Karen is informed by owl that she's a prefect. She writes her friends about that, of course.
She laughs. "What's taking him so long, right, it's just the one world."
"Maybe less time? He could play them off one another or something? Nah, by that logic he should rule Britain already."
"Compared to everyone going direct to Hogwarts. Going to London first only helps if it's closer. If you live in Hogsmeade, say, it's dumb."
"I'm not sure how Muggleborns from Ireland are supposed to get here, either."
"Maybe they get Portkeys or something? Stoller won't know, she lives nearish by London."
"I don't actually know any of the Muggleborns in our year well, I think a couple of the Ravenclaw girls are but don't ask me where they're from."
"Roberts has a bit of an Irish accent but it's possible she doesn't live there, I guess."
"I don't know if they're allowed. I could've said I wanted to be taught at home, but..."
"It might be they could pick a different school, if they knew about them."
There is one more firstie Slytherin girl than sixth year Slytherin girl, so Miranda says she'll pick up a new firstie - Stoller will just have to share - and maybe one won't want a mentor or somebody else will take a pair or a boy will chip in or something.
Welcome to Hogwarts, firsties, what are you excited about, are you related to anyone we know...