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greenverse quackity on the dream smp
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"I-- Q-- what?"


hahahhaha fuck okay what now he has maybe three seconds to decide—

"What the fuck are you talking about." 


"I just wanted to take a moment to--to appreciate your consideration! Really, I appreciate it, I wasn't expecting you all to--to care so much about my restaurant and how it's doing that you'd do repairs for me. And I wanted to, uh, thank all of you, actually, for--getting rid of that window and cleaning up all the glass, because, sure, it was a little destruction, but it made me realize, that I wanted a new kind of, neon look, for the restaurant--" They've reached the restaurant; he does a sweeping gesture at the new, lime green window, which does not fit at all with the red-and-white walls. The signs have been taken down. "So, thank you guys! This whole thing just--really made me realize that this place needed a little bit of work. And thanks again, Q, for fixing the corner for me."


Wilbur is making so many expressions while looking back and forth between the restaurant, Quackity, and Q. They're mostly not good expressions, though sometimes they've got a thin layer of pretending to be.


Yep alright he's going all in on confused indignation—

"I didn't fucking— what are you talking about? I didn't fucking do that!" 


"I don't know why you're lying about it--ohhhhhh. I get it. Wilbur didn't send you, did he. Well. In any case. Thank you."


Fuck you too you asshole bitch—

"Thank you for what! Why the fuck would I do that, do you literally think I'm that much of an idiot, what would that even fucking gain me—" 


"Why should I know?"


Wilbur's voice is small. "...Q...?"


"—Wilbur, I was with you that day. You know where I was. I—" he lets himself go small and sad and hurt, he can't quite cry on command but he can get pretty damn close to it— "what, do you seriously think I spent the morning with you and then immediately turned around and, and fucking came here? Why would I do that? I— do you really think I would do that?" 


"I don't--know, okay, I don't--know, I was just--confused--why would--"


Now for the kill, before Q can distract Wilbur too much. "As I was saying, your, your little game, with the burger van, made me realize another thing, I decided to hire an employee!" And cue:




—oh no


"You're-- you're fucking me, you're kidding--!"


"Tubbo! Hey, Tubbo! Hey, look who came to visit!" His voice is light, laughing, friendly; he gestures at the trio of Wilbur-Q-Ranboo.


"Hey!" He doesn't, for what it's worth, seem as stressed as he was yesterday. It's kind of hard to tell, with Tubbo, the difference between polite and friendly, but he doesn't seem upset or scared.


He's fine. He's fine he's fine he's fine. And if he isn't then it's because he's still upset over being accused of betraying Wilbur, which supports his story rather than detracting from it. Less stressed than yesterday is a really low bar but in fact Tubbo seems as okay as he can reasonably seem. It's fine.



Wilbur takes a deep breath. And then another. "Tubbo, man, it's good to see you! Tubbo! What the fuck!"


"Uh, well, I mean, y'know, I decided I'd get a job. Something to do."


Wilbur looks back and forth a few times, between Tubbo and Quackity in front of him and Q in between them and Ranboo behind them and off to the side. "No, I mean-- It's-- I just-- I did! I mean, you could-- I offered you to come and work at my burger van, y’know! It was--" His voice drops from high-pitched to a more normal register. "It was yesterday on the-- in the L'Manberg crater. I, I said, I said you should come and hang out and make burgers at my burger van. And now you’re working at another burger restaurant after turning down my burger restaurant--Quackity, what did you tell him?"


"Listen, listen, I’m gonna tell you this right now: Tubbo is one of the best employees I've ever had. Me and Tubbo had a little talk, and we realized that Tubbo has great aspirations in life, and I told Tubbo that I would offer him maybe one of the best jobs anyone could have, and that's running the only restaurant in Las Nevadas. Tubbo is actually not only an employee, he is managing this place! Tubbo--he manages this place, he cooks here-- you should try his food! He makes these burgers--oh, and what a coincidence, they're named as well! I like to call it the Tubburger. That's so weird!"


"Great! Yeah! Cool!"


Ahahahaha. Ha. What if he places a grass block down and then picks it up and puts it somewhat to the right. Absolutely fascinating, this grass block is.


Tubbo seems fine. Tubbo does not seem stressed or afraid even to the extent he does when giving speeches, let alone to the extent he does when he's under threat. Tubbo is hard to read and this Tubbo might not have the same tells as Q's but he genuinely looks like he is okay. 

Tubbo can make his own decisions. Tubbo does not know Q. Q would really fucking prefer that Tubbo wasn't involved in this mess but Tubbo has every goddamn reason to want to be petty in Wilbur's general direction. It is fine. It is fine. 

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