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the chains of binding
We make no promises about finishing this before Winds of Winter comes out
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The godswood at Riverrun has a proper weirwood heart tree at the center of its living web of redwoods and green, but that's about all that's right about it. Nothing is actually directly wrong about it, precisely, it's just... also not right. Tame, tended, like someone's prized garden for lounging instead of a place for the old gods. Not somewhere that has been given to them entirely. The slender white weirwood, with its carved face of sorrow and tears of sticky blood red sap, looks more out of place than welcome. It doesn't match its bright, airy, flower covered surroundings at all. All of the godswoods north of the Neck are still and silent, like all the world is holding its breath waiting for something unknowably old to whisper. Here, there is the irritating cry of birdsong. It's the difference between seeing a well bred dog and a wolf. Obvious. Blatant. A bit insulting, even, if one thinks too much about it and has half a mind to search every shadow for biting implications. Dogs are still dangerous, but dress them up enough, and they make you forget. One should never forget of the danger of any gods, especially the old. Places that belong to them are not for garden parties.

Certainly not this many fucking flowers.

But for one wolf, trapped inextricably in these high red sandstone walls by chains of duty and injustice, it is perhaps the least wrong place available in any reasonable amount of time.

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When Alis had heard Riverrun sported a godswood, he had hoped to have a little taste of, of home here. But as he steps out into the crisp Spring air and looks around himself the disgust showing on his face deepens. He tries to pretend he's back home, even closes his eyes so that he doesn't have to stare at the flowers. Sheds his coat so that what little cold there's left in the air will get to him more, compound the illusion for a bit. And his feet take him to the tree as if by instinct, guided by he knows not what, without sight to show him the way. Nevertheless, he is a Stark, and he must open his eyes face reality for what it is, even when what it is is a perversion of his hopes and expectations, of the promises the world has made him.

Of the promises that infuriating man has made him.

This is a war. This is not a little scuffle between kids at sword practice; this is conflict, this is armies marching on their enemies and extracting victory from their still-warm guts. He does not have time for Hoster Tully's bullshit.

The Mad King's son "took" his sister—and it does not sit right with Alis, that Brandon and their father immediately jumped to the conclusion that she had been abducted, as if they had not met Lyanna, as if they did not know that she would sooner slice her own throat than be taken by a man she did not want—but he had not been there when they heard the news, and by the time he did it was too late: his father and brother had flown to King's Landing and demanded of the Mad King the return of Lyanna, as if the Mad King would ever deign to listen to them. He does what he wants, despite everything; another blight on the Targaryen family tree. And what he wanted turned out to be literally setting Alis's father on fire while his brother strangled himself attempting to reach a sword to free him. To make matters worse, the King decided to ask for Alisander's own head, just for being a Stark, as well as Zakary's, for being Lyanna's betrothed.

Zakary, too, did not hear of this affair until too late. He does not love Lyanna (Alis knows this well), but he admires her, and in their private conversations he's agreed with Alisander's assessment that if Prince Rhaegar has Lyanna it's because Lyanna wants him to have her. And all very well, it would be a slight on Zakary's honour but Alis is sure Zak would have let her stay with the Prince with good grace, and probably managed to acquire a concession or two for Storm's End in return. But, again, it was Alis's brother Brandon and father Rickard who heard, and who went, and who died.

So now Alisander has to choose between losing his head and defying the Mad King, as does Zakary. The choice is obvious, but nevertheless the fact that the King has been digging his own grave for years now has made such defiance much more practical in that they can, in fact, find allies to rally to their cause and finally get rid of that menace once and for all. Alis went back North to get his men while Zakary rode all over the Eyrie and farther still to secure other alliances, making concessions and paying with coin he does not have. And while Alis's own trek was gruesome, long, and fraught, it did not hold a candle to what Zakary went through. He had to fight his own men, Houses sworn to his that nevertheless defied him in defence of the Mad King. And with yet more battles between then and now, Alisander would have thought all would be settled, he would marry Tully's eldest daughter to cement their alliance and they would march south.

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But no. No, Hoster Tully decided he needed the deal sweetened. It was not enough that his daugher would become Lady of Winterfell. It was not enough that Zakary Baratheon had saved his life and he owed Zak a debt of blood. No, Tully wanted more out of their alliance, and would dither and waste time, precious time during which King Aerys II and his supporters could get more and more prepared for them.

When Alis finally cut through Tully's bullshit and understood what the man was saying it took almost all of his self-control not to challenge Tully to a duel right then and there and get this over with. Not that it would send him off to a great start for his marriage to Anavett Tully but at that point he was seeing red.

Jon Arryn, the gods bless him, stepped in and told Alis to go pray at the godswood while he dealt with Tully. So Alis went, left that crowded room and the stares of those people and that slimy weasel, to get a moment of peace with his gods. A moment of fresh air. A moment, a moment—

—a moment during which he saw the absolute travesty they call a godswood and which sent his whole mind tumbling over these past several months and only served to incense Alis even more. How dare he. After everything, after Brandon and Rickard's deaths, after fighting for his honour and for justice and against the menace to the realm that is that King, after Zakary saved Tully's life—this is not helping. He needs to stop and breathe. He needs to actually forget the reason he's here because the more he thinks about it all and the more he keeps picturing all the myriad creative ways in which he wants to murder Hoster Tully the angrier he gets.

He centers back in himself, finding that he's kneeling by the weirwood with his forehead pressed against the tree and his fists balled around grass and flowers, and relaxes. Breathes. Closes his eyes once more, focuses on his heartbeat, focuses on the wind and the earth and the tree. Tunes out the bloody birds—breathe. Breathe. Calm down. Jon Arryn will solve this, somehow, he's not sure even Zakary has it in him to deal with Hoster Tully right now and Alis is also mad that he hasn't had a single minute to spend alone with Zak since he's arrived, but Jon Arryn is a smart, sensible man who will not let the likes of the petty riverland lord send him into a fury like he did Alis.

It will be fine. Or maybe it won't, but being in such a state will not help it be fine anyway, and he should just be still and pray for the wisdom of the old gods to guide him through this.

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Eventually, there is a rustling of footsteps in grass as someone comes to join him.

"You know, in a strange way, I think he's trying to help us," sighs Jon Arryn, resident bastion of self control. "It's sorted, lad."

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Alis opens his eyes once more—he may have fallen asleep, he's not sure, godswoods have a tendency to make him lose note of the world around him but they always help him sort his feelings out—then stands up and turns around. "Lord Arryn," he says. "—it is? What did you decide?"

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"Double wedding. You can likely pick which of the girls you'd rather have as a bride, if you'd fancied the younger one at Harrenhall. And the other gets to help me with the problem Denys's death left me."

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"Double wedding," he says slowly, as if to confirm he heard the right words. "With you as the other groom," he adds. Alisander would usually not expose so much of his thought processing and confusion to another—he's already cultivated a reputation as quiet, taciturn, and measured, so he's mostly silent most of the time—but he and Zak have been Jon Arryn's wards for a long while, now, and Lord Arryn is like a father to Alis. In his heart of hearts, Alis cares more for Jon than he did for his sire.

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"Like I said. In a strange, slippery way, I think he's trying to help."

Because of course, with Denys Arryn dead, now Jon Arryn is without a proper heir. And the obvious way to fix that would be with a wife.

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Alis is extremely doubtful of this, but this whole people thing is Zak's domain not his so he merely nods.

"I... suppose I must choose, then," which he also hates but honestly if he doesn't get an immediate obvious reason to choose one over the other he'll just go with the one his brother was betrothed to, that'll be easier. He starts walking towards Jon and the great hall.

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"I'm sorry, lad," sighs Arryn, clapping Alisander on the shoulder and then falling into step beside him. In an undertone, he adds: "The younger seems to have had a run in with a certain draught of tea, if ah. That changes anything."

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"I do not see why it should. 'Tis not as if I have been completely discreet all my life, either," though for all the rumour mill knows he has in fact been completely discreet all his life.

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"Felt it fair to warn you. I know none of this has been fair, had to do my best to make up for it a little."

The Great Hall is already in the midst of preparations for the wedding feast. Since it'll be a springtime wedding, the decorations are primarily 'flowers.' Fortunately, they want the audience chamber above, where the injured Hoster Tully sits on his impressive high seat and makes everyone else come to him. So Alis doesn't have to suffer the flowers for very long.


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Alis's newly acquired serenity and inner peace suffices to weather the onslaught of Spring being thrust upon him, so he only gives the flowers a cold dispassionate glare at he passes them by.

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A guard escorts them up the stairs and to the door that leads to Hoster Tully. The guard at this door looks terribly awkward.

"Ah, my lord will be just a few minutes, he's—"

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"Oh, do forgive me, father, I didn't realize our house words were 'convenience, duty, honor,' my mistake!" comes a voice through the door at a less than mild shriek.

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The next voice isn't as high pitched, but it is definitely still carries. And that would be Lord Tully.

"It's not mere convenience to avoid pestering Lord Stark with your trivialities, I expect better of you—"

The guard winces.

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"What a lovely matched set we make, then!"

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Alis... is kind of curious, he can't lie. Besides, someone is yelling at Hoster Tully and this is intensely cathartic and he does not want to interrupt it.

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The guard does, apparently. He looks at the lords in front of him nervously, then clears his throat and calls, a little shrilly, through the door.

"My lord! Lord Stark and Lord Arryn wish an audience!"

The ensuing silence puts the pathetic excuse for a godswood to utter shame.

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"... Send them in," sighs Hoster Tully.

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The lady who had clearly been responsible for the shrieking has the good grace to look embarrassed when the door opens, and curtseys politely.

"Welcome, my lords," she begins, in a desperate bid to fill the awkward silence. Then her eyes meet Alisander's and her polite smile freezes a little in place. Her mind has now caught up with the introduction given by the guard, and she has realized that the man that she's supposed to marry tomorrow has just heard her shouting at her father.

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Alisander has the mirror realisation simultaneously; if the Tully he met at the tourney was Lysa this must be Anavett.

"Lord Tully," he greets the head of house. "And you must be Lady Anavett? It is a pleasure to meet you. I hope we are not interrupting anything important...?"

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"I am," she says, still with her politely frozen smile. This is, of course, the very first time they have ever even seen each other. And his first impression of her is screaming at someone through the door. "A pleasure to meet you as well, my lord."

She wants to fling herself off of Riverrun and into one of the available rivers. Maybe she'll drown and put herself out of her misery, wouldn't that be nice.

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"Nothing of true importance, Lord Stark," says her father, recovering much faster. "The nerves of war are getting to her, I believe, she's taken issue with sharing a wedding with her sister. I know it's not ideal, but, well. We cannot concern ourselves with such trivialities at a time like this."

Alisander doesn't even need to look at Jon Arryn to know that he is raising his eyebrows. He could probably even picture the expression accurately, too, it's the same one he had when Alis and Zak were bickering and someone was leaving something important out.

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Nobody's waiting very long for the details, though. Her father's implications that she is a stupid silly girl are enough to unfreeze Anavett's smile, and suddenly it's deadly sharp.

"I think respecting the culture and traditions of my soon-to-be husband isn't trivial at all!" she says, as sweetly as certain types of poison, and probably twice as murderous. "You see, Brandon," and there's a wince in her eyes and a hint of pain in her tone, but it's been months and she needs to get over it, so carries on regardless, "mentioned that northern marriage traditions are a bit different than ours, and take place in the godswood? I don't know the details, but he made it sound like it wouldn't take much," she waves a hand, "arrangement or fuss. You've come so far, it only seems proper to bring some resemblance of the north to you."

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...huh. He thinks there are some lines to read between, there, but he has no idea what they are. Why would she care about his traditions?

Nevertheless, the thought of not having to marry in a Sept with a whole crowd watching him speak foreign, Southern vows he would need to twist beyond recognition to be able to actually truthfully mean them is extremely appealing. And not having to share the ceremony and stretch it out even longer...

So is her father right? Is that why she wants this? So as to not share her wedding with her sister? Does Anavett dislike Lysa for some reason? Except, no, put your training to use, Stark, these lines to read between are important. You cannot just ignore them anymore, you're playing the game now whether you want to or not.

The words of House Tully are "Family. Duty. Honour." She mentioned that, she specifically replaced the first word with "convenience" when she was putting her father in his place arguing. She thinks her father is putting convenience above family. So whatever she's hoping to achieve with this is for her family.

It has nothing to do with his traditions, nor does it relate to their own marriage, really. This is about Lysa, and it's something that she expects will be good for Lysa. Then she must think that sharing their wedding would be bad for Lysa because... because...

...because Lysa is a younger sister, who's always been in Anavett's shadow, whose flower has already been lost if Lord Arryn's words are to be believed, whose honour is already marred and who would only be further humiliated by the affair. Because Lysa, in Anavett's eyes, deserves better. Deserves to have the day she becomes an adult be hers, deserves to be the star of her own wedding rather than merely a side character.

(At least he thinks so. He doesn't have Zak's magical intuition, he has to think through all of it explicitly, work it all out. But there's one thing Zak's said, about how at the end it'll all feel like it clicks. When you're right your confusion is gone, you have something that explains everything you see, that lets you be clear about what's happening. He's not confused anymore.)

Alis wants this one.

"Lord Tully," he says after a few seconds of pure inexpressive silence. "If—" No, Stark, you are the Warden of the North, now. Act the part. "It would suit me well to wed your daughter in the godswood according to the customs of my people. She is to be Lady of Winterfell and I believe it appropriate that she do so in proper Northern tradition.

"No further arrangements for the affair need be made; the old gods do not seek homage or worship and prefer a simple connection to nature as the stage for matrimony." Here they only have fake, cultivated nature, stripped of the ugly and the dark and the raw and the mysterious, but it is still nature, and much better than a hall decorated with flowers plucked from the ground and dying without fulfilling their purpose. "She needs only her maiden cloak, and that will be enough."

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Hoster Tully clearly wants to argue, looking affronted at his favorite daughter marrying in the (small, tamed) woods instead of in the Seven-blessed sept that is of their family's faith. But just as clearly, he's having some trouble finding any kind of argument of weight.

"... I fear I won't have the strength to give away two daughters in two separate locations," is what he settles on, uneasily. Because, well, he is injured. "Nor perhaps the time to travel between."

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"Uncle Brynden could give me away," offers his daughter, immediately. Then: "But Brandon made it sound like the custom was Andal, not of the First Men, so, ah...?"

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"She need not be given away by another," Alis offers helpfully (and a little bit spitefully). "The North recognises her as her own woman, and if she should wish to give herself away, she can do so."

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"... Your dress won't hold up well to cavorting around in the godswood, dear," he attempts, and even he knows his argument is pathetic.

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"I'm sure it can fit Lysa just as well, with a bit of last minute needlework. It shouldn't be too much trouble to find me something sturdier." She curtsies to Alisander. "Thank you, my lord, for your time and consideration. I'm glad I could help you feel more at home so far from it."

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"And thank you, milady, for your concern and care. It speaks well of your character." He does not specify whom it is exactly that Anavett is extending her concern and care to. A rare smile breaks on his face as he adds, "I do believe you will make a fine Lady Stark."

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"I, ah, thank you, my lord," murmurs a suddenly very shy young woman who is so very interested in her shoes. Her smile can be heard even in her voice, even if she's hiding it a little.

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"You have my blessings for organizing a separate ceremony in the godswood, then," sighs Hoster Tully, finally resigned. "What was it you needed my attention for?"

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"This was it, milord; I wished only to be apprised of the details of our ceremony."

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"Ah. Of course. ... I do think it only practical for the feast to be shared, I hope that is acceptable?"

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Not literally, that would be unseemly.

"Yes, that seems sensible to me also."

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Soon enough, Lord Tully summons his seneschal, maester, and coin keeper, and they begin the tedious work of nailing down all of the details.

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Lady Anavett remains for this, and proves to be quite helpful, though as something more of an aid, assistant, and cupbearer than a proper equal. But a competent one, and... almost certainly an ambitious one, too.

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Jon Arryn is amused in a subtle way that only Alisander is likely to pick up on, and seems content to let the younger generation figure out most of the details. He steps in if something is obviously a bad idea, the man's been married twice before already and is almost certainly the most experienced at wedding planning because of it, but frankly, he's too old for this shit.

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Alis continues to be satisfied by his own assessment of Anavett. She clearly has a good head on her shoulders, which Brandon completely neglected to mention for the past six or seven years of their betrothal. All Brandon talked about was how she was hot and pretty and a redhead and strong-willed and it drove Alis insane with the shallowness of it all.

Maybe he was onto something, though? ...except no, bad to speak ill of the dead but his brother was an absolute brute of a womaniser airhead. Which admittedly Alis had also thought Zak was when they first met as children but now he can tell very clearly the difference between them. Zak respects people as people, respects women and doesn't treat them as pretty decoration he can fuck, which Brandon very very much used to fail at.

...anyway. He will pay attention to everything as is proper of the Lord of Winterfell but he frankly does not care very much. The gods will guide his wedding and regardless of what they decide Alis will have to mostly tune out the feast afterwards so its details are immaterial.

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The details are eventually sorted out, at least to the degree that it matters to the Lords present. Anavett will need to be coached on what precisely the traditional northern wedding vows.... are... but aside from that, separating the ceremonies is honestly quite easy. The guests will need to sort out which one they go to, since they will still be taking place at approximately the same time (with Lysa and Jon's wedding starting earlier, and ending later) but it's generally understood that most people present will probably want to go to the marriage in the sept. Not the one in the woods. So, the Lord of Winterfell's wedding will (comparatively) be a more quiet affair.

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Thank the old gods for that.

And after this is all done they should acquire supper, which Alisander will take with his army because that is the way of the North. None of this foolishness about separating the Lord from his men.

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Zak is also taking his supper with his men because he is Zakary Baratheon and that's what he does. He notices Alisander and gives him a quick but blinding smile from afar before returning to his socialising.

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There are, of course, the expected jokes about Alisander being careful with his delicate little fish (the sigil of House Tully being a trout) on the morrow. Approximately none of them are particularly creative, and many of them are quite bawdy, especially any about the potential taste of his bride. But the japes are fueled by his men's pleasure at their Lord wedding in a godswood, as is right and proper, and the release of tension is palpable. There was some concern that, after they had lost their earlier Lord and heir to their silly southern ambitions, that there'd be more of that. Alisander demanding (and this is, of course, the narrative, that their Lord demanded) following the old ways speaks well of him.

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Alis will not disabuse his men of that notion. He is near a stranger to them, and though they've had time to get to know him better over this whole affair he still has to become a real presence in their lives.

He won't participate in the baudy jokes, he is still cultivating his image as calm and measured and taciturn, but he's not going to be a spoilsport either, and he will even smile occasionally at particularly funny ones. Zakary told him his men will absolutely make it a challenge to break through his icy exterior but that he shouldn't make it easy because it'll feel all the more rewarding if it's challenging. He asked Zakary about what would happen if there isn't a way for them to break through his icy exterior and Zak just raised an eyebrow and made an expression with his tongue and lips that put the flush on him and made him stalk off lest anyone see but fair enough, point taken.

What he's most interested in, really, is actually getting to know them, especially his bannermen. He does not really have a good head for remembering this kind of thing but Zak suggested that he frame it as a sort of puzzle or a set of sword moves that he needs to have in mind about how to deal with everyone and that was surprisingly helpful. So now he's making mental notes of the personalities and desires and pains of each of these people so that in the future he can be a better Lord for them.

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Learning them all is of course the work of a lifetime, not a mealtime, and he doesn't have any of his father's or brother's notes on them. The meal concludes before he gets much of anywhere, but he does get somewhere. Measured steps lead to leagues walked, as they say. And he's already been on this road a long while.

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The Northerners stay well after the meal has "concluded", getting drunker and drunker. None of them get into fights, as the few who seemed likely to instead had a small chat with Alis about only destroying the property of their enemies, not of their allies, which was not met with universal love but worked well enough.

As the drunk Northerners become too incoherent to even risk causing any destruction, Alis finds himself brimming with restless energy. Or maybe he just wants to beat someone up, himself.

Maybe he just misses Zakary.

Regardless of the reason, Alis walks over to the Baratheon contingent, much thinner than his, and stops before him. "Zakary."

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"Brother," says Zak, looking up from the mug of ale he's been holding and the conversation he's been having, his face once again opening into a bright grin. He's unusually unshaven, the scruff on his face attesting to how little time he's had for himself over the past while.

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...perhaps this is his Northern sensibilities but he feels like Zak looks so much better with the beard. He's terribly handsome regardless, though.

"I wish to spar. Burn off some energy. Indulge me? Or are you too injured?"

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Which is half teasing half concern. It wouldn't do, to imply that he was not in fit shape when so much of the rebellion was resting on his shoulders, but the question allows him to reply directly, and the fact that he's being invited to spar will serve to further dispel any rumours that he's not fit to continue his battles after the last several he's been in, back to back.

Besides, Alis clearly wants to spend some time with him, and fair enough, Zak has also missed him dearly. "Only scratches and bruises, I am in perfect health." He puts his mug down. "But I am not altogether sober." A complete lie, Zak never drinks enough to let it impair anything, he's tested his limits to razor thin precision.

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"Then I shall wait for you at the salle," he replies with a small smile.

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Zakary discharges his social obligations, bids his men a good night, and then catches up with Alisander.

"How are you, brother? We have not had time to talk in a while, you and I."

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"And we can talk later. For now, be on your guard."

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Translation: he's having feelings that he wants Zak's help processing and they are not ones he's allowed to express while they are in public. And the sword practice is just an excuse (although Zak is pretty sure at this point that Alis just actually loves seeing him in physically strenuous activities, though Alis would never admit such aloud).

Very well, they can spar. And Zak will predictably lose; Alis is the better swordsman of the two by far, one-on-one like this, and the last time in Zak's life he was able to consistently defeat his brother-in-arms was before Alis had come into his full adulthood—Zak is a year older, and held onto that advantage for as long as it lasted. What he does excel at is strategy and battlefield tactics, and that is one of the main reasons why he is the head of this insurgence.

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Once Zakary has found himself on the ground one too many times Alis clasps his arm to help lift him up and starts dusting himself. "Your technique needs work."

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"You have been saying that to me for years but I do not feel like more practice has helped with that."

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"That is a defeatist attitude."

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"Fitting that you've defeated me, then, is it not?"

He starts walking towards the armoury to store his sword, with Alis on his heels.

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"Hm," is all he has to say to that. "You need to shave."

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"Do I? I'm not so sure, I think the beard suits me." And he winks at Alis as he says that.

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It is dark and they probably have no eavesdroppers, but Alisander still glares at Zakary for that, plausible deniability notwithstanding. Of course the asshole noticed Alis's appreciation. Of course. Whenever he thinks he's getting the hang of not showing his emotions Zakary destroys this illusion by seeing right through him.

"Let us get cleaned." And maybe he's not giving himself enough credit, here, because even though Zak seems completely unbothered by the suggestion Alis is certain a dozen different innuendos crossed his mind. But at least those would be too unsubtle for him to risk saying in public, so Alis is safe. For now.

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The baths are also public, and he has more self-control than he did when they were both young.

Alisander leaves first, and bids him good night, but once Zakary is done he finds his way to Alis's temporary chambers and knocks a specific way he'd recognise.

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A few seconds later Alis unlatches and opens the door, pulls Zak in, shuts it, and immediately presses him against a wall to kiss him as if he needs his mouth on Zakary's in order to breathe.

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They do not talk for the next while. Both of them want to make up for all the lost time they've spent apart preparing for this war—and at times fighting it.

Once they find themselves panting in exhaustion, lying naked in the enormous bed, Zakary says, "I hear you are to have a Northern wedding."

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Which makes Alisander immediately freeze. "Yes," he says, in a tightly measured voice. "With the lady Anavett."

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"She's pretty," Zak observes, a small smile playing on his lips.

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"Yes, as Brandon has told me several times at unreasonable length. This is irrelevant."

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"Is it? I don't know, I'm pretty, she's pretty, maybe you do actually—"

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He elbows Zak hard enough to send him coughing.

"Why are you bringing it up?

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After he's recovered he says, "Northern vows are a lot less strict than Southern ones—"

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Which earns him another elbowing. "Zakary Baratheon you cannot be thinking about whether we'll be allowed to fuck after I get married."

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"I'm not," he says, turning more serious. "You are. You were thinking it. About how this is going to change things between us. You'll have a duty to your wife, and your keep, and your House. And the whole North, really."

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Alis spends a while in silence, at that. Not really thinking about anything, just... feeling. He lifts his right arm to cover his eyes with the crook of his elbow and says, "The gods take you, Zakary, why are you always right about this stuff?"

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Zak turns to lie on his right side, propping his head up on his arm and looking at Alis. "Because I know you better than anyone else. Because I am and will forever be your brother. Because I love you."

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Alisander scoffs and lowers his arm to look at Zak again. "You are an idiot and will get us both killed. ...but I love you also."

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"And you might come to love your wife, someday."

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Alis rolls his eyes. "Yes, because that happens so often in highborn marriages."

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"Do not close yourself off to the possibility." He pauses for a moment, then adds: "Not for me. Alis, I will not be jealous of your wife. Even had you stayed a second son of a great house, it would be too much to expect you to stay unwed. And I will never ask you to break your vows, you know that. I do not take vows lightly and neither do you. I wish for you to enter this partnership with your heart open to what it may become. Even... even if that means you and I can never be together, again."

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"Zak, I..." He clears his throat. "It is... not uncommon, for..."

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"My love, you know as well as I do that it would be a weight on your soul to ever do anything more with anyone else while lying to your wife about it. And yes, most noblewomen do not expect perfect fidelity out of their husbands, but you are still yourself."

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He closes his eyes again. "I've missed you so. And I shall miss you more."

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"As have I, and as will I, my heart."

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"Maybe I could... ask her..."

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"Maybe you could, but please do not make that a condition for your happiness. Let your relationship with her exist."

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"And your happiness? You talk so much about mine, but what about you? Are you going to be perfectly happy, then, without me?"

There's a note of bitterness and hurt, there. He knows it's not rational, but the way Zakary talks about it, as if, as if it didn't really hurt him

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"Alis, it will tear me apart. But even when I was to wed your sister, I have always known it would not last forever. I have... I have made my peace with it. The world is what it is. Wherever I am, whatever I am, whoever I am, I will always love you. And that will... have to be enough. For both of us."

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"Then kiss me, Zakary, and make love to me like it could be our last time." Pause. "And maybe explain to me how to do this with a woman."

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Zak grins again. "I am as ever your faithful servant."

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Elsewhere, someone lies on her bed and stares at the ceiling. She has the urge to cry, but the tears don't seem to come. This isn't a surprise, she ran out a while ago, but it does seem terribly unfair. She can't even cry properly anymore. Most things in her life have seemed terribly unfair lately, so it's not like this is a surprise, either. It's just the way things are, and she must adjust and try to do the best with what she has.

The godswood plot was a good idea, as much for her as it was for Lysa. The backbone of this wedding (and feast's) planning had been for her wedding, to a man who is now dead. And while it's been months since his (horrific, unjust, stupid) death, she did not particularly want to wear the dress she had lovingly embroidered over months for a wedding with a different man. Lysa has all of her blessings for it. The alternative would have been to find a way to ruin it so she could get a replacement without it looking too suspicious. It's the only reason the dress has survived this long at all, really, the thought that she could give it to Lysa and let the pretty thing she made bring some joy to someone, somewhere.

Gods, poor Lysa. Jon Arryn seems a decent, patient man, and maybe his steadiness will give Lysa some support and help her grow up a bit. He'll probably be kind. For a rushed wartime wedding, there could certainly be worse husbands fathers could sell their daughters off to. Of course, there could also be better ones, ones not, what, three times her age? Widowed twice over, with a dozen heirs that didn't make it out of infancy or off the battlefield? He might not be literally overtaken by the flames of cynicism and bitterness, but she doubts he hasn't been charred by then. And it'll hurt her sister to be in a loveless marriage. She knows how much Lysa needs warmth and brightness and sweetness. She knows how much she wanted someone else. Enough to do something incredibly stupid with him, to try and strongarm their stubborn father into accepting the match by way of self destruction. Well. They see how that worked out for her, don't they. Petyr Baelish thrown forever from her father's halls, moon tea forced down Lysa's throat to kill the child inside her, and her poor sister married off to an old man.

And her married off to a stranger, in a strange ceremony she barely knows the vows for, in which most of her family will not be attending. Not her father, not her sister, not her brother. She made the last one swear to go to Lysa's, herself, and while she doesn't regret it, his absence will still hurt. Her uncle will come, almost entirely out of spite, because it's not like he and her father have got on particularly well, after her uncle didn't go along with father's dogmatic marriage plots. He is unmarried to this day, and he and everyone who knows him expects him to die that way. Would that she could do the same. But then she'd be stuck here, like a child, eternally under her father's thumb. Or, perhaps swearing herself to the Silent Sisters, to never speak again and deal only with the dead. Better than staying here forever, certainly, but not better than picking someone vaguely acceptable and sent off to the other side of the continent. At least she had an understanding with Brandon, could see how to make it work between them. At least she knew him.

She does not know his brother, and his brother is the one who will be bedding her tomorrow. It'll... probably go well enough, even if the prospect is terrifying. It's not like much is asked of the woman in the equation. Plenty of brides spend their wedding or their bedding in tears, it's nothing new.

And fortunately for her, she's long since run out of tears.

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The next morning is a whirlwind of preparation and getting everything in place. Two young women to be dressed up into beautiful brides, food to prepare for the later feast after the ceremony, seating to be arranged. It is very easy to get swept up in it all, and Anavett is more than happy to. Her plan to not wear her original dress was known by some of her servants, if not by her father, so they had a bit more than a day's notice to scrounge something up for her. It's pretty enough, though Lysa looks the better bride, from a mix of the really lovingly embroidered dress, and her elder sister's fussing over her hair. She even brings out a tiny jar of dark kajal, all the way from Dorne, which she carefully applies around her baby sister's eyes to darken her lashes and lids. Jon Arryn probably won't care, but Lysa does, and she is delighted at the beauty in the mirror. Once it's done, Anavett presents her the jar for later use with a smile and a kiss. Another present, between sisters. All hers, no need to share.

(Her original plan had, of course, been to surprise Brandon by wearing it, but that idea is now as dead as he is.)

Then her sister is hurried off elsewhere for further preparations and last minute seam stitching to get the fit of the dress just right, and Anavett is left alone. She cleans the remains of kajal from her fingers, dons her maiden cloak, and rereads her own notes on the ceremony she's about to participate in. They're incredibly short, and they do little to assuage her fears of causing offense, but they're a little comforting. Technically speaking, there's much less involved than with a ceremony under the Faith of the Seven, but also nothing is handed off to a septon or anyone else. The only speaking parts are hers and her groom's. It's a bit funny that this results in her having much more to say and do. Sort of puts into light how little her planned wedding was going to have anything to do with her, doesn't it. Ultimately, this is preferable, even if the prospect is scarier. She's always been more at ease doing something instead of not, especially when she's feeling complicated things. Which, she is. Of course she is. This doesn't feel real, this doesn't feel fair, but it is real and it's never been fair and she must carry on regardless.

        "You all right, little spark?" asks her uncle, who has come to check on her. How long has she been sitting here, all alone in thought? Probably too long. Damn.

Anavett smiles a little, sadly. "No. Not really. But I've better things to do than mope, don't I? And if nothing else I will get some degree of pleasure of giving my own hand."

        "I'll bet. But I still will, if you need me to."

At that, she stands, and she hugs him. She loves him so. The rest of her family, too, but her love for her uncle is much less complicated than any of it. "I know. Thanks. I can do it." Her mouth then twitches with a more sincere half-smile. "I'm not like to burn the godswood down, you know. You can stop fussing."

        "Ah, but then the whole north might end up ablaze."

"Ha! Give me some credit, I hear there's still a lot of snow up there. It couldn't get too out of control so soon into spring."

        "Your careful planning at work, I'd wager. C'mon, moping doesn't suit you. A young Lord is expecting his Lady."

She gives another little smile, a nod, and then off they go. Him first, into the scattered witnesses tucked away into the shadows of the edges of the godswood, with a nod to let everyone know that it's about to begin. Then, after a final deep breath before she takes the plunge, her. To the heart tree at its center, as the bride.

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There wasn't a set time for this to begin—well, there was, but a wedding will happen when the bride and the groom are both ready, and not a minute sooner—so Anavett is not late. But Alisander, all concealed nerves and anxiety glares, has been in the godswood since much earlier than he strictly needed to. Before anyone else, really. And the guests started trickling into the woods one by one, Zakary of course being the first one, not wanting to be outdone by any others, but they, too, were not expecting very specific times. All of Stark's bannermen are there, and a good fraction of their own men besides. Some of the more curious Southerners came earlier, too, but most of them left before now, and Zakary himself is the only Baratheon left.

The time has been spent quietly speaking—one does not raise their voice in a godswood, even the Northmen most like to start a drunken brawl know this—or in silent contemplation and prayer. Alis thinks even the birds got the message, and despite the extra people the woods feel much quieter than they were last night. The overcast sky adds to it, making it feel much more real. And the fact that a proper wedding is to happen makes the insulting makeup of this garden pale into the background. And, well, some of the Northmen (Alisander is sure he did not see who) did in fact act a little bit too carelessly around the manicured flowers and Alisander thinks Lord Tully will be finding this place a much more acceptable godswood—to the Northerners—than it was before they came.

When Brynden Tully arrives, what little conversation was ongoing fades to silence almost immediately. Alis notices this and gets back to his feet from his kneeling position to await his bride. He is wearing the colours and sigil of House Stark—the silver direwolf racing on a white field—and Zakary is holding a similar cloak, standing closest to Alis as something akin to a Southern best man, though not quite.

Alisander waits, then, his face the mask of the Lord of Winterfell and Warden of the North.

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Here is his bride, clad in a (relatively) simple white dress and the cloak of her house around her shoulders, red and blue waves with her house's sigil in the middle. The cloak itself is a bit gaudy for traditional northern sensibilities, they tend more towards monochromes of browns, greens, yellows, and reds when they tend towards colors at all, which many of them don't. Blue and red together is just.... too loud. Not something that would occur in nature, even in battles where rivers become red with blood.

But for all the cloak makes her look like a stranger, Anavett Tully herself is holding her head up like a proper northern woman, proud and brave. She is stepping into this deal knowingly and willingly, not like a meek and terrified little child-bride the southerners often marry off for politics. There can be no doubt from looking at her; this is a woman grown, not any kind of child in a woman's dress, wearing colored facepaints to look like something she isn't. With her bare face and simple dress, she's more appropriate to their traditions than she knows.

And if she's not mistaken, the first set of lines are his.

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They are indeed. And though he has not witnessed many such weddings himself since coming to the Eyrie he knows the words by heart.

"Who comes?" asks Alis, and if there was any doubt that the old gods were watching it might be dispelled right now by the stillness of the air, the silence of the wind, the feeling of the world holding its breath. "Who comes before the gods?"

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Right. Name and house. Reason for being here. She can do this. She knows all of the lines.

"Anavett of House Tully, I come here to be wed." Her guide for her lines had gently and politely insisted that she not lie, here in the godswood, not even for the silly southern sensibilities of virginity, but she doesn't need to trade one word for another in her next line. "I am a maiden grown and flowered, trueborn and noble, and I come to beg the blessings of the gods."

(Her expression, the glance around the godswood at the onlookers of 'And if anyone calls me a liar, I will fight them myself, right here and now,' is also very appropriate, but she doesn't know that either.)

And then she smiles a little, because, okay, she does see the appeal of these northern vows. They set the mood better than promising to love someone with a single kiss, which was a romantic notion but also pretty, pretty lies.

"Who comes to claim me?"

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The Northerners do agree that it's appropriate, and many of them are starting to think that maybe Brandon Stark was onto something with this one.

Alis notices it as well, and though he does not smile, his eyes are warmer—or perhaps warm is the wrong word, in the godswood, but they reflect approval and respect. "Alisander of House Stark, Lord of Winterfell and Warden of the North. I claim you." He looks her in the eye for this next line: "Will you take me as your husband?"

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"I will take you," she agrees softly. Despite the volume, it echoes in the deafening silence of the godswood. Then she reaches out her hand to take his, and gives it a little squeeze. The godswood has never felt so terrifying and foreign, in all her years of living here. Fortunately, that's all of the lines she needs to say, so if she's feeling a little shaky, at least it won't leak into her voice for all to hear.

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He gives her hand a squeeze, too, and offers her another non-smile before guiding her to face the heart tree and kneel before it, so they can pray for the gods' blessings.

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Anavett kneels beside him, and lowers her head in submission before the heart tree, and then she is out of script to follow. Her northern guide just said that the vows would be followed by a moment of silent prayer, which does not give her any hint about the specifics of how. She feels very much like a small child who has been tossed alone into the deepest woods, and told to find her own way home. At least it's silent, so no one (except the old gods, presumably, and right now it seems very much like they're listening) can hear the clumsy fumbling of her thoughts. Stumbling and frightened, as if she's wandering blind in the dark, she's still going to do her best.

She wants... her marriage to be a good one. Happiness would be nice, love would be nice, but ultimately, she wants it to have led to the improvement and strength of them both. Their Houses, too, of course, but mostly them. They're the ones getting married, they're the ones that will be having children together, so really, this should be about them. Yesterday, when she'd proposed this idea, it seemed like he understood the why of why she asked for it, and she wants so badly to not have been seeing things there. Let the old gods let this marriage be like that, let them trust each other, and believe in each other, and be just as honest as they're being here. She wants to be useful, wants her efforts to come to fruition, wants to have a partner to build a better realm with. They have a lot of power, compared to most other people in the realm. Let them use it well. Let them raise children that will do the same.

That's probably something in the realm of a blessing she can ask of the old gods. Right? It seems very reasonable to her.

(... How long are they supposed to stay here, her guide also didn't tell her. Will they just be here forever if she fails at praying properly?)

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Alis always finds the godswood soothing, even an artificial one like this. He can sort through whatever's going through his mind so much more easily here than anywhere else. Sometimes what he needs is advice, but sometimes it's silence and the feeling of the gods' watchful gazes upon him. And it feels a little bit presumptuous, to ask the gods for help with his small, petty problems that he should have been able to solve himself, but he figures that if the gods did not want to help them they wouldn't be helping.

Today he's not in need of help, though. He's dealt with what he needed to deal yesterday, between prayer and his time with Zakary. He has... hurt and fear and sadness, about that, but he also has hope, and the only thing he asks of the gods is that whatever happens to them be good for them and their people. Ideally all people.

Be it coincidence or magic or miracle, he stirs at about the same time she does, and places a hand on her shoulder, offering the other as help to get to her feet.

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Oh, good. She isn’t going to be here forever, and probably didn’t mess that up too badly. His offered hand is taken, and she stands with his help, feeling uncharacteristically wobbly. How can a godswood she’s loved all her life now be so intimidating?

The next step in their ceremony is the last, but it causes her to flush all the same. It’s just the removal of a cloak, why does it feel so intimate? Why is she suddenly too shy to meet his eyes?

(Because it means she’s stepping out of her father’s protection and into his. That’s why. Kissing him would, honestly, be easier and feel less meaningful.)

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He feels the mirror emotion, there. After this there will be no turning back. She will be his, with all the power and responsibility that entails, and the prospect is more than a little terrifying.

But that, too, is a thought he's already dealt with, so there's no hesitation when he unclasps her cloak from around her shoulders, offers it to Zakary, then takes the one with his sigil from him to replace the one he took.

The gesture feels weirdly intimate, too, though it might just be the context. And the relative closeness of their bodies, and the warmth of his skin where it lightly touches her, and the weight of his gaze on her. "I hope the North will be to your liking, milady," he murmurs so that only she can hear. And he doesn't mean just the geographical location.

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"And I hope I will be to its," she murmurs back wryly, trying to scare off her nerves with a quick wit and a little smile. She also doesn't just mean the geographical location.

With his cloak around her shoulders, she feels, well. His. It makes it very final. Everyone's agreed, even the trees. (Especially the trees.) She shivers a little, and it's not from the cold. But her little smile remains, hopeful and nervous and honest. She does actually want to make this thing of theirs work, and meant all of her vows. Every one of her silent prayers to the old gods, too. She feels no regret, just nerves.

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And now is the part where he sweeps her off her feet into an aptly-named bridal carry and starts taking her to the feast while the guests stomp their feet on the earthy ground rather than applaud, which doesn't make much noise in the quiet woods but conveys enthusiasm anyway.

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!!! Her guide did not tell her about this part!!!! Granted, she's absolutely heard tales about northerners carrying off their brides, and Brandon made a couple comments to that effect, but! But! It's one thing to say it and another thing to just, just do it!

Probably she should have expected this, considering how much they seem to value truth and doing what they'll say they'll do, but she didn't. More fool, her. So when she's swept off her feet, she gives a little squeak. But she's unresisting and soon even gives a self-aware little laugh, and settles into his arms without any further fuss.

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And with the Northmen spilling out of the woods they no longer need to stay silent and they are most certainly making up for the lost while with jeering and more bawdy jokes. Someone mentions that he didn't know fish could squeal but he supposes jumping right into the mouth of a direwolf like a nice appetiser will do it, and this causes a lot more laughter than the joke deserves.

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Oh, gods, here they go. Why did the Tully sigil have to be a trout. She's been hearing these jokes for literal years now.

But of course, she wouldn't be herself if she didn't join in. She needs to at least make this more creative than 'har har, trout gets eaten by a direwolf, har har.'

"Hey! That's not fair!" she protests, playfully. "Haven't you heard that the Mad King Aerys asks the unreasonable as a matter of habit? Of course my first thought was, 'Oh, damn, I'm going to have to walk.'"

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"On my honour as a Stark, of course I couldn't allow this. I should tend to my wife's needs as befits my state."

    "Aye, milord will tend to his lady wife's needs alright, tonight most of all!" accompanied by more jeering.

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“I suppose I will see how nice being at the mercy of his mouth is, won’t I,” she says, sweetly.

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Even louder laughter. Zak laughs, too, and says, "You might have found a shark hiding in the shoal, brother!"

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"I might. So in the end we'll have to see who's claiming whom, will we not?"

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“Don’t worry! You’ll be fine. I need you to carry me!”

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It is in these spirits that they arrive at the feast. At some point they started improvising a bawdy song with a simple percussive background of clapping and hi-ho! with someone new speaking up every other verse to continue the rhyme and the story. Zakary picks up a couple of verses and ends them with an obvious segue for Alis, who rolls his eyes and shoots him a fond glare before he does say his part, to great amusement of all present.

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Including his wife, who is very charmed by her new husband’s singing and cheer. Her worries that her wedding might be too somber of an affair were unwarranted. It’s clear he likes her, and cares for her, and that for all of their bawdy jokes and jeers, his men also like her well enough already. She knew that there’d been concern about their Lord wedding a soft southern bride, and it seems like many of their fears have been put to bed. Good. She wants to be their Lady, not their pretty decorative flower. They seem to treat their flowers poorly, up north, judging by the state of the godswood.

She had no concerns about the feast after, though. It’s hard to be morose with a good meal and a better wine, and many guests skipped both ceremonies in favor of filling their plates and cups early. For all that this is a rushed, wartime wedding, her father didn’t skimp on food or drink. The wedding feast of his two daughters will be a proper Riverlands party, and that means everyone should leave full, drunk, and happy. It’s good for morale, and there’s no telling how many of these men might be dead this time next year.

The other wedding ceremony has yet to end, for all that hers started after. This was to be expected, even with her delay of nerves and navel gazing. The seats of honor at the head table for Lysa and then Lord Arryn sit empty. On the wall behind it are the banners of the couples; Stark silver direwolf on white, two banners of familiar rivers of blue and red for the brides, and blue falcon against white moon and blue sky of Arryn. Sisters together, so she can see to Lysa enjoying at least some of her own wedding.

But for now, there is no little sister for her to fuss over, so she can actually just enjoy herself. Because damn is she hungry.

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She's close enough to him throughout this all to notice the subtle strain lines around his eyes and the way he tenses up whenever he feels like he's being directly observed—sometimes even by her, though it seems like when his mind has enough time to catch up and notice that it is her who's doing the observing rather than one of the guests he relaxes slightly. And all of those signs are too subdued to be really visible by anyone who's not sitting right next to him at the table, so all in all he's doing a pretty good job of playing the part of the quiet-but-not-somber Northman. He's out of his element but his element is ice and snow and he won't have those for a while still, better get used to it.

He eats—not exactly mechanically, but more as an afterthought than as something to do with gusto, and he wets his throat steadily with wine. Not quite fast enough to get very drunk—especially compared to all of the other Northmen—but he will most certainly not be sober by the end of the feast.

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Anavett is practiced at these sorts of things, and does not plan to be drunk by the end of the feast. It might be wiser in the short term, it’d probably get her through the bedding just fine, but she has only a scant few days to get to know her husband before he departs. She doesn’t want to waste any of her time with being too drunk to make observations. Like how her Lord Husband is more uncomfortable with the feast than the wedding, and dislikes being the center of attention. Poor man. He’s handling all of this very well, but she knows he never expected to be Lord of Winterfell.

She finds his hand (his left, with her right, she would not want to get in the way of his sword arm even here) and gives it a squeeze. A little message that she’s here, and she wants to help.

“When Lysa’s wedding is concluded, she’ll want to be the center of attention,” she informs him quietly, “Once she’s here, if my Lord would prefer to quit the feast earlier rather than later, I expect no one will take issue if we call for our bedding sooner than expected.”

Which is objectively more terrifying for her, of course, but she knew what she was getting into from the beginning.

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"There shall be no bedding," he replies in a soft undertone. "—I will bed you, to be clear," and there's a light flush to his face that indoors could well be confused for the wine taking effect, "but no others shall be party to it."

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"... Oh."

The 'bedding ceremony,' as it's called, is when the bride and groom are carried off to their marital bed, with members of the opposite sex of each assisting with the removal of all articles of clothing so the happy couple can get to it more quickly. They are then thrown stark naked into their room together. She was not particularly looking forward to that part of getting married. It stank too much of lecherous men wanting every excuse to get a glimpse (and perhaps a touch) of tits.

"Well. As my lord husband wishes," she murmurs softly, smiling. Then she raises his hand to her lips and gently kisses it. "I would have been all right, but. Thank you regardless."

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He nods, still flushing a bit, then frowns. "I am not sure it would be seemly to leave earlier than most guests, especially if I am rebuking their attempts at this custom."

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“It would certainly dampen the mood a bit, and could be seen as rude, but…” she hums thoughtfully. “You’re still a young man, I’m known to be a great beauty, and everyone south of the Neck will be thinking of your brother’s fire when they think of northmen. I think it’s easily possible to make it look like you’re taken with me instead of irritated with them. Which my family would ultimately find very flattering.”

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"...that is not a bad idea. Thank you."

Also: aaaaaa he thought he was being more discreet about how much he hated everything come ON he's been PRACTISING this. Like, yeah, it's fine if it's his wife noticing but if his wife is noticing that means it is NOTICEABLE which is HORRIBLE.

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“You could probably make the bedding about it, too, if you play it right. ‘She is mine’ and all that,” she muses. Then she spots his fraction of an expression and gives his hand another squeeze. “You’re doing very well, you know.”

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He actually laughs at that, and when someone gives him a wondering look he just shakes his head and points at Anavett with it, at which point they immediately make a lewd face and he rolls his eyes and leans towards her again. THAT was perfect acting, okay, if anyone could tell he was faking he will throw himself off the keep's walls.

"Not well enough to fool milady, it seems."

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She leans towards him too, and she doesn’t even have to fake her amusement with him. Her husband is surprisingly cute.

“Oh, I assure you, no one pays so close attention to the groom at a wedding as the bride.” Then her eyebrow quirks and she smiles, a little. “Except perhaps a jilted lover, any of those I should be aware of?”

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Tiny fraction of a freeze which he is now certain she noticed, the gods take her.

"Not... exactly." And he's flushing again.

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“Oh, I see,” she snorts, amused, and she kisses his hand again. “Peace, dear husband, we can talk about it later. The exact promise I extracted from your brother was ‘I will see anyone sired by my husband treated well, and if you disagree you can sleep outside with the rest of the dogs.’

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"No children are going to happen," unless he misunderstands biology very badly. "—other than ours." Though maybe he's infertile? That would really bloody suck. Why is he even worrying about this it's not like this is common, and besides he's heard that infertile men can't even get it up and he demonstrably can.

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"Nevertheless, that's my major stance on the matter. We can discuss the details later. As it is now, ah—there is the other wedding party." Yep, there comes the other, much larger wedding party, through the doors of the hall. Things are about to get much more loud and busy, and if she knows her sister, her left ear is going to be filled with excited chattering as Lysa tries very hard to like and enjoy a wedding she very much didn't want.

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The Northerners all cheer as the new party arrives and start making bawdy jokes in the direction of Jon Arryn and Lysa Tully. More people! More party! More booze! That's how this works.

Something occurs to Alis. "How... does your sister feel about the bedding?"

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She gives him a sardonic look.

"I think if a game were made of it, for a wedding that she wanted, she would find it delightful. Provided no one took too many liberties. But..." and she lets that sentence trail off leadingly.

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"...hm. Excuse me a moment, milady."

Then he gets up and marches straight to Zakary Baratheon to have a whispered conversation with him.

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Aw. He's very sweet. Yes, she thinks she likes her husband.

'Not exactly,' hm? And 'No children are going to happen'? What interesting language. And just who was Alisander Stark raised with since childhood? And who has he just gone over to get assistance from as easily as breathing? She knows the reason her uncle hasn't married, and it's not because he doesn't have any decent bridal prospects. It's that none of them appeal. Maybe she's wrong, they have every reason to be as close as brothers (closer, even, Brandon admitted to her that he'd barely even seen his brother since he was sent off to be fostered) but... maybe they have every reason to be closer.

Or maybe not! It's entirely possible that she's looking for a simple explanation, and the situation of her husband's heart is more complicated than that. She'll find out eventually.

But then Lysa is here and she has no more time for idle musing, and instead needs to hug her and tell her she's gorgeous and that her big sister is so, so proud. And patiently listen to her sister chatter about all of the little details of her wedding, which was apparently (almost) perfect. Her dress is exquisite and fits like it was made for her, and everyone said she was the prettiest bride they'd seen. The sept was perfect, the light through the seven stained glass windows was dim until they promised to love each other, and then the sun came out and they were painted in rainbows...

Anavett wears a fond, indulgent smile that doesn't let any of her own pain leak into it, and listens to all of the details of how Lysa greatly enjoyed the wedding that had been planned for her and Brandon. (Good. Let it be good for someone instead of just bitterness.)

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Alisander is back soon enough, and when he's close enough to Lysa and Jon, he bows a bit to both of them and says, "Lord Arryn, Lady Arryn, congratulations to you two. I hope you will have a happy, prosperous life together." And produce heirs because this man's bad luck is getting ridiculous.

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Jon doesn't even really look hopeful anymore, and is clearly too emotionally exhausted to be a properly excited groom. He's nonetheless doing his best.

"Thank you, lad. I will do everything in my power to make sure my Lady Wife is well provided for. And congratulations to you and your wife, I hope everything works out for you both. To a long and happy life, of prosperity and marital bliss." And he raises his cup in a toast.

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"Thank you, my lord," says Anavett, raising her own cup to join the toast.

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Alis walks around Anavett to grab his own cup and raises it with a tilt of his head before taking a sip of it and getting back into his seat. He leans in Anavett's direction again once they're done with the toast and whispers, "Zakary will make sure your sister's bedding will not be too unpleasant. He's a way with people."

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She smiles, nods, and then closes the distance to gently kiss his cheek, because he's a sweetie. Then she can give Zakary Baratheon a thankful smile, and maybe also check to see if he reacted to the cheek kiss at all, because she's efficient that way.

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He inclines his head and smiles broadly back at her when she smiles at him, and looks for all the world like he's very happy for Alisander.

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That explains nothing, damnation. Fair enough, though.

And now for general feasting. If Alisander is going to be carrying her off early, she should try to get the pleasantries out of the way for him, shouldn't she.

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He would appreciate that very, very much. Alis got a good wife, this isn't really what happens in real life but he supposes even real life has some people sometimes getting lucky.

(It occurs to him that perhaps he is overgeneralising from his own parents and from Jon Arryn's loveless marriages and perhaps marriages that work are more common than he thinks. Maybe.)

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Technically speaking, he got this particular spot of luck because his brother was horribly choked to death by the Mad King Aerys, so maybe it doesn't entirely count, all things considered.

Regardless, this is the wife he has, and the wife he has will be perfectly warm and friendly and sociable for him. He can continue being taciturn, and she'll give him occasional openings to weigh in wisely and reasonably so it doesn't seem like he's being an antisocial grump. She'll even actually have some fun, because she does sincerely want to get to know his bannermen, and it seems like she's earned some degree of their respect, between the godwood wedding and the banter.

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She will find a big fan in a man called Jon Umber, styled Greatjon because of how tall, broad, and strong he is despite only being a few years older than Alisander. At first he was throwing remarks of a more barbed nature at her, but her equally barbed responses seem to provoke great amusement in him and he eventually starts calling her "the shark", for how snarky and sharp she can be while also being extremely thick-skinned and resilient. A fine Lady of Winterfell, if you ask him, and Alisander had better treat her well lest she stab him in his sleep someday.

"If she stabs me in my sleep it will be because I deserved it," he says somberly. "'Tis my duty to ensure I won't." Which Greatjon finds acceptable enough to start calling Alis "young wolf", which up until now people had only been using in lecherous japes about their houses and not to refer to Alisander himself.

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Greatjon is charming, if more than a little intimidating, and Anavett finds it terribly fun to finally get to break out her barbs properly. No doubt her father is scandalized; Lysa certainly is, and worried for her welfare besides. Which means she's not jealous, so that's... probably an improvement? She thinks? It's hard to tell, with Lysa, she tucks away all of her feelings deep inside and then suddenly breaks out with something crazy.

"I expect our marriage to be a happy one," she says, patting her husband's hand. Then she winks. "But no promises about not bring a knife to the bedchambers, hm?"

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Alis takes a large swig of his mug to cover the blush that creeps up his face again. "'Twould only be appropriate for the Lady of Winterfell," he croaks.

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“Good! I endeavor to be a proper Lady of the north.”

That’s an interesting thing to blush at. If she’s not mistaken, her husband is beginning to like her. He continues to be terribly cute.

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He is not cute, he is the Warden of the North.

The afternoon wears on, and Alis gets more and more bothered by all the attention, until he eventually decides. "Gentlemen, ladies," he calls, his voice booming more loudly than one would think him capable of given most of his demeanour so far, enough to cause conversation to die down in waves and for the musicians to pause. "I wish to offer one more toast to Lord Arryn and his new lady for a joyful marriage; to Lord Tully and his House for their grace and hospitality, as well as their alliance; and to all of you, all of us, who have dared to dream of a realm no longer suffering under the thumb of the Mad King. To our glory on the battlefield, and to our success and plenty out of it. A toast, and a cheer!"

Which has exactly the effect he'd hoped for: the whole crowd cheering and toasting and clapping and stomping their feet, cries for victory and wealth and a good life.

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"My brother is too modest," Zakary calls after the first round of cheers, "and refuses to celebrate his own happiness. So let us also add his new life as Lord of Winterfell and his marriage to the Lady Anavett to our cheers!"

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Anavett raises her own cup to the toast, smiling, and then to give Alisander an opening, because he clearly wants to leave:

“Perhaps my lord husband doesn’t expect a happy marriage?” she teases, blatantly flirting. “Was it the comment about the knife that did it, or was it something else? How could I set this right?”

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"Milady Anavett, I am looking forward to the bright future that is undoubtedly ahead of us. And I do believe I want it to start right now, with me showing you exactly what you shall do." And without even turning around he extends his arm back and lifts a warning finger in the direction of the Greatjon. "And I expect Lord Umber to want to suggest something right now that I should address." Then he turns to face his bannerman, who does indeed look like he was about to say something. "There shall be no bedding ceremony for us."

    "'Tis an ancient tradition!" he protests.

"This whole rebellion is aiming to break tradition, so what's one more to add? I am afraid that what a shark and a wolf get up to shall remain a secret to you, ser." And he picks his bride up once more, almost effortlessly.

        "Ahhhh, does milord wish to keep the sight of his lady all to himself? Or is he afraid that should he be exposed he will bring shame to his House?" teases another bannerman.

"I am perfectly confident in my sword, ser, as well as in the blade attached to my hip," which invites another round of laughter and jeering. "But perhaps you wish to see if I can use the latter while carrying my bride? 'Twould be an exciting new challenge."

    The Greatjon guffaws and says, "Spoken like a true Stark! Go on, lad, I will make sure these drunkards shan't bother ye and milady."

            "And who are you calling a drunkard, now?" a third person asks in mock outrage.

    "I have me a list! And your name is right at the top, Glover, else I ain't the Greatjon!"

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She laughs, and arranged herself comfortably in his arms, looking to all the world like she belongs there.

“Far be it for me to deny a hungry wolf!” she teases, then gives a wave as she’s carried off.

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Alisander himself remains quiet as they walk away, the sound of the party slowly dying off behind them. When they get to his room he does some manoeuvring to find his key, unlock it, open the door, lock it again, latch the door, and then carefully place his new wife on his bed.

Then he looks at her, has a few conflicting emotions warring for real estate on his face, and ends up deciding to not have any emotions at all and merely sit beside her on the bed.

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He’s still terribly cute. Look at him, just adorable. She reaches out to take his hand again, giving it another kiss.

“Well, I don’t know about you, but I think that was a lovely exit. Do you need a minute of quiet, should I find something to distract myself with to give you proper space?”

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"I believe I have a duty to fulfill," he replies, though the returning flush to his face suggests he may enjoy the idea of the duty somewhat.

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“Certainly, but it need not be right this minute. I’m not about to run from the room screaming about you not immediately bending me over to enter me the first moment you had me alone.” Hand kiss. “I am perfectly happy to wait for you. Or hear whatever seems to be on your mind, if you’ve the need to share it.”

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Alisander frowns. "You're as bad as Zakary. He can always tell what I'm feeling, too, just from looking. Sometimes not even looking." Then he stops himself and shakes his head. "Forgive me, that was out of line."

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“Was it? I didn’t think so. I’d rather we be honest with each other than not.”

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He looks down at his lap but a small smile tugs at the corners of his lips. "I suppose milady is right. Though we've just met so I, ah..." He clears his throat. "Am not altogether completely at ease, you could say. Which is certainly not the most Starklike trait."

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“Well, good thing I didn’t marry the ultimate ideal of House Stark itself. I married you. And you, being a person of flesh and blood, are a bit more complicated than that. Which sounds altogether preferable, I expect I’d get terribly bored, being married to an ideal instead of a person.”

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The sentence "Brandon was the ideal Stark" dies on his lips. She knew his brother better than Alis did, and probably suffers from grief much more than he does.

"Nevertheless. I cannot help but feel like—" and once again Brandon's name isn't uttered. "Like someone else in my place would be having less trouble getting to the main part here, with a beautiful, intelligent, perceptive wife such as you right there. Someone else in my place would have welcomed the feast in my honour and been joyful and merry." Okay actually some of his flush is probably the wine, with how the words are just flowing out with a lot less care than usual.

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“Ah,” she says softly. “And maybe if I were more intelligent and perceptive, I’d have gone for, oh, Jaime Lannister instead of,” and she can’t say his name either, but she carries on regardless, “and father would feel secure enough to not have handed my baby sister off to the first High Lord that was available, in a bid to keep the Riverlands from being sacked and pillaged.” Hand kiss. “See, there are my ugly feelings about not being good enough, we make a perfect pair. I don't think you're—not good enough. You've been very sweet, and thoughtful, and kind. I don't think taking time to talk through one's feelings before performing one's duty to their House is a sin, either, I actually just think it's smart. Besides, I'd rather work from the reality in front of me instead of comparing myself or others to mirages of what might have beens."

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He turns to look at her, then, and as the memory of what exactly the duty he's meant to be fulfilling surfaces back up he turns away. Then he remembers that actually it's fine to look, and to want her, and okay maybe he should in fact not have drunk that much wine his logic isn't working well right now. But he looks at her again anyway.

"...I think this has been a good enough break," and wow that sounded much better in his head but out loud it just sounded kind of daft. Where's the demon that possessed him back at the feast to make him have good words, he wants it back.

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She smiles a bit, and gives his hand a squeeze.

“You needn’t rush, darling. Yes, it’s a duty, and we should probably get to it sometime tonight, but we’re the ones doing it, and, um.” And now here is her blush. “… if it’s possible, I’d like it to be an experience we can both enjoy? It’d pain me to put the man who’s supposed to be my partner in the position of… gritting your teeth and getting it over with.”

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"...I think I, ah. Would. Enjoy it. Actually. More than I'd expected." It did at one point occur to him that maybe he could only be with men and he had a nice little panic about it but Zakary reassured him that he was probably overthinking and besides in the worst case Alis could always just picture him while fucking his wife and he punched Zak hard enough to knock the wind out of him but he did see the logic in it, grudgingly. Fortunately it seems like it will very much not be necessary, if his current feelings are any indication. "And I want to make sure you enjoy it. I will need your help, though, I haven't really done it before," and oh gods there goes his tongue again he already heavily implied he did have a lover, maybe she'll assume that that's what he meant by "not exactly" was that he hadn't really been with anyone or... argh.

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“Oh,” she murmurs, and her blush deepens. "Well. I have no experience to speak of either, except, er. Some kissing. So, um. While I'm happy to help, I don't really know... how. I mean I—I understand the mechanics at play I just don't, um, have firsthand experience and. Um."

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"Then if milady would permit me I would begin with her clothes."

Some stuff is the same. Kissing is the same, and hands and places. Some stuff isn't. He's been told women can climax multiple times—well, Zakary told him this, other people have implied no such thing and he's even heard some people claiming that women cannot climax at all ("So now you know who's absolutely terrible in bed," said Zakary)—so he knows he'll want to pace himself. Make her feel good. Women aren't like men, you can't just get the oil and get going, they need more care, more love. He needs to make sure she is comfortable and happy, he should use his fingers and his mouth ("But don't hold onto scripts, people are different, you know? Just pay attention to her, listen to her, let her tell you and show you what she likes the most." "Will this help with conceiving heirs?" "Alisander Stark I will pretend you did not just say that and continue to believe that your goal when going to bed with your wife will not be limited to getting heirs."), and if being a man means that when he climaxes he will have a lot less interest for a bit, he should make sure at the very least that he's pleasured her as much as he can before they get to the heir-making part.

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She was not expecting to enjoy her wedding night this much. At best, she was hoping to find the experience somewhat fulfilling. Sure, there are all sorts of songs and poems about the act being pleasurable, but there are all sorts of songs about everything, really. It doesn't make any of them true. Ultimately, she didn't want to get too much of a false impression of what sex is like by giving it unrealistic expectations before she even got into it. It seemed to be a thing men enjoy a lot, and women tolerated (or didn't) for various reasons, and other data could be explained away as outliers, or liars, or a deep emotional connection, or something. Not something to be relied upon. Whatever else it was, it was going to be a thing that she did for conceiving children and making her husband happy, and that'd be enough.

That is not what is going on here. What is going on here is that his hands feel amazing, and his warmth and weight against her feels even better, and every part of him is wonderful. She'd made the jape about his mouth, because she'd figured out it's useful for married couples through social context clues, but she did not understand. That has very much changed. She understands now. Suddenly people being insane over this one subject matter makes so much more sense! Insanity seems perfectly reasonable. Sign her right up for a healthy helping of the stuff, now and forevermore. He can keep touching her as much as he likes. She is his to touch this night, and every night after, and instead of that being a somewhat daunting prospect, it's the best thing ever. Of the hopes she'd had, she'd hoped she'd be strong enough to not beg her husband for him to stop. The idea that she might want to beg him to continue didn't enter her potential futures. It turns out that was more likely. She'll say 'please,' and she'll whimper his name, and say she's his, and, and, and anything else he wants, what does he want, she'll be so, so happy to give it to him. She is so happy to be used however he likes, and would be delighted to bear his heirs.

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They're not marching on the morrow, so Alisander doesn't try to rush this, or cram as many sessions as he can into it. He's not even sure that works, he thinks you need to do this over multiple days and it depends on whether the woman is fertile right then. They have some time.

But also: yeah this was a great idea actually. It's... it's just different, he didn't really know what to expect but it's great. This whole marriage thing is turning out to be a much sweeter deal than he'd been led to believe.

And at the end of it he can just cuddle her, spent, exhausted, and kind of feeling very affectionate. He figured the causation arrow was the other way around but apparently making love to someone does just directly make you feel more comfortable with them. This is good.

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His wife is also feeling very affectionate. So, so affectionate. He's a good husband. She's glad she married him. She's just a happy little bundle of love nestled into him, gently drifting off to sleep in his arms.

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He dims the lamp light down to nothing and then settles into sleep, too. It feels a little bit like he hasn't slept in a while. He supposes he's been kind of worried about all of this for that while. But the wedding is done, the alliance is settled, his Zakary is back and in good health, and his wife turns out to be a gift from the gods.

...maybe he'll need to deal with those two last statements at some point. Better than he has so far, that is. But for now he'll just be out like a light.

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The party concludes without them, eventually, and a little while after that, morning comes. Since it's the morning after a double wedding, one of which was theirs, they aren't disturbed by anyone.

She stirs first, sleepy and sore and very, very cozy. She's far too comfortable to be any kind of frightened, but she is a bit confused. That fades soon enough as she remembers what all happened the day (and night) before. Oh. Right. She's married now. Properly considered a full woman, deflowered and everything. Probably she should do proper wifely duties like arranging breakfast and maybe a nice hot bath and the like, but. ... She's so cozy. He's such a wonderful husband. If the world can stay still and leave them like this forever, that'd be great, actually.

So instead of going and sorting out proper wifely duties and leaving her poor husband to sleep alone, she stays nestled next to him, somewhere between waking and dozing.

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Alis takes a while longer than her to wake up, exhausted to the bone as he has been from these physical and emotional trials and tribulations. He has some sleep debt to pay, and for the first time in a while he allows himself to do it.

He isn't particularly confused, when he wakes up; this is not the first time this has happened with someone in his arms. The confusion happens once he notices the unexpected shape of said someone and there's a second's freeze until the memories catch up to him, too, at which point he gets back to being fully relaxed. "M'rning, milady," he says, then covers a yawn with his free hand. He's not sounding extremely bleary or sleepy—waking up quickly and promptly is something you have to learn how to do if you don't want to have your throat slit in your sleep—but he makes no effort to try to get up either.

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"Good morning," she says affectionately, caressing little circles into his arm with a thumb. She should probably say something else besides that, but actually she's instead grinning like an idiot and feeling oddly shy for speaking to a man who so recently knew her in such a carnal fashion. (Speaking of, can they do that again? Soon, possibly right now? She has no idea, it seems presumptuous to ask and it's only an idle thought, not a burning need.)

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"...something on your mind?" he asks a couple of seconds after she greets him, looking down at her face—what he can see of it—with an open and curious expression on his.

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"I was, that is, um," she stutters, and then she nestles closer to him so she can hide her face. After a pause, she mumbles: ".... You are a kind and dutiful husband and I am happily yours for the taking anytime you'd like me."

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He takes a couple more seconds to understand what exactly she's saying and when it clicks he blushes a little bit, himself. Also, if Anavett was not familiar with the concept of morning wood she might find herself becoming so.

"I, uh, I need to use the privy, give me, erm," and oh gods this is really awkward and embarrassing but on the other hand he suddenly has a need.

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.... She giggles. "Oh, yes, of course. I'm sorry to delay you, um. Should I poke my head outside and arrange something to break our fast with?"

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"I, erm, maybe?" He is still nude, though, and now that he's not in bed anymore she has some further evidence that breakfast is very very far from his mind at the moment.

He slips out to the covered area of the room to use the chamber pot, feeling kind of wretchedly embarrassed but also wretchedly horny.

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"Whichever you'd prefer, my delightful lord husband,” she says, and it's playful. "I am at your service."

But she will totally lounge naked in bed and wait until he makes his mind up.

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No no his mind is made up by the time he's back he's absolutely forgotten the offer and he's on top of her.

The impatience and hunger this time might be better associated with a Stark.

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Eeee!!!! Being married is great, actually!!!!

As expected, she is so willing, and a bit more present than the night before. Now she's clearly interested in him and his needs, and isn't so (delightfully) overwhelmed by the new world that has opened up for her. It's still new and exciting, of course, but she's exploring it with him more actively instead of just happily following his lead.

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And, you know, with only a night between them and last time, he can in fact pace himself a lot more easily, and last a lot longer.

Which he really really wants to do because he wants his wife to be enjoying herself so much she'll be nervous about passersby overhearing her through the door.

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.... squeak.

Well, that's terribly embarrassing, but fortunately for her sense of pride, she's not inclined towards very loud exclamations. That said, her husband is absolutely going to get what he wants. She would make a terrible Silent Sister; perfect silence is quite clearly beyond her.

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And at the end of it he's once again panting and covered in sweat and feeling boneless but he's sporting a look like the cat that got the canary.

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He has such a happy, exhausted wife!! Who clearly adores him!!!!

"You were trying to make me cry out, weren't you," she accuses, delighted, when she catches her breath and is a bit less dazed.

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"I'm not certain I catch milady's meaning." Grin grin grin grin.

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"I am such a lucky woman." Nestle nestle snuggle snuggle.

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"What a coincidence that I feel like such a lucky man." He pulls her closer and kisses the top of her head.

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She gives a little happy shiver and hums contently. It would be wonderful if this could last forever.

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... But it can't. They're in the middle of a rebellion, this wedding was to cement a political alliance.

"How long until you march again?" she wonders, very softly.

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...right. There's a reason this was rushed.

"A couple of weeks to resupply and inventory everything and everyone, and then we go."

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“Okay.” She leans up and kisses him. “And… I am to remain here in Riverrun?”

It’s the obvious option, and probably the safest. Riverrun is difficult to siege, escorting a prime potential hostage is dangerous and costly, and their side is already fighting an uphill battle. The fact that this means she’s going to be trapped with the father she hates and her very reasonably miserable sister is immaterial in comparison. (But she doesn’t have to like it.)

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He grimaces at the question and his immediate thought is of her having to stay here with that man but that's probably not rational, she probably likes Hoster Tully a lot more than Alis does.


"If that be milady's wish, although I... confess that however difficult to assail Riverrun may be the North is more. Going all the way to Winterfell would perhaps not be advisable, the Winter snow has not entirely thawed yet, but perhaps... I would feel safer if you were to sail to White Harbour and be hosted by the Manderlys. They are staunch and loyal allies and vassals to House Stark, and I would trust them with my life."

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“I don’t… particularly want to stay here, but I’d rather bear it than be a, a liability for you. But then again I’m…” She winces. “I’m afraid that if things start to go poorly, father will. Cut his losses.”

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His face darkens. "I will also confess that I am less than impressed with his actions towards the daughter that became inconvenient."

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“You don’t know the half of it,” she mutters. “Or, well. You might. I don’t know how much of what happened has gotten out.”

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"...I have heard that she needed to take the moon tea." For the obvious reasons. "And I seem to recall a rumour about how very recently Hoster Tully kicked out a ward of his, which seems... like coincidental timing."

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“Quite. They are indeed connected. Lysa loved him. Loves still, I suppose. Her pregnancy was not an accident, she was trying to force father’s hand and let her marry a minor lord, but. Instead…”

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"...you're marrying a Stark! You're marrying the Lord of Winterfell! Can he not let his second daughter have some happiness in her life? I love Lord Arryn like my own father," much more in fact, "and I know he will treat her well and be kind and good to her, but he is much older than she is and if she already has someone she loves..."

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“Oh, believe me, I’ve already said all of that to him. I even explained that Petyr Baelish is on his own merits brilliant, even if his holdings are less than impressive. There was also the argument that I,” and she lowers her voice, because she doesn’t want to be overheard saying this of her own sister, “I don’t think she has the constitution for a cold political match, she wants warmth and kindness and simplicity, not, not. This cold calculus. The fear of her children dying in political plays.” She shakes her head. “But Winterfell is far away, and hardly a martial ally that’ll prevent anyone nearby marching through the Riverlands on their way to the Vale or the Westerlands or the Crownlands. So. You see as far as I have managed to get.”

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“Quite. But my ultimate concern is that.” She swallows, and takes a deep breath, and leans into him. “That should you die, should your rebellion fail, he will attempt to…” gods, this is so hard to say, and it’s worse because she believes it, and she hates believing it of her own father, “to kill your child while still in the womb, so as to. Be able too make an alliance with the winning side.” ‘With me’ goes unsaid, but she really doesn’t need to say it, does she.

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"...wife of mine, it pains me to say this but I think I want to use my husbandly and lordly authority to demand that you not be in this man's vicinity while I am at war."

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She gives a little laugh.

“Yes. Yes, I would…” And she stops because something is catching in her throat, and she has to start over again. “If it were possible to await your surely inevitable victory elsewhere without compromising your overall strategy, I. Would like that very much.”

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"Then I shall speak with Lord Wyman Manderly about this matter. I am very doubtful that he shall refuse, so we should be able to get you passage and escort to White Harbour."

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Anavett nods, and. Her vision is blurring, for some strange reason. She wonders why. When she reaches up to rub at her eyes, her fingers come away wet. Then she stifles a little sob and realizes that, apparently, the thing that would cause her tears to finally fall was someone believing and trusting her.

“Don’t die,” she sniffles, “Don’t you dare die. Behead the stupid king so he doesn’t cause any more pointless death, and then just, just. Return north and secede from the entire damn kingdom if you have to.” She fails to stifle her second little sob. “Please. Please, please stay alive.”

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Alis pulls his arm from around her then places both of her hands inside his, looking into her eyes. He kisses a tear falling down one cheek, and another tear falling down the other. "I vow to you, milady," he says, voice and eyes as serious as they can be, "on my honour as a Stark, that I will return to you. And when I do, and take you to Winterfell with me, we will live our lives together to their natural ends, populate the keep with our children, and love each and every one of them with all our hearts, and grow old to see our family and our lands grow richer, healthier, stronger, and happier day after day."

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“Gods, that’s such an ambitious set of promises,” she snorts, but she’s smiling. “Haven’t you heard of moderation and, and setting realistic expectations? Just, just. Return to me, and. We’ll try for all the rest after, okay?”

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He smiles, then, and kisses her hands before raising a thumb to wipe her tears away. "It shall be so, milady."

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"Okay. Good." She sniffles again, and then kisses the hand wiping away her tears. "Thank you. But I'm being terribly silly, aren't I, we still have time together before the real proper goodbyes, just. It was really very important to tell you my concerns about the safety of, of our heirs."

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"And your safety, milady. The moon tea, it... sometimes it... I do not want harm to come to you."

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“Yeah. I was with Lysa, during the, the. Yes.” Her mouth twitches to an attempt at a smile. “Self interest does enter into it, too, yes.”

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"You are mine, and I yours. What is yours is mine, and what is mine yours. Your safety and wellbeing are of great importance to me, lady wife, and you should not consider it self-interest. I want to take care of what is mine, in the same way you take care of what is yours."

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She gives a little snort, then leans forward to kiss him. “You’re very sweet. Yes, all right. Though I hope I may still call it self-interest in jest?”

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"You may call it anything you want, wife mine, so long as we are both clear on our priorities here."

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"Yeah. I want to take care of you, too. You're a very good husband, I... want to be good for you and to you."

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He kisses her forehead and then makes a soft humming sound. "Well, that breakfast is starting to sound appealing, this much exercise on an empty stomach..."

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"Ha! Yes. I thought about being a good wife and making sure breakfast would be ready for you when you woke up, but instead I was drawn to continue snuggling you. You were warm and cozy, and I was weak, forgive me." She's obviously joking, and isn't sorry. "I'll put on a dressing gown and go find a servant to bring us something from the kitchens?"

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"That would be much appreciated, milady."

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She gives him a quick kiss, digs out a dressing gown from the nearby closet, dons it, and then heads out to hunt up some breakfast. There are surely duties they'll both be needing to get to eventually, but at the moment, his men are fed and happy, so it can wait until after they've shared a meal together.

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She can very quickly draw attention of one of the House Tully servants, a stout woman in her forties who has known Anavett since she was born.

"Good morning, Lady Stark," she says with a curtsy.

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"Good morning, Wilmena!" says Anavett, all bright and happy cheer. She does not know every servant's name, but she does in fact know this one's. "Could I trouble someone for a meal to start the day, for both myself and my husband? I'll be happy to be the one to take it back."

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"Of course, milady," she says with another curtsy before turning to leave...

...and pausing then turning back around. "Erm... Lady Stark... may I ask... no, forgive me, 'tis not proper."

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"Oh? No, it's quite all right, please go on, something clearly troubles you."

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"...well. You see, milady, I... the girls were worried about you."

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"... Because of the war?" she says, a little blankly. Because, well, her husband dying in war is in fact a major concern of hers that is absolutely haunting her thoughts, especially now that she likes him, but. That doesn't seem to be what this is about?

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"...no, milady. Last night some of the girls, erm, passed by milady's door—not me! I know milady wouldn't like it!" she hastily adds. "But they say they heard cries of pain and..." Then she lowers her voice to barely a whisper to say, "We have tinctures for pain and paints that could hide any bruises if milady has need of them...?"

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"....... oh, ah." Then she lowers her own voice, flushing and unable to keep any kind of lid on her smile. "No, that won't be required, thank you, um. My lord husband is, um. Very attentive to my needs. I apologize if I caused concern. But I am taking quite well to being his wife."

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"...is milady certain? 'Twould be no shame to treat anything that may come about, the girls know to be very discreet about such matters." Then she tilts her head in confusion. "Or..." And once again a tiny whisper, "did milady and milord not consummate?"

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"We absolutely consummated our marriage, several times, I believe the bedsheets are stained as proof, just, ah." She must surely be bright red as the the bricks of Riverrun itself by now, ".... my lord husband is very concerned with my comfort and pleasure and. Is very attentive to my needs." She coughs.

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"...milady's... needs? Does milady mean milord took good care of her afterwards?"

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Wow she is so incredibly lucky, isn't she, poor Wilmena is having so much trouble conceiving of sex as being great instead of just tolerable and avoiding or minimizing injury.

"... Yes. And also during. He's. He's a very good man and I am very lucky to have him."

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"Milady means she... enjoyed the... consummation?" She looks absolutely baffled by the idea. "—the consummation itself felt nice to milady? But, how? What did milord—oh, please forgive my indiscretion, I should not be prying. I am happy milady is happy. I shall bring milady and milord's breakfast soon."

Another curtsy and then she's fleeing down the hall before she gets tempted to try to get more highborn gossip and gets reprimanded for it.

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Anavett gives a little nod of confirmation to the question, but then is more than happy to leave things at that. That is quite enough. That is probably more than enough, really. If she knows the gossip network of Riverrun, and she does reasonably well, everyone that is concerned for her welfare should soon learn that she is well. Very extremely well, and very extremely happy, and very extremely married and thrilled about it.

(Gods, someone did hear her, that's so embarrassing...)

"I'll, ah, return to our chambers, then, thank you!" she calls, and then it's her turn to flee. It wouldn't really do any good to have her hanging around while there is important gossiping to be had.

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Alisander is reading a book when she returns (and he must really love this book, bringing a book along with him to the war is begging for it to be destroyed) but he folds the corner of the page he's at to mark it then puts it down and raises an eyebrow at her. He didn't hear what she was saying but she sure was there for a while.

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In she goes, into bed and into his arms, still a faint shade of pink.

"There was some concern for my welfare on account of the, ah. Sounds. I have set the record straight with the staff as to my wellbeing." Blush blush blush.

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"The... sounds..." Then it clicks, and he blushes a bit, too, but the cat that got the canary expression comes right back.

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She spots his expression, and snorts.

"Yes. Rest assured, the entire estate and probably half of the surrounding countryside will be well aware that I am very happily married thanks to your efforts," she says, and she's trying to sound cross with him but is really not managing it.

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Lord Alisander Stark is in fact rather smug about appropriately fitting the Stark stereotype of great potency and manliness and whatnot, even though intellectually he thinks it is kind of dumb. There's just this instinctive part of him that couldn't help but absorb all of the expectations for a Stark and that really wants to match them all.

"If Lord Karstark or the Greatjon catch wind of it then the other half will be made aware, too."

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“I’m sure,” she snorts.

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Soon enough Wilmena's back with their breakfast. Alisander puts on a robe to accept the food from her, and when he says "thank you" she visibly blushes before stuttering something and fleeing once more.

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Anavett snickers.

“You realize that now perhaps an entire quarter of the female staff are going to want to learn firsthand what their lady was so pleased about," Anavett teases.

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"If this leads them to demanding better treatment from their lovers, good."

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“Oh, certainly, but I meant in a more direct, hands on sense.”

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"...ah. Well, they shall be left wanting, then, for I am not bedding any of them."

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She nods, then nibbles her lip.

“That’s probably for the best, we’d never hear the end of it, though…” Oh, how does she say this without it sounding rude. “… we are soon to be apart for months, at best. A year or more, at worst. From all I’ve heard of the horrors of battle… well. Feel free to take solace where you can? Without, er.” She waves a hand awkwardly. “Leaving anyone worse for the experience, please, be it partner or, ah, child, just.”

That is to say: no rape, and if he sires any bastards, he should try to see them set up comfortably.

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"I should hope you believe," he says, after a couple of frozen seconds with his breath held, "that I am not wont to cause unnecessary suffering. It is a part of what I see as my duty of honour, to face the consequences of my actions head-on, and to not treat others' trust lightly." Lying on him like this, though, she can probably feel the way his heart is beating harder, now, though he hopes she... well... he doesn't even know what kinds of inference she could make from that.

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Poor man. She pets him, because he’s so nervous and she doesn’t entirely understand why.

“Yes, I truly couldn’t see you taking liberties with someone without their, ah, happy cooperation, just, um. I could see you quietly shriveling up on the inside, and coming back to me miserable and traumatized and… War is hell. Please try to come back as whole as you can.”

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"...I will do my best," and is she going to say the same thing if his lover is a man, and worse yet, if he is in love with said man? Ahhhhhhh. "In any case, it is perhaps time we should get dressed and start our day."

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“Yes, quite. Sorry to, um, bring up such a topic and imply anything untoward about your honor, just. I care about you and wish you well.”

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"Milady has caused no offence." He pulls one of her hands up to his lips to plant a soft kiss on her knuckles. "And I appreciate your concern and understand where you are coming from." He's pretty sure if he hadn't tasted the forbidden fruit he would actually not be quietly miserable and die inside but even outside of Zakary he now knows what it's like with Anavett and he'd have absolutely suffered rather a lot, yeah.

...and he might yet. He is not sure he is actually willing to do anything with Zakary, surely she is only thinking about other women he might bed. Which he will categorically not.

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“Okay. Good.” She leans forward and kisses him, then finishes up the last of her breakfast and gets to getting ready for the day. Mostly this will involve heading back to her own personal rooms to be dressed and made presentable, but she will give him another kiss before she goes.

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He makes himself presentable, too, and then he is off to go do a bunch of war-related planning and organisation. He needs to get headcounts from his bannermen and for his own people, and have the first of their strategic meetings about what to do next (which will predictably mostly be led by Zakary).

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The meeting goes well past lunchtime and so the people participating have their meal delivered by servants—though Zakary insists that none of them enter the actual room they are discussing things in, the added comfort is not enough to justify the risk of leakage. He has four ideas of possible things they could do as well as a list of pros and cons and a partial accounting of necessary numbers and resources needed for each. The other lords who will be making decisions are invited to critique and to provide information that might make one or another plan better, and to suggests modifications or their own ideas.

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Anavett has less personal responsibilities than her husband, she could conceivably spend the day in recreation if she wanted to, but she doesn’t. If nothing else, she’s been the de facto lady of the Tully household since her mother’s death. It's become her habit to manage it accordingly, and it would probably worry many of the staff if she didn't get right back to it the minute she could. Plus, she enjoys it. Besides, there are four armies (Stark, Baratheon, Arryn, and Tully) currently being fed, clothed, armed, and housed primarily by the Riverlands, so it is safe to say no one will turn down a helping hand in keeping it all as organized as possible. Feeding armies on purpose keeps them from doing things like sacking villages for the supplies they need! Yes, they're allied, and stealing things from the vassals of the lord they're allied to is frowned upon, but it can still happen. The best way to keep an army from doing stupid things to stay fed is to feed them.

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As expected, lords Karstark and Umber make several japes about Alisander's prowess in bed and his marine wife not knowing what she signed up for. He takes them with good enough grace, manages to not blush at all and to only give curt responses that nevertheless completely fail to disabuse anyone of the notions being put forth.

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When they're done it is almost supper time, but Zakary pulls Alisander aside and finds a secluded corner of the keep to talk.


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"Suppose I should be giving you congratulations. You performed your duty admirably."

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"Oh, fuck you, Zak," and now he's blushing.

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Zakary grins and shakes his head. "I am just happy my pupil learned well enough—"

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Alisander thinks Zakary needs to be punched a lot more often than he is.

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He was expecting it, though, and blocks the punch easily. "Your worries about not liking women seem to have been entirely unfounded, then?"

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"Yes. Zak, is there a reason you wanted to talk or are you just fishing for all of the sordid details?"

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"Oh, I think I have a pretty good idea of the details by now, wolf."

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"...you also listened."

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"It would have been a lot stranger not to, we're brothers, people would be suspicious."

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"And you got off on it."

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"Of course I got off on it. —not right then, obviously, but my Alis being that good with his wife, who by the way sounds delightful—"

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Zakary blocks another punch and then Alis folds his arms and looks away, blushing harder. "You should not say things like these. If anyone hears you I will have to duel you for her honour."

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"The acoustics here are great, which is to say they're shit and you can't hear anyone two yards away from you."

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"Zak, can you get to the point?"

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"You," he says, locking his eyes onto Alis's, "are very concerned about something."

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"If you haven't noticed there's a war—"

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"Brother when have you ever successfully lied to me?"

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"Gods take you, Zakary. Is this a checkup on how I am? I am doing great, thank you very much, my wife is in fact lovely, our night together was bloody perfect—"

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"And you asked Lord Manderly to welcome her in White Harbour while we're off at war."

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"...well, I couldn't really leave her here with that man—"

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"Which implies a rather deep level of trust already, does it not?" Zak unsheathes a dagger attached to his leg and starts lightly playing with it, throwing it up in the air and catching it after a few spins. "In her, that is. To leave her unsupervised somewhere like that. Lord Manderly and his men will be with us, and she is clearly smart enough to get away with roughly anything she wants to without anyone guaranteeing she'll behave—"

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This time he kicks Zakary's shin, and thankfully Zak's reflexes are good enough to catch the dagger anyway even as he whines about the kick.

"Now you're getting into dangerous territory, Zak."

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"I am, aren't I?" he replies with a light tone and a serious look. "You trust that she won't do anything you wouldn't want her to do. You trust her. Even if it's been barely two days that you've known her."

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"...well, I—I mean, we are married, I cannot just—"

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"I'm not saying you are wrong, brother. Your trust is well-placed."

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"And how would you know?" Alis asks, folding his arms and glaring at Zak.

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"Is there even a point in explaining? Lord Stark is smart enough to figure it out, if he thinks about it, and he is just being stubborn and trying to put himself and his own intuition down. Stop that, Alis. Stop second-guessing yourself so much."

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"What exactly do you think I'm second-guessing myself about? And what was the tell, I was not thinking about anything related to her at all during the meeting, how did you even know?"

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"You need to pay more attention to your words, brother, you keep just confirming my guesses. And the answer is that it was a guess, from knowing you, and then you just confirmed it by acting the way you do."

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He leans back against the wall and looks away again.

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"—ah, I see."

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"What! What do you see, Zakary, I just leaned against a wall and looked away from you!"

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"You looked away from me because you don't want to think about me—"

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"There's a million other things I could have meant instead!"

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"Yes, but I know you better than anyone, so what I have to do is ask the little you that lives in my head, 'why is he doing what he is doing?', and the answers are usually right. That's the same for your lady wife, by the by, the way you act when you talk about her, or when I talk about her, and the way you two were acting at the wedding and the feast, and the things she did—I know it wasn't your suggestion to get a Northern wedding—it all adds up. There are many kinds of people your lady wife could be, but all of them have to fit with the things I've seen."

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"So what is the little me in your head saying I am worried about, then, Zakary?"

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"You feel very comfortable with her, already, and you trust her implicitly. She is very level-headed and she guessed about us yesterday—"

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Alis chokes on his spit and has to spend a few seconds recovering his breath. "What?" he asks in an undertone.

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"I have no idea what you two were talking about, but she watched you coming to me to ask about Lysa's bedding, and then she looked at me and she wanted to know something. She wasn't satisfied with what I gave her, which was literally nothing, so she's not sure, but she has some thoughts and ideas about our relationship. If nothing else, we're brothers, and it's not like some light sword touching between brothers isn't commonplace."

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"...must you put these things these ways?"

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"Yeah, actually. It breaks through your icy exterior and makes you have to think about what exactly I'm saying instead of just trying to make guesses about related things that I could be saying."

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"Well, fine, yes, I am certain many people suspect we've spent some nights together, why is this relevant to what you were saying?"

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"I was saying that she's level-headed and she guessed about us and she seemed fine with it, which as you say does not mean that much, but whenever I bring this up or as we've been talking about it you freeze or flinch or avert your eyes or frown. You do actually want to tell her about us, and you're more certain than you were when we talked that this would not be a terrible idea, but you still feel conflicted about it. She... hmm... You two talked about something like this, yes?"

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Alis has to think about all of these things explicitly, and Zak just, just makes it look so easy, just guesses the right answers like it's nothing, and it's infuriating.

"Yes," he grumbles. "She said—she said that I should not make myself miserable while away from her at war, that I should come back to her whole, and that as long as I didn't harm anyone while doing it—not any partners, nor children, then—then I should why are you laughing!!!!!"

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Zak needs a little bit to stop laughing, during which Alis just sulks and waits. When he has enough breath to speak he says, "Stop hitting yourself on the head, you absolute fool! Trust her! Tell her! In the worst case she will turn out to not have been trustworthy and we can wave it off as some light sword touching and say that anything anyone says about us being in love is lies, which yes is awful but the awful part would be the betrayal itself, and it's better to know than not, right? But she won't. She's not telling a soul."

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He covers his eyes with a hand, then, and leans his back against the wall turning his face to the ceiling. "But what if I hurt her because I love you and not her?" he asks in a tiny, fragile whisper.

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"...my love. My Alis. You already love her."

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His head snaps back down to look at Zak so fast he actually cracks his neck. "We've just met!"

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"Yeah, that's crazy, right? But I guess it was love at first—maybe sight, actually, Lord Arryn told me about your first encounter. I am sure you were very taken by her right then and there."

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He just stares at Zakary for several seconds, breathing heavily and not really having any facial expressions.

Then he covers his face with his hands and says, "Oh, gods, I am in love with her."

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Zak leans forward and places one hand on the side of Alis's face, lightly scratching the back of his neck with his fingers. "Yes you are, love. Surprise, everything the stories tell you about true love is lies. Some people have more love in them than just for the one person."

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He lowers his hands from his face and then places one of them on top of Zakary's. "I did not want this," he sighs.

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"You did not want to love and be loved by more than one person? Well, tough shit, brother. And can I just say? There is no one else in this world that would react the way you just did to realising they are in love with their spouse."

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Alis laughs weakly. "When you put it like that it is kind of ridiculous."

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"You've always been ridiculous about these things. Ever since we were children. Ever since I noticed just how much I wanted you, how much I wanted to be with you, and you noticed the same, you've been ridiculous. You spent a month avoiding me after we kissed for the first time!"

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"You kissed me in the baths, anyone could have walked in and seen!"

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"And yet you only took notice of it after we'd had our tongues down each other's throats for five minutes and I was on your lap. See what I mean? Ridiculous."

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"Well, you cannot hold things I did as a child against me."

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"As your brother, it is my solemn duty to hold everything you did as a child against you."

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He sighs. "Fine, Zakary, fine. You win. I will talk to her."

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"Good boy. Now I have some more things to do before supper, so I shall see you later, brother." He gives Alis a light peck on the lips then walks off to wherever it is he needs to go.

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Alis stays where he is for a while longer until he is definitely not blushing anymore and definitely not, not... whatever he is. He loves Zakary dearly but Zak can really be a bit overwhelming. Sometimes it feels like having a chat with a maelstrom.

He doesn't really have anything scheduled until supper, and he feels like if he tried to do anything serious he'd just be distracted all the time, so instead he'll go back to his chambers and read his book some more.

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His bedsheets have been changed, the chamberpots have been emptied and cleaned, and the oil lamps have all been refilled. He can hear the bustle of servants outside the door of his guest chanbers, but they're all aware he's in, and they leave him alone. He is free to read until supper.

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—and also probably people are passing the bedsheets around so that they know for sure that his wife did in fact lose her maidenhead there. For some reason this bothers him more than the thought of having been listened in on. He thinks he feels somewhat offended by the idea—of course he was going to consummate his marriage, he made his vows!—but he supposes it makes sense for people who are not as honourable as him.

(He does not like people who are not as honourable as him.)

So when it's about supper time he leaves his chambers and goes to find it, and hopefully his wife will already be there, too.

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He ends up finding his wife before he finds dinner. She's very easy to spot, in a nice central sitting room at the end of the hallway. In her hands is a grey handkerchief she seems to be embroidering. After years of household management, she's learned that she does more harm than good when trying to assist while supper is being directly made. Preparations and acquiring supplies to make dinner is a different matter, but the actual chopping and boiling and cooking tasks and whatnot? Nope, she makes the poor cooks nervous. So: she is not there. She's where she can be easily found if someone for some reason needs her to solve a lady-shaped problem, but those are actually fairly rare.

"Oh, hello, dear!" says Anavett, brightening immediately upon seeing him.

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"Hello, milady," he says, also brightening considerably. When he gets close enough to her he takes one of her hands (being slow and predictable enough to let her pause her embroidering and being careful not to mess it up) then bows low enough to kiss it, keeping his eyes on her face.

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She sets her embroidery aside and beams at him, delighted. Such a good husband!!!

"Supper should be ready soon, we can have it somewhere private or in the main dining hall, whichever."

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...having it away from people sounds horribly tempting actually. But on the other hand it is good for morale to spend time with his men. On the other other hand most of them will be hungover until tomorrow from the feast and might not even themselves be all there. Plus if he skips supper to be with his wife that'll feed the rumour mill about them even more.


"If it please milady, I would love to share that meal with her alone."

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"It would! As long as I'm not imposing. But we've every right to be newly weds, I suppose."

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Small smile. "You are not wrong. And I realise that we came to my chambers last night without my asking you; would you prefer going to yours?"

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"Oh, um. Yes, if you'd be comfortable there. If nothing else I could avoid scurrying back to my rooms in nothing but a dressing gown. But either's fine, I just think my chambers are prettier than the guest rooms."

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"Then we could go as soon as you are ready and supper is available."

He's... a bit antsy. Apparently. Trying to keep a lid on it but.

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She notices, because of course she does.

“Yes, of course. Should I just have them delivered to my chambers? That way we could go now and get settled.”

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"There is no hurry; I am at your service."

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"I know," she says, smiling, then she kisses one of his hands. "But I can tell my lord is impatient, so I'll go handle it now and then we can go to my chambers. Hold on."

Then! Off to ask for dinner for herself and her husband in her chambers! This is pretty easy to do, she has a general idea of what tasks are being done around this time, and thus someone is easy enough to find.

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Of course she can tell. To be fair he is kind of not really hiding it so much. He'll follow her to her chambers once she leads the way.

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Supper is secured, then she grabs her in progress embroidery (and the bag she has for her colored thread) and takes his hand with the other, and to her chambers they go.

They’re a bit bigger than his guest rooms, actually. Lord though he is, he’s being temporarily housed along with his army, and she’s lived here for her entire life. The rooms are also less boringly decorated, and feel very… her. Colorful, tasteful, with more of an eye to making the entire room work together aesthetically than either filling it with the most expensive things available, or paying artisans a lot of money to follow a theme. These look like things that were carefully brought together over years, not something set up recently. There are also many potted plants around, and only a few of them are flowers. He might recognize a few, actually, some of them are medicinal herbs.

“We should wait until after supper arrives to speak properly,” she informs him, once they’re inside and the door’s closed, “But first, um.” And then she looks down shyly, and steps forward and hugs him. “How was your day?”

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Aaaaah yeah how the fuck did he miss that he was in love with her well probably because it is unreasonable to fall in love with someone over two days so of course it wasn't on his list of possibilities that's just sensible.


"Busy. Full. Zakary Baratheon led the strategy meeting and," oh gods why is he blushing just from talking about Zakary that's ridiculous he's ridiculous he's looking away so she won't see it, "erm, he's very good at... what he does," aaaah he wants to bury his head in the ground and never come back out.

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This she definitely notices. She smiles a little, and adjusts the likelihood that Zakary Baratheon is his ‘not exactly’ jilted lover. So, probably? And…. he might have gone and spent time with him, and somehow found time to fall into bed with him and is feeling… guilty? That seems most likely.

“So I’ve heard,” she agrees, reaching out to caress his face and smooth out his worry lines by gently touching them.

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He leans into her hand, too, traitorous self.

"Uh, anyway, we spent most of the day in the meeting discussing plans and figuring out what we'll need," good riddance, horrible blush, "so tomorrow all of us are going to specifically check that. I believe Winterfell will not have enough archers for one of his plans but Lord Karstark said he might be able to cover us. Oh! And I spoke with Lord Manderly and he said that he sees no obstacle to getting you passage to White Harbour."

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“Oh, good!” Pet pet pet. “Then I will be happy to be packed up and sent off whenever is best.”

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"We should wait until we're ready to go," he says immediately, then looks away once more. "To, uh. Make as sure as we can that you should be with child."

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Giggle. “Sounds like an excellent plan to me.” By the way her eyes are sparkling, she’s delighted by the idea of spending as much time with him as possible. “Though I do think we should keep the details to ourselves for a while, it’s likely wiser for me to be smuggled more than, you know. All of the pomp that usually goes with taking a lady and putting her elsewhere. I do not need to bring all of my dresses north, pretty though they are, I really doubt they’re built for the climate.”

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He nods seriously. "It should not be advertised, no. I trust Lord Manderly's discretion and competence, and will follow his advice on how to best proceed."

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She nods.

“I’ll act perfectly normal and like I’ll remain here,” she murmurs to him, very softly, “Give me at least a day’s notice beforehand?”

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"Of course, milady. We should have more than that, but we will see." There's a knock on the door, then, and Alisander goes to the door to accept the food for both of them.

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Excellent, then they can go further into her chambers, to a little sitting area with a table in her bedroom, and eat there. They’re right by a window, overlooking the river Tumblestone. She draws the curtains closed and shuts the bedroom door.

“And now we should not be overheard even if people listen at the door, so long as we don’t raise our voices,” she says, once all of this is done and she sits across from him with her plate.

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He purses his lips but it's not like he can really contradict her.

"I should begin with... saying that I believe I have fallen in love with you." He's kind of embarrassed, his brain is still yelling that IT'S BEEN TWO DAYS but it's still true and it would be a disservice to his wife to not tell her.

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She blinks, several times, then beams and picks up her chair to scoot it next to him so she can lean on him properly. And hold his hand. While not looking at him because she's embarrassed.

"Oh. Well. Good. I don't, um, know where the line of love or not love is for me, but you're, um. A better husband than I could have possibly dreamed of and I really truly want to spend the rest of my life with you, so. That might equate?"

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He leans against her and smiles a bit. "It doesn't. ...ah, at least for the way my feelings work, it doesn't. It is a different thing."

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"Damn. Then I'm sorry I couldn't just, um. Tidily return things, I don't... have enough experience to say? I expect I'll definitely end up madly in love with you eventually?? I might already be there and just don't know how to tell??? Sorry. Feelings are hard and, um. ... My northern guide was very clear about not lying in the godswood, and. I don't know, I kind of liked that feeling of honesty, and it seems disingenuous to not carry it over to our marriage considering where we were married and, um..."

Is she babbling? She's babbling. She closes her mouth and stops.

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He lifts her hand to his lips to kiss it once more. "Milady, I do not expect you to reciprocate, or ask it. It would be good, I would be delighted, but I walked into this marriage knowing it was one of politics and convenience, and even if you never return my feelings, this is enough. We will still build something beautiful together, and our marriage will be strong."

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She's afraid to speak again, for fear of babbling like a lunatic, but she smiles and nods and leans into him.

"Yeah. We will, and it will," she agrees softly, despite the danger of babbling.

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He keeps hold of her hand, then swallows a few times, then grabs a glass of wine to clear his throat, and then finally gets the courage to get to the other part.

"Zakary was the one who noticed it," he starts with. "I believe his words were a very exasperated 'you are already in love with her', to which I protested we'd just met. And then—Lord Arryn told him of what happened when you and I first met, and he thinks it might have been love at first sight, or, erm. Something like that." Blush blush blush.

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"Aw. And to think, I was horribly embarrassed that screaming at my father was the first you'd ever seen of me."

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"It was a very good first impression! It helped that I was very cross with your father right then, but it was—the way you were doing it at least in large part out of love for your sister, the arguments, how clever you were being about trying to pull at what was clearly something you'd calculated would be your most useful lever..."

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She smiles at him and leans up to kiss him.

"I didn't realize you'd noticed all of that. But, yes, it was for her... there was so little I could and can give Lysa. I could at least give her her own wedding." Then she snorts. "And father implied I was a stupid, spoiled, silly little girl about it."

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"Which did not endear him to me any further."

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"Nor to me!"

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Alis starts drawing circles on her hand with a thumb. "So then I said 'oh, gods, I am in love with her', and Zakary said... he made fun of me, said that I was the only person in the world that would react that way to finding out I was in love with my spouse, but before that he said..." More wine. "That love stories are all lies, not everyone is looking for their own one true love," and he's very much not looking at her face right now, and he's gradually lowering and shrinking his voice, "and that some people have more love than that. More love than for just one person."

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(Ha she knew it, it is definitely Zakary Baratheon!! … not the time to be pleased about solving a puzzle, Anavett, your husband is clearly baring his soul and feeling very vulnerable right now.)

"The other being him?" she finishes gently, squeezing his hand.

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He laughs weakly, squeezing her hand back. "The reason this came up was that he noticed I was bothered by something, and he wormed his way into guessing that it was about this, and... I was... afraid that I would be betraying your expectations if I already had someone I loved and couldn't love you. That's when he told me the rather obvious in hindsight truth about how I felt about you." He looks up at her. "He also said that you'd guessed at the feast. Had you?"

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"I had, and it was taking all of my self control to not just cackle that I was right, because I didn't want to trample all over your feelings while you're baring your soul."

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"I hate both of you," he grumbles with no heat.

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"Ahuh," she agrees, amused. "Well. I don't think you're betraying my expectations. If anything, you've exceeded them, I'm incredibly happy I married you. I'm... honestly mostly just worried about you because, er." Wince. "... You've gone from being the second son to being the heir, and. He is also the heir, of Storm's End, and."

It seems like it would be difficult to spend time with him, okay, they're kind of beholden to different sides of the continent.

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Alis laughs once again, this time very bitterly, and shuts his eyes to prevent any tears from falling. "Yeah," he says, and his voice is a little shaken so he pours himself more wine and drinks it. "Yeah. He was... is, maybe, I'm not sure... betrothed to my sister. She knows," he adds. "About us. Their betrothal was very much political convenience, to strengthen the alliance between our Houses, and Zak respects her very very much. And I was a second son, so maybe I could..." Not get married, and he and Zakary would be able to visit each other with Lyanna's blessing.

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"And now things are more complicated." She leans forward and kisses his forehead. "I'm so sorry, dear. I'm not against it? Or angry at all? I'm just. Sad and worried for you. Both of you."

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"We'll... deal. The world has never been fair. We've had wonderful years together and... thinking about the future in any really specific way feels like walking on an old bridge of wood and rope. I don't know what my next step will be like. And I... well I suppose there's no way he'll be with Lyanna now, is there? It would be good if..." And he lowers his voice to a whisper. "If Rhaegar survived. He seems like a good man who would be a good king. —I do not think he kidnapped Lyanna," he adds as context.

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"I don't, either, I think Brandon stupidly jumped to conclusions, and that if he'd stopped and talked to me first I would have been able to keep him from—" She huffs, shakes her head, and stuffs her face with some of this poor food that they've been ignoring. Grumble grumble munch munch, she is not going down this road again right now, it's not very useful. "... Yes," she agrees, after she's swallowed, "Rhaegar would certainly be a better king than his father."

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"Yes." He sighs and follows his wife's example; the food got somewhat cold by now but he doesn't particularly care. "But I am not sure there is a way for him to be king that does not get me and Zakary at best exiled to the Wall." He takes another swig of his wine and half-slams his cup on the table. "I don't understand what Lyanna was thinking. She was betrothed! And she knows Zakary, at least well enough to know he would be reasonable about it should she wish to dissolve the betrothal. She has blackmail material on both of us. She could've been... reasonable..." And now he has to stop talking because all of this is just putting more and more of the weight of his lost future in him and he doesn't want to cry in front of his wife.

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"Oh, darling." She pets him. Then something in her husband's words clicks for her. Huh. The... Wall.

".... How much does Zakary want to be Lord of Storm's End...?" she wonders, blinking.

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He blinks, opens his mouth to complain about mind reading, then decides to save the time. "Not at all. He thinks his brother would be a much better pick."

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"So... I mean, I know it's freezing cold, and he'd be standing guard on a literal wall made of ice and sworn to not marry or sire children, but.... I can't help but notice that the Wall is significantly closer to Winterfell than Storm's End."

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"...yes it is. But—there isn't a way for him to be exiled and not me, at this point, and I have obligations to Winterfell now. And to you."

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"Yes, I'd rather not give you up to the Wall, just... I'm not sure there isn't a way. If nothing else, I know it doesn't really happen, because who would want to go there on purpose, but. He could actually just go there willingly. Or, um, I hear Rhaegar is taking to the field and marching north?" Her knowledge of army movements is entirely based on the Riverrun gossip network, which means it's not very reliable, but she knows that much. "I expect you could negotiate? And—I still think killing Brandon was absurd, for the record, but his exact words upon getting to King's Landing were 'come out and die.' But there is no justification for your father, or his men, or then asking for your and Zakary's heads. You might be able to get concessions and point out that the Starks were very personally wronged?"

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"That would be... a good outcome, I think, but I do not think I can get away with not having the Mad King's head.  For justice for my family and men, and for the armies that are following me south. I would be seen as weak, my standing in the North would suffer greatly and it would be a deep blow to the loyalty my vassals hold for me, especially those who also lost men to the Mad King's petty whims."

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"Oh, no, I'm not saying 'Do not kill Aerys.' Absolutely kill Aerys, he is going to plunge the continent into even worse war if he stays crowned, I'm saying... negotiate with Rhaegar that you will end this war and support his claim if he becomes king, if his father is executed for his crimes—possibly by you?—and you can have Zakary taking the black as a 'concession' for rebelling, since his family hasn't been horribly personally wronged and he rebelled anyway. Check with him first before offering that, of course, just, um. It seems the tidiest solution that ends this war as quickly as possible?"

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"...yeah. Yeah that could actually work." There's a small flicker of hope on his face before he schools it. "But it's a foolish dream to hope the future will care about what we want. It is just as likely to throw it all in our faces and laugh at our misery." Bitter, him? Where could you have gotten this impression from?

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"Okay, yes, have some backup plans, just." She leans up, and kisses him. "Don't smother a spark before it's caught just because the fire might be blown out?"

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He gives her another of his trademark small smiles, then cleans his hands on a napkin before turning to her fully and holding her face between his hands. "Wife mine. I love you, and you are better than anything I dared dream for. And your stubborn insistence at being so very yourself in my direction is making me want to throw you on the bed and have my way with you."

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.... She blushes a faint pink all the way up to her ears.

"I, really?? I haven't even... I mean, yes, though, um, maybe finish supper first because, um, we've neglected it enough as it is, but..."

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"I shall hold you to it." He kisses her again and then proceeds to spend the entire rest of the meal looking at her with naked lust.

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Well, she will just be very motivated to eat quickly, then, won't she! Blushing the entire time and sneaking glances at him between bites, smiling all the while.

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Alis takes a moment to clean his hands once more, and his lips, and to wait for his wife to do the same, then he unceremoniously picks her up from her chair and does, in fact, throw her on the bed to have his way with her.

He is a man of his word.

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His wife squeaks just like she did the first time he picked her up, and is entirely fine with this turn of events!

He is entirely welcome to have his way with her! She's not completely sure what she did to drive him this mad with lust, but she is fine with the results. Better than fine, actually, the proper descriptor is 'delighted.' It is thankfully harder to hear her make noises from in here, the soundproofing is better than the guest rooms.

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Does that mean he's allowed to try to draw more of them out? Because he feels like that's what this means.

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He is also entirely welcome to do whatever he likes with her! She will just be here, being delighted.

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Alis idly wonders how long this is going to last. Probably not forever, he was only ever this horny with Zak when Zak was just starting to show him what exactly it was that everyone found so special about these activities, and eventually it subsided. He thinks it took longer than two weeks, though. Regardless, they ate early, and there's some time before they need to actually go to bed, which means that he has time to actually go multiple rounds, provided there's a little recovery pause (though he can still do things to her while he's recovering).

On one such pause when they're just lying next to each other and resting he says, in a tone that's not-quite-landing as casual, "You could call me Alis. If you wanted. It's, ah, the nickname people close to me use." Zakary, mostly, but Jon Arryn and some other people around, too. Brandon used to call him that.

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"Mmnmhhmn," she hums, still a little dazed. She reaches out to pet his hair. "My Alis."

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...he blushes extremely deep red, tomato-level red, at that.

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"... You could use 'Ana,'" she offers, still petting him. "Lysa and Edmund're the only one that use that. .. Mmnrh. And I guess Petyr, but I kept asking him not to, he doesn't count."

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"...Baelish called you something even though you asked him to stop?" he says, the blush quickly leaving his face.

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"Oh, not you too," she mumbles. "No dueling. Brandon beat you to it. Petyr was drunk the first time he and Lysa were together, and thought she was me, we set it all straight, it's fine."

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".............mil—Ana. It is not fine."

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She makes an unhappy grumbling sound and nestles closer to him, as if this shall hide her from the world not being fine.

"If I ever see him again in my life and he tries it again then you can duel him?"

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Something clicks. "He's in love with you. And Lysa is in love with him. Oh, gods."

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"I don't know if I'd call what he had 'in love,' he's several years younger than I am and sort of like my brother, but, yeah, infatuation, sure. Once he was set straight which sister he bedded he then happily went on to impregnate her, so clearly it wasn't that deep."

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"Ana, love, that does not make it better."

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"I mean, it's insulting, and I'm offended that he challenged Brandon to a duel for my hand and then near immediately went to bed my sister when I figured out what happened and set him straight, but. He was about fourteen?"

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Alis is not going to say that he was doing no such thing when he was fourteen since, one, it's obvious, and two, he had Zak and it's not like he would've done anything with anyone else. And has he mentioned that he does not like people less honourable than him, because that's a thing.

"And you think that he just got over his infatuation after having been kicked out of Riverrun and insulted by your father and losing a duel to your betrothed?"

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"He did not get as far as dueling, I got between them and put a stop to it before it happened. There was a lot of yelling." Pause. ".... Okay, fine, when you put it like that it sounds a little naïve. But this was right before the war. Brandon went off after him to be sure that he didn't have any misapprehensions about me. Then he heard about Lyanna before anyone else, somehow, while he was incensed by that mess, and rode off to die and that was kind of that, so. I haven't really... thought too much about it."

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"Well. Hopefully it will come to nothing, and he'll grow up, but... I do not have the highest of expectations for most other people when it comes to growing up."

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“He and Lysa were… cavorting together for around two months? And he seemed fine. Happy, actually. Then we found out Lysa was pregnant when she attempted to strong arm father into letting her marry him, and he got thrown out. I suppose Brandon might have been angry about Lysa, but he’d never trusted him again after the duel that didn’t happen.”

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"Hm." He shakes his head and sighs. "Wife, I have some deep instinct right now that I should protect what is mine by getting between her legs again and also I want to be distracted from this topic and make my tongue too busy to talk anymore."

And he promptly gets to making this happen.

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"I am absolutely yours," she agrees enthusiastically, and then she can go right back to trying not to make too many sounds.

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And this succeeds at distracting him from unpleasant things and letting him focus mostly on pleasant things, like everything he's doing to her, and also the horrible thought he had earlier about being in an Ana/Zak sandwich that is a terrible idea which will never happen and furthermore is the hottest thing to ever cross his mind. Focusing on that can keep him happy for the rest of the night, possibly even keeping him up a bit later than what would strictly speaking be a sensible sleep time.

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His wife will be fortunate if she's able to walk tomorrow. Soreness is going to be a given at this point, but she is so incredibly not sorry. Opposite of sorry. Extremely happy with this state of affairs. He's such a good husband! So attentive! So good at shutting her mind up from complicated dramatic familial affairs that involve a childhood best friend having an infatuation with her and then bedding her sister! She is so happy to be lost to his touch.

She does have the presence of mind to have some water before she stops resisting the lull of unconsciousness, and uses the privy, but once that's done: she is going to snuggle him aggressively and then be lost to the world.

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When she wakes up the following day she'll find her husband already awake, one arm around her and the opposite hand massaging his own cheeks and jaw. She's not the only one who's gonna be feeling sore, here.

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Anavett cracks open an eye, then grumbles something incoherent and nestles closer to him to hide from the morning.

"Mmmhiii," she mumbles, a bit more coherently.

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"Good morning, my love," he says with a smile and a kiss to the top of her head.

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"G'morning." It's barely intelligible; she's nestled so close to him it's hard to hear her. "My husband."

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"Sleep well?"

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“Mmhmmhm.” Yawn. “Probably’ll sleep in anyway,” she adds, pulling away enough to fix him with a playfully accusative smile.

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"Sleep in? When there's so much else we could be doing this fine morning?"

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“‘So much else’? Are you excited to begin your day, my lord? Have lots of tasks to see to before the day is done?”

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"Yes and at least half of them are you."

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“You’re insatiable,” she snorts, then she displays that she’s woken up rather quickly by pouncing and moving atop him.

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“Fine, fine,” she says mock imperiously, as if she’s doing him a great service. “But I am sore, so this time will be a bit different, and I’ll give my lord husband’s poor mouth a break, hm? I do want to show my appreciation for your care.”

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"I shall do whatever pleases milady, naturally."

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“Your lady wants to please her lord, then send him off to deal with his other duties once she’s done with him, because the world does continue to move outside of this room.” Kiss. “And then actually sleep in, because I am also tired. But it’s more efficient to lounge in bed with your seed within me, don’t you think?”

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A small soft flush climbs up his neck. "Only practical," he agrees.

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Suffice to say, they have a lovely time before she sends him off to be a proper lord and see to the needs of his men. Then she informs her servants (who probably are well aware what she and her husband were doing and just politely pretending to be running late instead of giving them space) that she’ll be sleeping in today, and does. Being married is great.

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Today he has no meetings, he's meant to be gathering information and resources from his men, so he starts going around and doing that. Which means that he's getting rather a lot of teasing, and people did notice he and his new wife skipped dinner, too. But honestly all of them are very impressed with his voraciousness and it's clear that his antics are making them think of him as more of a man than a boy, so he'll take it.

(It's also secretly hilarious; he's been about this active since he was twelve, he only managed to keep it a secret. And it does still feed his ego.)

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Not having anything scheduled means he's very easy for a certain lord to find and then pull into a corner. It's rather impressive how good he is at finding corners.

"You talked to her." Not a question. "And... she was okay with it? No, she actively encouraged you. Huh." So he pulls Alis in for a rather deep kiss before Alis can even get a word in.

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Alis can't really complain, honestly. Even his annoyance at Zak's unreasonable mind reading skills is very muted by how happy he currently is, and he returns the kiss with gusto.

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Eventually Zak does pull away—only enough that they can talk, he's still trapping his lover very close to himself—and says, "So, want to share the details?"

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He doesn't even have to really bite down on the sarcastic remark. Turns out when you're this cheerful it just comes naturally.

"You were right. She'd guessed it. And... her immediate first reaction was to try to come up with ideas to make us be able to stay around each other after this."

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Eyebrow raise. "That so? And what, pray tell, were the ideas?"

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"She was thinking of ways to, uh... get you to join the Night's Watch."

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Zakary covers his mouth with a hand to make sure he won't laugh out loud.

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"—what! It's not a bad idea!" he says, feeling very defensive of his wife.

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"Oh, no, it's a great idea. So good in fact that I've been thinking of such scenarios myself."

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"—when were you planning on telling me???"

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"When I found an idea that was actually workable. Or that had a good enough chance of working."

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"Well, maybe the two of you should get together and talk about it, then," he grumbles.

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"You're right, maybe we should!"

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"I said that in jest!" and oh no there goes his mind again. And it's very annoying how he's just incapable of stopping his own blushes when he's around Zakary.

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Zak raises an eyebrow again, slowly. "Oh, you naughty man."

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"Yes, well, what were you expecting?"

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"You're so repressed, who knows when the idea would've occurred you. I definitely didn't expect it to be this soon; she's good for you."

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"Well, it'll never happen so there's no point thinking about it."

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"Will it not? I wonder."

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"...Zakary," he says in a warning tone.

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"I'm not going to do anything dangerous. And nothing that'll put the legitimacy of your children in question. And of course there's the light version of it which just involves me impaling you and whispering things about her, what we could both do to you together..."

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"Zakary!" But now the blush is in full force.

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"It would be so hot, can you just think?" He pulls Alis's head closer so he can whisper directly into Alis's ear: "You could be between us, me in you, you in her, both kissing you and toying with you, oh I'd tell her all about your little sensitive spots, the things that drive you crazy, you wouldn't even be able to think..."

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He's breathing hard and straining his breeches by the end of that. "Zak, please, I still have to talk to a lot of people today..."

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"But you have time for a break, don't you? I'm sure you do. A break sounds like exactly what you need right now, I feel. And won't it be nice, to be so thoroughly fucked by both of your lovers today?"

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"Thought so."

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At lunchtime he goes looking for his lady.

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His lady is out of bed, but taking lunch in her rooms. She seems to be nibbling at it while doing something else, that something else being: embroidery! (If he's paying attention, he'll notice it's the same thing she'd been embroidering before, though it's still hard to figure out what it'll be.)

"Hello!" she says brightly, when he's ushered in. The servant that did the ushering (her name is Estrith) then makes herself scarce, saying something about how she'll fetch him a plate of his own before getting to the laundry, which definitely needs doing right now, mhm.

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"Hello, my heart," says Alis, kneeling beside her and looking up at her like the morning sun. "How has your day been thus far?"

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“Good! Restful. … do you like weirwoods?”

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"—yes," he says, after a moment's bewilderment. "They remind me of home."

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“Oh, good! But since I am pressed for time, you only get one. And I am not giving it a face, I know that’d probably be better, but I have no idea how to make that look good, and it’d take me time I don’t have to figure it out.”

She shows him her embroidery. With the clarification that it’s to be a weirwood… it does look like one, doesn’t it. The beginnings of one, anyway, all branches in white thread and a few red leaves and its trunk only penciled in planning.

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Oh. Ohhhhhhh. Oh okay! Okay he understands now. "It's lovely."

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“Well it’s traditional for a lady to give her sweetheart a,” she waves a hand vaguely, “a favor, for them to carry around, to represent her love for him. And I could just give you a handkerchief and call it done but, I mean, it seems more meaningful if it had any resemblance to your home, especially since the whole thing is a Southern tradition and probably seems very silly to you, so it should be nice for you for other reasons, and I’m best at plants, except I don’t know any northern ones except weirwoods and I’m babbling again aren’t I.”

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He leans his head on her lap and keeps an adoring gaze up to her face. "I could spend all day listening to your voice, milady. And I shall treasure this gift always; it touches me deeply, that you wished to make this for me."

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“Oh,” she murmurs, smiling. Then sets her embroidery aside, and reaches down to run her fingers through his hair and pet him. “Well, good. I’m glad it’ll be to your taste. Because while I’m also very good at flowers I somehow expect you wouldn’t appreciate them as much.”

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"Some flowers bloom, with Spring snow. Not many, but there are some."

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“So, tastefully placed embroidered flowers are a maybe, but too many is gaudy and overdone. Good news, those are my tastes, too. Though I did notice the state of the godswood after our wedding, do you happen to know anything about that?”

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He grins for a moment, but then turns a bit more serious. "Godswoods are not meant to be built in castles. Castles are to be built around them. And they are not gardens and should not be turned into gardens. They are the old gods, they are nature itself, and trying to change them to make them look safer and more appealing to the eye is... just masking it. It's pretending, trying to make the old gods safe. Gods aren't safe, and one should not forget it."

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“Huh. I think I understand.” She leans down and presses a kiss to his head. “Though I think only because we married there, in the godswood. The Seven are… sort of meant to be safe and comforting.”

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"Hm. Maybe so. But I do not trust them."

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Pet pet pet. "I understand the hesitancy."

It sounds like she does more than understand, actually, but that's when Estrith returns with Alisander's plate. Lady Anavett should probably not be telling her husband heretical things like 'I have never really cared for or found comfort in the Seven' where anyone south of the Neck could possibly hear her. Estrith, for her part, looks very embarrassed about interrupting the moment of intimacy and scurries away immediately, along with a promise to lock the door and let it be known they are not to be disturbed for a while.

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Alis does not get up from his kneeling position but he thanks Estrith warmly and offers her his most charming smile, coached to perfection by Zak. He has to admit he was surprised to see just how much a single smile could change things, but so it goes.

"It seems she has some assumptions about how we'll be spending our time together, here," he observes.

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"She's very happy for me, and thinks we're terribly cute together. But yes, she does. She'll gossip, and be certain of how we spend our time regardless of if we confirm her assumptions or not, but it'll all be flattering and sweet."

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"Then it seems only respectful to her to make sure she does not tell a lie."

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"Oh, don't worry, she's very good about saying merely the facts and leaving the rest to implication!" she teases, grinning at him as she continues to pet him.

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"Oh? Worried about even her implied honesty? Such chivalry! Should I be jealous?"

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...he blushes. "That depends. Are you jealous of Zakary?"

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Blink, blink.

".... No? I mean, I suppose that depends on what you expect me to be jealous of, but. I don't think I'd feel jealousy even if you were bedding my maids, I'd mostly be concerned for them being treated properly. Or irritated about you not warning me first, since you said you weren't going to."

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"Mmhm." He rubs his face against her leg like a cat. "Then you shouldn't be jealous of a maid. Between the two of you I don't have the energy for anyone else."

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"My poor, tired husband." Pet, pet, pet. "Hm. I really don't think I'm jealous of Zackary? Perhaps being raised with you, if I really stretch? But then the Eyrie is terribly isolated, all tucked away in the mountains, and I did actually like my childhood well enough. I probably would have been bored, even with you to distract me." Pet, pet, pet.

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He continues rubbing his face against her leg lightly with semi-lidded eyes. "I said that merely in jest. Milady was clear yesterday about her feelings, to my great joy."

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“Oh. I suppose it was just playful banter, wasn’t it. Sorry, it seemed an important question, so I immediately got distracted trying to answer it to the best of my ability.” Pet, pet, pet. He has nice hair, she likes carefully disentangling it with her fingers. “You look very comfortable down there. Do you want me to hand feed you your lunch, so you don’t have to move?”

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"That sounds very nice, if it would not bother milady."

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"I wouldn't have volunteered the idea if I didn't like it. Though it might be wise to move to a couch or rug or something so you're more comfortable."

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"I am used to great discomforts." But they can relocate, there's no need for more discomfort than necessary.

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“Spending time with your wife should not be any kind of discomfort, thank you,” she says, and then she gently relocates the two of them to a couch with a side table. He can then lie down with his head in her lap, being fed and petted by his wife.

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Best wife. He's ridiculously lucky. He's not even particularly horny, he's feeling very thoroughly fucked, but that makes him feel very very affectionate. Purr purr.

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Anavett is also feeling very affectionate, and this kind of casual physical affection is nice. The sort of thing she hasn't had since she was a child, really. It's nice to just... be here, with him, petting his hair and feeding him.

Though, once she's out of food to feed him, boredom sets in, and she briefly breaks off the hairpets (with a kiss) to retrieve her embroidery. The petting is less regular, after that, but now she's situated to stay there for much longer.

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"I love you, so it is with a heavy heart that I must say that I should get back to work, I don't have that much free time, unfortunately."

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"I figured," she sighs. She sets aside her embroidery to properly pet him, smiling at him sadly. "But you are welcome here whenever you like, dear. And I was glad to have you and feed you."

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"You're making it very hard to leave."

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His wife snorts. "I am, aren't I? Forgive me, next time I can just throw you out without so much as a parting word, if you'd like." She leans down and kisses his forehead, then gets to helping him leave, by removing his available lap.

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But yes, up he gets, then kisses his wife (with perhaps some dipping her back for extra romance) and goes off to have the rest of his day.

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Eeeee. She cooperates happily with being dipped and kisses him back with gusto.

Then she continues her own day! She can do a bit of being de facto lady of the household, in the margins between lunch and supper. And, while she's thinking about it... she can see about scheduling tea time with her husband and Zakary Baratheon. She'd like to get to know him a little before all of the menfolk are whisked off to war to risk their lives. This does of course involve asking her husband's permission (by proxy, since they're both busy), but she suspects he will be gleeful about the proposal.

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He'd be of course delighted to introduce his war brother to her.


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Excellent! Then it's settled, and she'll get to meet him properly in a few days. Seeing him at supper doesn't really count; supper is either a formal or a crowded affair, with no real in between. And if it's a formal affair, she'd likely have to share it with and tolerate her father, which. No. No she will not. She'd probably yell at him, Alis would be unhappy having to share a room with him, it'd almost certainly be a bad time for everyone involved.

Another private dinner with her husband is a bit tempting, but she has actually been a bit cooped up in her rooms all day, and kind of wants to talk to people besides her servants and her husband. Besides, she should face the teasing of her husband's bannermen sooner rather than later, lest it grow into a much greater beast that she can't manage to steer properly. But it's not like she can go attend all on her lonesome, because she's a proper lady, but she suspects her husband will also want to touch base with his men, and would appreciate having her around to do the socializing for him.

So she sends her husband a note.

My dear lord husband,

If you've the mind for it, it's probably best that we try to get ahead of your bannermen's rumor mill sooner rather than later. But it can wait a couple days if not, and I'd like to attend supper with you regardless of if you'd prefer it in private or not.

All my love,
Lady Anavett Stark

It feels a little silly to sign off so formally on a quick note to her husband, but she's almost certain that its contents will be seen by any messenger she sends. Since it's not so formal as to earn a seal (which would probably frighten her poor husband, actually), it's entirely free to being opened and read by anyone, which means it probably will be. So: yep, signed by her, even though this is a tiny note about their private lives, because she doesn't really get one of those. This is a very ridiculous dance, but she knows the steps. At the very least, Alis will probably enjoy reading the sentence 'All my love' from his wife, because he seems well and truly enamored with her. Not that she has much ground to stand on about that, considering, but still.
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Alis thanks the servant who brought him the note and excuses himself to find somewhere sufficiently secluded so he can hug it.

It's so dumb. He's known her only a few days.

After he has sufficiently recovered from being disabled by love, he goes to write his reply.

My lady wife,

It would please me well to properly introduce you to my men; as Lady Stark it is only proper that you be known. And of course I relish every moment we spend together, and I would like nothing more than to have more such moments. Tonight sounds like a perfect time to join those threads together. I shall escort you to the eating halls at the sixth candle.

Yours forevermore,
Lord Alisander Stark

He probably doesn't need to include the titles, it's an informal note, so he appropriately folds it and puts it in an envelope then finds a servant to send it to her.

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Which she of course receives without incident. She appreciates how happy her husband is to listen to her counsel, it's really refreshing to just have her competence and good intentions trusted. And him being terribly taken with her is very cute, too. If the letter could float up and give her a kiss by proxy, it would likely have done so several times over.

Regardless, she’ll be ready for dinner a bit before the appointed time, and off they can go to face down the avalanche of innuendos.

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And here he is, at the appointed time.

"Ready to face the wolves, my dear?"

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She takes his arm and smiles at him.

"What are you talking about, dearest? The only wolf here is you." She winks. "But yes."

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He smiles at her, too, but then assumes his Lordly Persona—or, at least, one of his Lordly Personas, the one that is meant to be strong and leadery while at the same time reassuring and dependable. Which mostly cashes out to carrying himself with a straight back and having a look on his face that is serious without being a scowl. Dignified.

Deep breaths. Time to face the music.

    "Well, well, well, if it ain't our Lord of Winterfell showing his face!" calls the Greatjon, when he sees the two of them walk in. "Finally remembered we exist, have you, milord?"

"Well, Lord Umber, I hope you'll forgive me if I've been distracted. Or do you wish I had you in my thoughts whilst entertaining milady? I did not know you felt that way about me, ser!"

   He turns red—he's clearly already in his cups—between something like embarrassment and amusement, but he doesn't really have a comeback.

        "Milord, do not listen to the Greatjon's taunts! We are honoured you and our Lady have joined us tonight for supper," says Lord Flint, from a few seats further down the table.

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“We’re delighted to be here, though apologies in advance if I end up being carried off early again,” says Anavett, cheekily. If everyone in all of Riverrun knows she’s been having a delightful wedded life, well, she might as well own it.

        A pale man with even paler blue eyes snorts, from his seat of comparative power. “My well wishes to your future fortunes, my Lady, if walking already gives you such trouble. ‘Tis a long way to Winterfell.”

That would be… Bolton? Roose was his first name, she thinks. Brandon warned her about him, and his whole house besides. Their sigil is a flayed man, and the Boltons famously have found every excuse to see their knives used. Especially if they smell weakness. Not a particularly good family to be on the bad side of, nor, apparently, the good side of. Apparently they’ve wanted to take the north from the Starks for generations uncounted.

“So I’ve heard! Thank you for your concern, Lord Bolton,” why yes she knows your name, “with my lord husband’s stamina I suspect I shall need all the luck I can collect.”

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"Maybe ye should get some tips from the young wolf, old man!" bellows the Greatjon. "Lady Bolton be a lot happier I'll wager!"

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“If I hear any complaints from her, I’ll keep Lord Stark in mind,” says Bolton, blandly.

        “It’s an honor, my Lady,” says a small man with moss green eyes and a shy smile. “All japes aside, milord’s the happiest I’ve ever seen him. It gladdens me to see.”

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Oh goodness, sincerity. She was not expecting that. It catches her more off guard than the subtle barbs and innuendos. Not very off guard, mind, she’s still capable of handling this with perfect grace, but. Huh. This is very sweet. Unfortunately she doesn’t know his name, or even have any decent guesses.

She can return his smile, though. “I as well. He’s a good man, and - the Starks deserve some measure of happiness, after how they and the north have been treated of late. I’m honored to do my part to set things a bit more right.”

There, deflection to let people talk politics instead of squishy feelings.

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The Lords of the North do politics by bickering and grandstanding, at least at supper, so that is, pretty much, what keeps happening.

Alis leans closer to her and says, "Howland Reed. He is the heir of Greywater Watch, and a good man besides. He's a few years older than me, but his father's health has been declining steadily and it's probably a matter of months not years before he becomes Lord Reed."

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Her husband noticing that she had no idea who Reed was does him credit. Who's reading whom now, hm? Turnabout is fair play, and it's honestly very sweet that he can figure out when she needs help already. Also, he's cute, and she appreciates him.

She nods minutely, then reaches over to squeeze his hand. What a good husband!! She appreciates him for more than just carnal reasons!!

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He would certainly hope that'd be the case. He squeezes her hand back and then looks over the other Lords in their exchanges of barbs and jokes, Lordly. Some of them do get directed his way, of course, but the "ha ha ha Lord Stark is super good in bed and his wife is very pleased ha ha wait why is this funny again actually I'm starting to feel inadequate" jokes start to die down.

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Anavett settles back in to monitoring her husband's bannermen and trying to get a good feel of the political situation she's married into. Generally speaking, it's about as well as can be expected, considering the circumstances. Alisander Stark had not been the son they'd expected as heir, and consequently he hadn't been tidily introduced to everyone in advance. He'd been mostly raised away from the North, in the care of Jon Arryn. When he'd first shown up to ask them to march south to avenge their lord and his heir, he must have been nearly a stranger to them. She gets the impression that there'd been a lot of concern about too much southern nonsense leaking in to weaken the north and chip away at its traditions, with a new lord that had spent so much time away, marrying a strange lady who had apparently bewitched his brother into dying to silly southern stupidity. But leading them in battle (Apparently her husband is quite deadly with a blade? Good, maybe that means he won't die.) has seemed to quell any of the major doubts, especially when combined with her plot of marrying in the Godswood. It seems to have solidified his power base nicely, even if many are still very cranky about this whole affair. (As long as he lives. He really, really needs to live.)

The broad strokes of what's going on seem to be, for the most part, fairly legible. Some, like Umber and Glover, are here out of some combination of thirst for glory, boredom after being cooped up all winter, and a fierce and sincere love of Brandon. Others, like Flint and Bolton and Hornwood, seem to have gotten concessions about several things, mostly something to do with hunting. But then there are the strange ones, like Reed and Mormont, here out of what seems to be sheer bloody loyalty. Which is very charming, but she's really not sure what to do with it. Fortunately, she doesn't have to figure it out just yet. She's got a different priority in mind. That is, figuring out White Harbor and its lord. Fortunately for her, Manderly is far too cosmopolitan to think that just letting the south sort itself out will work out fine, and sees the benefits of helping a new lady get settled in up north. One of the benefits of ruling over the largest port in the north is understanding how connected everything really is. He's also probably angling for the future crown to prioritize naval trade with the north, which is fair enough, really, frankly she hopes he gets it.

There is an undercurrent of concern for their homeland, which surprises her, even though it makes sense in retrospect. The recent false spring followed by a brutal resurgence of winter was disruptive to everyone, but it was deadly to the north. An apparent resurgence of spring caused the smallfolk to leave their winter shelters to rebuild roads and reclaim homes and farms less fortified against the cold, and then the frost returned. What an awful tragedy. And no outside help has come, of course, because the crown was too busy going mad and setting lords on fire and whatnot. Damnation, but she hates Targaryen madness. There are very real problems in this unfair world of theirs without inventing new ones. And it's never the ones in power that suffer from the bickering.

Maybe she can pester her father until he sends aid to assist with the reconstruction, probably sold as a way to make up for dragging his damn feet with joining the rebellion and having the gall to demand a double wedding after his life was saved. She's tempted to try and declare her intention to do so now, maybe back him into a corner of looking like a terrible ally, but... no. He might overreact after Lysa's attempt to strong arm him failed so spectacularly. It'll mean less benefit to her husband this way, declaring intentions and then following through is always a good way to display power, but it's ultimately safer. If she fails, it'll make the situation worse, and make her and her husband look weak and ineffective, and, well. She has spent the last several months occasionally screaming at her father behind closed doors. So, realistically speaking, it might not. But he has a soft spot for her, and he does seem to feel some guilt about what he did to Lysa, so... he might want to make it up to her. If it seems like it'll repair his relationship with her, he might give up the resources he has the habit of hoarding like a miser. It won't, of course, that's gone forever (like the grandchild he killed in his daughter's womb, poor Lysa) but she can nonetheless try to play nice and dangle the temptation of reconciliation in front of his nose. It'll be a bit cruel, especially knowing she'll be leaving in a couple of weeks and might never see him again, but, well. Being ice cold does suit a lady of the north. And it'd be something for the poor people that froze, all alone and abandoned by those that had the responsibility to help them. Yes, she can see about doing something about this, and if that makes her a cold hearted bitch, then she's a cold hearted bitch who works for the good of her people. She's just fine with that.

But that's beyond the scope of this dinner, and for now her job is to be pretty, charmingly sharp witted, and clearly invested in the north. She is all of those things, and happy to show them off. They can get to know her too, while they're all together, and hopefully she can leave most of them with a favorable enough impression of her.

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It's very easy to win the loyal houses over, just by it being obvious how much she cares about Alis and about the North. In theory she could be faking it, of course, but no one thinks this particularly likely, as Southern ladies do have a certain reputation that she is entirely failing to live up to, to widespread happiness. Plus, political marriage or not, people can pretty much always tell when a marriage is loveless, and this one seems to clearly not be that (as opposed to, say, Lord Bolton's). There are still some things hinging on just how competent Alisander will be, as a Lord, but his early signals are all positive.

The people who loved Brandon as a person do require some convincing, but it's convincing of the form "getting to know their Lord and his Lady" and the way Alis keeps showing up to supper with his men and being respectful of (and even take pride in) his Northern heritage and tradition suggests that being awesome runs in the blood, plus the way both Brandon and he seem to like Anavett also speaks well of her own character. But overall, this will be more the work of a long while, of effectively seducing them into the more personal kind of loyalty.

The likes of Flint and Bolton and Hornwood probably do not give a shit about her and do not care to have an impression of her one way or the other. Such is the way these things go.

Alis continues to play his character as usual, and even though the stress lines around his eyes and mouth deepen as the evening evolves he will resolutely not retire early, tonight, and will join the drinking competitions that will inevitably occur. But obviously people like the Greatjon can drink him under the table so he'll only go as far as being extremely drunk (and put on an affect of being drunker than he is) and not let himself go all the way to blacked out.

Of course, that's when the Greatjon decides this is a good moment to suggest a sparring match. A respectful one, of course, one does not bare steel against their Lord but they can do the next best thing in the spirit of friendly competition (and also gauging if the rumours really are true), and Alis is of a mind to accept this challenge.

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His wife can tell that the socializing is getting to him, for all that she’s enjoying learning more of her situation. Poor man. She will do everything possible to support him, which mostly just seems to be being here with him, gently reaching over to touch his hand or smile at him when she knows he's tiring of all of these people. But also it means noticing when he wants to go out and have a (slightly drunken) sparring match instead of all of this talking and eating business, and working to get him the thing he wants. It seems a little silly, but sure, why not. Languishing sword skills are foolish in a war, and besides, she is a little bit curious to see exactly how good he is. More reassurance that he'll come back alive to her. (Which he really needs to do, okay, she has concerns.)

"I think I'd like to see that, if I may attend to spectate," says Anavett, smiling. She fishes out a grey-blue handkerchief from a pocket, and gets to finding a decent spot on her husband to attach it. A proper southern lady does in fact keep at least one nice handkerchief, for this sort of occasion of bestowing favor. Also for wiping the stray leak of a nostril, but the romantic reasoning is the one they'll say if anyone asks. This is also a little silly, especially to all of these northern lords, but she expects he'll appreciate it all the same.

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He accepts her favour to wear on his breast pocket, then takes her hand to bow down and kiss it.

    "M'lady 's shoor?" asks the Greatjon. "Might ruin 'is image fer ya!"

"The Greatjon certainly talks a lot for someone who's about to land on his ass," Alis says, slowly, enunciating every syllable to make sure he doesn't drag any words.

    "Fightin' words, lad!" he booms, getting to his feet—and then having to steady himself.

"They're meant to be."

    "Come on, now, let's get sumplace bigger!"

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Anavett knows of a decent enough spot nearby where they'll have space and fewer things to break. She even knows which servant to go (politely) pester to fetch suitable blunted practice swords for both parties. Soon enough, everything is settled, and Anavett perches on a nearby half wall to spectate. She's not the only spectator; apparently Alis's men all agree that this seems like it'll be great fun.

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And his men are not the only ones who heard about it. Zak somehow finds himself standing not quite right next to Anavett but certainly close enough that they could hold a conversation. He's leaning back against a wall and smiling at Alisander.

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Alisander's dropped his Lordly cloak and is now in simple leather protections, tied over his breeches and shirt to keep them close to his body and allow easy movement. The Greatjon is dressed similarly, and both of them start off by facing each other, some distance away. Umber is still shouting loudly about this and that and making japes, but Alis has returned to a more quiet, contemplative state, and despite his (fairly obvious) state of inebriation there is still something undeniably sharp about his eyes as he assesses his opponent.

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It occurs to her that drunken sparring matches are a bit more dangerous than non drunken sparring matches, and she maybe should have pushed for this to be moved to tomorrow, for her husband's safety. But they are well and truly committed, and it'd erode his position of power to doubt him now. She'll just have to hope very hard that nobody gets majorly damaged, and also separately for her husband to win, because she does, of course. Judging by the way he's looking at his opponent, though, he's likely already secured that future victory.

He already has her silly little handkerchief that lets him know (silently, unobtrusively) that she's rooting for him, so there isn't any particular reason to join in on the various cheers. She'll smile a little to banish her last minute fears, and gets to hoping very hard that this wasn't all a terrible idea.

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It wasn't.

He's not the best swordsman she's ever seen, probably, depending on how many good swordsmen she's seen in her life. Not while drunk. His steps have an obvious sway to them, his reflexes are delayed and slowed, his movements are sloppier than they ought to be. At least it's all obvious to him, which frustrates him to no end. So he does his best to, well, correct for them. Since his reflexes are worse, he will not let Umber cut it close enough to risk being hit too much. Since his steps are unstable, he will favour strategies that are robust to misplaced momentum, and even ones that use excess momentum one way or another.

And the Greatjon is also drunk, and most importantly has a fighting style that is not at all able to counter any of that. It's clear he usually relies on raw strength and speed to make up for cunning and dexterity, and he tends to go for relentless, nonstop aggression to always keep his opponent on his back foot.

So the end result looks a lot like a bull trying to trample a hare. The hare just does not have to even try very hard—at least, to all appearances—to dodge. Alis spins to let Jon overshoot him, using Jon's own momentum to make him lose balance. He moves in a fluid and, yeah, quite drunk way, but it works out fine, and it's almost like he's liquid for all that the Greatjon can't seem to land a proper hit. And in the meantime he uses every opportunity to land his own hits, mostly by making the Greatjon walk right into them. It doesn't take very long for the Greatjon to be on his ass with Alis's sword at his neck, and for him to grudgingly say, "I yield! Damn, lad!"

...unfortunately once it has been established that Alis won the first round, he promptly turns away to vomit on the floor. Uh, yeah, spinning while drunk is perhaps not the greatest of ideas. But for the benefit of his image, he merely wipes his mouth with the back of his bracer and looks completely unaffected by it as he extends his other hand to help the Greatjon to his feet.

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She actually hasn’t seen many sparring matches, nearly all of them being her little brother Edmure's. Because of his age, these 'matches' involved more padding and enthusiasm than any real skill. Had her two older brothers lived past infancy, she'd likely have more of an idea of what they're like with proper men instead of boys. But they didn't, and so she didn't have any particular reason to go, and several reasons not to. Watching the practice of strangers is not a proper ladylike activity, especially for a lady betrothed at the age of twelve. So, she doesn't have a lot of experience at judging these sorts of things. Even still, it doesn't take an expert to figure out that even while he's drunk, her husband is talented with a blade.

Maybe those thoughts about not letting her watch men fight were onto something, because. .... Well, she can see the beauty in it, and sort of understand how these sorts of displays of strength might tempt a lady to do something stupid. And if she feels a little tempted to throw herself gleefully to the arms of the winner, then, well. That's quite all right, isn't it, he's her husband. She's allowed to be drawn to the beauty of the way he moves. And he's very, very pretty. Though, poor man, the drink has not done him any kindness, has it. Even as he handles it with grace and immediately moves to help his bannerman back to his feet.

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Zak leans towards her a bit and says, "Just wait until you see him in proper shape. It's a sight to behold." Which is a pretty innocuous thing to say, really, him being proud of his friend and brother like that, except she has a bit more context than that, doesn't she? What was it that Alis called it? Mind reading?

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Oh no, she’s been caught. Someone knows she finds her husband appealing. But… she eyes Zakary in return, and notes that she’s probably not the only one. Heh. Don’t they have a habit of sparring a lot? That seems like it might be foreplay.

“I believe it,” she agrees softly, with some degree of amusement. And then, is her husband going to spar again, or are they done because he vomited, because that would be very reasonable but also nooooooooo he was prettyyyyy and looked like he was having fun.

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Oh they're going again, the Greatjon does NOT want to give in so easily.

...it goes predictably at this point, to be honest. Especially given that now, with an empty stomach, Alis is in fact a lot less affected by the inebriation than earlier. The Greatjon doesn't literally never hit him, he does get a handful of hard swings in that each count for like five or six of Alis's, but it still ends the same way every time.

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His wife watches every one with a fond smile on her face. She’s such a lucky woman. So, so, so lucky, and she’s definitely flushed from lingering spring chill, yep. No other reason. Surely.

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Eventually the Greatjon does concede that his Lord is the better swordsman at least when they're drunk.

But he wants a rematch when they're sober, which Alis agrees to give him with a smirk.

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Oh good, that’s sorted, and her husband only has a few bruises to show for the whole affair, along with a much improved mood. Good, his safety and well being is the most important part. And, yet, paradoxically: damnation, that’s sorted, the show is over.

But this does mean she can come down from her perch and find her way to his side to kiss him! So she does that. This course of action being a tactical political decision or not doesn’t factor into it; she is his wife, she’s allowed to be affectionate with him, and she wants to, so she shall.

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He does not let the kiss be longer or deeper than a peck, though. "I should wash my mouth, I would not want milady to taste—well." Vague nod in the direction of the vomit.

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“Mm? Oh. Yes. You’d handled it so well I’d forgotten,” she says, a little embarrassed.

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He grins and shakes his head. He's feeling kind of grimy, mostly because of the drunkenness, and kind of needs a bath, even if at this time the water will be cold. Cold is good, honestly.

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She grins back at him, then notes that this is probably the best exit they're going to get.

"Well done, my dear husband. Though I do think that ultimately you must concede the drinking contest," says Anavett, raising her voice a little to be heard to their assembled audience. She looks meaningfully at his bile, then raises her eyebrows. "So if it will suit you and your bannermen, might I beg permission to tend to what will no doubt soon be a splitting headache?"

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"Milady has first priority on my time, naturally," he says. There's some jeering, again, as usual, but the others agree that after such a match is as good a time as any to retire for the night. The gods know that the Greatjon will need some care for his bruises.

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Excellent! Then she can gently whisk her husband off (with a little apologetic smile to Zakary) to her rooms in an efficient flurry of activity. Alisander Stark is on one of her couches with a cup of water and a slice of bread in record time.

"Should I also fuss with getting a bath prepared, or would you rather just go to bed?" she asks softly, as she unties and removes the leather armor from atop his clothes for him. She will have to figure out where to send this to get it properly taken care of, she doesn't have very much practice at handling this specific aspect of managing things, but she expects it shouldn't be too difficult.

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"Bath. Definitely bath."

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"Will do, my dear," she says, as she gets the last of his leathers off of him. His armor is carefully bundled up, and then off she goes with it to see about getting it and a bath seen to. Fortunately for herself and her husband, she tends to collect servants that find this sort of thing charming rather than grating.

Soon enough, she returns, looking vaguely triumphant.

"Your bath is being prepared now, and your leathers and training sword are being seen to and should be returned to your quartermaster and the yard, respectively," she informs him, sitting beside him to pet his hair.

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"Thank you, milady," he sighs, leaning into her hand. "You are a blessing."

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Her smile widens a little and she scritches him more.

"You're welcome. Though, I'd be kind of abandoning my duty as your partner to just, what. Leave you in a drunken heap to wake up hungover in the morning, your armor maybe damaged from lack of care? That's perhaps overstating things, I think you'd do yourself better than that, but still. When I accept duties I don't shirk them lightly. Or at all, if I can help it."

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He's still drunk but even so it is possible to notice the deepening of the flush on his face.

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He's so cute.

"Also, it's nice," she adds. "To take care of you. I like you, I'm glad when you're happy and comfortable and safe, and it's nice to make that happen more often."

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Look she can't just keep saying things like that he's already spent from the socialising at the dinner he has no idea how to come up with good responses so he'll just blush.

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Scritch scritch scritch. She's a little tempted to pounce for typical wedded activities, but actually she bets he really wants a bath right now, so.

"But, on that note, you should try to drink as much water as possible. Because otherwise you're going to be a bit miserable in the morning."

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"—right. Thank you." See, that was much easier to respond to, he even had actual words, go him. Also yes he'll drink some water.

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"You're welcome. The bread's similarly for settling your stomach, but that's a now comfort thing instead of a later comfort thing. Water alone doesn't entirely wash out bile's bite."

Pet pet pet pet it's so convenient that she can pet her husband while her servants prepare his bath for him, she'll need to remember to bribe the cook to make them all pastries. Especially since she'll be departing soon.

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...okay if he's being petted though he is absolutely not gonna find it in him to acquire any nourishments of any kind this is too nice.

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She notices this, and snorts. Being pet completely shuts him down, got it. Back to hand feeding it is, then. The water's trickier, it's a bit more awkward and requires some assistance on his part, but he seems very amenable to being gently bossed around. He can gently be fed water and bread between pets.

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They are interrupted by a loud scraping sound, like something very large and very heavy being dragged across the floor, in from the hallway.

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He sits up immediately, too drunk to realise that unexpected noises in a safe environment are probably safe but not so drunk that he doesn't still have decent reflexes.

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Anavett barely manages to avoid spilling his water in the process, staring with dawning understanding.

".... Did you go and dig up the big bathtub from storage?" she calls, a little plaintively.

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"Well, I thought," says Estrith, with a brilliant grin and a huff of exertion, "that this, would be more efficient," scraaaaaape, "since we were already heating up the water!"

        "How, did you, talk me into, this," grumbles a serving boy who looks like he regrets all of his decisions.

"If you can talk, you can push!!"

The 'big bathtub,' as it's called, is a giant and monstrous thing, built with even more giant men in mind. For those of a more average height and build, it seems a bit excessive. Two people could probably fit in it, if perhaps a bit cramped.

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Alis stares uncomprehending at the huge... thing... they are pushing through the door.


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"Efficient," echoes his wife, who is also staring.

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        "By the seven, did you come up with this scheme all on your own," hisses Estrith's innocent victim.

"A good servant anticipates the needs of her lady!" says Estrith, brightly. "Now, lift higher, we need to get it in at an angle!"

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She went and dug up the big bathtub... specifically so Anavett could... presumably share it with her husband. Didn't she. That's what's happening here.

"Oh, dear," murmurs Ana, already beginning to flush. "You... you really didn't need to, it's, oh. Um." It'll be way more work to send it back and then drag the more reasonable one up, won't it, damnation. "Well, it's already here, isn't it. Thank you. Um. What's your name? I'm sorry for all of the trouble, I'll, uh, see that some kind of bonus is sent to you."

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"Oh, uh. Corren, milady."

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"Right. Thank you, Corren."

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"Thank you, Corren," Alis agrees on automatic. And, damnit, where's his charm that he's worked so hard to get, see this is why he hates getting drunk, sometimes it makes socialising easier and the words come out smoother but sometimes it just gets him stuck in this dimwit state.

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Corren seems terribly embarrassed by all of the attention, but fortunately those of the female persuasion seem to have things in hand. Estrith has him back to pushing in no time.

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And Anavett gets up and leads Alis away so they don't... linger to stare awkwardly at the servants trying to do an impossible quest. She'll have to see about sending Corren some kind of bonus, because really, Estrith, what were you thinking.

".... At least she likes you???" she murmurs, when they're settled on a couch a bit further away from the scraping sound.

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"That's... better than not, I assume?"

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"Exactly. But it does mean that, ah. Sometimes... something like this... happens. She's helping, you see."

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"...what, pray, is she helping with? Does she expect we are not fucking each other's brains out sufficiently, does she want us to spend more time doing that????"

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".... I mean, I don't think she knows precisely how much we are," she coughs and smiles but carefully skips over his turn of phrasing, "but essentially, yes. She's supportive!"

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"I thought the whole keep would know by now," he says, inanely. "Um. Good. I think."

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“Yes. I think some of it’s a bit living vicariously through other people,” she agrees, just as inanely.

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"...I do enjoy baths. Um. Shared ones, that is. With someone else." He's not drunk enough that he's forgotten to lower his voice before implying he's ever done something like this before. "It feels... different."

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Her smile says in no uncertain terms that she will absolutely want him to show her the appeal of the whole affair, but her words are a playful: “Well, all right, I suppose it’s only responsible to make sure my inebriated husband doesn’t drown in such an impractically large tub.”

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He makes a mock affronted face. "If I can put the Greatjon on his ass I can take a bath, thank you very much, milady!"

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"Of course, darling, but why take that risk? I want you to be safe!"

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"I suppose this is your right and duty as my wife," he agrees.

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"Exactly! And of course we're faced with water, so, you know." She leans in. "Tully jurisdiction, really."

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He cracks up.

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His wife beams, then leans over and kisses him.

"Now please drink more water to combat your future hangover," she says, brightly but relentlessly.

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"Yes, milady," he says, sighing fondly.

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Time passes in this vein until, eventually, the damnably gigantic bathtub is filled. Estrith has the smuggest smile on her face as her lady thanks her (and poor beleagured Corren) for all of the trouble.

Ana rolls her eyes fondly, dismisses the servants from their more-complicated-than-it-needed-to-be duties, and then she can see about getting her husband into his (their??) bath. He doesn't really need the help, but there's no reason not to. And, of course, several reasons to assist in getting him out of his clothes.

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And Alis is the kind who gets horny when drunk (not that he has been not horny, exactly, but still), so he is most certainly making sure Ana is also out of her clothes and in the bath so that he can do something about that. His stamina isn't as good as it's been, given how actually exhausted he is especially after the spar earlier, but he is still a Stark.

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Suffice to say, they have a lovely and fabulously decadent time in the process of getting clean, and no one drowns in the bathtub.

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Alis has no meetings in the early morning, so he allows himself to sleep in. He's almost getting to the point where he's fully rested when he wakes, which is good because he knows once their campaign is back afoot proper rest will be much harder to come by.

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Anavett wakes before her husband, indulges in petting him, and considers what she's going to do with her day.

Well, emotionally manipulate her father into sending assistance north, that's the major thing. What was it she'd thought of, dangle the chance of reconciliation with his favorite daughter in front of his nose if he'd just do the thing she wanted? That still sounds like it's both actionable and like it'd result in people flourishing, or at the very least, suffering slightly less. It will leave the Riverlands a bit more vulnerable, and less well supplied to handle war related fallout, and is in essence asking her damnable father to do that one thing he hates so much: trust other people, but. People that are suffering will be helped. Also her own power base would be better solidified, which is really rather important when one is going to essentially take over a place she's never actually been to personally, but while that's tactically important in the long term it's not the most important thing.

So, how best to achieve this end...

"Do you think Zakary Baratheon has time for tea and some light scheming with me?" she wonders from beside him, hands busy with embroidery, when her husband wakes. Today, breakfast is already available and slightly nibbled upon; servants have been and departed unobtrusively enough to not disturb his slumber.

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He blinks at her a few times, allowing himself to be bleary this time, allowing himself to be slow, which is another luxury he won't have when he's at war. "...scheming?" he finally asks, deciding he does not need to try to figure it out.

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"Nothing dangerous or anything, I'd just like to convince my father to send non-martial aid north to - I'm sorry, dear, I should slow down, good morning, hope you slept well, I want to help our people after the false spring and think my father can be talked into it. And I also think Zakary could help, if he's not, you know. Busy with war things."

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He blinks slowly a few more times and, once again, luxuriates in thinking slowly. "I think," he says, after a little bit, "he would find this very appealing and entertaining and a good way to make closer acquaintance with milady."

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"Oh! Excellent, then with your permission I can invite him to tea. With a side of scheming. Do you want to be present at said tea and scheming party or no?"

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Alis spends a moment thinking about spending time with Ana and Zak and—blushes. And blushes more, and covers his face with both hands.

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"...... Is that a no?" she says, blinking with surprise, because turning red and hiding behind his hands is not a reaction she was expecting him to have. "What's wrong, darling?"

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"Zakary," he says, enunciating every syllable slowly and clearly, "is a horrible, terrible man, and deserves no good things in his life." But the only way he'll ever be able to not be assailed by the thoughts that immediately come to his mind whenever he thinks of both of his lovers in a single place will be by displacing them with good, innocent memories of them interacting in real life in perfectly innocuous ways that have nothing to do with all the things Zakary talked about last time they spent alone time together. He does not lower his hands to say, "Yes, I want to be present."

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"All right," says a very confused and somewhat concerned wife. Is he worried that his lover is going to seduce her? "... I'm not going to do anything that would ever put even the appearance of the legitimacy of our children in doubt, let alone the actual state of, if you're worried about... something happening?"

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What why not what if he WANTED her to shut UP and stop THINKING about this. "I am not, exactly, worried about anything." Gods below how does he even explain this.

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"..... All right? Good??"

Look at her, so confused and innocent, and completely uncomprehending of some of the potential ways lovers can share.

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"No, I, I cannot, you will have to ask Zakary. Without me around. Later." He is now completely red, his skin might be actively boiling from the temperature of his blush.

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"... I, very well, darling? But... I respect and cherish you and doubt I could have picked a better husband out for myself if I somehow had every potential suitor in the world show up and ask for my hand, if for some reason I were entirely free from practical and tactical constraints."

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He laughs a little bit, into his hands. "'Tis nothing you should worry about. I am just—it is—" Argh even saying this is awful. "Embarrassing," he manages to spit out before his courage leaves him.

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"Oh, you can ask my uncle or Lysa for horribly embarrassing stories about me if you're worried he'll be gleeful about telling all of your worst moments from your childhood? Then we could tidily threaten each other into silence."

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"That is not it and I think you are unlikely to guess what it is and should suspend any such attempts until you can ask Zak," he says, tightly.

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"Then... I will endeavor to stop thinking about it?? Do you want breakfast, dear, I asked for things that'd keep a while."

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"Yes, please," and he also wants half a minute to unred.

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Breakfast! It's delicious and, as promised, has kept pretty well for having waited for his awakening. And had several portions absently nibbled on by his wife, who absolutely has been only partially paying attention to breakfast's existence while she's been busy embroidering and thinking about schemes.

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And Alis can in fact recover from being tomato soon enough, so long as he studiously does not think about Anavett and Zakary existing in the same room as him at the same time.

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Possibly unfortunately, his wife will eventually ask questions related to such things as when she and Zakary will exist in the same room as him at the same time.

"Is sometime today for tea a bit too impromptu? I'd usually give more notice, and care towards scheduling, but ah, things are rushed right now."

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"Our next proper meeting is scheduled for tomorrow, when we will reconvene with the other lords to take stock of all that we've been able to acquisition and then plan our next steps, so today is probably perfect actually." He is blushing again but only a little bit.

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"Oh, excellent, then with your permission I'll go have a note sent requesting tea with him sooner rather than later."

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"You have it," he says, which even though he thinks is very silly is still a proper canned answer that he doesn't have to think very hard to give. Thinking hard is a bad idea right now.

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"Thank you, dear," she says, and then she kisses him and scurries off to see to arrangements of a tea party (and scheming). The wording of this note (that will definitely be read by the staff on the way to its recipient) will need to be very careful, but she's got enough practice at this sort of thing to pen something that would pass the judgement of even the most strict of septas.

My Lord Husband Alisander Stark would like to request tea with Lord Zakary Baratheon sometime today, should their schedules allow, so that he might properly introduce his bride to his battle brother before any chance of circumstances prevent it.
- Lady Anavett Stark

Which is to say, disabusing absolutely all power in the relationship, and pretending very strongly to be a good obedient wife who is simply following her husband's whims and not coming up with any ideas of her very own at all.
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He is... honestly not sure which possible interpretation of this note is the true one. His main theory is that it was Anavett who wanted it, but it's separately unclear if she's aware of the connotations, there, it depends on whether Alis was able to mention his threesome fantasies or whether Anavett guessed it or what.

Regardless, he does in fact want to meet her, so he pens his own response:

It would be an honour to properly meet milady Stark. Pray inform Lord Alisander that I would be pleased to meet at the fourth candle after noon for tea.
—Zakary Baratheon, Lord of Storm's End and Lord Paramount of the Stormlands

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He gets a lovely little note saying that it will be her pleasure to host him in her personal chambers in the westward sitting room at the aforementioned time, and she has absolutely no idea that this could also be read with certain connotations.

But she does make sure to A: use the gossip network of Riverrun to figure out what kind of sweets he likes best, (soakberry based sweet pastries, how convenient!) and B: request more than the necessary portions of them to be made, cost of time and materials generously over-covered by this little bundle of silver, and C: also request that some fraction of both to please find its way to poor beleagured Corren, whom she has not forgotten about, thank you. Of course, this is not the sort of task that she'd trust to just anyone, but she and Riverrun's head chef have long had a mutually beneficial understanding. Absolutely no servant in their right mind would ever cross the cook by skimming money from him, and she knows he will cooperate with being her present dispensing minion with perfect grace and some amusement. It's only practical, and furthermore it solidifies his own, much smaller power base, quite neatly.

(Figuring out her own husband's tastes is much harder, he's both from further away, with slightly different culinary staples, and less outgoing about his own preferences. She'll figure it out eventually, but the Riverrun gossip network will not avail her and she knows it. Instead she'll just have to pay attention.)

Soon enough: it is the appointed time, and both tea and pastries are available.

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Is she flirting with him???? She must be, right???????? He's really not sure!!

Well, only one way to find out. He knocks.

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Alisander Stark, Lord of Winterfell and Warden of the North, opens the door, then steps out of the way and bows slightly to let him in.

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"Lord Stark literally every living soul in this keep is aware that we are battle brothers and you do not need to stand at such attention," Zak says, pulling Alis into a tight, manly, brief hug. He does step into the room, though, and turns a seeking smile to Anavett.

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She returns his smile with one of her own, perfectly innocent and completely oblivious to all possible flirtatious interpretations of sent notes, and curtseys politely.

"Hello and welcome, ser, it's a pleasure to meet you properly."

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Oh dear.

His face betrays absolutely nothing of his thought process, even though he's certain Alis knows exactly what he's thinking.

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(He does.)

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"And likewise, milady," he says, bowing to her and then following after Alis to the table once the door has been shut. "I must confess I am very curious about the woman who stole my Alis's heart."

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There are easy scripts to follow for this, something about mirrored curiosity and something or other, but she's smart enough to know when she doesn't need them, and besides, dancing to an already written tune can get so boring.

"'Stealing' implies a level of malice or lack of care that I think it paints the wrong picture, it's precisely because I am well intentioned and forthright that I've earned his favor. It's my belief that the same is true of you as well. Thank you, by the by, for saving my father's life."

Because she kind of feels like he hasn't been thankful enough about it, so she will do it for him.

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Oh she's fun.

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(Zakary Baratheon needs to CEASE THIS RIGHT NOW.)

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(He will not.)

"We are allies fighting a war together, I would trust him with my life as much as he did me his. But you are, of course, most welcome." He tilts his head, then, lowering his gaze to the plates with tea and snacks, and then blinks in genuine surprise. "Soakberries?"

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An observant viewer might begin to get an idea of why this woman has been so supportive of marrying north, land of the people who will just duel each other to sort out their problems. While she is likely perfectly capable of hiding the smug flash of triumphant joy at having gotten something someone else wanted right, or perhaps twisting being well connected enough to find and have the favored food of someone she's only properly met now in advance already made to her advantage, she... does not care to. There it is, bright and sincere and honest.

"I regularly bribe our chef," she says, without any kind of shame. "It's a mutually beneficial arrangement that works out well for everyone involved, I think. I hope the taste reminds you a bit of your home?"

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"I am certain it will," he says, helping himself to a little tart and— "Oh, these are divine."

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"Don't talk with your mouth full."

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Zakary swallows so he can laugh. "Forgive me, but it has been so long, I did not even have a chance to have any when I last visited Storm's End." And he's helping himself to another one.

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When he last visited Storm's End he was there to rapid fire raise his banners for this very war. Yeah, she bets he didn't have a chance to have his favorite tarts made for him.

"I'm glad you like them," she says sincerely, instead of lingering in the realm of what a shitty homecoming that must have been. "And I'm hardly going to fuss over table manners, let your brother enjoy himself, please, darling?"

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"I will not."

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"I will enjoy myself with or without his permission, worry not."

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"You always have."

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"But of course if he wants to help me enjoy myself..."

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Alisander inhales suddenly and starts coughing uncontrollably from choking on his own spit.

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Alisander's wife giggles, then pours him a cup of water and gently (but firmly) transfers it to him to help with his coughing problem. And pats his shoulder.

"Well, you have my permission to have fun regardless. Actually, I have a project that Alis said you might enjoy, if I may elaborate?"

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He straightens up. "A project? Sounds exciting, I'm in."

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"You don't even," cough cough, "know what the project is."

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Pat pat, poor coughing husband, who will be gently ignored because he's being a terrible downer. Shush and sit in the corner and let your wife work, like a good husband.

"So... I'd like for my father to decide it's in his best interests to send supplies and relief forces north. Because of the false spring." And, you know, the people that died and are possibly currently in the state of suffering and dying and whatnot.

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"—huh. That... would be very welcome, I should think." He really wanted to insert some innuendo that would fly over her head and not Alis's here but actually this is a pretty important topic. "How can I help?"

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"It's important to understand that my father is a bit..." controlling, "overly-cautious with resources sometimes, and is hesitant to ever give up something for soft power when the allure of someday trading it for something solid is available. So I want him to have a solid reason to help, instead of something nebulous and intangible."

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Zakary's right eyebrow starts going up halfway into that paragraph and be the end of it it's nearly all the way past his forehead. "Milady, I should think we could dispense with the games of talking around our goals. I ask again, how may I help you manipulate your lord father into doing the right thing?"

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Oh. She usually has to do more groundwork before people are on board with her ideas...

... And the plunge of the kind of horrible thing she's going to ask him to do to her own father is rather a long drop...

... But then she did just casually give verbal consent to this man for fucking her husband, so actually maybe this level of straightforwardness is what you get when you are this straightforward.


Well, okay.

".... Right," she says, with only a minute pause. "So you are aware how I am... not on the best of terms with him right now. He finds this distressing and wants to fix it."

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...he covers his lips to hide his grin. "I see."

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"But I don't think I could credibly offer him a way to mend bridges with me." At least in a way that he'd believe, because it's not happening. "So..." She smiles innocently and motions to Zakary.

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"So if someone uninvolved such as me were to help him have such an idea with implications of how much it would please milady, that would be much more likely to get him to lower his guard and actually consider it, rather than being suspicious," he concludes.

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“Exactly. Though it’s not so much suspicion as he’s known me all my life, and I don’t think I could…” She waves vaguely. “… Well, frankly, I’m too honest. I could not credibly offer him the prize he wants.”

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He nods. "It's worth a shot. Maybe something good will come out of this whole thing after all, the Seven know how much the North could use the help, it's been really rough."

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Alis peers at both of them over the lip of his cup of tea with a wan, half-lidded expression on his face. Exchanging jabs with Zakary is fun, but...

...gods below he's in love with these two.

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"Yeah. I didn't, um, realize how much, until." She reaches out and takes and pats one of her husband's hands, embarrassed by how much she didn't understand how other people do in fact have problems too. "I liked dinner with the northern bannermen, it was very enlightening."

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He squeezes her hand back and offers her one of his infrequent smiles.

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"You are learning fast, and I mean that, Alis's bannermen are very enamoured with you, already."

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She beams, pleased.

"Fortunately for me, they're not much on..." she waves vaguely. "barbed words and veiled grandstanding and ladies being seen and not heard? Except Bolton, but I'm pretty sure Bolton would have hated me regardless of anything I said or did."

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"Stay away from Bolton," Alis says with sudden intensity. "He is a monster and his House is a blight on the North. The gods know we can't refuse men in this war but if I had my way I would have him executed."

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“That’s about what Brandon told me too, yes, though he used more swear words and it was more ‘fight to the death’ than ‘execute.’”

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Oh no he agrees with Brandon in more things this is terrible.

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"But let's not try to solve every problem of the realm over a single afternoon's tea, that'll make future tea sessions so much less interesting. With the problem at hand I am very willing to help, and I have an idea of how and when already. Tomorrow we have another meeting about resources and supplies for the war, which is very topical and should be easy to segue into a private chat with Lord Tully afterwards."

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She nods, amused.

"Very well. Thank you. Um, do you want... I suppose not concrete advice for how to deal with him, that might actually tip him off that I'm involved, but perhaps a... social profile and what tactics tend to work?"

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"I will accept any advantages I can get, most certainly."

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"He doesn't respond well to ultimatums or threats or the like, and he will be extremely stubborn and uncooperative if he feels like he's being backed into a corner. He can and will dig his heels in out of the general principle that those sorts of tactics should not be allowed to work even once." Even for one of his daughters, they've all seen how well that went. "He's... he does sincerely care about the welfare of the people in his charge, and wants the best for the Riverlands and will make personal sacrifices," or, more often, sacrifices of other people, since that's so much easier, "for their safety, security, and benefit. But that can sometimes mean that he locks his heart away in favor of the, the optimal solution. Which paradoxically makes him scramble for excuses when there's something he personally wants but wouldn't be tactically intelligent, instead of just saying 'I want this for me.'"

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"So one possible angle of attack here is to talk some about the problems the North has been facing, in terms of resources, perhaps framing it as asking for his input on logistics. Then after that, as an entirely unrelated aside, talk about your own attachment to the North and how it breaks your heart, personally, to know they're suffering so much, and so on, so he can connect the dots about how much it would make you really happy to help with these problems."

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"Yes. And it would. Though..."

She makes a complicated expression. The smart tactical part of her that thinks people are things to be manipulated is giving her the proper script to follow, to gently play along with the narrative that maybe, yes, this relationship could actually be mended. It's false. For a number of reasons. She has never had a problem with his administration as a lord, and in fact he's taught her so much about how to care for people that are under her power, and knows so much more than she does already. He has much more experience with the real costs of things, and has definitively accepted personal sacrifices to aid them. It's just that's not her problem at all. Her problem is that he did real harm for perceived future gains based off of, of cold arithmetic instead of living people in front of him, was inflexible and cruel instead of trying to find a solution that worked for everyone involved. He thinks he's the smartest person in the room and that everyone should listen to him and they're stupid or wrong or he's humoring their silly base desires if they don't. That's not something easily mended.

And she finds that now that she's had a proper taste of honesty, however painful the truth, she wants more of it. And she wants nothing to do with burying the painful truth with pretty, pretty lies.

"... I do want to be forthright with you, that I don't... think our relationship can be mended. The way he wants it to be. Even if he were very helpful in getting me things I want. Even if it would help a lot of people that were suffering very much. It's my opinion that I'm asking you to tempt him with a thing he cannot ever get."

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"I know. I do not—what he did to your sister was unforgiveable, and... honestly... what he has done to you, all your life, stuffing you into this box and your own duties, that is not forgiveable, either, even if it wasn't one specific awful thing, even if every father does this to their daughter, even considering how well you have learned to pull on the few strings you have access to.

"I do not understand how any women have positive relationships with their fathers, in this world, but I hope to do better by any daughters of mine than your father has done by you or your sister."

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She stares at him.


Upon reflection, she does sort of understand why her husband is in love with this man.

".... Dorne seems to be pretty good about fathers being kind to their daughters," she says, because saying that is much easier than dealing with complicated squishy feelings she has about boxes she has been in that she may or may not have but doesn't want to focus on either way. "For, um, proper perspective on. I mean you'd have to ask them but."

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He laughs and leans back on his chair. "Fair enough, and I do not presume to know the customs across the Narrow Sea, either. Perhaps they have also learned, as did the Dornish, that women are people."

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"I don't think the Seven Kingdoms-except-for-Dorne have forgotten that women are people, exactly, just. ... Women have a designated place for them. And if it's more restrictive than the designated place for men, well. Such is the responsibility of motherhood." Or something. It's not hard to tell her irritation with this system.

Maiden, Mother, Crone. Those are the options, as shown by the female facets of God in the Faith of the Seven. They are entirely based around whether one has been married or not, and which part of that cycle of not-married, to married, to widowed and/or incapable of bearing children a woman is in. Men get Father, Smith, and Warrior. How nice for them.

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Yeah, Zakary isn't buying that either, but clearly she is having some emotions she does not want to process in front of him so he should try to bring the conversation to lighter subjects. Such as how to manipulate her father.

"So is there aught else you believe I should know, about Lord Tully? Or should I workshop the rest of this on my own, lest he see your hands in the planning?" He's confident he'd be able to mask all evidence of such, but that's also a good escape route for her in case she doesn't want to talk about it anymore either.

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(Alis squeezes Ana's hand again in sympathy but honestly he's back to having feelings about the two of them. His plan has worked, though, he is no longer lost in the weeds of threesome fantasies just by them being in the same... private... room... as he is... OKAY THINKING ABOUT SOMETHING ELSE AGAIN LORD TULLY SURE SUCKS HUH)

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"Mmm... he loved my mother, and I think sees a lot of her in me. He might see some echo of himself and her in me and Alis. That might be useful somewhere. But aside from that, no, I'm not sure what else I can offer."

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"I shall do my best, then, and hopefully that will be enough."

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"Thank you for the attempt, and Crone's wisdom be with you," she says, with just a little hint of wryness. "And let me know if I can help otherwise. With other things, too, I mean."

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"Will do."

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"So, while the conversation is lovely I am not sure it has been the most conducive to the goal of satisfying milady's curiosity about yours truly?"

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"... Really? I thought that it's been quite conductive to that goal, actually. Though I suppose I don't know your song preferences or your food tastes that I don't ruthlessly bribe from the Riverrun gossip network."

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"Is that so? So now I'm curious about milady's read of me."

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"Oh? Well, all right." She pauses to get her thoughts in order, a small smile playing on her lips.

"You like and care about people, on a sincere personal level, not in a 'what can they get you' sense. You want them to flourish and succeed. While you don't precisely want to hurt them, you will if it's... for the overall purpose. You're insightful on a personal level, you picked out some of my complicated cultural grievances and played to them nicely without any trouble at all, which is not to be clear an accusation of dishonesty or manipulation, just a thing you recognized and then went on to show me. You're... mmm, I want to say easily bored, or perhaps delighted by novelty, you're ecstatic every time I deviate from the standard social scripts engraved into our culture." Her mouth twitches. "You were sort of frustrated that I fell back on the standard patient feminine pitch instead of bluntly telling you what I wanted you to do. Every time I give you a project you leap at the chance. You value honesty. Your men love you, your tactics have turned this rebellion into a full and proper war that can get even my careful and paranoid father to back it. Uh, this is less about you specifically, but, you're probably aware that father's double marriage plot was actually after you for Lysa instead of Lord Arryn? And I don't actually think you'd be good for each other at all. At all."

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Somewhere in the middle of that Alis adopted a half enamoured, half put out expression at his wife.

Fucking mind readers.

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Zakary, though, looks pretty amused. "I do not think so, either. Though, ah, I am not sure... that Lord Arryn will be better."

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"Not... as such, no. I was against the match."

But by her expression she has absolutely come up with a solution. That solution? Negotiation between the two of them for Lysa to outsource a father, because no seriously one cannot look at Jon Arryn's record and think the man isn't infertile.

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"Anyway," she says, moving along before the other resident mind reader in the room can call attention to her wanting to advocate for her little sister to cuckold her husband, "I also get the impression that you find the..." she waves vaguely. "... this part of lordship fulfilling. The war part. Complicatedly fulfilling, mind. Because I think you're fully aware that war basically only causes suffering, and you hate that, because you still just like people, and yet." She gives a sympathetic smile and an awkward shrug, then refills her teacup so she has something to sip. "Sorry, that might have been a bit too much. Or wildly off base. Probably rude, either way."

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He laughs once more and uses this moment to pop another soakberry tart into his mouth. "Lord Arryn went through long, painstaking efforts to ensure that I knew for a fact that dying gloriously in battle tends to not be that glorious at all, and just ends with me dead, and that furthermore most people who try to be heroes of the realm end up dead with zero glory. And the important thing to know about me is that he did have to do that, to get it through to me. So no, milady, you are not off-base at all."

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Okay the enamoured part is gone and now he's just sullen.

How. How is she getting that much from this little.

(He knows how, and it still makes him mad.)

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“But definitely at least a little bit rude,” she says wryly, then glances at her husband. Oh dear, he’s pouting. This is adorable, but he should stop.

“Hey,” she says, taking his hand, “you’re doing great. I mean that.”

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"I'm just watching, I'm not doing anything," he says, grumpily.

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"Note for the future, that is the face he makes when he is grudgingly impressed with you and also, ah... How do I put this delicately... Oh, I don't have to, he's blushing, I was right."

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"The gods take you, Zakary."

But yep, he is blushing alright.

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She laughs, then schools herself to something a bit more ladylike on reflex.

“That does put some things into perspective now, thank you.”

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"Lord Stark finds competence very admirable and, separately, attractive. You will note that he is in love with two people who are, and milady shall excuse my speaking so highly and brazenly of myself, socially perceptive and intelligent and altruistic and most of all effective. Lord Stark, to put it plainly, has a type, so if milady wishes to have an effect on him she should want to play it up. Be herself very much and very loudly, one could say."

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“Duly noted,” she says, amused. “Thank you for your wise counsel, my lord.”

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"I hate both of you," he says, leaning forward to rest on his hands and hide his face in them.

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“I’m sure, darling.” Pat pat, poor pouty husband.

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"Poor Lord Stark, relentlessly assaulted by the people who love him and not even in the ways he wants to be."

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Alisander makes a noise like a dying animal.

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That earns another unladylike guffaw from Anavett, who then covers her mouth with her hand to prevent other such sounds escaping her lips.

“….. My Lord Husband was right, you are terrible,” she snorts through her fingers, turning pink.

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Zakary does not contradict her, and instead just grabs another tart.

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"Do you see what I have had to live with for more than a decade."

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"You love me," Zakary says, simply.

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"Love does not preclude the urge to strangle someone," she says with some amusement, sounding like she has personal experience in the matter.

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Zak opens his mouth,

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but Alis covers it with his hand. "Must you?"

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Then he pulls his hand back as if shocked, blushing terribly, and wipes it against his shirt.

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And Zakary just grins. "Truly I did not actually think of a way to turn that into something that would embarrass you but apparently I did not need to."

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Anavett snorts, then pats her husband again. Poor husband, look at him, so easily riled.

"I have to say, seeing you two together puts things quite into perspective. And is terribly entertaining."

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"Oh? What things, if I may ask?"

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"Mm... Why Alis has been handling his title with such grace? And why he's been so..." she waves vaguely, "open with me. I'd sort of expected to be... not quite resented, but something in that vein."

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Zakary grins even more widely. "I am glad to have had a positive effect on him. Sometimes I wondered."

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"If I didn't think you did I wouldn't like you," Alis grumbles.

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"And I feel the same, my lord." Then he eyes Anavett again, a bit more assessingly. "And I think the two of you will likewise be very good for each other. Our relationship is... complicated by the fact that it must remain a secret. In yours, though, I believe he can find the joy in not having to hide. He is deliriously happy, you know."

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She beams, pleased. "Well, good. I'm very glad. I think we'll be good together." Likely better than she would have been with Brandon, actually, though that's something she has trouble assessing right now.

(And, some pained echo from deep within her heart whispers, if he lives.)

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Something in Zakary's expression shifts, in a way that Alisander seems to have a somewhat less-subdued reaction to. "Milady," he says, slowly. "You watched yesterday's spar between Lord Stark and Lord Umber, yes? You've seen his performance?"

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Something in Ana's expression shifts, too. A bit more defensive, wary.

"... Yes. He's very good," she says, sincerely but carefully. "It - was very reassuring."

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"He is, even in that inebriated state, better than all but twelve of the men I have seen fight on our side." And when he's not drunk only three of those twelve are still better than him and even then it's a tough competition.

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Alis blinks a few times as it dawns what, exactly, it was that Zakary picked up on, there, and then he turns a concerned frown in Ana's direction. "Milady, I will be safe—"

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"So it will not be straightforward combat that will pose the greatest risk to his life. It will be me."

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".... Pardon?"

Because that sounded like Zak just threatened to assassinate her husband, which doesn't make any sense at all.

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"My failures," he continues, smoothly. "Me not being a good enough commander and strategist and tactician. My missing something. Anytime where the only thing that matters is his prowess, he will win. So the only risk to his life is when other factors weigh more heavily. My best weapon, and our best armour, is information. Information about supply lines, information about loyalties, information of the sort that does not always make it to commanders and Lords, not without them digging very deeply.

"I believe that I am good at digging, but part of being good at digging is in knowing where to dig. It seems to me that..." He takes a deep breath. "It seems to me milady feels powerless in this situation, like she cannot help but watch from afar and hope for the best. But it also seems to me like milady is probably mistaken about this. The woman I see in front of me is resourceful and intelligent, and she has two advantages I do not: she is a woman, so others underestimate her, which she has used to her great advantage in the past; and she is a woman who has been much closer to the heart of the realm, the great Houses and their nobles, than I have been, sequestered away in the Vale.

"All of this is to say that I think milady Stark may actually be able to provide me with invaluable information that I can use to create better plans, to better use the resources I have at my disposal, so that I can better safeguard my men."

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Well now she's in danger of beginning to cry again. Not that she does, but she has the urge. Damnation, she'd just been thinking about how she'd found it impossible to cry for so long, and here she is about to start at the slightest brush of, of. Of someone trusting her and asking her opinion. Telling her she's worth something more than just as a very well pedigreed broodmare. It's all she's ever wanted, really.

"I-I," she begins, and she has to pause and try again because there are far too many feelings in the way. But she will try again, because damn it, she is not going to be unable to speak now. She won't let it happen. She will be well enough to seize this opportunity before her, she can do nothing less. "- Yes. Absolutely, I. What do you want to know."

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"I believe milady will actually have a better sense of what will be useful to me, but for some concreteness: what can you tell me about Tywin Lannister and his children? He has been stonewalling me, but he has as far as my spies have been able to determine also been stonewalling Aerys Targaryen. There are many things that would suggest he should be a staunch ally of the Targaryens—he was Hand of the King and has been a friend of Aerys for years; his eldest Jaime is Kingsguard, and a truly honourable man besides; and he wanted his daughter Cersei to marry Rhaegar—so the fact that he hasn't immediately rushed to the King's side suggests to me that there are things I am missing, here, which might be useful to us."

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Oh well that picture is all wrong. Or, well, it's missing key details, and -

"... I think to say Tywin is a friend of Aerys is... a dangerous oversimplification. Friend though he might have been, Aerys was no friend in return. Lord Lannister tolerated every indignity at the Mad King's hand without so much as wavering, but I am truly astonished at the patience of the man. He wanted Cersei to marry Rhaegar and eventually become queen, as logical reward for his dutiful service, and Aerys did not just refuse, but insulted her. Long before then, Aerys drove Tywin's beloved wife," now deceased, from the dangers of childbirth, isn't that cheerful, "out of court and into exile at Casterly Rock with his lust for her. And a thousand other little, little ridiculous slights to prove his power over the man, over and over again. Wanting to be greater than him, by tearing him down at every opportunity. And Tywin weathered them all, in service to his house and to the realm." She shakes her head. "And it was naming Jaime as Kingsguard, removing his right to marry and inherit, taking away Tywin's heir that caused him to finally break. To finally retire and leave court entirely. I would... view the Lannister's situation as more of a hostage situation than one of loyalty, as I understand it Aerys has kept Jaime quite close in a bid to keep his lions in check."

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Zakary adopts a frown of concentration and increasing concern as she speaks. Some things match into various pieces of the puzzle he already had, but a few of those he did not expect at all. One most of all: "I understood Jaime Lannister to have wanted to be Kingsguard. They boy I met spoke of it as something akin to a dream of his."

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“Boys want many stupid things, my lord,” she says, flatly. “No, ah, offense. I never got the impression Tywin was ever going to let it happen, but then Aerys out maneuvered us all at Harrenhall and snatched him up with dreams of knights and chivalry and honor. It certainly wasn’t with his father’s blessing.”

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He has a thought or two about needing one's father's blessing to do something like become Kingsguard but he has to admit that though it be an age of adulthood sixteen is still a bit young to make such vows.

"I see. That... certainly paints a picture. And does not really clarify what Lannister is thinking but does narrow down possibilities for what he could be thinking. That... will be most useful." It's also somewhat troubling that he was missing so much of that picture, it suggests Tywin Lannister plays the game much closer to his chest than Zakary had previously assumed. He'll need to think on this.

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“My impression of Tywin - and to be clear this is a distant one, father wanted Lysa to marry into the family, not me - is that he’s… cold. Logical. And above all controlling. Dedicated to his family’s legacy. Not his family, not after his wife died, their legacy. He had his plans for his house to never fall from power again under his watch, and he wouldn’t tolerate anything less from his children.”

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"Which would make him willing to accept many indignities if it meant he could secure said legacy... but conversely also means he will not forget them and might want to do something about them. I cannot imagine that he would be happy to have his daughter insulted by the Mad King."

He is also mocked across the realm for having a dwarf for a child, which he cannot like either. Zakary hopes for Tyrion's sake that Tywin is not the type to take it out on him but... he doesn't expect it.

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Anavett has suspicions about Tywin's opinions of his second son, but not being asked about that, she doesn't volunteer the information.

"Exactly. So... I expect him to fall in whichever direction will be best for his house. Whether that's the best deal offered, or, well. Whichever side... wins the likely upcoming battle." She gives an awkward smile and shrugs. "So aside from continuing to win, which I know is absolutely mind shattering advice, I would recommend... hm. I suppose being... obviously easy to work with and around. Clear on what you want and how the other side will be treated, and how that would be in his best interests? Possibly even appearing easy to manipulate, but I'm not sure how that could be managed. A marriage match would solidify things, he is really set on Cersei being queen, but you know, actually, I don't think arranged marriages fix everything, so."

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Zakary grimaces. "I am not having Elia Martell killed if I can help it, so that would be very difficult to arrange. ...although who knows what in the seven hells is happening there with Lyanna."

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Alis straightens up, at that. "...could... Rhaegar be... you know... like me? Really love her, and Elia?"

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"Perhaps. We don't have the full story. But I do not imagine Tywin would be happy with Cersei being a third wife of Rhaegar Targaryen. That is not, usually, who one thinks of when thinking of the Queen."

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"Yeah. So that's a hard thing to offer him unless you're going to try to put Viserys on the throne, or something, which admittedly is an idea. And also, no, I don't actually have any idea what Rhaegar and Lyanna are about. I wasn't much around either of them, and I'd have expected Rhaegar to be sensible, even if he were in love. Not, not whatever it is that actually happened, running off with her into the woods or something."

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He grumbles to himself a little. He expected better of Lyanna.

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"Regardless, the rest of the advice is very solid. I can be very legible about these things, and it is actually fairly easy to manipulate me: give me what I want and I will give you what you want, assuming it is not itself something I do not want."

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"Thank you. You could also just write him a letter and ask him what he would want from you to stay out of it, if you have any way to get a trusted letter to him. But I assume you've done that already if you can."

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He smiles. "He has not received a single one of my letters, from how much response or reaction I have gotten. I meant it when I said he was stonewalling me, I actually literally do not know if he set some system up that would guarantee he would get no missives or something like that for plausible deniability, that could well be the case."

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"What an insufferably competent man," snorts Anavett. "Well. It might be as simple as promising to get Jaime released from the Kingsguard, somehow. Maybe retroactively de-legitimize all of Aerys's decisions after a certain point before Harrenhall?"

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"...that is close to some things Zak has said before."

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"Look, oaths of fealty aren't one-sided, when you swear an oath to do something like become Kingsguard the King is also swearing something back, he is not just getting a free knight. And furthermore, one of the titles the King has is Protector of the Realm but that madman has not protected a single mouse in years, there is a very real sense in which he just has not been a King."

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Alis pats his arm.

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"...sorry. Yes, I actually think there is a strong argument that his recent decisions have not been legitimate."

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Awww. It's very charming, running into someone that has such opinions about responsibility and duty. A Baratheon with an Arryn bent to him, maybe.

"Well, that sounds promising. Say that speech somewhere likely to get back to Lannister, including something about how you think many of Aerys's decisions should be officially recanted on the basis that he was not a proper king, and that might get you somewhere, too. Granted I'm not sure Jaime would thank you for taking him out of the Kingsguard, but." She winces. "Then again, he might. I... worry for his treatment."

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"He could always get sworn in again to Rhaegar after Aerys is deposed. He is a man grown, there is only so much Tywin Lannister can do to strongarm him."

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"His treatment?"

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“He’s… as far as I’ve heard Aerys has kept him very close? Your father and Brandon were not the first to be horrifically killed at his order, just the most famous and egregious. I’ve no true idea of how many he burns, but. What I’ve heard from the smallfolk is…. Horrific puts it lightly. And his mad majesty always watches. A member of the Kingsguard, sworn to shadow and even protect him…” she shakes her head. “Even if he himself is unharmed, I’m worried.”

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"Gods, I shudder to imagine what that would do to a man, having to witness the Mad King's... predilections... like that. I would not blame Jaime Lannister should he wish to cast off the mantle of Kingsguard and never set foot in King's Landing again, after all of this. We... shall see what Rhaegar thinks, but I would recommend in the strongest possible words that any in his father's service be given the option to leave without being considered forsworn."

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“Yes. Agreed.” Her mouth twitches. “And, you know, aside from the concerns of human decency and kindness and whatnot, I think it’d be a sound political decision to win the favor of Tywin.”

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"Only if Jaime does in fact step down. If he doesn't, Tywin Lannister might be cross with—Rhaegar or me, depending on details—for not further encouraging his son to leave." He has met many an idealistic man and... he could really see it going either way, here.

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"Long term, yes, it could backfire if it didn't work out the way he wanted, but that would only be sorted out after Aerys is dead, which. I really think is the important part, do any of us particularly care who sits the Iron Throne, so long as it's not him or someone that's somehow worse?"

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"It can't be him," says Alis, hiking a thumb in Zakary's direction.

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"It cannot be me," Zak agrees, much more emphatically.

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"Right. We're all just mad that we had to even be here, really, and would like to go back to doing nearly anything else."

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"We are in agreement. Milady would not believe the number of people in this rebellion who have, ah, made jests about how I should be the one on that Throne."

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"So unreasonable, right, you competently lead one rebellion and suddenly people start thinking you are a competent leader," he says, dryly.

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"Mm. Darling, forgive me, but I think you should try to do as much figureheading as possible. No one's going to want a Stark on the throne, and everyone will be expecting you to flee back to Winterfell the minute the dust has settled. It might buy Zakary some more breathing room."

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"...damn it."

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"What is that sound I hear? Is it the sound of Lord Stark hearing a good idea and being unable to argue with it?"

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"I know. I'm sorry, dear." She pats her poor husband, who is having way too much asked of him because his siblings did stupid things. "Fortunately, if it seems like you hate every second you're here, it'll play well into the northern narrative, so."

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"Truly Alisander is a shining example of a Northman."

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Alis squints at Zak. "I feel like I am being mocked."

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He grins. "You are not. The joke here is that you are in fact a Northman down to your bones even though you have protested this a lot in the past, and you like being one. So here you are, Lord Stark, I could legitimately not think of anyone better suited to be heir to Winterfell." Not even Brandon, though he doesn't say that because for one he didn't know Brandon very well and for two clearly Anavett knew him and loved him.

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Anavett absolutely hears him anyway, and frankly, she agrees. But feels complicated things about agreeing, so. She'll just pretend she didn't hear him not say that. If everyone could please play along with her not engaging with her feelings while they're fresh and complicated and there are things to do, that'd be great.

"You'll do great, and in fact are already doing marvelously, I'm shocked and impressed you managed to drag your bannermen kicking and screaming down here at all, really."

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"They didn't kick and scream very much. ...I did have to duel a few of them." A tiny smile. "Not the Greatjon, or he would have known better than to challenge me."

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"I think you might greatly overestimate the Greatjon's ability to make sound decisions when the opportunity for glory presents itself, Lord Stark, and what should be more glorious than being the one who finally puts you on your arse? You've built yourself a reputation, love."

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"I truly do not understand what you think you could possibly gain by continuing to relentlessly flatter me like that."

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"'Tis normal praxis to relentlessly flatter one's lover with little to no expectation of gain.

"In any event," he continues, turning back to Anavett, "if milady isn't yet fed up with me for flirting so much with her husband, Lord Tywin Lannister was not the only item on my list of potential things she could help me with."

He in fact has a whole lot of other things to ask, impressions to validate, and opinions to hear. He wasn't lying when he said that he believed she had much she could do to help him in his war (and thus in safeguarding Alisander's safety), and this will definitely not be the kind of conversation that will take only a single afternoon's tea. Thankfully, they have time for many more such meetings before they have to march.

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She is not fed up with him flirting with her husband, and more than happy to assist with keeping him alive! And also a little... blown away by how much he respects her opinions and values her thoughts. Not that she's engaging with that, right now, in favor of ruthless efficiency of relaying her knowledge and opinions of local politics, but. It's surprising. She even doubts herself, because, well. Acting Lady of the Tully household she might be, her mother is dead, her father is patronizing at best, and while her uncle is smart, he mostly doesn't give a damn about any of it. There was no one to really relay these interpersonal intricacies to her. It's all just been sitting quietly at her father's feet, soaking in all the information she can.

What information she has soaked up is pretty useful, though. The Targaryen alliance is, in her opinion, more fragile than it looks. Aerys's closest and most loyal ally is to House Martell of Dorne, from their daughter's marriage to his son Rhaegar. But Aerys being Aerys, she doesn't think he's earned any loyalty on his own merits, and it'd be more accurate to say that Dorne is loyal to Rhaegar. Which she's not quite sure how to leverage, but it's potentially a crack in the royal alliance to be exploited.

The other major ally, House Tyrell, is... well, they like war about as much as her own house does. Which is to say, they hate it, and want to be involved as little as possible, but will honor their alliances as necessary to avoid making anyone really cross with them. Mace Tyrell's forces are besieging Storm's End, the Baratheon stronghold, and Anavett is fairly certain that this is about all the Tyrells and their bannermen would like to participate in this war, thank you. Any further assistance will be only extracted with much kicking and screaming. She expects the siege to be lengthy and without overmuch risk on behalf of the attackers. If - and this is admittedly a big if - Storm's End can hold out, the Tyrells are unlikely to adjust their strategy in this very fast paced war that is being conducted. It is much easier to just sit there and have a comparatively restful siege that would technically help the cause very much if it ever succeeded, but is mostly about starving the enemy out than actually risking life and limb in a direct and bloody fashion. She's not sure what to do with that information, but she thinks it's probably useful. Maybe. She hopes.

She has further details on some more minor houses and their opinions of the war, but those should wait for other meetings, yes. This is the big picture overview.

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Most of that, he already knew or at least suspected, but it's also pretty good to have confirmation of what, exactly, has filtered to someone who isn't actively conducting a war. He's on top of the siege on Storm's End, and has secured enough smugglers to get going for the time being. But as for the Martells... what Anavett is saying does rhyme with other things he's heard, and paints a picture. His best model of it is something akin to a hostage situation, and he suspects that if they managed to get Elia martell away from the mad king they might drive a very powerful wedge into that crack. It's something to be looked into, at any rate.

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"But I do believe I should get going, now; though the company be delightful, the hour grows late, and I certainly wouldn't want to invite any speculation as to the nature of our meetings. Milady, it has been truly a pleasure to finally properly make your acquaintance. I can see why my Alis is in love with you."

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It was in retrospect a little bit silly to tell Zakary Baratheon what little information she had on the Tyrells that are besieging his family's ancestral home, but, well. Consolidation of information and it being better to make sure he knows rather than just going 'Ah, yes, the menfolk have it sorted.' Confirmation of information is also information. She regrets nothing, really, just feels a smidge self conscious, even after reassurance that her contribution is helpful.

"The pleasure was mine," she says, ducking her head and smiling. Yep, this was about when they should be wrapping this up so as not to accidentally cause any sorts of doubts on her fidelity towards her husband. She will be dodging those for almost certainly her adult life, and honestly, having tea with Zakary Baratheon (with her husband present!) is nothing in comparison to what she's probably going to have to deal with in White Harbor. Anyway, she can't directly say 'likewise' because that would be too obvious, but: "And I see why my husband cherishes you as well. I wish you luck and victory in the coming days, and... do please take care of him."

This one is definitely an innuendo, though Anavett has quite an ability to make it sound perfectly innocent and sincere. They're just talking about safety on the battlefield, that's all, really!

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He beams widely. "And you, too, please do the same, wherever and whenever I cannot." He bows, then runs a quick calculation in his head and pulls her husband in for a short but deep kiss.

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"Until next time, milord, milady." He doesn't wait for Alis to recover the ability to string thoughts together and open the door for him, opting to open it himself and walk out.

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"...that bastard," he says, flushed red from head to toe.

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!!!!!!!!! Oh that's definitely going to become subject to the Riverrun gossip network!!! Well, she supposes only probably, there are no definite people watching for sure, but, c'mon, the Riverrun gossip network is powerful.

Anavett giggles, though, because it is delightful to see someone just, just!! Do something unexpected!! In this very orderly and somewhat stuffy household that is very very concerned with appearances at all times!!!!!

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"I hate him. So much."

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"Yes, darling, you've mentioned," she snickers, gently petting her husband in an attempt to soothe him. The giggling undercuts the attempt a bit, but still.

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"You're just as bad as he is," he accuses. And then he flushes because his mind goes places and he wrenches it away from those places, which has actually become easier as he'd expected. Now his memories of those two together is them being distractingly competent at each other and occasionally teasing him which isn't amazing but it's. Better.

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“Oh, I am, am I?” She takes one of his hands in both of hers and kisses it, smiling up at him. “Well, thank you for your favor towards me despite your clear unrepentant animosity. It’s very generous of you.”

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He purses his lips then steps up closer to her to hook an arm behind her lower back and pull her into a kiss.

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Hee! Kisses are excellent and she appreciates her husband very much -

- though, tactically speaking, they should probably appear to onlookers fully clothed and not having obviously had sex sooner rather than later. To head off the Riverrun Gossip Network getting any substance on likely rumors of Alisander Stark sharing his wife with his blood brother. People are definitely going to think that's happening no matter what they do, but that potential fire should be starved of fuel in advance.

But also. Also. Being kissed like this is very nice and she does not know how to... stop... and tell her husband her social assessment. Mmmmmmmm husband.

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No they're fine, Alis won't linger overmuch. If nothing else, he does still have some more work to do today; he made fewer plans than most other days, on account of this meeting with Zak, but not no plans.

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Oh! Good! Okay! Then, yes, that! She... wishes him well and, er. Her brain will come online anytime now, really.

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She needn't worry, he'll make sure her brain is offline later tonight again.

And tomorrow night. And the next. And some days not only at night.

They have to make sure to get an heir out of this, after all, and they only have short while before he has to go to war. Better make the best of it.

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Yes! That. They're just doing their duty. She looks forward to it.