We make no promises about finishing this before Winds of Winter comes out
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He gives her another of his trademark small smiles, then cleans his hands on a napkin before turning to her fully and holding her face between his hands. "Wife mine. I love you, and you are better than anything I dared dream for. And your stubborn insistence at being so very yourself in my direction is making me want to throw you on the bed and have my way with you."


.... She blushes a faint pink all the way up to her ears.

"I, really?? I haven't even... I mean, yes, though, um, maybe finish supper first because, um, we've neglected it enough as it is, but..."


"I shall hold you to it." He kisses her again and then proceeds to spend the entire rest of the meal looking at her with naked lust.


Well, she will just be very motivated to eat quickly, then, won't she! Blushing the entire time and sneaking glances at him between bites, smiling all the while.


Alis takes a moment to clean his hands once more, and his lips, and to wait for his wife to do the same, then he unceremoniously picks her up from her chair and does, in fact, throw her on the bed to have his way with her.

He is a man of his word.


His wife squeaks just like she did the first time he picked her up, and is entirely fine with this turn of events!

He is entirely welcome to have his way with her! She's not completely sure what she did to drive him this mad with lust, but she is fine with the results. Better than fine, actually, the proper descriptor is 'delighted.' It is thankfully harder to hear her make noises from in here, the soundproofing is better than the guest rooms.


Does that mean he's allowed to try to draw more of them out? Because he feels like that's what this means.


He is also entirely welcome to do whatever he likes with her! She will just be here, being delighted.


Alis idly wonders how long this is going to last. Probably not forever, he was only ever this horny with Zak when Zak was just starting to show him what exactly it was that everyone found so special about these activities, and eventually it subsided. He thinks it took longer than two weeks, though. Regardless, they ate early, and there's some time before they need to actually go to bed, which means that he has time to actually go multiple rounds, provided there's a little recovery pause (though he can still do things to her while he's recovering).

On one such pause when they're just lying next to each other and resting he says, in a tone that's not-quite-landing as casual, "You could call me Alis. If you wanted. It's, ah, the nickname people close to me use." Zakary, mostly, but Jon Arryn and some other people around, too. Brandon used to call him that.


"Mmnmhhmn," she hums, still a little dazed. She reaches out to pet his hair. "My Alis."


...he blushes extremely deep red, tomato-level red, at that.


"... You could use 'Ana,'" she offers, still petting him. "Lysa and Edmund're the only one that use that. .. Mmnrh. And I guess Petyr, but I kept asking him not to, he doesn't count."


"...Baelish called you something even though you asked him to stop?" he says, the blush quickly leaving his face.


"Oh, not you too," she mumbles. "No dueling. Brandon beat you to it. Petyr was drunk the first time he and Lysa were together, and thought she was me, we set it all straight, it's fine."


".............mil—Ana. It is not fine."


She makes an unhappy grumbling sound and nestles closer to him, as if this shall hide her from the world not being fine.

"If I ever see him again in my life and he tries it again then you can duel him?"


Something clicks. "He's in love with you. And Lysa is in love with him. Oh, gods."


"I don't know if I'd call what he had 'in love,' he's several years younger than I am and sort of like my brother, but, yeah, infatuation, sure. Once he was set straight which sister he bedded he then happily went on to impregnate her, so clearly it wasn't that deep."


"Ana, love, that does not make it better."


"I mean, it's insulting, and I'm offended that he challenged Brandon to a duel for my hand and then near immediately went to bed my sister when I figured out what happened and set him straight, but. He was about fourteen?"


Alis is not going to say that he was doing no such thing when he was fourteen since, one, it's obvious, and two, he had Zak and it's not like he would've done anything with anyone else. And has he mentioned that he does not like people less honourable than him, because that's a thing.

"And you think that he just got over his infatuation after having been kicked out of Riverrun and insulted by your father and losing a duel to your betrothed?"


"He did not get as far as dueling, I got between them and put a stop to it before it happened. There was a lot of yelling." Pause. ".... Okay, fine, when you put it like that it sounds a little naïve. But this was right before the war. Brandon went off after him to be sure that he didn't have any misapprehensions about me. Then he heard about Lyanna before anyone else, somehow, while he was incensed by that mess, and rode off to die and that was kind of that, so. I haven't really... thought too much about it."


"Well. Hopefully it will come to nothing, and he'll grow up, but... I do not have the highest of expectations for most other people when it comes to growing up."


“He and Lysa were… cavorting together for around two months? And he seemed fine. Happy, actually. Then we found out Lysa was pregnant when she attempted to strong arm father into letting her marry him, and he got thrown out. I suppose Brandon might have been angry about Lysa, but he’d never trusted him again after the duel that didn’t happen.”


"Hm." He shakes his head and sighs. "Wife, I have some deep instinct right now that I should protect what is mine by getting between her legs again and also I want to be distracted from this topic and make my tongue too busy to talk anymore."

And he promptly gets to making this happen.

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