They are getting new students today. Edie heard this from her mother, who heard this from the principal, because of course Charlotte Xavier was going to befriend the school principal and keep on top of this kind of gossip. Regardless, having the dubious honor of having been the new kid herself, it's...probably for the best if she helps them get situated. She loiters near the main entrance, scanning for completely unfamiliar faces.
...She sits down. Quietly: "Their mother has been trying to help me get taken away from my parents since they got here. She's got money for good lawyers, but so do they, and--the contrast of the courts fucking up so dramatically in opposite directions--
I don't like it when people are angry around me so she left."
Emily pets her hair. "I think this might be a record for highest concentration of confessions of personal information within such a short time of meeting."
"It's alright. You had no idea that landmine was there to step on, and it was a very enjoyable conversation before that. I like that we were getting along well enough to feel comfortable saying those things."
"That is true. Are you referring to the things we were discussing about her earlier or the fact that she gets mad enough over Anna-Sophia to upset her and has the presence of mind to leave so it doesn't?"
"There is a reason I brought up the flour incident," she agrees. "She likes you too, she talked about you a lot in French, the teacher doesn't care what we say in class as long as we don't say it in English."
"Are you and Lucky going to start a betting pool about the date and circumstances of our marriage?"
"Not yet, but I am going to non-jokingly suggest you ask her out, and if you don't do it I'm going to suggest the converse to her."
"I think if she does the asking-out there's a lower overall chance of them ending up in Vegas tonight."
"I mean, I think even in Nevada it's not legal for fifteen-year-olds to marry, and Edie doesn't know anyone who can make fake ID that fast yet, so..."
"And it'll take her long enough to find one that I really don't think we're in actual danger of Vegasing until, like, day after tomorrow, tomorrow at the very earliest."
"Right right right, I'm not saying you can't get to Vegas tonight, I'm saying if the goal is to not go to Vegas tonight it's totally achievable."