Karen is informed by owl that she's a prefect. She writes her friends about that, of course.
Miranda asks Fawley if she will get along with the now-third-year pilot member of this program.
"Does that mean you won't get along with her? I bet Malfoy will trade me Abbott if you'd sooner not share."
"It was great! We've got more firsties than sixth years, you won't mind an extra, will you?"
"Stoller's good in Defense and she can sing pretty well," Miranda tells Fawley.
"I don't know the family -"
"I'm Muggleborn."
"I'm good in Defense because when I was twelve I had to duel a sixth-year over it. I won."
"- how'd you do that?"
"I cheated. But it's okay, this is Slytherin, and what's important is that everyone knows I could cheat the next time too." She smiles.
"- nice to meet you."
"You said."
Same things minus the Runes and plus Alchemy! She does not find Madam Hirudinea a very useful teacher past the basics and finds herself cleaning more bedpans than she'd like so she's dropped that.
Karen doesn't want to drop anything. Scheduling concerns opt her out of Defense and Runes. She skips Alchemy after much debate.