They are getting new students today. Edie heard this from her mother, who heard this from the principal, because of course Charlotte Xavier was going to befriend the school principal and keep on top of this kind of gossip. Regardless, having the dubious honor of having been the new kid herself, it's...probably for the best if she helps them get situated. She loiters near the main entrance, scanning for completely unfamiliar faces.
Edie, Emily, Anise and Vorkosiganoids in Animorphs
"But in some senses it's easier, like... not having anything, because we don't know what we're missing so we don't miss it as much."
She finishes eating and grabs the remains of Edie's lunch.
"I'm going to see if I can find my sister and at least let her have a little more food before classes."
When Merry gets to Physics Edie is already there. If Emily failed and she's starving she shows no signs.
"So have you already taken chemistry, because that wasn't the only thing Emily told me about that conversation, and I can't think of a good way to ask someone out using physics puns."