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We make no promises about finishing this before Winds of Winter comes out
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“Yes. Agreed.” Her mouth twitches. “And, you know, aside from the concerns of human decency and kindness and whatnot, I think it’d be a sound political decision to win the favor of Tywin.”


"Only if Jaime does in fact step down. If he doesn't, Tywin Lannister might be cross with—Rhaegar or me, depending on details—for not further encouraging his son to leave." He has met many an idealistic man and... he could really see it going either way, here.


"Long term, yes, it could backfire if it didn't work out the way he wanted, but that would only be sorted out after Aerys is dead, which. I really think is the important part, do any of us particularly care who sits the Iron Throne, so long as it's not him or someone that's somehow worse?"


"It can't be him," says Alis, hiking a thumb in Zakary's direction.


"It cannot be me," Zak agrees, much more emphatically.


"Right. We're all just mad that we had to even be here, really, and would like to go back to doing nearly anything else."


"We are in agreement. Milady would not believe the number of people in this rebellion who have, ah, made jests about how I should be the one on that Throne."


"So unreasonable, right, you competently lead one rebellion and suddenly people start thinking you are a competent leader," he says, dryly.


"Mm. Darling, forgive me, but I think you should try to do as much figureheading as possible. No one's going to want a Stark on the throne, and everyone will be expecting you to flee back to Winterfell the minute the dust has settled. It might buy Zakary some more breathing room."






"...damn it."


"What is that sound I hear? Is it the sound of Lord Stark hearing a good idea and being unable to argue with it?"


"I know. I'm sorry, dear." She pats her poor husband, who is having way too much asked of him because his siblings did stupid things. "Fortunately, if it seems like you hate every second you're here, it'll play well into the northern narrative, so."


"Truly Alisander is a shining example of a Northman."


Alis squints at Zak. "I feel like I am being mocked."


He grins. "You are not. The joke here is that you are in fact a Northman down to your bones even though you have protested this a lot in the past, and you like being one. So here you are, Lord Stark, I could legitimately not think of anyone better suited to be heir to Winterfell." Not even Brandon, though he doesn't say that because for one he didn't know Brandon very well and for two clearly Anavett knew him and loved him.


Anavett absolutely hears him anyway, and frankly, she agrees. But feels complicated things about agreeing, so. She'll just pretend she didn't hear him not say that. If everyone could please play along with her not engaging with her feelings while they're fresh and complicated and there are things to do, that'd be great.

"You'll do great, and in fact are already doing marvelously, I'm shocked and impressed you managed to drag your bannermen kicking and screaming down here at all, really."


"They didn't kick and scream very much. ...I did have to duel a few of them." A tiny smile. "Not the Greatjon, or he would have known better than to challenge me."


"I think you might greatly overestimate the Greatjon's ability to make sound decisions when the opportunity for glory presents itself, Lord Stark, and what should be more glorious than being the one who finally puts you on your arse? You've built yourself a reputation, love."


"I truly do not understand what you think you could possibly gain by continuing to relentlessly flatter me like that."


"'Tis normal praxis to relentlessly flatter one's lover with little to no expectation of gain.

"In any event," he continues, turning back to Anavett, "if milady isn't yet fed up with me for flirting so much with her husband, Lord Tywin Lannister was not the only item on my list of potential things she could help me with."

He in fact has a whole lot of other things to ask, impressions to validate, and opinions to hear. He wasn't lying when he said that he believed she had much she could do to help him in his war (and thus in safeguarding Alisander's safety), and this will definitely not be the kind of conversation that will take only a single afternoon's tea. Thankfully, they have time for many more such meetings before they have to march.


She is not fed up with him flirting with her husband, and more than happy to assist with keeping him alive! And also a little... blown away by how much he respects her opinions and values her thoughts. Not that she's engaging with that, right now, in favor of ruthless efficiency of relaying her knowledge and opinions of local politics, but. It's surprising. She even doubts herself, because, well. Acting Lady of the Tully household she might be, her mother is dead, her father is patronizing at best, and while her uncle is smart, he mostly doesn't give a damn about any of it. There was no one to really relay these interpersonal intricacies to her. It's all just been sitting quietly at her father's feet, soaking in all the information she can.

What information she has soaked up is pretty useful, though. The Targaryen alliance is, in her opinion, more fragile than it looks. Aerys's closest and most loyal ally is to House Martell of Dorne, from their daughter's marriage to his son Rhaegar. But Aerys being Aerys, she doesn't think he's earned any loyalty on his own merits, and it'd be more accurate to say that Dorne is loyal to Rhaegar. Which she's not quite sure how to leverage, but it's potentially a crack in the royal alliance to be exploited.

The other major ally, House Tyrell, is... well, they like war about as much as her own house does. Which is to say, they hate it, and want to be involved as little as possible, but will honor their alliances as necessary to avoid making anyone really cross with them. Mace Tyrell's forces are besieging Storm's End, the Baratheon stronghold, and Anavett is fairly certain that this is about all the Tyrells and their bannermen would like to participate in this war, thank you. Any further assistance will be only extracted with much kicking and screaming. She expects the siege to be lengthy and without overmuch risk on behalf of the attackers. If - and this is admittedly a big if - Storm's End can hold out, the Tyrells are unlikely to adjust their strategy in this very fast paced war that is being conducted. It is much easier to just sit there and have a comparatively restful siege that would technically help the cause very much if it ever succeeded, but is mostly about starving the enemy out than actually risking life and limb in a direct and bloody fashion. She's not sure what to do with that information, but she thinks it's probably useful. Maybe. She hopes.

She has further details on some more minor houses and their opinions of the war, but those should wait for other meetings, yes. This is the big picture overview.


Most of that, he already knew or at least suspected, but it's also pretty good to have confirmation of what, exactly, has filtered to someone who isn't actively conducting a war. He's on top of the siege on Storm's End, and has secured enough smugglers to get going for the time being. But as for the Martells... what Anavett is saying does rhyme with other things he's heard, and paints a picture. His best model of it is something akin to a hostage situation, and he suspects that if they managed to get Elia martell away from the mad king they might drive a very powerful wedge into that crack. It's something to be looked into, at any rate.


"But I do believe I should get going, now; though the company be delightful, the hour grows late, and I certainly wouldn't want to invite any speculation as to the nature of our meetings. Milady, it has been truly a pleasure to finally properly make your acquaintance. I can see why my Alis is in love with you."


It was in retrospect a little bit silly to tell Zakary Baratheon what little information she had on the Tyrells that are besieging his family's ancestral home, but, well. Consolidation of information and it being better to make sure he knows rather than just going 'Ah, yes, the menfolk have it sorted.' Confirmation of information is also information. She regrets nothing, really, just feels a smidge self conscious, even after reassurance that her contribution is helpful.

"The pleasure was mine," she says, ducking her head and smiling. Yep, this was about when they should be wrapping this up so as not to accidentally cause any sorts of doubts on her fidelity towards her husband. She will be dodging those for almost certainly her adult life, and honestly, having tea with Zakary Baratheon (with her husband present!) is nothing in comparison to what she's probably going to have to deal with in White Harbor. Anyway, she can't directly say 'likewise' because that would be too obvious, but: "And I see why my husband cherishes you as well. I wish you luck and victory in the coming days, and... do please take care of him."

This one is definitely an innuendo, though Anavett has quite an ability to make it sound perfectly innocent and sincere. They're just talking about safety on the battlefield, that's all, really!


He beams widely. "And you, too, please do the same, wherever and whenever I cannot." He bows, then runs a quick calculation in his head and pulls her husband in for a short but deep kiss.

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