They are getting new students today. Edie heard this from her mother, who heard this from the principal, because of course Charlotte Xavier was going to befriend the school principal and keep on top of this kind of gossip. Regardless, having the dubious honor of having been the new kid herself, it's...probably for the best if she helps them get situated. She loiters near the main entrance, scanning for completely unfamiliar faces.
"Mother had the contractors put in an ornamental pond rather than trying to fill in the hole. The really clever part was how she got her hands on that much flour, though."
"Organized a bake sale for a local girl scout chapter--keep in mind that we weren't actually girl scouts--and convinced everyone to turn over all the baking to her, mostly by pretending to everyone that everyone else who was supposed to do any of the baking hadn't actually done it, then found enough recipes for things that didn't actually involve flour that she was able to embezzle almost all of it."
"I didn't even get caught, after," she volunteers. "I mean, at the girl scout shenanigans, I totally got caught blowing up our backyard with a flour bomb. But no one wanted to admit to having accidentally offloaded an event's worth of cooking to a seven-year-old.
...I think Dad guessed. But he--approved of my cleverness, if he did, he thought the whole thing was great, he was a lot less mad about the hole in the backyard than Mom was."
"Always good to get details like this out in the open before the wedding. Other relevant details include the fact that his parents were Holocaust survivors and Mom's been paraplegic since before we were born."
"I can do an elevator pitch. Sixteen-year-old girl vanishes for months and comes back pregnant, gets committed to mental hospital by well-meaning friend, wins epic court battle to keep her kids out of the foster system..."
Anna-Sophia walks up carrying a lunch tray. She looks between Merry and Lucky. "Huh. I assume I'm not seeing double. Which one of you did I have class with this morning?"
"...Hi, I'm Lucky, Merry's twin brother. I... was just sharing some needlessly depressing family history?"
"Their mother came very close to unfairly losing custody of them. Edie--didn't want to--" She shakes her head. To the twins: "There's context."