Karen is informed by owl that she's a prefect. She writes her friends about that, of course.
"Well, yes, but I never wound up especial friends with Theodore over knowing his brothers..."
"I don't think you and Theodore are very compatible personalities. You care about some of the same things but - differently."
"Yeah, probably. If I had determinedly not been friends with you for a whole week Timothy'd've thrown me at you."
Classes resume! The now-sixth-years Miranda convinced to adopt firsties grill the new sortees over the welcoming feast and each pick one - not the ones who need it most, unfortunately, but the idea is that it'll be enough of a tradition to cover everyone and it has to start somewhere, and none of these are outright Muggleborn anyway. An unchosen firstie girl wants to know what the deal is and Miranda explains it to her and she latches onto a fourth-year of her own accord, presumably hoping to be adopted by the follow-them-home strategy. Miranda doesn't adopt a new one, she already has Stoller.
"I think so too! I'm hoping it spreads but I think it might be more useful for girl Slytherins than for any other sort of student."
"Well, there was Timothy, but on the whole I think boys are a little less - positive sum? About things? It wouldn't work badly for them if they did it but they'd have to actually do it and not take it as designated-picking-on-targets or anything - which girls might do but I think it's a bit less likely."
"Not very. Timothy does - networking. And very good presents. He got me Cricket. Cricket hates him."
"Have a good term, lemme know if you need anything."
And that afternoon finds Miranda in the library doing her Transfiguration essay.
Minor comes and finds her. "Hey! Next weekend there're people pitching in for a Portkey from Hogsmeade down to London. I haven't any shopping in London this early in term but it's supposed to be the best time of year to fly the Channel. Would you like to go with me? As a date?"