They are getting new students today. Edie heard this from her mother, who heard this from the principal, because of course Charlotte Xavier was going to befriend the school principal and keep on top of this kind of gossip. Regardless, having the dubious honor of having been the new kid herself, it's...probably for the best if she helps them get situated. She loiters near the main entrance, scanning for completely unfamiliar faces.
"If you literally drag my sister to Vegas tonight I require that you also drag me; I am not missing my twin sister's wedding."
"I will not drag your sister to Vegas tonight. However tempted I am by flour-related anecdotes."
"Lucky has gym, theatre, and Writer's Craft; I have physics, World History, and statistics."
"I guess it's not that surprising we have a lot of overlap; there's not that many advanced classes open to sophomores."
"I wanted to be in more advanced math but it turns out there are in fact not enough hours in the day."
"It occurs to me to ask, once you discovered an absence of fire-alarm-related precautions, did they add any?"
"Yeah." She looks at Lucky. "Wanna start a betting pool on whether their kids blow up the planet or cure cancer?"
"I'm gonna go with 'bring about world peace and usher human civilization into an age of unprecedented prosperity'. If they don't manage that themselves by the time the kids are our age."
"Edie and Merry do that, the kids locate sapient alien life and usher them into a golden age?" she suggests.
"There's almost certainly non-sapient alien life, at least," she shrugs. "It's a big universe. I don't see why other planets shouldn't have evolved people too."