Karl didn't think I should either."


"—so my impression of Quackity is that he hates when you do that. I've tried smoothing things over with him and it literally never helps, he just gets angrier." 

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