Kina shakes her head, because Qui-Gon has her angle wrong. "...You are doing virtuous things, Qui-Gon. I want to enable the Jedi to be able to do more virtuous things; that need not necessarily be something that touches on the Senate at all - I just think that most of the things I think the Jedi could do more of, are likely being blocked by the Senate. Like slave rescues."
Then, they arrive.
"...oh. Oh, wow." Her eyes are wide as she just basks in the sheer wonder of it all, though, in due time, the lightsaber on her hip reminds her of material concerns.
"...Master Windu." She gives a polite little bow. "It's a pleasure to meet you. I've heard your name before, and attached to good things.
Qui-Gon has been very insistent that I'd want to join the Order; now that I'm here, I can see why. I'm also...told you likely have objections to me joining, but all I've heard for why was that I'm too old - and that sounds like it's a rule that's really far away from what caused it, so if I may ask a question before meeting the Jedi Council...why do Jedi need to join the Order young?"